The last Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion is the most mysterious, claiming to have tens of thousands of immortals, but mobs account for 90.00%, and the remaining one percent has some skills, but not many.

Such three major organizations, except for their troublesome ability, are nothing at all, and they have never been taken seriously by Zhu Xia.

But now, these star palaces suddenly have a terrifying formation that can suppress him, the peerless true king, and His Royal Highness also has a stone turtle that can withstand the blow of Big Big Wolf. All of these are beyond Zhang Huaiming's expectations.

"Even if the Hall of Stars is like this, the Dragon God Court and Wanxian Pavilion may not be so simple..."

People are always good at associating, Zhang Huaiming is like this at this time.

Before the eternity and the appearance of the earth and stars, he is already a top-notch combat power, and he is worthy of no one except the chief commander!

But now, the earth star powerhouse Ruyun didn't say anything, and even a cult in the district almost made him stumble, which made him suspicious.

After all, the more you think, the longer you can live~~

"Big Big Wolf, do you want me to help you?"

Lazy Yangyang looked at the dragon giant tortoise that had been bumping for a long time, wiped his nose with his fingers, and asked with a smile.

"Little fat man, who do you look down on?"

Big Big Wolf gave Lan Yangyang a supercilious look, clenched his fist, and behind him appeared the appearance of an ancient divine bull. While roaring up to the sky, Big Big Wolf punched out, and the light and shadow of the giant tortoise were smashed together with the fire dragon.

The terrifying force caused the land of the secret realm to shatter thousands of miles away, and even a void space was exposed underground, which was the deepest "wall" of the secret realm. Once it was broken, the entire secret realm would collapse.

Fortunately, Big Big Wolf pulled back his strength in time, and the secret realm was not affected.

And this is just an ordinary punch from Big Big Wolf...

"Good... so strong!"

Zhang Huaiming was so shocked that he could stuff an ostrich egg into his mouth.

This was the first time he had seen someone punch out the "wall" of the secret realm. After all, if this thing was so easy to reveal, the secret realm would have been "extinct" long ago.

"I know! This is the power of an ugly bull! One punch can split the world, and it has the power to break all magic."

Lazy Yangyang grinned and said braggingly.

"The power of the ugly bull?"

Zhang Huaiming was stunned, then looked at Lan Yangyang, and asked hesitantly, "Is this ugly cow... the ugly cow in the Chinese zodiac?"

Lazy Yangyang nodded deeply, then became serious and began to explain with a serious face.

There is no way, he is still very interested in being an encyclopedia, and it happens that Pleasant Goat is not around, so of course he, Lazy Goat, has to support the role of the protagonist!

"This matter started a long time ago..."

"It is rumored that 5 years ago, Big Gray Wolf strayed into a mythical battlefield, where he encountered the eight great demons of the gods. The eight demons are said to be congenital demons born from the combination of eight wisps of innate spirit energy and endless demon energy after falling into the demon world!"

"It is the eight demons of flame, sky, moon, thunder, land, mountains, hurricanes, and sea water. Among them, the flame demon claims to be the Holy Lord, and is a terrifying existence that once fought against the Demon Zunlou in Shenhuang!"

"It is said that the Holy Lord is bold and powerful, and used various methods to seize a trace of the origin of the 12th Yuanchen God in the Heavenly Court. He integrated twelve kinds of divine power into one body, and possessed the divine power of the 12th Yuanchen God!"

"And in the battle of Shenhuang, the eight demons were lucky enough to leave their souls immortal. After encountering Big Big Wolf, they tried to use their rebirth..."

"However, they underestimated Big Big Wolf after all. They were suppressed by Big Big Wolf with only one hand, and their most arrogant Holy Master was refined by Big Big Wolf, taking all his strength!"

"Because the remaining seven demons are very loyal, Big Big Wolf didn't refine them, but enslaved them and distributed them to his relatives who were somewhat useless. As long as there are enough resources and time, seven Sooner or later, the great demon will regain its former strength, and those wolves will also ascend to heaven because of it..."

"Uh... It seems to be too far away, ahem, the power that Big Big Wolf used just now is the power of the 12th Yuanchen God that he took from the Holy Master, which is the supernatural power of the Ugly Bull God!"

Lazy Yangyang seemed to be enlightened suddenly, and when he spoke, there was no stuttering or hesitation, and his sentences were firm and powerful. Zhang Huaiming, who was listening, was emotional and shocked.

At this time, Big Big Wolf showed some surprise, looked at Lan Yangyang and asked.

"Little fat man, how do you know so many things about my king?"

"I'm not a fat man!"

Lazy Sheep first refuted Big Big Wolf's title, then scratched her head in embarrassment, and said in a low voice.

"Pleasant Goat once bought some information about you from Bai Xiaosheng, I glanced at it and accidentally remembered..."

Big Gray Wolf twitched his lips.

Sure enough, fire, theft, and Bai Xiaosheng!

"Those guys..."

Big Big Wolf snorted coldly, although he was very displeased with Baixiao Pavilion, but the owner of the opposite pavilion had a relationship with Gou Xiong Ling, so he couldn't destroy Baixiao Pavilion...

"It seems that before doing anything in the future, you have to be on guard."

After shaking his head, Big Big Wolf flew to the stone turtle and took off the green armor.

