
The sound of swinging the iron chain came from the crystal coffin, and the next moment the coffin boards opened wide, and the figure in the crystal coffin was finally revealed.

It was a tall, slender man wearing a round cap.

The man was dressed in white clothes that looked as simple as a prison uniform, and on his hands and feet were tied a white iron chain, and the other end of the chain was tightly fastened in the coffin.

But even the body bound by iron chains couldn't hide the awe-inspiring aura revealed between the man's brows. In his deep eyes, it seemed that the universe was in full swing.

At the moment when he appeared, there was a heavenly sound of congratulations from heaven and earth resounding in all directions.

This sentence, like a boulder falling into the water, shocked everyone's hearts.

"Heaven does not give birth to a master, eternity is like a long night..."

Lonely Wolf's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help repeating the Tianyin just now, and everyone else did the same.

At this time, the man moved. He slowly raised his hand and held it gently with his five fingers, as if he was holding the sky and the earth, with a few traces of clarity in his eyes.

"The breath of a new era..."

He lowered his head, looked down at Lone Heart Wolf and the others, put his hands behind his back, moved his lips slightly, and spit out a sentence.

Although the voice was soft, it happened to fall into everyone's ears...

"My name is Old Master, one of the masters of Jixia Academy."


Chapter 182 Why Was The Master Born? ; Big devil?Everyone is here!

"Old Master... Jixia Academy!"

At this moment, Lonely Wolf and everyone finally got their wish and knew each other's name and identity.

In the live room,

Huang Mian [official certification]: Wow, a big shot!

Red Star [Official Certification]: I have never felt such a majestic aura, this person must be a righteous person!

Gin Ichimaru [Official Verification]: Things are getting interesting...

Yeah, things are getting more and more interesting...

"Son, are you alright!"

Suddenly, a figure came across the sky, hugged Xiao Huihui and looked around for a while.

"Dad, I'm fine."

Xiao Huihui smiled, because it was Hui Tailang who came.

"Hui Tailang, with me here, how can something happen to Xiao Hui Hui? You don't believe me too much!"

Lonely Wolf turned his head, rolled his eyes, spread his hands, and said dissatisfied.

"It used to be reassuring, but now it's not."


"Because of him! Can you deal with him?"

Hui Tailang hugged Xiao Huihui, and motioned to the old master in the crystal coffin with his chin, the Lonely Heart Wolf froze for a moment and had nothing to say.

"Wolf, I want to..."

"Adults talk, children don't interrupt!"

Little Red Riding Hood at the side saw another wolf coming, and just as the scarlet in her eyes flashed, she was waved by Big Big Wolf, dispelling the dark breath from her body.

The scarlet in Little Red Riding Hood's eyes dissipated in an instant, then she rolled her eyes and fell to the ground.

"Sister Little Red Riding Hood!"

Seeing this, An Tuxin hurried forward, stretched out his hand to shake Little Red Riding Hood with a worried expression on his face, tears began to form in his eyes again.

"Xiao Xin, don't worry, Little Red Riding Hood is fine, I just suppressed her dark personality, and she will be fine when she wakes up."

Big Big Wolf knew that An Tuxin was a friend of his son, so he was very friendly and explained to him.

Hearing this, An Tuxin felt relieved.

But Big Big Wolf put down Little Huihui, let Lone Heart Wolf look on, and then stepped straight up into the air, and came to a place [-] meters in front of the old master.

"Fellow Daoist, what's your name?"

Seeing Big Big Wolf, the old master smiled and asked slowly.

"Earth Star, Wolf King Hui Tailang!"

Big Big Wolf looked indifferent, and talked with the old master.

"Wolf King, it's a pleasure to meet you."

The old master nodded, his tone soft, like an approachable old man.

"Why was Master born?"

"Being under the shackles of heaven and earth, although the way you cultivate is close to the great way and nature, but generation after generation, you are a "cancer" to the current Tianxing!"

"You have the aura of the old way of heaven on your body, which is not tolerated by today's way. The heaven and earth just congratulated you, but it is just because of the aura of the old way of heaven on your body!"

