As the last shadow of the blood shadow red hat was devoured, the blood shadow red hat crashed to the ground, crushing a group of shadow soldiers.

"What is this?!"

Little Red Riding Hood's gaze changed slightly, and she couldn't help but feel a little startled when she saw the dozen or so Shadow Eater soldiers who had turned into huge monsters.

"Eat, eat, eat!"

Suddenly, the Shadow Devourer soldier shifted his gaze and looked at Little Red Riding Hood.

"Don't think about it!"

Little Red Riding Hood's face was gloomy, and the red sweater on her body suddenly stretched out, like an ocean, rushing in all directions in an instant, covering her shadow.

Losing their shadows, those Shadow Devouring soldiers instantly lost their direction. Little Red Riding Hood seized the opportunity and cut them in half with a scythe.

"Mingta, your little shadow man is too fragile, but this general's giant shadow is the strongest!"

"Hmph, they're just some reckless men with no strength, what are you proud of, Samo?!"

"You guys are arguing! This little girl is so difficult to deal with, if you don't take her down, my lord will be angry in a while!"

"Hehe, none of the people in Fairy Tale Town are easy to deal with."

Seeing that their own soldiers were easily dealt with, the generals who couldn't take down Little Red Riding Hood for a long time couldn't help whispering, feeling a little annoyed.

"Let's release the ultimate darkness!"

At this time, apart from Lone Heart Wolf, Ika, the biggest general, said calmly while inserting the sword into the scabbard.


Hearing this, the other eight generals raised their knives into their sheaths, and then opened their hands.

"Ultimate darkness?"

"Interesting, coincidence, I will too!"

As soon as the words fell, Little Red Riding Hood with a strange smile on her face directly threw the blood scythe into the air.

In an instant, the blood sickle turned into streaks of blood light, and then turned into extreme darkness, sweeping the world like a tide.

"Darkness is coming!"

Little Red Riding Hood soars into the air, the red sweater turns into a luxurious dress, and the red hat on her head turns into a scarlet crown.

And above her head, endless darkness was enveloping in all directions.

Under the darkness, the air was annihilated, and everything fell into dead silence.

At the same time, the nine shadow generals headed by Ika also released the terrifying power of darkness, rushing in all directions.

Bang bang bang!

Darkness and darkness, not only did not blend, but caused fierce and violent repulsion.

The darkness of Little Red Riding Hood and the ultimate darkness of the Shadow Corps are like two evenly matched lions and tigers, constantly rubbing and colliding.

"Damn it, this girl's power of darkness is so terrifying!"

"Hey hey, after being corroded by the power of darkness, the darker the heart, the more terrifying the dark power in the body will be!"

"Hmph, such a terrifying power of darkness erupted from Little Red Riding Hood, a resident of Fairy Tale Town. Fairy Tale Town... Oh, there are really enough fairy tales!"

"It's useless, I wait for darkness, it's the ultimate darkness, it's the end of darkness! She won't be an opponent, suppress her!"

Ika listened to the noisy voice in his ear, without changing his face, and ordered coldly.

Hearing this, the other eight generals immediately grinned ferociously, opened their mouths wide, and spit out a huge power of darkness from their mouths, turning into eight faceless dark bodies wearing black armor.

Same goes for Ika.

And with the rise of Ika's faceless dark body, nine faceless dark bodies merged suddenly, and the terrifying ultimate darkness instantly defeated Little Red Riding Hood's dark power.


Little Red Riding Hood's face changed, then he gritted his teeth, his figure suddenly distorted, as if his soul had disembodied, a figure of Little Red Riding Hood emerged from his head.

"Go in!!!"

Little Red Riding Hood screamed suddenly, and slapped hard on the head, and the figure returned to normal.

"Sister Little Red Riding Hood!!"

At this time, An Tuxin had woken up from the trance, and after seeing Little Red Riding Hood's painful appearance, she screamed and wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by Xiao Huihui in time.

"Little Huihui, let me go, sister Little Red Riding Hood..."

"Little Red Riding Hood is fine, but she is in such pain because her main personality is about to come out. However, the dark Little Red Riding Hood needs to be defeated, otherwise the weak main personality will not be able to wake up at all.


As soon as An Tuxin opened his mouth, Lonely Wolf reminded him lightly.

Hearing this, An Tuxin was taken aback for a moment, and did not rush forward. She looked at the dark Little Red Riding Hood, and couldn't help holding Xiao Huihui's hand tightly with both hands.

"Sister Little Red Riding Hood..."


All of a sudden, Little Red Riding Hood looked up to the sky and howled, with the power of darkness pouring out from his whole body. For a moment, he suppressed the ultimate darkness of the nine black shadow generals.