Without the light and shadow of the giant tortoise, there is nothing that can stop Big Big Wolf from taking off the armor.

Looking at the green armor in his hand, Big Big Wolf's eyes surged with divine light.

The divine light in the eyes surged, as if the armor was moved, making it tremble continuously, and then a starburst burst out, causing the entire secret realm to fall into the sea of ​​stars.

"Big Big Wolf, what is this? A starlight?"

Lazy Yangyang opened her small mouth, raised her head, and asked curiously.

"Call me Big Big Wolf!"

"Also, this is not a starry sky lantern, you fat man who only knows how to eat, this is an emerald dragon scale, one of the five dragon scales!"

Big Big Wolf twitched his mouth, stretched out his hand to grab Lazy Sheep's ear, and said angrily.


Chapter 175 Hetu Luoshu?The demon emperor and the demon emperor;

"It hurts!"

Lazy Sheep hurriedly pushed Big Big Wolf's hand away, howling.

Hui Tailang withdrew his hand, took a look at the armor-like emerald dragon scale in his hand, as if he was observing something.

Lazy Yangyang, on the other hand, covered his red ears, and after thinking about what the so-called emerald dragon scales were, he showed a full face of bewilderment.

Obviously, this is beyond the scope of his knowledge~~

Not to mention Zhang Huaiming on the side, his already confused face became even more confused.

At this time, Big Big Wolf seemed to see something.

Immediately afterwards, he touched the emerald dragon scale with his other hand, and with a burst of emerald light shining, the armor gradually turned into a scale.

Green light shimmers on the dragon scales, and the textures are like some kind of runes, mysterious and vast, and there seems to be a small green dragon swimming on it.

Lan Yangyang and Zhang Huaiming on the side were startled by the change of the armor, and couldn't help but put all their eyes on the dragon scale.

Hui Tailang raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile as expected.

"That's what it really looks like."

"Emerald Dragon Scale, also known as Wooden Dragon Scale, is said to have been transformed by the inverse scale of Yimu Qinglong, one of the five-element dragons born in Shenhuang."

"However, there are also people who say that this dragon scale is related to an even more distant fetish..."

Big Big Wolf paused for a while, but his expression gradually became serious.


Lazy Yangyang brought her face closer and asked bluntly.

Big Big Wolf's eyelids twitched, and he pushed Lazy Goat away expressionlessly, before continuing to speak.

"Hetu Luoshu!"

"Hetu Luoshu?"

Lan Yangyang scratched his head, and Zhang Huaiming beside him also looked blank.

Looking at the two idiots beside him, Big Big Wolf shook his head in disgust, and slowly spoke of a record that couldn't be further back.

"Chaos does not count years, the universe is closed in all directions, and everything begins with the stroke of an axe!"

"Since then, the world opened up, Yin and Yang were divided into black and white, and many innate gods and demons were born. The innateness here is the innateness of the entire chaotic universe, but the true innate sacredness, born as a god, and its strength has directly surpassed the realm of a true king... ..."


This time, before Big Big Wolf finished speaking, Zhang Huaiming on the side couldn't help but exclaim.

The huge scream made Hui Tailang roll his eyes at him in displeasure, Zhang Huaiming only then realized that he covered his mouth quickly and was dripping with cold sweat.

In fact, he can't be blamed for this, it's because what Big Big Wolf said was too appalling.

He had heard of being born a king, but he had never heard of one who directly surpassed the realm of a real king after being born. That kind of existence should not be too perverted!

True king's nine realms, one realm and one heaven, each realm is a big realm, like a ladder to heaven, insurmountable.

And Big Big Wolf actually said that someone was born beyond the realm of a true king, so he really answered that sentence:

Maybe all roads lead to Rome, but some people are born in heaven!

This huge sense of gap made Zhang Huaiming even doubt life directly.

Big Big Wolf ignored Zhang Huaiming, and continued.

"Among those innate gods and demons, there is a pair of brothers who were transformed by the first ray of sun energy. They call themselves Demon Emperor and Demon Emperor, and each has a companion treasure."

"The companion treasure of the Demon Emperor is the Hetu Luoshu, which contains the profound theory of cosmic astrology, and has the ability to deduce the future and evolve time and space."

"Also, there is a terrifying formation hidden in Hetu Luoshu, called "Hunyuan Heluo Great Formation", and the companion treasure of the Demon Emperor is called Chaos Bell, and there is a kind of terrifying formation called "Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation" hidden in it. of terror."

"Afterwards, due to various reasons, the two sat down and discussed, and finally combined the two great formations into one, calling it the "Hunyuan Zhoutian Star Dou Great Formation", and engraved the formation into two treasures... ..."

Speaking of this, Big Big Wolf stopped and looked towards the secret realm covered by the starry sky.

"From this point of view, this emerald dragon scale may really have something to do with Hetu Luoshu."

"In addition, the so-called small Zhoutian formation should also be comprehended by the group of bugs from the emerald dragon scales."

"However, they are too weak to take out the dragon scales at all, otherwise the formation formed would not be so easy to break..."

"At least, I need to move my fingers."

As soon as this remark came out, Zhang Huaiming's heart twitched when he heard it. What you mean is not so easy, do you mean you need to move your fingers? !

Well, after all, I have no experience...

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