When Hui Tailang said so much, Liu Qingqing also understood why the other party was so disdainful of the mass-produced armor.

However, although Big Big Wolf said this, Liu Qingqing also knew that even mass-produced armor was very precious.

At least, this is the case for Zhu Xia and even Tian Xing...

"Dragon's Battlecloth..."

Liu Qingqing's bright eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly she remembered the dragon battle suit mentioned by Big Big Wolf, because just a few days ago, she heard something about the battle suit.

The matter is not complicated. Generally speaking, and to make a long story short, Fan Xinghai, who photographed the dragon suit, wanted to research the composition of the suit and then mass-produce it. Unfortunately, he has no clue, and the production plan of the suit can only be done here. stranded.

"Zhu Xia wants to obtain a large number of items that enhance his strength, maybe he can trade them directly from Yangcun, and then he can talk to grandpa..."

While Liu Qingqing was thinking, Pleasant Goat also said why he agreed to Big Big Wolf's request to study the Wind Eagle Armor without hesitation.

To put it simply, the Fengying Armor has been integrated with Pleasant Goat, and if Big Big Wolf wants to study it, he can only study it under the nose of Pleasant Goat.

And in this way, Pleasant Goat can also know what Big Big Wolf researches~~

You can get the experimental results while lying down, why not do it with Coke?

"Cunning little fat sheep!"

Big Big Wolf looked at Pleasant Goat viciously, Pleasant Goat grinned and spread his hands.

"Each each other."

When Big Big Wolf and Pleasant Goat got carried away chatting, Lazy Goat was already snoring, while Liu Qingqing was listening intently to the conversation between the two without taking her eyes off it.

Not to mention Red Wolf on the other side, happily playing mahjong with the ladies, and had no time to pay attention to Big Big Wolf and the others.

Therefore, at this time, Xiao Huihui placed an order.

He hugged the three-tailed kitten, because he didn't want to disturb the chat between his father and brother Pleasant Goat, so he sat obediently, swinging his short legs, very happy.

Suddenly, Xiao Huihui glanced out of the glass door inadvertently, and it happened that a little blond girl with a basket walked by the door.

Xiao Huihui took a closer look and found that the little girl seemed to be selling things in her basket to passers-by on the road.

But even though the little girl was actively fighting for it and smiling all over her face, no one paid any attention to the little girl, and some even showed disgust and disgust, avoiding the little girl like a plague god.

The little girl is only about one meter tall, and she looks very small in the crowd coming and going. The loss and anxiety on her face, as well as her trembling body, are all seen by Xiao Huihui.

"poor thing……"

Xiao Huihui pursed his lips, feeling sympathy and compassion, he suddenly showed a firm expression, then jumped off the stool, and ran out the door with the three-tailed kitten in his arms.

During this time, no one noticed.

"Why is everyone unwilling to buy my mushrooms?"

Outside the door, the little girl was squatting on the ground, with her two thin arms hugging her legs, the tears in her eyes were like ripples, and she felt her nose was sour.


At this time, Xiao Huihui came to the door, stepped in front of the little girl, blinked her eyes, and waved her hands to say hello.

The little girl was taken aback for a moment, then slowly raised her lowered head, looked at the gray-haired young lady who appeared in front of her, subconsciously moved back, very restrained and hummed lightly like a mosquito, and after a long time Can't say a word in response.

Xiao Huihui didn't care, and sat directly beside the little girl, making the little girl tremble.


Coincidentally, the three-tailed kitten in Xiao Huihui's arms meowed, and the little girl who was a little nervous was immediately attracted by the cuteness of the kitten.

After seeing that the kitten had three tails, the little girl was not only not afraid, but showed love for it.

But although her eyes are full of love, her two little hands can only tightly pinch the corners of the coarse cloth clothes, and dare not reach out to touch the three-tailed kitten.

Xiao Huihui seemed to have noticed the love in the little girl's eyes, and handed the three-tailed kitten to the little girl directly.


The little girl raised her head, a look of bewilderment appeared on her dusty face.

"My name is Xiao Hui Hui, do you like Xiao Hong too?"

Xiao Huihui smiled, and the little red in her mouth was also the three-tailed kitten in her hand.

"Little Red?"

When talking about the kitten, the little girl finally said the first sentence. She looked at the orange three-tailed kitten with doubts in her eyes.

