It works, as shown in the picture...

[Spiritual body: The second clone, the spirit body is different, and the function is different.After placing the split soul in the spirit body, the spirit body is both the body and the body!

Both the spirit body and the body can inherit it, but it depends on the level. The higher the level of the spirit body, the more power it can inherit. At the same time, the spirit body and the body are independent in various senses except for sharing power and memory. Individuals can't trace the spirit body through the body, and can't trace the body through the spirit body, so they can be used as card characters to cast stars...


It is precisely because the spirit body has the characteristics of an independent individual that Jiang Qiyu can ignore the world consciousness and appear in the sky.

However, his body is still in the space of world consciousness at this time.

As for the small glutinous rice balls, they are the incarnation of the system, and they can appear wherever Jiang Qiyu's consciousness is.

As long as it is willing, it can now return to Jiang Qiyu's body in an instant.

bang bang!

"Wanzi, if there is such a good thing, you should have told me earlier! If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have to stay in that shitless space all day long.".

Jiang Qiyu tapped the arms of the two matchsticks, and then poked the face of the little glutinous rice balls with the arms of the matchstick, and said complainingly.

"You didn't even ask!"

"I knew it!"

Hearing what Xiaotangyuanwanzi said, Jiang Qiyu rolled his eyes.

"Forget it, at least it's out now."

"But your spiritual body blind box has enough holes, what kind of stone spirit body, grass spirit body."

"The most outrageous thing is that there are shit spirits and spinning top spirits! I bought five blind boxes, and this stickman spirit is a little bit normal, and it barely has a human shape."

Speaking of the first few spirit bodies, Jiang Qiyu looked constipated, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

"I picked up a bargain and acted like a good boy!"

"Your stick figure spirit body is a top-notch spirit body, which can inherit at most [-]% of your main body's strength! If you go directly to buy a top-quality spirit body, it will be enough for you to buy twenty or thirty spirit body blind boxes!"

The little glutinous rice balls flicked their tails and muttered.

"Ah yes yes yes! You are right."

"Say no more, let's get down to business!"

After Jiang Qiyu nodded perfunctorily, he jumped down from the tall building and disappeared into the air in an instant, and the same was true for the little glutinous rice balls.

In an instant, the space stretched ten thousand miles, waiting for Jiang Qiyu's figure to appear again, and he had already reached a place in the endless sea.

"The position of this broken coffin is really out of the way!"

Jiang Qiyu looked down, and the light in his eyes bloomed, piercing through the sea, looking directly at the deepest part of the sea.

There, a colorful mountain spans thousands of miles under the sea, and there is a mysterious sword-pattern array amulet on the mountain.

And this big mountain was transformed by the gourd brothers, and the sword-pattern formation talisman on it is the demon-suppressing formation formed by the sword master of the Seven Swords with his body sacrificed to the formation!

"Back then, this broken coffin caused troubles, and the Calabash Brothers and Hongmao were all put here, which made it useless for me to prepare for the backup..."

Jiang Qiyu's eyes flickered slightly, and his tone was slightly unhappy.

As for Brother Calabash and Sword Master of the Seven Swords, he actually had other arrangements. He planned to make something happen, and then let them retire with serious injuries.

In this way, they will not appear in the eyes of the world, and they can continue to practice in seclusion and increase their strength...

Unexpectedly, Tianxing actually planted a "nuclear bomb", detonated it slightly, and immediately took away the gourd brothers and the seven rainbow cats.

"Little Jiangzi, are you really planning to wake up the things in the coffin?"

"That thing is not easy to deal with. I suspect that it is really the culprit that caused the extinction of Tianxing and even the entire galaxy. Don't play it off!"

The little glutinous rice balls blinked and reminded.

Although the old master was released by Jiang Qiyu, and what he said was also made up by Jiang Qiyu, but Xiao Tangyuan Wanzi knew that the thing in the coffin was indeed a big demon!It is a demon capable of destroying the stars!

The gods have lived, the coffin has only opened a hole, and the whole sky is in chaos.

If it is really fully awakened, it is hard to guarantee that the game will not end!

Jiang Qiyu nodded, his face didn't look... Well, it's hard to see any changes in his match face.

"Keeping this thing is a hidden danger after all. Instead of waiting for it to "explode" in fear, it is better to detonate it directly and clean it up in one fell swoop!"

"I didn't touch it before, because I didn't have enough willpower in my hand, and I didn't have time to deal with it. I couldn't guarantee 100% to suppress it."

"But it's different now, even if the old master and the others can't clean up, I still have something to do!"

"In addition, when this thing is born, it will definitely detonate the stars, and the wish value will definitely be booming. Only in this way can I get together to buy 36 extra heavenly wish values!"

