However, Jiang Qiyu didn't care so much. After throwing away the coffin board, he also threw the other half out, and then stretched out his hand, and after a while, he pulled something up suddenly.

"What do you want to do?!"

The big demon who was caught by Jiang Qiyu was stunned, but his face turned gloomy, staring at Jiang Qiyu.

"Why is she still a woman?"

Jiang Qiyu showed a look of surprise, because this big demon was actually a woman with long hair and shawls, who was as beautiful as a fairy, and had the power to bring disaster to the country and the people when she raised her eyebrows.

What's more, what's terrible is that this big demon can't catch an inch of it, and Jiang Qiyu's eyes are almost blinded by the turbulent waves in vain.

As a ten-thousand-year-old lone wolf, Jiang Qiyu's eyes were somewhat fixed.

The demon seemed to be aware of Jiang Qiyu's gaze, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, exhaling a breath of fragrance, and whispered to Jiang Qiyu softly.

"Want it?"

"What do you want?"

Jiang Qiyu frowned, looking at the big devil with interest.

The big demon slowly approached Jiang Qiyu, and the big wave directly pressed against Jiang Qiyu.

"Want me!"

The numbing and pleasant voice came to Jiang Qiyu's ears, as if it made Jiang Qiyu lose his mind.

Seeing this, the big demon grinned at the corner of his mouth, and his slender fingers suddenly turned into a ferocious bloody hand. With an ominous breath, he grabbed Jiang Qiyu fiercely.

However, what the big devil didn't expect was that before her blood claw touched Jiang Qiyu, it was suddenly broken in two.

The big demon's pupils shrank, and he suddenly looked at Jiang Qiyu, but the next moment he spiraled directly into the sky.

The reason was that Jiang Qiyu's match hand slapped her hard on the face.

"It's pretty good at playing, you can even play with matches!"

Jiang Qiyu waved his hand, looked at the big demon who was blown away by him, and grinned.


Who is he?

Heavenly Big Brother!

This big demon is strong and weird, but he can't see through the other party's disguise.

As soon as the other party came out, he could see that under the skin of the country and the people, there was a mess of flesh and blood and no facial features.

The ugly one is a must!


"who are you?!"

The big demon stopped in the air, and the severed arm grew rapidly.

It stared at Jiang Qiyu stubbornly, its originally beautiful face became distorted, blood flowed from its seven orifices, and there was even flesh and blood drawn with ribbons, its appearance was scarier than ghosts.

"It's really weird!"

Jiang Qiyu didn't answer, but glanced at the matchmaker who had cut off the big devil's arm just now, because it was covered with a blood tendon because it was stained with a little blood.

This blood tendon is like a worm, wrapped in thick blood, stirring constantly.

"Hey! How disgusting!"

Jiang Qiyu showed disgust, then directly broke his arm and threw it at the big devil.

The big demon froze for a moment, then smiled coldly, stretched out his right hand, turned into a ferocious sticky blood mouth, and swallowed his arm.

"Boy, although I don't know who you are, but if you dare to attack this deity, I will definitely make your life worse than death!"

The big devil licked his lips, and under the threat of words, Jiang Qiyu's disgust only increased.

"Although I don't know what you are, I know you must be brainless and dare to eat anything!"

Jiang Qiyu looked at the big demon with disgust, thinking that the other party's ability to become the world-destroying big devil really depended on strength, because the other party was probably brainless.

The big demon was stunned for a moment, then his face changed in the next moment, and he looked down at the arm that had just swallowed Jiang Qiyu's arm.

At this time, there was a burning sensation in his right arm, as if being burned by a flame.

I rely on!

There is a sixth child!

The big demon's face changed drastically, and he was about to abandon his arm, but it was too late.

Boom! !

The next moment, a dazzling ray of light enveloped the demon, and a huge explosion resounded throughout the world.

Obviously, the big demon exploded.

