"Upstairs said it well, give it a thumbs up!"

Looking at the comments in the live broadcast room, especially the comment on how to deal with the traffickers, Brother Shen was very excited!

"That's right! Those things of human traffickers, the males are dead, and the females are dead! Anyway, it's best to die!"

Brother Shen is also a person with a strong sense of justice. When he sees the news about missing children and women, he will be so angry that he can't wait to find those traffickers and give them a combination of the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon.

However, Brother Shen, who was scolding, found that the wind direction of the comments suddenly changed, and it became a unified "Brother Kidney, the wind is tight!"

Brother Shen was shocked, and found that the phone screen had turned red for some reason. He slowly raised his gaze stiffly, only to find that Little Red Riding Hood, who was supposed to be a hundred meters away, was standing in front of him.

And her blood-red shoes are the culprit that caused the phone screen to turn completely red.

"I go!"

Brother Shen stared at him, and was so frightened that he jumped up, but in the next second, Little Red Riding Hood pinched his neck and lifted him up.

"You actually spy on this girl, you're courting death!"

Little Red Riding Hood showed no change in her face, and immediately wanted to strangle Brother Shen to death.

At the very moment, two little hands suddenly grabbed Little Red Riding Hood's arms.

Little Red Riding Hood was taken aback, then turned her head to look, and saw An Tuxin looking at her anxiously, and Xiao Huihui was also beside her.

"Sister Little Red Riding Hood, don't kill him, he is innocent!"

An Tuxin held on to Little Red Riding Hood's arm tightly, forgetting about the previous traffickers.

But if Little Red Riding Hood kills an unrelated passer-by in a blackened state, when Little Red Riding Hood returns to normal, she will definitely fall into pain and self-blame.

Andusin didn't want Little Red Riding Hood to make an irreversible mistake. Little Red Riding Hood was already her only relative...

"Let go, my sister doesn't want to hurt you."

The corner of Little Red Riding Hood's mouth grinned, and the scarlet color in her eyes bloomed, making Andusin seem to have been brought into a world of blood sea and fell into endless sinking.

"Don't hurt Xiaoxin!"

Xiao Huihui at the side saw that An Tuxin's eyes were lost, and his face showed anxiety. He immediately pulled An Tuxin behind him, revealing his real body, showing his wolf claws, and looked at Little Red Riding Hood viciously.

And after seeing Xiao Huihui's real appearance, Little Red Riding Hood's eyes lit up, and she immediately let go of Brother Kidney.

"Cough cough!"

Brother Shen, whose butt fell to the ground, didn't have time to cry out in pain, he recovered his breath and coughed a few times, then scrambled and ran away.

However, even in this situation, Brother Shen did not forget his mobile phone, and even said to the screen:

It's so exciting!Life and death are linked by a thread, Brother Shen is with you!The wind is blowing!

After one operation, 6's entire screen was covered by 666's comments.

What everyone didn't expect was that Brother Shen stopped when he was about to run out of the square. After finding a cover again, he pointed the camera at Little Red Riding Hood and the others again, and started the live broadcast. He really answered the sentence " Money is not life"...

On the other side, after throwing away Brother Kidney casually, Little Red Riding Hood walked towards Xiao Huihui with an obsessive expression on her face.

Although Xiao Huihui was extremely nervous, she always protected Andusin behind her.

"Hehehe, little wolf cub, you're the only one protecting others?"

Little Red Riding Hood laughed, and the black wolf beside him bared his teeth and looked at Xiao Huihui fiercely.

"You are not allowed to hurt Xiaoxin! My father will beat you, my father is very strong!"

Xiao Huihui clenched his fists tightly, only the father in his mouth could make him feel safe.

"Your father?"

However, after hearing what Xiao Huihui said, Little Red Riding Hood became even more excited.

"That's great, I'm worried that your little wolf's fur is too small to make a shawl!"

Little Red Riding Hood stuck out her scarlet tongue and licked her lips, her cold tone made Xiao Huihui tremble all over.

"Little Red Riding Hood, from Fairy Tale Town, because the grandmother was eaten by the wolf, and awakened another dark personality."

"Different from the main personality, the dark personality not only has a violent personality, but its strength has also reached the seventh heaven of the real king. In Fairy Tale Town, the dark personality is dangerous enough to be ranked in the top ten..."

Just when Xiao Huihui was at a loss, a thin palm rested on Xiao Huihui's shoulder, and in a hoarse and deep voice slowly told about Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood's complexion changed, and she said coldly, "Who are you?"

Xiao Huihui looked back, and immediately revealed a look of joy.

"Grandpa Lonely Wolf!"

"Cough cough!"

The tall and thin wolf clan called Grandpa Lonely Wolf couldn't help coughing twice.

He wiped his red and white hair, raised his hand and rubbed Xiao Huihui's head.

"Little Huihui, if you want to call me Uncle Lonely Wolf, not Grandpa, I'm just a little bit older than your father."

"Yeah, Uncle Lonely Wolf!"


Lonely Wolf smiled in satisfaction, and then glanced at Andu Xin who was beside Xiao Huihui, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Little Huihui, pull your friend back, uncle will handle it."

"Well, Uncle Lonely Wolf, be careful."

