"All of you, go and protect the various parts of Tianxing immediately, absolutely not let the creatures of Tianxing be affected!"

Jin Shining looked cold and solemn, and said to the ten heroic spirits in front of him.

"What's the matter?"

Kyuubi looked at the changed sky, startled, and asked aloud.

"I don't have time to explain, let me act!"

Jin Glitter didn't say much, and now she doesn't have time to explain to Nine Tails.

Although Jiuli and the others were displeased with Jin Shining's attitude, they did not hesitate because they could not resist Jin Shining's order.

Moreover, in the current situation, it is obvious that when the situation is urgent, it is the right choice to say less and do more.

sulfone sulfone!

Nine tails and the others instantly turned into streamers and flew everywhere.

"Nine tails overwhelm the sky!"

"Divine powers!"

"Nine Eyes Brilliant!"


Without any hesitation, the ten people showed their magical powers, covering the world and isolating the stars and the sky.

Bang bang bang!

In those bloody mouths, snakes, sheep, cattle, horses, dragons, tigers, human spiders... all kinds of long tongues stuck out, and crazily hit the barrier opened by the ten people.

"What exactly is going on?"

"The end of the world! It must be the end of the world!"

"Mom, I'm so scared..."

"Niuniu, be good, don't be afraid, it's...it's okay..."


"What the hell is this?"

Jiuwei's complexion changed slightly, under the impact of countless long tongue heads, he actually struggled a bit.

Looking at the panicked creatures below, Kyuubi immediately shouted.

"My king Nine Tails, the demon god of the demon race, with this king here, there is no need to panic!"

The thick voice resounded in all directions, causing the creatures below to raise their heads.

At the same time, the other nine people also spoke out one after another, stabilizing the emotions of the creatures all over the sky.

At this time, there must be no chaos!

Otherwise, it will be very troublesome.

On the other side, terrorist battles spread thousands of miles, and the battle was fierce.


Wu Shengtian seemed very irritable, a bunch of people beat him up, who could not be irritable? !

What's more, what's terrible is that his "devouring of all things" was also blocked, so he really couldn't break through the barrier set by the Nine Tails and Ten People for a while.

Therefore, now he can only support himself in a half-dead state.

Fortunately, these guys are basically only the seventh heaven of true kings. Although some people have strange abilities, it is difficult to hurt him.

However, among them, there are two people who are extremely troublesome.

One, of course, is the old master, who, like him, has been sealed from the old age to the present. Although his strength is half disabled (in fact, he did not spend enough willingness to build it~), he is still strong. A person who reads books, but the murderous spirit of "reasoning" is leveraged.

The other one is Big Big Wolf, whose strength is unfathomable, with various abilities emerging one after another, making Wu Shengtian exhausted to deal with, and even being bombarded by him many times.


Horror thunder fell from the sky, and Thor, who was bathed in thunder, struck down with a hammer.


Wu Shengtian opened his mouth wide, and immediately swallowed all the lightning. The next moment, his body was pierced tens of thousands of times by a blade, and he was instantly shattered into powder, but he recovered in an instant.


Wushengtian's expression was ferocious, and a terrifying devouring force swept out, heading towards Ichimaru Gin who had chopped him into powder.

Ichimaru Gin opened his eyes, his face was solemn, and the god-killing gun in his hand expanded and contracted at a speed exceeding the speed of light again, but Wushengtian all dodged it.

"So fast!"

Ichimaru Gin's pupils shrunk, and it was the first time he had met someone who could perfectly avoid his god-killing gun.

While Wushengtian dodged, a black hole condensed from the two horns on his head, and then shot out directly, and everything he passed became nothingness.

"Supreme space shock!"

Suddenly, the sound of a loud bell came, and in an instant, a tsunami-like turbulent vibration struck and collided with the black hole.

The terrifying vibration force gradually approached the frequency of the black hole, and when the frequency was completely consistent, the black hole instantly shattered.

"Gu la la la! What a thrill!"

Ruffian Beard laughed, retracted his veined arm, and nodded slightly to Ichimaru Gin.

"court death!"

Wu Shengtian became more and more irritable, the food was in front of him, but he couldn't eat any of it, which made him more and more violent, and bursts of devouring power surged out, causing everyone to immediately set up their protective shields to block the attack.

