The old master nodded, "That's right, the big devil that destroyed the old era is exactly what is in the coffin!"


As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"The big devil is actually something in the coffin?"

"The old master's birth today, does it mean that the big devil will make a comeback?!"

The Lord of Light's gaze was uncertain, and his tone was extremely dignified.

The old master waved his hand, and the phantom of the coffin disappeared. He sighed and nodded slightly.

Everyone's heart sank.

But Big Big Wolf noticed something strange, his eyes moved slightly, and then he suddenly spoke.

"Master, if the great demon who caused the extinction of the stars in the old era was born, what can you do with your current appearance?"

The old master's face moved slightly, and he remained silent.

Big Big Wolf looked at the old master, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "It seems that you were born this time to make a big noise, so as to attract everyone's attention, and then let us get involved too!"

"Otherwise, you don't need to take a special action to interrupt Little Red Riding Hood's battle. After all, this matter is not worth your effort to break out of the coffin."

When the old master heard Hui Tailang's words, he didn't refute, but smiled and admitted generously.

"Wolf King is really a sensible person, but it's really bad luck to come out of the coffin!"

"After all, this crystal coffin is not a real coffin, but the shackles of heaven and earth. If possible, the old man would naturally not want to stay in this coffin."

"Hey! It's the key point!"

Big Big Wolf raised his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and looked at the old master with an inexplicable smile.

"What key point?"

The old master looked at Big Big Wolf quietly, and asked calmly.

The others were also closely watching Big Big Wolf, and even Brother Kidney came directly to Lone Heart Wolf and the others in order to respond to the request of the boss in the live broadcast room, and pointed his mobile phone at Big Big Wolf to make the live broadcast clearer.

With this degree of professionalism, it is not too professional compared to "send to the hospital with broken hands"!

Under everyone's watchful eyes, Big Big Wolf stepped on the ground, came to the crystal coffin in an instant, raised his hand and knocked on the coffin, and then grinned.

"For it!"

"You also said that you don't want to stay in this crystal coffin. So you need to kill the big demon!"


"Because the big devil is like you, a creature left over from the old era, and it is a bigger cancer! It only harms the whole world, but has no benefit at all!"

"It is even said that the big demon is likely to become the "robbery" of Tianxing! Let Tianxing be destroyed once again. In addition, it once caused chaos in the calendar of the gods, which made Tianxing continue to fight and caused a whole body of karma! If you kill it , is the supreme merit, and that immeasurable merit..."

"It is also the biggest boost to get you out of the coffin!"

"And, after getting rid of the big devil, you can not only get out of the coffin, but also perfectly integrate into the sky star, recover your strength quickly, and become the strongest star in the sky!"

"In this way, even if there are more and more people on the earth star, you still have the confidence to keep the sky star safe and orderly!"

Big Big Wolf put one hand on the crystal coffin, walked around the coffin, talked at the same time, finally came to the old master, looked at the old master with a smile on his face.

"Master, I don't know if what the king said is right?"

Big Big Wolf's eyes were burning, and he asked slowly.

The old master was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

"It seems that the old man underestimates the people of the world. What the wolf king said is indeed correct, and it is also my thought."

"However, although there are these reasons, the main reason is to get rid of the big devil and seek peace for Tianxing!"


Hui Tailang nodded, but believed that the other party's last words were sincere, and there was no need to doubt, because the old master's indestructible righteousness was the best evidence.

At this time, the others were all stunned when they heard it, they didn't expect that there were so many reasons for dealing with a big demon.

"Although you think very well, how can you be sure that we will definitely take action with you to deal with the big devil?"

Suddenly, Big Big Wolf asked again, and fixed his eyes on the old master's face, as if he was observing the expression of the other party.

The old master smiled, unhurriedly, with a trace of cunning in his eyes, "Because, the two stars of heaven and earth are one, if a big demon destroys the sky star, the earth star will inevitably be affected by the fish in the pond..."

"And after destroying the big demon, the two stars of heaven and earth can deal with the extraterritorial demons with peace of mind, why not do it?"

"You're right, but I can't represent anyone else!"

Big Big Wolf smiled, said, and suddenly turned to look at the endless sky.

"Everyone, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Brother Shen below was taken aback for a moment, looking around, wondering who Big Big Wolf was talking to.

"Hey, the Wolf King is really flattering this old man. In front of you and the old master, the old man's strength can't stand on the stage!"

"Where the crime is, the old man will never let it go!"

"La la, General Chi Xing is still so righteous."

"Ichimaru silver, the king and you have not yet settled the accounts!"

"Gu la la la! There are so many people here!"

