
Suddenly, Big Big Wolf took a step forward, and in an instant, the Nine Dragons roared into the sky, turning into a mighty fire dragon and rushing towards the sea.


"There is still a backhand?! Courting death!"

The big demon who just came up was stunned for a moment, and then became furious, thinking that Big Big Wolf and the others were the accomplices of the stickman, waiting outside to attack it.

Immediately, the big demon opened his mouth wide and swallowed the ten thousand zhang fire dragon, which shocked everyone. …

Chapter 186 Everything is food, God Devourers; 100% caught empty-handed!

"This thing is too ugly!"

Li Jing rubbed his eyes, but his eyes were slightly red, just because the big demon in front of him was too ugly, just looking at it was polluting his mind.

The whole body looks like a person has been peeled off, the flesh and blood are exposed, and there are bloodworms wriggling in the flesh and blood, exuding an ominous atmosphere.

"No birth, we meet again."

At this time, the old master took a step forward, and the ink on the book coupons under his feet was endless. He looked at the big demon, his lips moved slightly, and he said slowly.


Damo Wushengtian was stunned for a moment, and just when he was about to ask the other party why he knew his name, the face of the old master suddenly appeared in his mind.

Then, he smiled coldly and said.

"Hehe, it turned out to be you, an old bastard. I didn't expect you to have a long life, and you're still alive!"


In the dark, Jiang Qiyu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Wu Shengtian say these words.

Wu Shengtian naturally wouldn't know the old master, after all, the old master was just a character he created.

However, this kind of thing is just a matter of inserting a memory~~

"This monster is really difficult to deal with, I almost stumbled when I inserted a memory,"

Jiang Qiyu's eyes flickered slightly, this Wu Sheng was weird and extremely difficult to deal with, when he inserted some memories into the other party's mind, he was almost found to be abnormal, but fortunately, there was no danger in the end.

"Hehe, if I don't kill you, how can I have the face to meet all my old friends?"

Listening to Wu Shengtian's words, the old master smiled casually, a trace of sharpness flashed across his eyes.

"Hahaha! I don't know how to live or die! This deity is immortal, even if the world is dead, this deity is still eternal!"

"Heavenly Dao and you, the so-called strongest of all races, can only seal this deity. But the price is that Heavenly Dao is eaten by this deity, and you guys are also eaten by this deity..."

"Hehe, speaking of it, your flesh is really delicious, especially you, you old bastard is full of righteousness, and the taste is incomparably pure!"

Wu Shengtian grinned, exposed his tongue, licked his lips, and what he said shocked everyone.

"What the hell is this guy?!"

The Holy Lord of Light was horrified, he couldn't believe that there were creatures that ate the way of heaven in this world!

How is this existence different from God? !


"You're the one!"

With a wave of Wu Shengtian's hand, a bloody light rushed towards the Holy Lord of Light.

The face of the Holy Lord of Light changed greatly, and he wanted to dodge, but found that under the blood light, his whole body seemed to be static, and he could not move at all.


At this time, Thor threw out his hammer, and the thunder and lightning roared, and the blood light scattered, which saved the blood disaster of the Holy Lord of Light.

"Thank you Thor!"

Guangming breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly thanked Thor.

Thor made a move with his small hand, retracted Thor's Hammer, nodded slightly, and then clicked the button in front of him.

"I am Thor!"

"For the glory of the Northern God!"

"Below the seventh heaven, retreat for now. Although Wushengtian is much weaker due to the seal, it is not something you can handle."

The old master glanced at the Holy Lord of Light, and then said slowly.

Guangming Shengzhu's complexion was slightly stiff, and it was the first time that he felt weak and pitiful.

Xuanyuan Zhanxian and Ao Zhu didn't feel it, and they obviously didn't like it in front of a group of big shots.

However, they don't think that they are weaker than others. If it weren't for the suppression of heaven and earth, they would have already broken through the Huagai God King.

Afterwards, Xuanyuan and Zhanxian retreated, leaving at least the Huagai God King.

"Oh, just because you want to deal with this deity?"

Wu Shengtian sneered coldly, looked around at the crowd with an extremely disdainful expression on his face.