Xiao Huihui nodded, immediately picked up An Tuxin, stepped back, and did not forget to tell Lonely Wolf to be careful.

Lonely Wolf grinned, "That old boy Hui Tailang was very skinny when he was young, but he gave birth to a cute baby."

"Little Red Riding Hood, my wolves and you are as good as each other, and your Fairy Tale Town is far away from Qingqing Grassland, but you have nothing to do with the wolf that hurt your grandma. Don't make mistakes!"

The Lone Wolf looked at the dark Little Red Riding Hood, spread his hands, and reminded him in a leisurely manner.

But Little Red Riding Hood didn't appreciate it, she smiled charmingly, waved the blood scythe in her hand, the ground cracked, and turned into a sharp rock blade to stab the Lonely Heart Wolf.

Lonely Wolf raised his eyes, and his black and white pupils instantly turned into black eyes and red pupils, and the shadow under his feet surged, turning into a big hand that crushed the stone blade of the earth.

"You really are..."

"If you don't eat a toast, you will be punished!"


Chapter 180 The Shadow Corps!Darkness and darkness! ;Everyone of Earth and Stars, it's over...

Lonely Wolf's face also turned cold, but he did not rush to make a move, but raised his hand, and the shadows under his feet surged again, and nine black shadows gushed out from them, and surfaced on the ground.

"Meet my lord!"

Nine shadows turned into nine armored creatures. They knelt on one knee, their cold voices full of absolute respect.

The Lonely Wolf nodded, and smiled at Little Red Riding Hood. The moment his fingers brushed his hair, the terrifying power of shadow surged like a tsunami, dancing wildly around the Lonely Wolf.

"I forgot to introduce, I am Lonely Wolf, the Lord of the Anbu of the Wolf Clan, responsible for obliterating all creatures and forces that threaten the Wolf Clan, you can call me the Lord of Shadows, or the Lord of Ghost Shadows!"

"Speaking of which, I haven't tasted the taste of blood for a long time after the world lord set the rules. But since you took the initiative to cause trouble, I believe the world lord and his old man will understand me, haha..."

"Shadow Corps, take her down!"


Under Lone Heart Wolf's order, the nine generals of the Shadow Corps immediately drew out their long knives and attacked Little Red Riding Hood.

"Just relying on these ants, you want to take me down? I don't know how to live or die!"

Little Red Riding Hood's face was gloomy, Lonely Wolf didn't make a move by himself, but let his subordinates do it, making it clear that he looked down on her.

The Dark Little Red Riding Hood has a gloomy personality, but in this situation, she became even more violent. She swung the blood scythe in her hand and knocked back the nine generals of the Shadow Corps.

Just as she stepped forward, wanting to kill the Lonely Heart Wolf.

The repelled nine generals of the Shadow Corps merged into the ground in an instant, and then suddenly appeared from the shadow of Little Red Riding Hood, and the nine sword soldiers stabbed Little Red Riding Hood's back.


Little Red Riding Hood's complexion changed slightly, but at the critical moment, the black wolf jumped up and blocked the nine swordsmen with his body.


Little Red Riding Hood turned around and watched Hei Lang's body being stabbed by nine sword soldiers, the blood was soaring, she opened her eyes, and the scarlet blood stirred like a tornado, forcing the nine generals of the Shadow Corps to retreat.

"You are courting death!"

Little Red Riding Hood suddenly raised her head, like a ghost, let out a piercing roar.


Suddenly, Little Red Riding Hood rushed out, waving the blood scythe in her hand, threatening to cut off the heads of the nine generals of the Shadow Corps.

However, the nine generals of the Shadow Corps had experienced hundreds of battles, so they were not so easy to deal with. A shadow barrier rose to block the blood scythe.


With a roar from Little Red Riding Hood, the terrifying force directly shattered the barrier. At this moment, black shadows gushed out from the shattered and flying black shadow barriers, turning into several shadow warriors of different shapes.

Ghost Shadow under General Nija, Claw Shadow under General Lazo, Flying Shadow under General Bart, Giant Shadow under General Summer, Helm Shadow under General Ika, Soft Shadow under General Resu, General Minta The Shadow Eater under General Cabo, the Shadow under General Carbo, and the Shadow under General Manny!

The soldiers of the Nine Corps came out and surrounded Little Red Riding Hood.


Little Red Riding Hood snorted coldly, and a huge blood shadow appeared behind him. The blood shadow was like an enlarged version of Little Red Riding Hood with red lines painted with a red color pen. Its mouth and eyes were hollow and hideous.

Swish swish!

Countless bloodshots gushed out from the blood shadow red hat monster, rolling up the soldiers of the shadow corps, trying to crush them.

However, since it is the Shadow Corps, how can it be an entity.

Just as Bloodshot exerted force, those black shadow soldiers turned into groups of black shadows and got rid of Bloodshot's control. Immediately afterwards, they appeared on the Bloodshadow Red Hat Monster and bombarded each other.

At the same time, the most inconspicuous Shadow Devouring Corps gnawed at the opponent's shadow vigorously.

Under their frenzied devouring, the blood shadow red hat monster became weaker and weaker, while the soldiers of the Shadow Devouring Corps became bigger and more conspicuous, and their dark bodies were slightly red.


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