In the words of his elder brother, if you don't cry louder, how do I know if you really need me? !

Therefore, the Iron Sea Dragon Beast cried out with all its strength. Although it was a bit embarrassing, it was even more terrible if it lost its life and could not avenge it.


Amid the wailing of the steel sea dragon beast, the honeypot became brighter and brighter, exuding a sweet smell of honey, which continued to spread.

"Who dares to bully my little brother?"



Chapter 191 The Second King of Gou Xiong Ridge, Big Thunder Sky Beast God Bear! "Cruel Xiong Er!"


Amidst a roar that shook the sky and the earth, a roar as thick as a bell, a ray of divine light was released from the honey pot.

And in the divine light, a burly and majestic figure slowly appeared, and the opponent just raised his shoulders, causing the space to collapse, as if the entire sky could not accommodate the opponent's figure!

"Big Brother!!"

"Woooooo, it's him! It's him! It's him! It's that ugly monster!"

"He bullied me badly, little brother! Brother, you must avenge me, little brother!"

Seeing that figure, the Steel Sea Dragon Beast burst into tears, as if it had found its backbone, a majestic huagai god king, crying even more than a child.

"who are you?"

Wu Shengtian, who was being besieged by everyone, was startled suddenly, raised his head immediately, and asked sharply.

"Bear Two!"

Big Big Wolf showed joy, and immediately smiled, "Hahaha! Long time no see, you will be able to relax when you come here, my lord."

"Big Big Wolf? You're here too!"

"Who is this ugly monster? It makes you so hard."

The figure stepped out of the divine light, and it turned out to be an extremely burly and majestic yellow bear with two round eyes, but there was a coercion that people couldn't look directly at.

With one step, the visions of the heaven and the earth will continue to appear, colorful divine light will appear, and the mysterious sound of the sky will sound, as if welcoming the arrival of the other party.

And it is Xiong Er, the second king of Gou Xiong Ling and one of the Digi Kings!

The Iron Sea Dragon is its younger brother, and the honeypot was also given to the Iron Sea Dragon by it to save its life.

At the same time, he is also Jiang Qiyu's backhand...

At this time, Jiang Qiyu, who was hiding in the dark, was clutching his little heart because of heartache.

pain!Very painful!

If it wasn't for the old master and others not being able to solve Wushengtian for a long time, he would definitely not be willing to create Xiong Er, because...

Too expensive!

After all, as the second digital king, Xiong Er's strength must not be low, and he must be able to deal with Wushengtian, so the requirements are even higher...

Therefore, in order to get Xiong Er out, Jiang Qiyu has almost exhausted all his wish points.

"Get back your money! You must get your money back! Otherwise, I will lose a lot."

Jiang Qiyu was holding a pearl and jade abacus, crackling the abacus, and kept thinking about it.

There is no way, there is no "money" in hand, and I panic.

"The "big drama" this time must be sensational enough, otherwise the matter of 36th Heaven and Outer Heaven will be in vain..."

Jiang Qiyu raised his head, looked at Xiong Er in the sky, and kept moving his fingers in the abacus.

While Jiang Qiyu was thinking about it, Big Big Wolf had already quickly explained Wushengtian to Xiong Er.

In addition, he also mentioned by the way that it's not that he can't beat the opponent, it's just that the first real body can't come to Tianxing for the time being, otherwise he can directly die without birth~~


"I see, you all get out of the way, let me solve it, dare to bully my little brother, I, Xiong Er, will not be soft!"

With a wave of Xiong Er's big hand, he actually moved Hui Tailang and others ten thousand meters away, making it impossible for them to resist at all.

After the siege and Li Jing's confinement were gone, Wushengtian got up immediately, but he didn't act rashly, instead he distanced himself from Xiong Er with a vigilant expression.

Because, it felt a long-lost sense of oppression on Xiong Er, and a trace of death...

Afterwards, Wushengtian's figure changed, and while the bloody meander flowed, Wushengtian's appearance changed again, turning into a human form.

His feet were as sharp as swords, his hands turned into claws, and each hand had ten claws. Under the sharp fingertips were hideous small bloody mouths, and his chest was even more chaotic.

Even his head is sharp, showing indestructible hardness and indestructible sharpness.

And this is the "strongest stance" researched by Wu Shengtian, full of weapons, which can obliterate all enemies!

The reason why he is so cautious is because he really can't see through Xiong Er, the aura that the other party inadvertently reveals makes him feel a little bit of fear...

"who are you?"