"And this crystal coffin is the manifestation of the shackles of heaven and earth. If you open the coffin at will, you will only be infinitely suppressed by heaven and earth. No matter how strong you are, you are just a rootless apple."

"In this forbidden world, you will eventually die, you should be very clear about this!"

Big Big Wolf looked at the old master closely. As the wolf king and one of the strongest Earth Stars, he knew many things that others didn't, so he didn't understand why the other party was born.

At least, now is definitely not an excellent opportunity to be born, just wait another year, when the world is unsealed, the shackles of the world will be useless to the old master.

With the strength of the old master, thousands of galaxies are all places to swim!

The old master smiled faintly, raised his eyes to the sky, and expressed emotion.

"From generation to generation, from generation to generation... yes!"

"Today's Tianxing has changed. The old man was indeed abandoned by the world..." ..

"However, the old man also has a reason to be born!"

All of a sudden, the old master's face was solemn, and the vigorous and awe-inspiring aura rippling through the world, revived all things, and flowers and plants bloomed in an instant.

"What reason?"

Big Big Wolf remained unmoved, and asked calmly.

"Big devil!"

The two words were uttered, and the sky was originally cloudless, but the next moment there was a violent thunder and lightning flashed, bringing a deafening thunderous sound.

At the same time, no matter where the creatures are in Tianxing, they can't help but feel oppressed at this moment, as if something is stuck in their throats, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Even Xuanyuan Zhanxian and some people from Dixing changed their expressions slightly, and they sensed an unusual aura spreading across the world...

"Big devil?"

Hui Tailang's eyes were dark, and he asked, "What big devil?"

"Could it be that in the last era of Tianxing, there were still extraterrestrial demons left over from the time of the gods?"

The old master shook his head slightly.

"It's not!"

The old master raised his hand, and the chain made a crisp sound.

The old master waved his hand lightly, and a phantom half black and half red coffin appeared in the air.

"I think some creatures in the sky should know about this thing."


At this time, Zhuxia's Xuanyuan Zhanxian, the Holy Lord of the Holy Kingdom, Ao Zhu, the lord of the Monster Realm, and some old monsters stared at the phantom of the coffin that the old master had transformed into.


Suddenly, three figures came from the sky, they were Xuanyuan Zhanxian, Guangming Shengzhu and Ao Zhu.

Xuanyuan Zhanxian's eyes were solemn, and he spit out the two words, as if tens of thousands of tons of mountains were pressed down, making everyone have an illusion of being out of breath.

Xuanyuan Zhanxian breathed a sigh of relief. He originally planned to go to the earth star to seek a breakthrough after the national Tianjiao qualifiers were over.

However, now it seems that this matter must be delayed or even given up...

"Descendants of Tianxing, Xuanyuan Zhanxian has met the old master!"

Xuanyuan Zhanxian bowed his hands and bowed, saluting to the old master with the courtesy of a junior.

Old fox!

Seeing this scene, Holy Lord Guangming and Ao Zhu couldn't help but glance at Xuanyuan Zhanxian, and while they were disgusted in their hearts, they immediately saluted the old master in the same way.

"Don't be too polite."

The old master had a friendly attitude, smiled slightly, and raised his hand to help.

Then the three of them got up and looked at the old master in front of them, they couldn't help but freeze their hearts, secretly thinking that they deserved to survive the epoch cycle, it was really terrifying.

"It seems that you should know about this coffin."

The old master looked at the three of them, his eyes moved slightly, and he said slowly.

Holy Lord Guangming and Ao Zhu were about to speak, but Xuanyuan Zhanxian took the first step.

"I know! In the calendar of the gods, this coffin was born. According to records, the things in the coffin should be the culprit that caused the various tribes to fight continuously!"

"Fortunately, there are ancestors of our human race, the ancestors of heaven and martial arts, as well as the sword master of the seven swords and the king of elves, who finally suppressed them at a great price!"

And when Xuanyuan Zhanxian had just finished speaking, Ao Zhu followed suit.

"Mr. Old Master, my monster clan also contributed. But the coffin is extremely weird, and many seniors of my clan died because of it..."

"Mr. Old Master mentioned this coffin today, could it be..."

Ao Zhu's golden pupils moved slightly, and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

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