In an instant, the sky burst and roared in all directions, Wushengtian was blown away by a punch, and even his mouth was broken in half.


Wu Shengtian shook his hands, stopped his figure, and his body recovered instantly, but his heart was full of surprises. He obviously didn't expect Big Big Wolf to have such terrifying power.

Not easy to deal with!

Wu Shengtian rolled his eyes, and immediately gave up on swallowing Big Big Wolf. He needed to replenish energy, and Big Big Wolf was obviously not the No. 1 choice.

With strength, there is only damage but no energy, and there is no benefit for him.

But this time, he chose Jin Glitter, who was dressed in gold, and the other party's majestic, lofty aura smelled delicious...

"When the king is a soft persimmon?"

Jin Shining's face was gloomy. So many people didn't choose him, but he was chosen. Do you think he is the weakest? !

"The King's Treasure!!"

While Jin Xingshan whispered, a golden sky rose behind him, and countless treasures gushed out from it.


As Jin Shining's icy voice fell, the treasured treasure, Jin Ge, charged towards Wushengtian with the sharp golden divine power that could tear apart the space.

"What's the origin of this guy?"

"How can there be so many killer soldiers?!"

Wu Shengtian's complexion changed slightly. Although he could swallow anything, but so many terrifying weapons, even if he could swallow them, the recovered power might not be as much as the lost power.

What's more, among these weapons, there are some real artifacts with even more terrifying power.

With a wave of both hands, Wu Shengtian turned into two big mouths. After swallowing a small part of the treasure, he immediately changed shape and disappeared instantly.

"My king's treasure..."

Jin Xian showed a hint of heartache, Wu Shengtian devoured a lot of treasures just now, luckily the other party was also hit by some treasures, otherwise he would have lost face.

And in an instant, the disappeared Wushengtian reappeared.

However, at this time, he still rushed in front of the others...

"I'll go! Don't look for me!"

"This dog, and this smiling guy, which one is better than me!"

Li Jing's eyes widened, he didn't expect that Wu Shengtian would target him.

Thor and Ichimaru Yin, who were arranged by Li Jing, both cast unkind looks on Li Jing.

Wu Shengtian was not disturbed, and although his strength had not yet recovered, at least in terms of speed, he thought that no one present could match him.

It is also by virtue of absolute speed that he can attack quickly and retreat temporarily.

Therefore, Wushengtian believes that as long as he "perseveres", he will be able to swallow a person and restore some strength!

Therefore, as long as he targets only one person, others will have no time to help...

"I don't believe this guy is the same as the previous two!"

Wu Shengtian grinned grimly, as long as the opponent doesn't specialize in strength, or has countless killing and terrifying weapons, he will definitely be able to devour the opponent!

However, Wushengtian obviously didn't realize that he chose the wrong person, and the mistake was ridiculous...

"100% bare-handed and white-knife!!"

Li Jing saw that the "reasoning" was unreasonable, so he immediately drew his sword, and without the slightest hesitation, he used his strongest trick.


As if completely out of instinct, Wu Shengtian knelt down.

Kneeling is very crisp, and the sound is very clear.

"This... what is going on?!!!"

Wu Shengtian was stunned, but after realizing that he was kneeling on the ground, he was furious and wanted to move, but found that he could only maintain the kneeling position with his hands raised high and his palms closed.

"how can that be?!"

Wu Shengtian turned pale with shock, looked at the long sword with both hands, and then at Li Jing who was holding the long sword. He broke out with all his strength, and the terrifying power spread for thousands of miles, piercing the sky directly and sweeping the endless ocean.

And even though it was already like this, Wushengtian was still unable to move.

At this moment, the horror in Wu Shengtian's heart was directly displayed on his face, he looked up at Li Jing, his face full of disbelief.


"What ability?"

Wu Shengtian stared at Li Jing, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and asked.

Li Jing raised his head and smiled, and said in a very frightened voice.

"100% bare-handed and bare-handed!"...

Chapter 187 The damage is not strong, but the insult is extremely high; watch me destroy it!

"100% being caught empty-handed?"

Wu Shengtian repeated Li Jing's words, his eyes turned red.