"Damn! How dark is the girl's heart now? The whole pervert!"

General Summer looked up and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and exclaimed.


At this time, due to the collision of two dark forces, countless broken dark forces spread around.

Everything stained by the power of darkness will be corroded into ashes.

"To die! To die! To die!"

"Brothers, Brother Kidney, I'm going to die!"

At such a moment, Brother Shen didn't have the guts to broadcast live again, and wanted to escape, but found that because he had been lying on the ground for too long and was too nervous, his whole body was numb, and he couldn't move at all for a while.

Seeing the power of darkness getting closer and closer in front of him, Brother Shen broke out in a cold sweat, but he could only be helplessly furious.

And just when everyone in the live broadcast room thought Brother Shen was doomed, something unexpected happened.

The glorious day, like a god coming, wards off evil and eliminates evil, and the power of darkness collapses in an instant.


The power of darkness was suddenly shattered, causing Little Red Riding Hood and the nine black shadow generals to suffer backlash, and they all staggered back, bleeding profusely from their mouths.

Ika raised his head, with a trace of panic in his eyes, and asked angrily.

"It's over, it's over!"

"Everyone of Earth Star, pass!"

The person arrived before making a sound, and before everyone could see where the person was, a voice as loud as heaven and earth sounded in their ears.

That voice seemed to have the magical power to heal everything, full of holiness and grandeur, which calmed Yika and the others inexplicably.

Lonely Wolf raised his head, with a strange look in his eyes.

"I didn't expect Tianxing to have someone like Your Excellency."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.


Character building—

Character Name: Lonely Wolf

Identity: Lord of Anbu of the Wolf Clan/Lord of Shadows, Lord of Ghost Shadows/Dark Bearer

Synthetic basic cards: Inheritance of the Shadow Empire (where all the shadows belong/7 stars), Dark Distributor (the dark "sapling" stripped from the source of darkness/7 stars), Invincible Will (even if It is darkness itself, and it will not sink into darkness/7 stars)

Introduction: The world is black and white, and there is a wolf king ruling everything in the open, so someone should be shadowing the wolf king in the dark, obliterating all threats for him!

Lonely Wolf was adopted by the Black Wolf since he was a child. The Black Wolf taught him all the skills and bestowed him with the power of darkness.Therefore, Black Wolf is like a father and teacher to him. After Big Big Wolf became the wolf king, Lonely Wolf volunteered to become the shadow of Big Big Wolf, and dealt with all those who dared to disobey Big Big Wolf!

Thousands of years of killing have spread the notoriety of Lone Heart Wolf all over the planet. The endless dark shadow warriors and the dark power as deep as the sea have also made him crowned the "Lord of Shadows" and "King of Shadows." "The title of...

Chapter 181 A bunch of official certifications, the owner of the pavilion is an old crocodile;

"Tianxing? I'll go! Our Tianxing actually has such a powerful boss!"

"This level, to say the least, is not weaker than... no! It should surpass our general manager!"

Kidney, who narrowly escaped death, exclaimed, and the words he said made the live broadcast room call 666. This was the first time they saw someone dare to use the head office as the unit of measurement in the live broadcast room.

Brother Shen, who had reacted, also quickly shut up, with a frightened expression on his face.

However, what he didn't know was that after he photographed Little Red Riding Hood in his live broadcast room, he had already been noticed by the directors of various regions in Zhuxia.

And Xuanyuan Zhanxian had already entered the live broadcast room and watched the live broadcast.

After hearing that Brother Shen used himself as the unit of measurement, Xuanyuan Zhanxian didn't show any expression, but nodded slightly.

"Very strong..."

"It's not something I can compare to right now, even slightly surpassing Little Red Riding Hood... But when did Tianxing have another strong person of this level?"

"Besides, under the suppression of heaven and earth, none of the Huagai God Kings in Tianxing's native land will have the chance to be born, let alone the existence above the Huagai God King! In addition, did Tianxing really give birth to the existence above the Huagai God King?"

Xuanyuan Zhanxian sitting on the top of the mountain showed doubts on his face. After thinking about it for a while, he prepared to ask Ren Zu in a while.

There are old antiques at home, so don't worry about everything!

Of course, now is definitely not the time to ask, but the time to watch the live broadcast.

Watching the live broadcast, Xuanyuan Zhanxian didn't forget to add a buff to Brother Shen's live broadcast room to avoid disconnection.

Say two ends, two flowers bloom.

At this time, above the square, the mysterious strong man who had attracted everyone's attention finally appeared.

I saw a crack appear in the sky trembling, as if combing the sky in the middle, it was extremely conspicuous.

And in the crack, a crystal coffin slowly fell, and finally stagnated in midair.

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