"who are you?!"

Little Red Riding Hood looked gloomy and asked loudly, while the Ika Nine immediately stood behind Lone Heart Wolf, their faces full of vigilance.


A long sigh resounded, as if traveling through endless time and space, filled with a heavy breath of time.


"Is it a lost person who has been forgotten by the world and is in the old age!"

In the crystal coffin, a deep and hoarse voice sounded.

A baffled speech made everyone look puzzled.

"old days…"

But at this time, Lonely Wolf seemed to think of something, his eyes moved, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"You are the creature before the "epoch rotation" of Tianxing!"

"Era rotation?!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone else looked confused, even the nine black shadow generals and Little Red Riding Hood were confused, not to mention the others.

"I'll go, I'll go! I feel like I'm going to eat a big melon!"

"I don't know what an era rotation is, but I know that the person in the crystal coffin must be awesome! As soon as he appeared, Little Red Riding Hood and Lonely Wolf stopped fighting."

"I'm so excited, I didn't expect our Tianxing to have a boss! Every time I see people from Earth and Star showing their power in our Tianxing, I feel very uncomfortable!".

"Although they have a common enemy with us, they are not people from the same world after all. All races follow the rule of "If you are not my race, your heart must be different", not to mention that the world is separated by a world, plus The gap in strength, I think there will definitely be conflicts in the end, and we Tianxing may only be the oppressed one by then!"

"I agree with the upstairs! It is impossible for cats and mice to live in peace."

Huang Mian [official certification]: La la la, I didn't expect all the friends of Tianxing to think so!Woohoo, how sad!

Just after complaining upstairs, a golden "official certification" made everyone watching the live broadcast tremble.

The "Huang Mian" before the four characters of "official certification" surprised everyone even more.

"Huang Mian?! Is that the Huang Mian I know? Damn! Boss!"

Brother Shen stared and couldn't help shouting.

At this moment, several more glittering "official certifications" floated by.

Red Star [Official Certification]: Where is justice, where is oppression?

Ruffian beard [official certification]: Gu la la la!Although it sounds bad, their worries are not unreasonable. The earth and stars are also mixed, and some people are indeed restless!

Ichimaru silver [official certification]: La la, yes, but I am a good person!

Jin Glittering [Official Certification]: Heh...

Bai Xiaosheng [Official Verification]: Welcome everyone to pay attention, the little yellow car has been hung up.

Iron Sea Dragon Beast [Official Certification]: The worry of the weak!Also, Bai Xiaosheng, don't disrupt the formation casually, this king has long wanted to beat you up!

Huang Mian [official certification]: plus one

Big Big Wolf [Official Certification]: Add 10086!If it wasn't for Brother Qiang and the others' face, the king would even beat up that stinky old man, Old Crocodile, and even randomly spread the video of the king being beaten flying by Hong Hong!

Old Crocodile (Pavilion Master of Baixiao Pavilion) [Official Certification]: Cough cough, calm down the wolf king.It was just an accident!

Xintailang [Official Certification]: Old crocodile?When did you come to Earthstar?Also, does anyone know what this official certification is all about?

Lao Crocodile (Pavilion Master of Baixiao Pavilion) [Official Certification]: The official certification was made for everyone by the assistant (Deputy Pavilion Master).

As for when I came to Earth Star, well...it was that time.In addition, I am not the only one who came to Earth Star!It's coming, but there's no news about it, then there's a lot of people out there!

Jin Mu (King of Ghouls) [Official Certification]: Hello everyone!

Thor [Official Verification]: I am Thor, God of Thunder, for the glory of the God of the North!

Li Jing [official certification]: I am here to find my precious son~~ (winking)

Marshal Hei [Official Verification]: Vomit!you're disgusting!Marshal Ben wants to electrocute you!

Big Big Wolf [Official Certification]: Interesting, there are quite a few people here!

Pleasant Goat [Official Certification]: Big Huilang, aren't you worried about Xiao Huihui?

Red Wolf [Official Certification]: Gray!too!Wolf! !

Big Big Wolf [Official Verification]: Hong Hong, don't hit me, I'll pick up my son right away!


Seeing the "official certifications" passing by, Brother Shen trembled all over, not because of fear or nervousness, but because of excitement and excitement!

Seeking wealth and honor while taking risks, he was right to take the risk anyway!

Now that so many bigwigs have entered his live broadcast room, it's hard for him not to get popular!

Although Brother Shen was excited, he didn't forget to add fuel to the flames, and quickly said with a smile on his face.

"Welcome everyone to come to the boy's live broadcast room!"

"Also, I don't know if there is a boss who can explain what the "epoch rotation" in the mouth of Lone Heart Wolf boss means?"

"And who is that mysterious strong man? Is he really from Tianxing? Does anyone know his details?"