"Dare to humiliate me like this...I will kill you!!"

Wu Shengtian suddenly raised his head, opened his mouth wide, and spit out a terrifying torrent.

Li Jing's complexion changed drastically, but he didn't dare to withdraw his sword and escape.

Because of that, he'll just burp faster!


In an instant, a figure came to Li Jing's side, and with a flick of the ruler in his hand, the terrifying torrent instantly disappeared.

"Mister old master!"

Li Jing turned his head, with a happy expression on his face.

The person who came was the old master, and seeing this, Wu Shengtian didn't let it go.


Wu Shengtian shouted angrily, several bloody hands emerged from behind, blasting at the old master and Li Jing.

The old master didn't change his face, he swung the ruler out, the long sword at his waist trembled, it was unsheathed instantly, and slashed towards Wu Shengtian's neck.

Then, the old master put one hand on Li Jing's shoulder, stepped on his foot, and retreated [-] meters in an instant.

After leaving Wushengtian, Li Jing heaved a sigh of relief, and then quickly thanked him.

The old master smiled, glanced at the long sword in Li Jing's hand, and then looked at Li Jing with admiration.

"Fellow Daoist, good method."

He could see that the long sword in Li Jing's hand was just a sharper magical weapon, and it was obviously Li Jing's own ability to imprison Wushengtian.

"Hahaha! So-so."

Li Jing waved his hand when he heard the old master praise him, but his face could not bear the joy.

"However, you have completely angered Wu Shengtian..."

However, the old master changed the topic suddenly, and looked at Wushengtian solemnly.


"You are courting death!!"

Without the rule of "100% being caught empty-handed with bare-handed swords", Wu Shengtian suddenly stood up and let out a furious roar.

At this moment, he no longer concealed his strength, and with a roar, a strange blood color spread across the world.

Endless Sea, Zhuxia, Holy Kingdom, Demon Realm, Ghost Realm...

The sky in every part of Tianxing is covered in blood.

At the same time, countless cracks appeared in the blood-colored sky, turning into jagged blood mouths.

"This deity wants to devour this world!"

Wu Shengtian was so red and black that he had turned into a [-]-meter monster with a tiger body, horse legs, eagle claws, human face, antlers, zombie teeth, and bloody hands and tails.

And this is the true face of the God-devouring Clan.

The God Devouring Clan swallows everything, so their appearance is ever-changing, and what they swallow looks like anything.

In the starry sky, they are extremely ferocious and terrifying creatures.

Wherever it went, even meteorite residues would not be left. If there were more than three God-devouring Clans in a galaxy, it would be eaten up by them in less than 100 years!

Therefore, no matter where you are, once you see the shadow of the God-devouring Clan, basically the entire galaxy will be disturbed.

Some want to kill it to avoid future troubles, and some think they can control it and want to take it as a war pet...

But no matter what, they must never be allowed to stay in the galaxy at will, otherwise, sooner or later, the entire galaxy will become food for the God Devourers!

"Forcing the deity to resort to "All things are devoured", none of you will live!"

Wu Shengtian was furious. After living for so many years, this was the first time he was forced to kneel down. The damage was not strong, and the insult was extremely high!

"No, everyone, close your body quickly, imprison the essence and blood in your body, or you will be devoured by all things!"

The old master's complexion changed, seeing the strangeness of this move, he quickly reminded him.

Hearing this, everyone quickly closed their bodies.

However, if Wu Shengtian swallowed the energy, blood or strength of other people, he would still be able to recover his strength quickly, and the situation would be reversed in an instant!

"Heroic Spirit Terrace!"

With a big wave of Jin Jinshan's hand, the Heroic Spirit Platform appeared, and he immediately summoned the awakened heroic spirits, no more, no less, exactly ten.

Except for Asura who has not been restored, the Nine Tails, Tianzhu, and Kanglong of the Monster Race, the Shenyuan of the Protoss Race, and even Jiuli of the Ghost Race are all there.

However, although there are people from almost all races, there are no human races alone, and I don’t know if the heroic souls of the strong human races have not been "admitted" in the Heroic Spirit Terrace, or no strong human races have died at all...

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