Then, within two seconds after Big Big Wolf's voice fell, several figures came through the sky, standing in all directions in the sky, and the breeze blew, swishing everyone's clothes.

Moreover, among this group of people, there are several figures that have never appeared before.

"Ghost King, Thunder God, Ugly Crocodile, and Li Jing, you freak, I didn't expect you to join in the fun!"

Hui Tailang twitched his lips, expressing his disapproval of the latter two.

Chapter 183 Jinmu, the soft-hearted god; I am Thor, the god of thunder, for...

"Hey! The wolf king is too much, what kind of freak? This general is normal, okay?"

"Ahem, Wolf King, don't be so malicious. I said that the leak of the video last time was purely accidental, and it was definitely not intentional by me, the old crocodile."

After hearing what Big Big Wolf said, Li Jing, with a mustache on his chin, danced and danced to protest Big Big Wolf's calling him.

The old crocodile in the blue mandarin jacket also coughed twice, lifted his reading glasses, pulled out a smile, and sneered at Big Big Wolf.

"I'll go! When did these bigwigs come? Aren't they still posting comments in the live broadcast room just now?"

Brother Shen below stared, shocked.

"You know nothing about power!"

"With their strength, it won't take long to cross the entire Tianxing."

Lonely Wolf glanced at Brother Shen, and said calmly, while Brother Shen could only shout awesome.

Lonely Wolf ignored Brother Kidney, but looked at all the people who came, his eyes moved slightly, as if he was looking for someone.

"Xin Tailang didn't come, neither did Dao Yang and Hei Dashuai. Did he not want to join in the fun, or was there something else?"

Lonely Wolf didn't think about it for too long, and he didn't choose to go up, because he still needed to guard Xiao Huihui.

Compared with Xiao Huihui, all the big demons are empty, and the future wolf king can't have any accidents.

At this time, above the sky, the old master glanced at the figure standing in all directions in the sky, then turned his head to look at Big Big Wolf, and said with a smile.

"Wolf King, can you introduce me?"

Before Big Big Wolf could speak, someone had already spoken.

"Dixing, the master of the Baixiao Pavilion, the old master can just call me Lao Crocodile."

The old crocodile was the first to stand up, cupped his hands and said with a smile.

And with the first person, the others will naturally introduce themselves.

After the introduction of Ruffian Beard, Huang Mian Chixing, Jin Shining, Ichimaru Gin, Ulquiorra, and Iron Sea Dragon Beast, Li Jing immediately stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, has three sons, Jin Zha, Mu Zha, and Nezha! This time I came out to find my younger son, Nezha. I wonder if any heroes have seen my son? If you see it, you can..."

Listening to Li Jing's long speech, the old master twitched his beard, then turned his head and looked at a black-haired young man.

The eyes of the black-haired young man are different. The right eye is normal black and white, but the left eye has a red hole and white pupil, and there are red bloodshots spreading in the white of the eyes like branches, which looks strangely beautiful. :

"Here, why don't you introduce me!"

The old master's eyes moved slightly, and he called softly, making Li Jing, who had been chattering all the time, shut up.

And Li Jing was suddenly interrupted, but he could only smile awkwardly, but he was not dissatisfied, he just felt that his throat was quite dry~~

On the other side, the black-haired young man showed a gentle smile, raised his head and scratched his head, and opened his mouth to make a clear voice.

"Hi, old master, my name is Jin Muyan, I come from Earth Star, and I'm currently the king of ghouls and half-ghouls, although I don't want to be the king..."

Kaneki Ken is like a high school student, his words seem to reveal a little youthful vigor of a young man in his twenties, and even a little bit of shyness.

However, thinking with my toes, I also know that Kaneki Ken must be more than 20 years old.


"What is a ghoul?"

After listening to Jin Muyan's words, Brother Kidney below once again showed a confused face, and immediately sought knowledge humbly.

At this time, an official certification comment drifted past~~

Core Taiwolf [official certification]: Ghouls are a race of the planet Earth. They look like humans, but they eat humans.

"Eating people?!"

Seeing Xintailang's comment, Brother Shen was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground.

Looking at Kaneki Ken's soft smile again, Brother Kidney could only feel that there was a man-eating demon grinning at him behind the other party, and the chainsaw-like teeth were covered with silky flesh...

Just when Brother Kidney was worried, Xin Tailang's comment drifted past again~~

Xintailang [official certification]: However, it has been ten thousand years ago that ghouls have been eating people.

Ever since Kaneki became the king of the ghouls, the ghouls have been purged once.The ghouls that cannibalize and eat together are all wiped out, and the remaining ghouls worship Jinmu as their king. This has opened a new era of ghouls, no longer cannibals, and even live in peace with the human race!

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