Wu Shengtian's scarlet eyes flickered slightly, looking at Xiong Er and asked coldly.

Xiong Er patted his stomach, put his hips on his hips and smiled.

"My name is Xiong Er, the second king of Gou Xiong Ling, and Xiao Gangzi is my younger brother!"

"How dare you bully my little brother, you ugly thing, I won't let you go!"

As he said that, Xiong Er clenched his fists, and when the two fists collided, his whole body was wrapped by the surging and rotating digital chain. Accompanied by a pleasant digital sound, the terrifying coercion swept across the world in an instant.

"Super Evolution, Big Thunder Sky Beast Bear!"

In the sound of a thundering bell, Xiong Er's body was covered with mysterious thunder patterns, his fists were also wrapped in gloves made of thunder, and behind him was a cloak that shone with thunder.

I saw him raise his hand and shake it, the sky and the earth shook, and a muffled thunder sounded suddenly.


In an instant, a terrifying thundercloud unfolded, completely turning the sky above the sky into a land of thunder.

"not good!"

"The phagocytosis of all things will devour the thunder!"

Seeing this scene, the old master's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly wanted to remind Xiong Er.

However, before he could open his mouth, Big Big Wolf stopped him. The old master was puzzled and turned his head to look. .

And Big Big Wolf just smiled mysteriously.

"Don't worry, Wushengtian doesn't have the power to devour Xiong Er..."

The old master was taken aback, and looked up.

"Hahaha! Thunder? Swallow it for me!!"

At this time, Wu Shengtian looked at the sky full of joy, overjoyed, waved his big hand, everything in the sky surged, and countless heads opened their bloody mouths, trying to swallow the sky full of thunder.


However, to Wu Shengtian's surprise, instead of being able to devour Thunder, his own All-Chemical Devourer was also smashed into pieces by Thunder.

Moreover, as more and more thunderbolts landed, more heads were blown out, and everything was on the verge of collapsing, and it was about to collapse.

"how can that be?!"

Wu Shengtian's complexion changed drastically, his eyes were gloomy like water, and he could only quickly absorb the magical power of melting everything.

Otherwise, if he is struck down by the thunder again, his strength will also be damaged when everything is devoured and destroyed.

"Why can't Wushengtian's all-things swallow the thunder of Senior Xiong Er? Isn't the God-devouring clan swallowing everything?"

Xuanyuan Zhanxian showed doubts on his face, looking at the oppressive Lei Tingtian, he couldn't help asking.


"Swallow everything? That ugly monster can only make trouble in front of us! My elder brother is the king of numbers! In terms of devouring power, he is much stronger than that ugly monster!"

The Steel Sea Dragon Beast appeared, and smiled disdainfully, its words were full of admiration and admiration for Xiong Er.

"The power of devouring?"

Xuanyuan Zhanxian's eyes flashed, and he looked at Lei Tingtian, not understanding the relationship with the devouring power.


"You can actually devour? Haha! Unfortunately, compared to me, Xiong Er, you are far behind!"

"Today, I will let you know what the real power of devouring is!"

Xiong Er also noticed Wu Shengtian's ability, and couldn't help showing a little surprise.

However, immediately after, Xiong Er grinned, he opened his mouth wide, and after a roar, he suddenly inhaled.

In an instant, a devouring force that split the sky and annihilated the space gushed out from Xiong Er's mouth.

Under this devouring force, the space in front of Xiong Er peeled off and was swallowed into Xiong Er's mouth.

And Wu Shengtian, who is the "central point", even changed his expression, his body was out of control at all, and he flew directly towards Xiong Er.

"Damn it! Stop it for me!!"

Wu Shengtian yelled loudly, stepped on his sharp feet suddenly, penetrated into the space, and used the endless space as a support point to stabilize himself.

sulfone sulfone!

However, Xiong Er's devouring power is too terrifying. Even if the space under Wushengtian's feet is compressed for thousands of miles as a support point, it is still "peeled" layer by layer. Stop flying to "happiness"...

"Hey! You're so ugly, I won't swallow you!"

But when Wu Shengtian was forced to fly in front of Xiong Er, Xiong Er suddenly shut up, grinned, raised his casserole fist, and blasted towards Wu Shengtian.

Wu Shengtian's face changed drastically, and before he could resist, he was hit hard in the face by this punch.

In an instant, the thunder flashed, the atmosphere shattered, Wu Shengtian's head was directly smashed, and Xiong Er's terrifying fist wind spread backwards, shattering everything.

Bang bang bang!

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