"Tsk tsk, you ugly bastard, you're still so arrogant!"

Big Big Wolf frowned. It was the first time someone dared to be so arrogant in front of him, and even ignored him completely. Did Big Big Wolf want to lose face? !


Wu Shengtian turned his head to look at Big Big Wolf, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"who are you?"

"Without the breath of this world, you too... Could it be that you, like the deity, came from outside?"

Then, Wushengtian looked at Thor, Pihuzi and others, and found that except for the Lord of Light and Hongmao and others, none of them had the aura of Tianxing on them!


This thing really wasn't born from the stars of the old era!

In the dark, listening to Wu Shengtian's words, Jiang Qiyu looked thoughtful.

To be honest, until now Jiang Qiyu doesn't know where Wu Shengtian came from, because he didn't take the risk to search for the other party's memory.

Inserting some memories is already a very risky thing. If you invade the other party's memory at will, the chance of being discovered is very high with only the stick figure's spirit body!

Wu Shengtian can gnaw the way of heaven, causing the entire galaxy to die together, which shows that his strength at the peak is stronger than anyone in the old era.

In the galaxy, although there are few saints, they do exist.

Therefore, Jiang Qiyu guessed that the opponent's strength at the peak had at least reached the last realm of the true king, which was the realm of the holy king.

Otherwise, he would not be able to destroy a galaxy...

Fortunately, in the endless seal, Wu Shengtian's strength has been weakened to the extreme, so Jiang Qiyu was able to insert some memories into the opponent's mind when he lifted the coffin board.

But this is already the limit, if you do a little more, I'm afraid Wu Shengtian will notice the abnormality.

Even, if the opponent cannot be killed before he regains his peak strength, then the inserted memory will inevitably be discovered by the opponent in a short time, and then there will be a big change in this "drama".

Therefore, Wushengtian must die, and he must die quickly!

Jiang Qiyu narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

On the other side, after hearing Wu Shengtian's question, Big Big Wolf raised his head and smiled.

"My king is the king of the wolf clan, from the earth and stars! Where did you come from, this ugly thing?"

"Earth star?"

Wu Shengtian was taken aback for a moment, and after hearing the second half of Big Big Wolf's words, he snorted coldly.

"This deity is the supreme god-eating clan who swallows the sky and eats the earth! Born in the starry sky, he feeds on everything, and everything is the food of this deity!"

"And you are no exception!"


As soon as the words fell, Wushengtian couldn't wait any longer. He hadn't eaten for a long time. The last time he ate was 1 years ago. At that time, he attracted the stars to fight, and took the opportunity to devour a lot of corpses and blood.

And since he was further sealed by Little King Kong and Rainbow Cat Seven, he has been hungry for 1 years!

Immediately, Wu Shengtian waved his hands, and his ten fingers turned into ten bloody mouths, wanting to swallow everyone directly. .

"How brave!"

"Swastika! God Killing Gun!"

"Gu la la! The power of the air shock!"

"Wang Wang!"


In an instant, all kinds of terrifying forces burst out and collided with the bloody mouth. For a time, the sky was filled with colorful lights, and the space continued to crack and heal.

"Three Dragons Falling Flames!"

Big Big Wolf snorted coldly, and while waving his hands, three fire dragons roared, one wiped out the bloody mouth, and the other two entangled and rushed towards Wushengtian.


Wu Shengtian opened his mouth wide and swallowed the Ssangyong directly, and at the same time, the aura on his body was faintly strengthened.

Although it was only a slight enhancement, it also aroused the suspicion of Big Big Wolf.

"Hahaha! Surprised? For the God Devourers, everything is food!"

Wu Shengtian laughed loudly, then rushed out suddenly, opened his big mouth, and bit down on Big Big Wolf, wanting to swallow it.

"court death!"

Big Big Wolf's face was icy cold, it was the first time someone dared to swallow him!

"Ugly cow!"


With a roar that shook the sky, a pitch-black image of a primordial barbaric bull with two horns reaching the sky emerged, and Big Big Wolf punched Wu Shengtian with a terrifying force that swept across like waves.

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