To be precise, it should be the big devil's arm that exploded~~

As mentioned earlier, each spirit body has different abilities, and the ability of this stick figure spirit body is that every part of the body can be used as a bomb.

The power is mediocre, just the power of ten nuclear bombs mixed together. It can't kill this monster, but at least it can delay it for a while...


Jiang Qiyu smiled slightly, and after swaying a force towards the colorful mountain and the formation that suppressed the demon, his figure disappeared in an instant.

After a while,


A roar full of resentment sounded from the bottom of the sea, breaking through the surface of the sea.

At the same time, a blood-red beam of light pierced the sea, pierced the sky, and pierced the sky and the earth.

"I want to kill... kill... people?!"

Just as the big demon was about to speak harshly, he found that the stick figure had long since disappeared, and even the big mountain formation that suppressed him was gone.

Immediately, the big demon was dumbfounded.

After looking around for a while, the big demon's face was completely distorted.


The sound of grief and indignation sounded, shaking the sea to roar, and the tsunami continued.

At this time, several figures came through the sky, it was the old master and Hui Tailang and his party.

"Fuck! It's so ruthless, it seems that this big demon is recovering very well, please trouble."

Hearing the roar from the bottom of the sea, Li Jing was taken aback again, with a bit of anxiety on his face.

The old master looked serious, holding a sapphire ruler in his hand, and a long sword tied around his waist.

He frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, be careful, I'll take action immediately after the big devil comes up."


Everyone answered.

sulfone sulfone!

Just when everyone was waiting in full battle, several beams of light rushed up from the bottom of the sea, with colorful colors and sword energy spreading, which was extremely miraculous.

"This is…"

Among the crowd, Xuanyuan Zhanxian, Guangming Shengzhu and Ao Zhu were taken aback. As people from Tianxing, the movement in front of them felt a little familiar.

"Hahaha! My little King Kong is alive again! Wuhu!"

Then, only a sound full of aura sounded, and then several figures rushed out of the sea, making everyone's hearts freeze.

"Yo! There are so many people!"

"You are…"

The old master moved his eyes slightly, looked at the eight people coming out of the sea, and asked aloud.

"Hey, I'm Little King Kong!"

"I'm waiting for the Sword Master of the Seven Swords, I'm Rainbow Cat!"

"Blue Rabbit!"



Hearing the introduction of the eight people, Xuanyuan Zhanxian was stunned, and the Holy Lord of Light and Ao Zhu were also stunned.

"Oh, are you all the heroes who suppressed the big devil back then?"

As the master of the Baixiao Pavilion, the old crocodile knew many things about Tianxing clearly. He immediately knew the identities of Little King Kong and the master of the Seven Swords, and he immediately clasped his fists and greeted him.

"Hahaha! You're being polite, I didn't expect someone to remember us."

"It's a pity, the thing in the coffin is very difficult to deal with. Hongmao and I have suppressed it for nearly ten thousand years, but it still doesn't die. It completely drained our strength."

Little King Kong clutched his chest. Although his voice was full of energy, his body strength was very weak. It was an absolute hard job to turn into a colorful mountain to suppress a big demon.

If he waited a little longer, he might be completely turned into a mountain, unable to change back.

And the same is true for the Seven Hongmao, who sacrificed their lives to the battle, and everyone died in the battle!

If Jiang Qiyu hadn't forcibly broken the seal of the big demon, but had waited for the big demon to break through by himself, the formation would definitely be destroyed by the big demon, and they would definitely not be able to survive.

Although it is short of power now, it can still be recovered after some time, which is not a big problem.

The problem is, the big demon is not dead, if they come out, they probably won't be able to leave...

"Mr. Old Master, Wolf King, and everyone, are you going to deal with the big devil?"

After a short conversation, Hongmao and the others also knew the names of the old master and his party.

The old master nodded, "That's right, righteous people, seal this devil for ten thousand years, and then leave it to us."

Hongmao, Xiaojingang and the others all nodded. They knew their current state, and watching the battle from the sidelines was the best choice.


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