"Just do what you say! Just liberate Brother Calabash and Rainbow Cat."

Then, Jiang Qiyu went into the sea and came to the bottom of the sea in an instant. Looking at the colorful mountain in front of him, he walked directly into the mountain, as if there was nothing in front of him.

After arriving inside the colorful mountain, Jiang Qiyu saw a coffin that was half red and half black.

The coffin was locked in the air by countless sword-patterned iron chains, and strange blood energy overflowed from it from time to time, but was immediately annihilated by the sword energy.

Suddenly, the coffin trembled violently, as if it sensed Jiang Qiyu's arrival.

"Finally someone came..."

"Young student, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Jiang Qiyu paused, listening to the voice coming from the coffin, there was some strangeness in his eyes.

Good guy, with this familiar words, you either met the old man Ring or the old demon Duoshe!

Obviously, with the appearance of this weird coffin, the owner of this voice can't justify it if he doesn't take it away!

However, Jiang Qiyu didn't answer the words, but folded his arms around his chest and looked at the coffin quietly.

One second, two seconds...

"Young student, why don't you answer?"

A full ten seconds passed, and the coffin did not wait for the reaction he wanted, so he could only speak again in the end.

"What do you think I'm here for?"

Jiang Qiyu grinned and said in a low tone.


Before the big demon in the coffin could speak, Jiang Qiyu suddenly appeared on top of the coffin.

"Don't think about it, I'm here to lift your coffin board!"


Jiang Qiyu stepped on it, and the sword pattern iron chains were all broken.

The big demon in the coffin was stunned.

After living for two epochs, this is the first time it has seen such an arrogant... match!

And although he was stunned, the big demon was extremely happy, because the sword pattern iron chain that bound him was shattered!

"Hahahaha! Not bad! Not bad! Younger, this deity one..."

"Don't talk bullshit!"

Jiang Qiyu interrupted the big devil's words, grabbed the coffin board with both hands, and the terrifying power spread across his body.


With a crisp sound, the coffin board broke in two.

This scene, not to mention the devil, even Jiang Qiyu himself was unexpected, because he wanted to move the coffin board, not break it.

"What kind of rubbish material is this made of? It's so unbearable!"

Jiang Qiyu looked at the half of the coffin board in his hand, frowned, and threw it out with a look of disgust.

Big Demon, "..."...

Character building—

Character name: Thor

Identity: Thor/God of the North

Strength: Seventh Heaven/Canopy God King

Synthetic Base Cards: Thor's Body (I am Thor, speaking for myself/7 stars), Thor's Hammer (obviously, this is a hammer/7 stars), Thunder's Silence (I can talk, but I just don't Speak! Because, as soon as I opened my mouth, it was Thunder World/7 Stars)

Introduction: Obviously, I am a...a...a...god, I control the power of thunder and lightning, and I have the title of god!Even in Earth Star, I seem out of place, because I am not from Earth Star.

I come from the star field of the god system. There are four gods in the star field, east, west, north, south, I am the god of the north, and my father is Ao... er, Hong Qigong, the lord of the gods of the north!Ten thousand years ago, I accidentally came to Earth Star, and then... lost my way!

Obviously, I couldn't find my way home after being lost, so I could only stay on Earth for a while, and this stay lasted for more than 1 years.


Looking up at the moon, I miss my hometown, and I also miss a certain Squint, because he can always find all kinds of things from the river, as well as dog bones...

Chapter 185 Playing very well, even the stickman; the sad and angry big devil

Where did this monster come from? !

The big demon in the coffin didn't react a little, the coffin lid that sealed his endless years was actually broken by a stickman? !

Are people so perverted now?

Or is it that the coffin board is damp and rotted, making it useless? !

In fact, it's not because the coffin can't help being pulled, otherwise it would be impossible to seal the big devil, but Jiang Qiyu is the way of heaven, even if it is a spirit body, every move reveals the power of the way of heaven.

The coffin of the Sealed Demon contains all kinds of power, of which the power of heaven accounts for most of it. It is likely that the power of heaven in the old era has been consumed and integrated into the seal.

Under the baptism of endless years, the power of the seal has been negligible, and it is still twice the result with half the effort to destroy it with the same root and supreme power of heaven, so the coffin board can be easily destroyed.

And the big demon in the coffin doesn't know, now that the seal is broken, it's a happy event, but it feels happy and at the same time can't help hesitating...

"What is the origin of this match?"

The big demon thought about it, hesitated, and didn't dare to show his head for a while. It was really outrageous that Jiang Qiyu broke the coffin board that sealed his endless years, which made him a little uncertain.

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