Xiao Huihui nodded, and pointed to Xiaohong's head, "Look, it has a red birthmark on its head, so I named it Xiaohong, it sounds nice!"

The little girl looked, and there really was a pinch of flame-like red hair on Xiaohong's head.

However, this should not be a birthmark, right?

The little girl looked at the gray-haired young lady in front of her, and couldn't help feeling that she was innocent and cute, and she also had an aura that made people feel close.

Gradually, the little girl became less restrained, and she and Xiao Huihui teased the kitten, laughing happily from time to time.

And Xiao Huihui is also very happy, he likes to make friends the most, now that he has made a friend of his own age, he is naturally happier.

After chatting more and more, Xiao Huihui suddenly remembered that she didn't seem to know the other party's name.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet, can you tell me?"

Xiao Huihui looked at the little girl, scratched her head, and asked with a slightly red face.

The little girl raised her head, also slightly dazed, as if no one had ever asked her name.

Seeing that the little girl didn't speak for a long time, Xiao Huihui thought that she had offended the other party, so she showed a flustered look and said hastily.

"Well, it's okay if you don't say it..."



Xiao Huihui was taken aback.

The little girl pulled her two small hands, her face was slightly red, and her voice was weak, like a mosquito.

"Andusin, my name is Andersin..."


Chapter 177 The sky above the mushrooms, the sky is blooming!


Hearing the name, Xiao Huihui immediately stretched out her hand.

"Xiaoxin, it's a pleasure to be friends with you!"

An Tuxin stared blankly at the hand in front of her, and then lowered her head to look at her somewhat dirty little hand. Just when the cautious mood was about to rise again, Xiao Huihui suddenly grabbed her hand.

Xiao Huihui smiled all over his face, and immediately saw the restraint of the other party, which is why he "strikes first". I have to say that he is worthy of "inheriting his father's legacy", and his ability to read faces is second to his father Hui Tailang One must.

An Tuxin stared at her eyes and blushed instantly.

She raised her head to look at Xiao Huihui, seeing the other party's innocent smile, the uneasiness in her heart dissipated immediately.

"Well~ I... I am also very happy to be friends with you."

An Tuxin stammered while nodding and said, although he stammered, the joy in his eyes could not be concealed.

"I have friends too..."

Andusin held his little hand tightly, feeling a kind of joy and happiness that he had never felt before.

"Xiaoxin, I saw you selling things just now, can I help you?"

At this time, Xiao Huihui suddenly noticed the basket covered by a piece of blue cloth beside Andusin, recalling what he saw in the house just now, he couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, An Tuxin lifted the basket beside him, showing a look of disappointment.

"It's useless, no one wants to buy my mushrooms."

Andusin clutched the basket tightly, his voice weak.


Xiao Huihui was a little puzzled when she heard this.

This area belongs to the urban area, and edible fungi and vegetables like mushrooms should be very popular.

Seeing An Tuxin's disappointed expression, Xiao Huihui comforted, "It's okay, I'll help you! It will definitely be sold!"

"Can I see your mushrooms?"

"of course can."

Without any hesitation, An Tuxin picked up the basket and handed it to Xiao Huihui.

Xiao Huihui took it, and after holding Xiao Hong in An Tuxin's arms, she stretched out her hand to remove the covering cloth of the basket, and there were indeed mushrooms in the basket.

It is colorful, looks very beautiful, and has a high value.

"Beautiful mushrooms, how come no one buys them?"

Xiao Huihui showed a pensive look, and then said seriously, "I see, it must be because they are colorblind!"

Hearing this, An Tuxin was amused, and he didn't know whether he was amused by Xiao Huihui's words, or by Xiao Huihui's miraculous brain circuit.

At this time, Xiao Huihui, who couldn't think of any other reason, stretched out her hand and took out a red mushroom.

In the next second, the normal mushroom suddenly grew a big ferocious mouth, biting towards Xiao Huihui.


Xiao Huihui was taken aback, suddenly startled, and subconsciously threw the red mushroom out.

Needless to say, as expected of the son of the wolf king, with a casual throw, the red mushroom ascended to the sky, broke through the clouds, and disappeared without a trace.

Andusin on the side was stunned by Xiao Huihui's strength.


Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering explosion that pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks.

Xiao Huihui raised her head, and saw above the sky, a mushroom cloud descending from the sky, piercing through the clouds and bursting out with dazzling light.

The sky is blooming!

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