And as the leader of everything, Jinmu has an angel-like kind heart, and some people even call him a "soft-hearted god"...

"Angel? A soft-hearted god?"

Brother Shen felt a little absurd. Can a person who has cleansed a race really be associated with the words "angel" and "soft-hearted"?


However, at least Brother Shen dared not get in touch with Kaneki Ken at all.

Uh, of course, from the present and even the future, he doesn't seem to have the qualifications.

Brother Shen swallowed, his eyes moved, and at the same time he couldn't help but focus on the last...

Uh, what is that? !

"That... Among the four names that King Big Big Wolf said just now, there is a Thunder God, right? Uh... Where is Thor? What happened to that dog?!"

Brother Shen blinked his eyes with a dazed look on his face.

In front of his line of sight and the camera, an upright, yellow-and-yellow puppy with a serious face, not as high as Kaneki Ken's knees, is holding a black iron hammer, and the red cape is fluttering in the wind.

At this time, Kaneki Ken had finished his introduction, and the old master also set his sights on the puppy.

At this moment, the puppy moved, and he slowly raised his little hand, stretched out his little short finger, and moved towards the three blue, white and red buttons on the left side in front of him.

Finally, his finger landed on the blue button.

"I am Thor!"

A mechanical sound sounded from the button, which made the old master startled.

Call ~

The breeze blows, blowing away a little bit of embarrassment.


Below, Brother Shen blinked his eyes with a dazed expression.

"Hahaha! Interesting interesting!"

"Fellow Daoist is really interesting, but please speak up, Fellow Daoist."

The old master laughed, thinking that Thor was joking coldly, and then raised his hand to signal the other party to speak.

At this time, Li Jing, Huang Mian, Big Big Wolf, and even Chi Xing, Ichimaru Gin and others were all laughing crazily.

Thor heard the old master's words, his expression was still serious, and then he pressed his finger on the white button.

"For the glory of the Northern God!"

The mechanical sound sounded again, and several unscrupulous laughter sounded in the next second.

"Puff ha ha ha! I laughed so hard, Thor, you... puff ha ha ha!"

Li Jing laughed out loud, without caring about his image at all, almost laughing out of both eyes.

"Gu la la la! Although I'm sorry, but the old man can't help laughing, ho la la la!"

The ruffian beard also laughed heartily, very carefree.

The old master was dumbfounded. He looked around and found that everyone in Dixingyi was laughing, but the one laughing wildly had to be Li Jing.

"What does this mean?"

The corner of the old master's mouth twitched, thinking that he probably, should not have caused a joke.

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, he thought of Thor the dog, and immediately turned his head to look.

At this time, Thor rolled his eyes straight, with an unhappy look on his face.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt struck and split Li Jing until his bones glowed.

No way, among these people, he laughs the most wildly...

"That... Thor's situation is quite special, he can't speak."

At this time, Kaneki raised his hand and explained.

"Can't talk?"

The old master narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in surprise, "Although the appearance of Fellow Daoist Tor is...cuter, but the strength is undoubtedly the king of Huagai!"

"The king of the gods, who is invincible by all laws and has infinite supernatural powers, how could he be unable to speak? How strange!"

"God King?!"

"That...Thunder God is actually a god king?!"

Brother Shen, who was almost speechless, opened his mouth quickly, his face full of shock.

"Oh, I don't know."

Lonely Wolf picked out his ears and said lightly.

Brother Kidney gave a coy smile, and stopped talking. Anyway, what he said was ignorant, so it's better to practice closed-mouthed meditation.

"It is indeed strange, but the situation is indeed such a situation."

Kaneki shrugged, also unclear.

Seeing Jin Mu's serious expression, the old master believed the other party's words.

But even so, he still felt incredible.

The king of the gods can't speak, it's even more outrageous than Qi Qiang not selling fish!

"Okay, master, their self-introductions have been finished, you should also tell me where the big devil is!"

Big Big Wolf interrupted the old master's daydream, reminded lightly.

The old master nodded, and when he was about to speak, the expressions of all the people present suddenly changed, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

boom! ! !

In the sky, a blood-red beam of light soared into the sky.

The aura that emanates is full of ominous and strange. Within a radius of ten thousand miles of the beam of light, everything is rapidly dying away. Even the birds that fly by are not spared. fall.

"The Great Demon is born!"

The old master's face was solemn, and his tone was very dignified. …

Character building—

Character name: Kaneki Ken

Identity: King of ghouls / "Angel" between humans and ghouls

Strength: Seventh Heaven/Canopy God King

Synthetic basic card: Infinite devouring (people have limits, so I am not a human being! Devouring is evolution, everything that is eaten is power/7 stars)

Desperate redemption (it's not me, it's this world! Eternal despair, momentary redemption, extreme emotions will bring ultimate power / 7 stars)

Flesh is God (every part of the body is my strongest weapon. Every part of the body can be extended into an indestructible weapon, incarnated as a human weapon/7 stars)

Introduction: What is 1000-7 equal to?

Someone once asked me this question, and he died...

A person who always thought the world would treat him kindly, but was tortured by the world into a man-eating monster in the end.Therefore, in the eternal despair and occasional redemption, he had to stand up, forge the throne with killing, and pave the way with blood and bones.

Jin Mu knew that it was never him who was wrong, but the world.Therefore, he wants to completely change the ghouls.

For this reason, half-ghoul and half-human, he picked up the butcher knife, cut off all evil in a desperate state, established a new order, let the ghouls begin to live in peace with the human race, and he became the new king of the ghouls... …

Chapter 184 I Become a Stickman! ;What rubbish coffin~

"I'm going! This is too sudden!"

Li Jing was startled and staggered, almost falling from the sky.


The old master sighed, also did not expect the big demon to be born so suddenly.

So, why all of a sudden?

The reason is that it has to fall on a certain pig's feet who are concentrating on making trouble~~

10 minutes ago...


"Wuhu!! I, Jiang Qiyu, finally came out!!"

On the roof of a 120-story high-rise building, a black-painted stickman is screaming up to the sky, releasing the excitement in his heart.


That's right, it's a stickman!

And this stick figure is our dear pig's foot, Jiang Qiyu.

After Jiang Qiyu vented his passion, he lowered his head and looked at his body, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Let's just say, doesn't your spirit body blind box have a normal spirit body? The stickman spirit's amazing!"

"I can't help it, who told you to be greedy for cheap and want to buy a spirit body blind box."

Then, the round, small glutinous rice balls with small tails flew out from behind him, and said gloatingly.

Jiang Qiyu supported his forehead with a match hand, and said helplessly, "I don't want to either, but I have limited wallets, so I have to save it to buy 36 layers of heaven and earth!"

"And your spirit body is expensive, only the spirit body blind box is cheaper, less than a tenth of the cost of buying a spirit body!"

Although he is not satisfied with his current appearance, Jiang Qiyu is still happy.

After all, it is because of his stick figure spirit that he can appear in the sky.

The so-called "spiritual body" is a product bought in the system store.

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