Brother Shen swallowed his saliva. All his questions must be what everyone in the live broadcast room wants to know. As long as a big boss comes out to say something, the popularity of his live broadcast room will definitely skyrocket by several degrees!

In the end, he was not disappointed, and soon, a golden comment floated.

Lao Crocodile (Master of Baixiao Pavilion) [official certification]: Well, let me say this, as the master of Baixiao Pavilion, I still know a million points more than others.This epoch rotation is also the epoch replacement!

After Shenhuang was broken, Tianxing did not only have a history of 3 years, but more than 3 years ago, which happened to be an era change of Tianxing.

Logically speaking, the replacement of this era will at least be the replacement of the entire galaxy, but because the Nine Heavens Galaxy is broken, the earth and stars are hidden in different dimensions and separated from the galaxy, so the replacement will only affect the world of Tianxing.

There are many reasons for the replacement, such as the inability of the galaxy and the world to maintain its operation, and the need to experience extinction to obtain a new life, or encounter some kind of catastrophe that wiped out all living beings and led to the restart of the world. Tianxing probably cannot escape these two reasons .

And after the epoch turns, everything will be restarted!It is said that one generation of emperors and one generation of ministers, Tianxing is also in the same situation. After the epoch is rotated, everything before the epoch will no longer exist!And those who can survive the cycle of epochs are generally terrifying existences that stand at the peak of an epoch, and I think the one in the crystal coffin should be one of them.

As for who is in the crystal coffin, hehe, I can't guess this old man...

"The big guy is awesome!"

"I've learned a lot! I've learned a lot!"

Xuanyuan Zhanxian (Director of Zhuxia) [official certification]: Is the era turning... eh?I also have an official certification?Thank you, the Pavilion Master and Deputy Pavilion Master of Baixiao Pavilion.

Old Crocodile (Pavilion Master of Baixiao Pavilion) [Official Certification]: Haha, you're welcome, I like making friends the most.By the way, for Baixiaoge to open [-] branches in Tianxing, the general manager has to work hard.


Seeing these words, Xuanyuan Zhanxian on the other end felt a sting in his heart, and he almost lost his breath.

[-] branches?

You want to strip out the color of Tianxing's underwear!

This is not to make me worry, this is to make me worry!

Although his face was twitching, Xuanyuan Zhanxian still replied "It's easy to say."

After all, it seems that he can't refuse~~

Suddenly, Xuanyuan Zhanxian's gaze was fixed, and then he looked closely at the screen in the live broadcast room without even blinking.

And this attitude is all because the mysterious strong man finally spoke again.

"Hehe, the sky and the earth change, and the sun and the moon rotate."

"I didn't expect that I, an old antique, could still see the creatures of the earth and stars. It seems that the intercommunication of the world has already begun..."

In the crystal coffin, the voice sounded again, reaching everyone's ears.

"Oh? Looks like you know a lot!"

Lonely Wolf's eyes moved slightly, looking at the crystal coffin with great interest, his eyes were deep, as if he wanted to see through it.

"Haha, not many, but before the current era of Tianxing, that is, in the old era, there are still some records about Shenhuang."

"In addition, there was someone who came to the old era. That person was very mysterious and powerful..."

"He left some information about Earth and Star, and told me and some old friends about the origin of Heaven and Star. The purpose is to let us recuperate and leave strength to deal with the extraterrestrial demons..."

"But it's a pity that when a great demon comes into the world, the stars will be destroyed!"

Hearing this, Lone Heart Wolf couldn't help being startled, but what he paid attention to was not the big demon in the mouth of the crystal coffin, but the mysterious person who crossed two worlds.

"Before the era of Tianxing, there was actually someone who was able to cross the two realms at will?! But the further we go forward, the stronger the barrier between the two stars of heaven and earth, those who have that ability..."

Lonely Wolf suddenly raised his head, looked closely at the crystal coffin, and asked, "Do you know who that person is?"

"I don't know!"

Lonely Wolf heard this, although he was silent, but he already had some guesses in his heart.

After all, among the earth stars and before the Tianxing era, there should be only one existence with that kind of strength, even the earth stars...

After a moment of silence, he asked the crystal coffin again.

"how about you?"

"who are you?"

At this moment, the surroundings fell into silence, as if everyone was waiting for the reply from the voice in the crystal coffin.

And compared to what the crystal coffin said just now, they want to know the identity of the other party!

After the Lone Wolf asked another question, the crystal coffin also fell silent for a while.

However, the silence didn't last long...


Suddenly, the crystal coffin made a bang, and the coffin board suddenly opened a gap.

Immediately afterwards, the color of the sky and the earth changed, a vast aura surged from all over the world, and the sound of books came from above Haotian.

In an instant, the commoner held up the green scroll, the scholar read the universe, and the visions of a stroke of the sun and the moon continued, even covering the entire sky and stars.

At this moment, the minds of countless people were truly shocked. Looking at the vision all over the sky, the entire sky fell into silence.

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