"This guy is very ordinary. Apart from being unkillable, he is just an ordinary person!"

The mighty body of the Iron Sea Dragon Beast hovered in the sky, looking at Wushengtian who was imposing and powerful, but it vented its air through its nostrils very proudly, contemptuous of Wushengtian.

"Don't be careless!" ..

"The current Wushengtian is too weak and unable to eat, so it is only at this level. But if he seizes the opportunity to eat and recover, I am afraid it will be us who will suffer!"

The old master looked solemn, and immediately reminded him that he didn't want everyone to relax their vigilance because of the momentary advantage.


"Look at me destroying it!"

Hearing this, the Steel Sea Dragon Beast still didn't believe it. Wanzhang's body surged, its tail blasted out, and it smashed towards Wushengtian with great force. …

Character building—

Character name: Iron Sea Dragon Beast

Identity: Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness/The largest steel producer in Gou Xiong Ling

Strength: Seventh Heaven/Canopy God King

Synthetic basic card: Digizoid Body of Time (with terror defense, indestructible, and able to rebound all attacks within the range/7 stars)

The soul of the sea dragon (endless sea area, all territories! Possesses the power of dragons such as dragon power, dragon roar, etc., and has a speed bonus of 100% in water, and is the fastest moving speed among aquatic digimon/ 7 stars)

Ultimate digital energy (an energy cannon that can release everything to destroy, contains huge destructive power and energy/7 stars)

Digital Common Card: Digital Chain (referring everything to data is the core of Digimon, when Digimon dies, Digital Chain takes effect, Digimon turns into a Digi-egg, and has a chance to be reborn/7 stars/special/digital exclusive)

Introduction: In the early years, he was a stalker in the sea, and he did all kinds of evil. He often took pleasure in tailing fish schools, and liked to hold swordfish in his mouth as a cigarette~~

Later, he was met by the "Digital King [-]" who went to the beach to catch fish. After being slapped a few times, he realized the true meaning of life.

In the end, it was named one of the four heavenly kings of darkness, and since then it has risen from Hailiuzi to a general in Gouxiongling, the highest place, and has completed the advancement of its status. The level of inspiration is comparable to that of Qiqiang in the digital world...

Chapter 188 The gnawed steel sea dragon beast; Big Big Wolf, not the real body? !


Wu Shengtian shouted angrily, and spit out a shock wave from his mouth.

However, when the shock wave hit the Steel Sea Dragon Beast, it made a clanging sound, and was bounced back directly in the end.

Wu Shengtian opened his mouth, but could only swallow the shock wave back.

"Hahaha! This king's body is made of the strongest metal "Chrome Digizoid". It is not only indestructible, but also capable of repelling all attacks!"

"With your attack, you still want to hurt this king?"

The Iron Sea Dragon Beast laughed out loud, full of conceit in its tone.

As one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness in Gou Xiong Ling, although the Steel Sea Dragon Beast is crazy, it has the capital to be crazy!

An indestructible alloy body that rebounds from everything, and has the ability to fight in the sea, land and air, and has a terrifying bonus in the water. The speed is the fastest among creatures in the water!

(Except for the alloy body, all of the above are steel sea dragon beasts selling and boasting, and have nothing to do with the official narration~~)


Wushengtian's face was gloomy. If it was in its heyday, Seventh Heaven would undoubtedly be an ant to him!

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, this kind of insult caused Wu Shengtian's heart to kill soared.

However, the Iron Sea Dragon Beast didn't like him at all, and immediately sent out another tail strike.

Wu Shengtian's figure flickered, not only dodged the tail attack, but also came directly to the face of the Iron Sea Dragon Beast.

The steel sea dragon beast's pupils shrunk, and it subconsciously launched an attack. The golden energy gathered at the tip of its nose turned into a torrent comparable to a pillar of heaven and swept out in an instant.

The ultimate wave cannon!

Facing this terrifying energy cannon, Wushengtian smiled for a long time.

"not good!"

The old master's complexion changed, and he wanted to stop it, but it was too late.


Wu Shengtian's stature instantly became larger, and at the same time he opened his mouth wide, swallowing the energy cannon all in his mouth.

As more and more energy cannons were swallowed into Wushengtian's mouth, Wushengtian's momentum became stronger and stronger.

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