Zhang Huaiming restrained his emotions, looked at the emerald dragon scale in Big Big Wolf's hand, and there was a hint of longing in his eyes, but it was quickly covered up.

He still has self-knowledge. It's okay to take a look at some things, but don't think about it too much, or you might have to burp in the next second.

"Big Big Wolf, do you know what the demon emperor is? Since he claims to be a demon...could it be a dragon? A phoenix? Or a golden crow?"

Lazy Sheep scratched her head and asked curiously.

"I don't know." Hui Tailang shook his head, he is not a know-it-all, not to mention that the demon emperor and the demon emperor are all characters from the beginning of chaos, and they are older than the gods, so it is even more impossible for him to know.

However, Big Big Wolf seemed to think of something later, and added another sentence.

"Although I don't know, but my majesty has also heard some rumors that the demon emperor is a sheep and the demon emperor is a donkey..."

"Oh, it's really unreliable!"

Big Big Wolf sneered, disdainful of this rumor.

Lan Yangyang and Zhang Huaiming on the side also felt that it was outrageous, and when they were about to nod, Big Big Wolf said something else.

"It is plausible to say that the Demon Emperor is a donkey, but to say that the Demon Emperor is a sheep?!"

"Damn and stupid rumor!"

"From what my lord sees, the demon emperor should be a wolf as handsome as this lord! Besides, where does Little Sheep have the qualifications to be the demon emperor?"

Hearing this, Lan Yangyang immediately felt bad, and protested noisyly, but Big Big Wolf ignored them.

Seeing that the protest was ineffective, Lazy Goat hummed twice, then set her sights on the emerald dragon scale in Big Big Wolf's hand.

"Big Big Wolf, what are you going to do with this jade dragon scale? How about I exchange it with potato chips?"

Lan Yangyang rubbed his chin, then asked solemnly, and solemnly took out a bag of potato chips, as if this is some kind of rare fetish in the world.

Big Big Wolf looked at Lan Yangyang, his eyes seemed to say: Do you think I look like a fool?


After solving the root cause of Xiao Huihui's unhappiness, Big Big Wolf didn't want to stay any longer. When he mentioned Lazy Yangyang, he flashed away without saying hello to Zhang Huaiming.

The speed of leaving is so fast that I can't bring a cloud~~

Zhang Huaiming was stunned for a moment, then, as if he remembered something, he quickly turned around and ran towards the corpses lying on the ground.

"Xiao Li, Old Wang..."

At this time, he finally remembered the unconscious team members, quickly lifted them up, and also flashed away.

If it was later, he was afraid that some of his team members would not be able to make it through.

And when everyone left, there were only ruins left in the secret realm, not even an ant left, and it really became a complete wasteland.


Half an hour later, a piercing and unpleasant cry suddenly sounded in the secret realm.

Then, a black crow flapped its wings and flew straight to the stone turtle.


The black feathers danced wildly, causing a gust of wind to howl.

The crow twisted and gradually elongated, and finally turned into an eight-foot-long black-feathered man.

"I'm late……"

The black-feathered man looked down at the gap on the stone turtle's back, took out an ancient sheepskin scroll, and made a low, crow-like piercing sound.

He put away the ancient scroll, and lifted up the black hair covering his eyes, revealing a pair of emerald green eyes.

Suddenly, in the eyes, the terrifying power of life erupted, rushed straight to the stone turtle, and enveloped it.

The power of life is like a vast ocean, constantly surging, and the covered stone turtle suddenly changes strangely.

It was originally a stone statue, but the breath of life gushed out of its body, as if it was really about to revive, and turned into a living thing!

After 3 minutes, the Black Feather Man no longer delivered the power of life, not only because the stone turtle no longer needed the power of life.

It was also because his divine eyes had reached the limit, as if being held by a big hand, the pain was extremely painful, and even two lines of blood and tears flowed down.

However, the black-feathered man didn't care about the sharp pain in his eyes. After he let down his hair, he even showed a smile.

He lowered his head, looked at the giant tortoise that slowly opened its eyes, opened its hands, and whispered.

"There is no discrimination in education, ten thousand immortals come to court!"

"Giant Turtle, I, Taoist Black Crow, represent Wanxian Pavilion, welcome to join us..."

At this moment, the giant tortoise raised its head, and its eyes shone with wisdom.

hold head high-


Chapter 176 Armor still in mass production? ; the little girl who bought mushrooms

Big Big Wolf carried Lazy Goat, all the way west, and finally...

Found Red Wolf and the others in a mahjong parlor!

That's right, the mahjong parlor...


"Hey! What a fool! Hahaha, give me money."

Big Big Wolf was stunned, looking at Red Wolf who was dominating the mahjong table, and Xiao Huihui, Pleasant Goat, and Liu Qingqing who were playing with three-tailed kittens beside him, feeling a little overwhelmed.


Big Big Wolf left Lan Yangyang behind, stuck his head out from beside Red Wolf, and yelled weakly.


Red Wolf glanced at Big Big Wolf, and then started playing mahjong again.

Seeing this, the witty Big Big Wolf silently shuttled to Xiao Huihui's side. He was going to say one more thing just now. If nothing unexpected happened, the pan should cover his face~~


Seeing Big Big Wolf suddenly appear, Xiao Huihui let go of the three-tailed kittens and hugged Big Big Wolf.

Big Big Wolf almost cried with joy, but sure enough, his son still loves him.

On the other side, Lazy Goat has long been lying on top of Pleasant Goat, talking about Big Big Wolf's "violence" against him and the matter of the emerald dragon scale.

"Emerald Dragon Scale... Great Formation..."

Hearing this, Pleasant Goat's eyes flashed, and then, with Lazy Goat on his head, he came to Big Big Wolf.

"Pleasant Goat, what are you doing?"

As soon as Big Big Wolf raised his head, he saw Pleasant Goat staring at him eagerly, and immediately felt a chill, and moved his buttocks back.

Pleasant Goat greeted it with a smile, and then said, "Gui Tailang, that jade dragon scale, can you lend me a... a few months?"

Pleasant Goat originally wanted to ask for a loan, but after a moment of hesitation, his voice changed into a month, and even brought out Erhuayin.


Big Big Wolf smiled half-heartedly, then rejected Pleasant Goat's request blankly.

"Grey Wolf~~"

Pleasant Goat suddenly grabbed Big Big Wolf's arm, and the light in both eyes almost blinded Big Big Wolf's 24K pure gold and titanium eyes.

Big Big Wolf quickly pulled away Pleasant Goat's hand, looking at Pleasant Goat who seemed to be coquettish, he was helpless for a while, and finally made a request.

"Emerald dragon scales can be given to you, but you must also give me your wind eagle armor to study for a month."

"make a deal!!"

To Big Big Wolf's surprise, Pleasant Goat readily agreed without the slightest hesitation, which made Big Big Wolf feel like he was at a loss.

"What do you want the emerald dragon scale for?"

Big Big Wolf frowned, and his tone was a little curious. .five

Pleasant Goat grinned, "The Emerald Dragon Scale has a long history, I'm curious about its ability, so I want to see it."

"is it?"

"Hehe, aren't you lambs very precious to your armor? At the beginning, the king asked you to send a pair of light and shadow armor, but you actually sent a mass-produced Xingtian armor..."

Big Big Wolf looked unhappy, as if he disliked the mass-produced Xingtian Armor.

"Mass production? Is the armor still in mass production?!"

Liu Qingqing, who was at the side, was teasing the cat with Xiao Huihui, but when she heard this, she was startled and asked Pleasant Goat curiously.

However, before Pleasant Goat could speak, Big Big Wolf answered the question for him.

"As long as there are materials, what can't be mass-produced?"

"Although the little old man Slow Yangyang is useless, he still has the ability to invent, but compared with this king, he must not even be able to compare with the king's fingernail..."

As he talked, Big Big Wolf's focus gradually shifted.

Pleasant Goat twitched his mouth, shook his head, and then took what Big Big Wolf had said.

"Actually, among the light and shadow armor, many armors can be mass-produced. Among them, the mass-produced materials of Xingtian, Feiying, and King Kong are the best to find. The mass-produced armors serve as the Yangcun patrol team. A group of three is collectively called the Xingtian team. "

Liu Qingqing opened her lips with a look of shock.

"So, isn't everyone in Yangcun able to punch the king and kick the evil dog... the dragon?"


Big Big Wolf sneered, and said disdainfully, "Do you really think that little old man Slow Yangyang is omnipotent?"

"The armor he mass-produced lacks the most critical light and shadow stone, so it is completely useless and can only exert the power of the original form of the armor!"

"You know, so the light and shadow armor has the ability to upgrade, that is, the ability to evolve, and the energy is continuous, you can fight as much as you want, don't worry about running out of energy."

"The mass-produced armor has only a shape, and the strength that can be increased is limited. At the same time, there will be a defect that it will automatically disintegrate due to insufficient energy."

"That kind of inferior product, my majesty can take it apart at will, it's not as good as the dragon suit that my majesty invented at will."

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