Wu Shengtian's body also flew upside down like a cannonball, and even drew sparks in the air.

"Cruel! How cruel! Good fortune Zhong Shenxiu's cruelty!"

Ao Zhu was shocked, but his evaluation was still sharp.

On the other side, before Wu Shengtian had time to repair his head, Xiong Er had already taken advantage of the victory and pursued him.

"Look at my..."

"Fist of Justice!"

Xiong Er grinned, and thunder flashed in his eyes.

I saw him clenching his fist, raising his shoulders, and punching out, a set of movements completed in one go, so smooth and smooth.

Roar! ! !

A violent thunder shot above the fist, and a domineering bear's head condensed. After a thunder roar, the fist fell from the sky like a nuclear bomb, and slammed on Wu Shengtian's body.



Chapter 192 Super-evolved again, one punch...exploded! ; Play big! !


This time, under Xiong Er's punch, Wu Shengtian's whole body exploded, scarlet flesh filled the sky.

However, Wushengtian still did not die. The flesh and blood squirmed all over the sky, extending out countless tentacles, penetrating the space.

Afterwards, the space penetrated by the tentacles withered up.

That's right, wither in name.

The space seems to have been sucked dry of energy, and even shed its dry black skin.

And this is because Wushengtian absorbs the space and all the energy spreading in the air. This kind of energy is very little, but Wushengtian has nothing to do, he must replenish energy.

Even if it was just a drop in the bucket, he couldn't give up, otherwise he would have to be beaten forever.

"Hey, you are so ugly!"

Xiong Er looked disgusted, and even pinched his nose. There was no smell, but he seemed to feel an indescribable smell through his vision.


Wu Shengtian's body gathered together again, his eyes flashed red, and the next moment he rushed out, sharp claws ruthlessly grabbed Xiong Er's chest.


However, no matter how Wu Shengtian attacked, he was perfectly blocked by Xiong Er.

On the contrary, every time Xiong Er attacked, Wu Shengtian's body collapsed directly, and he couldn't bear it at all.

So, the situation is completely one-sided.

All the people watching the battle from a distance were shocked by Xiong Er's strength. You must know that all of them together cannot gain the upper hand, and now Xiong Er alone can crush Wu Shengtian at will.

This gap is like a moat, and it cannot be crossed at all!


Wushengtian once again exploded and revived again. Behind him, branch-like tentacles entangled the sky like spider webs, constantly absorbing the energy of space.

Even so, he was still completely crushed. In this situation, he was so angry that he was out of breath, and even his angry teeth were broken by himself.

"This deity is immortal! It has more lives than stars!"

"You can't kill me!!"

However, although he was beaten up more than a dozen times, Wu Shengtian still refused to admit defeat, because he didn't think that Xiong Er could kill him!

Devouring gods can swallow everything, and devouring creatures can not only gain strength, but also gain life. Every time he swallows a creature, he can gain another life!

And since he was born, he has devoured an unknown number of living beings. Even though he died many times when he was weak, even he himself does not know the exact number of lives that have been accumulated up to now.

So from the beginning to the end, even if he was blown up dozens of times, Wushengtian didn't worry about his death at all.

Because, he is immortal!

However, Xiong Er didn't believe it...

"Not dead?"

"If I let you die, you must die!"

"Release super evolution!"

"Super evolution, the invincible Hercules bear in ten directions!"

The corner of Xiong Er's mouth twitched and his right hand waved, disabling the super-evolution of "Big Thunder Sky Beast Bear", and then super-evolved again, but it was another evolution direction...

"Hahaha! That ugly monster is dead!"

"The invincible Hercules bear in all directions is the strongest evolution form of my big brother! Except for big brother's big brother and strong brother, no one can stop him!"

The steel sea dragon laughed excitedly, the excitement and reverence in its eyes almost overflowing its sockets.

"My king can stop it!"

Big Big Wolf said with a smile when he heard this.

Steel Sea Dragon Beast knew the strength of Big Big Wolf, so it nodded in agreement.

Big Big Wolf smiled in satisfaction, and then looked at Xiong Er, who was once again covered by the digital chain, with deep eyes.

"It's finally over..."

Obviously, Big Big Wolf also thinks the ending is settled!

"It won't let you succeed!"


And Wu Shengtian looked at Xiong Er who was covered by the digital chain, and immediately showed a fierce expression, the tentacles behind him frantically absorbed energy, and above the sharp horns on his head, a terrifying energy gathered.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Shengtian compressed the energy infinitely, and finally shot it out suddenly, intending to kill Xiong Er.

However, Wu Shengtian did not know that the link of "transformation" cannot be interrupted, because this is the rule of every world~~

I saw that the terrifying energy was completely blocked by a big outstretched hand before it bombarded the Digital Chain.

Immediately afterwards, with just a casual grasp of that big hand, the energy that was enough to kill a Huagai God King was directly crushed and exploded.

The terrifying aftermath caused the old master and the others to put up their protective shields.

At this time, with a sudden wave of the big hand, the digital chain dissipated immediately, and Xiong Er's figure appeared again.

At this time, Xiong Er's appearance changed again, the mysterious thunder pattern disappeared, and he put on a black gold battle armor. The cloak fluttered in the wind behind him, and his fists were clenched tightly, as if the world was being held, and he let out a wailing sound.

"Hmph, I hate sneak attackers the most!"

"You, made me angry!"

Xiong Er snorted coldly and looked at Wushengtian very unhappy.

Wu Shengtian's heart rang out, and the small bloody mouth under his hands and ten claws opened, shooting out blood like a laser cannon, covering the sky instantly.

"Xiong Er's Great Justice Fist!"

Xiong Er clenched his fist tightly and blasted out, the sky shook, the huge force caused a storm of level [-], and wiped out all the blood.

And Wu Shengtian was also blown tens of thousands of meters by the terrifying power fist wind, unable to stop at all.

However, in the face of such a situation, Wu Shengtian was not surprised but happy, showing a smile of success,

Then, he quickly turned around, and while staying away from Xiong Er, he looked towards the sea area below him.


Wu Shengtian opened his mouth wide, wanting to take the opportunity to swallow a wave.

Immediately afterwards, the sea surged, forming a sky-reaching "dragon absorbing water", and at the same time, countless sea beasts in the sea were rolled up.

Wu Shengtian grinned grimly, swallowed it all into his mouth, and the aura on his body became stronger again.

However, before Wu Shengtian was happy for two seconds, Xiong Er suddenly appeared, pressed his big hand on Wu Shengtian's face, squeezed it vigorously, and his indestructible head actually shattered.


Wu Shengtian was frightened and furious, he slashed out his two ten claws like blades, but before he touched Xiong Er, he was caught by Xiong Er again and flew away.

Xiong Er looked at Wushengtian who flew upside down, and suddenly appeared under the opponent, an invincible aura that suppressed the world surged, and his eyes were even more radiant.

He raised his head, the fist of his right hand surged with endless power, as if he had compressed the power enough to destroy the world into his fist.

Wushengtian finally changed color, and a panic surged in his heart.

"Holy King!!! You can't..."

"Punch of Justice..."

"Super fuck!"

Xiong Er didn't pay any attention to Wushengtian's roar, and while whispering, his fist blasted out, dragging a terrifying force enough to annihilate the sky to cover Wushengtian.

In an instant, the dazzling light enveloped the world, causing the old master and others to raise their hands to cover their eyes.


In a burst of ear-piercing roar, Wu Shengtian was directly sent to the sky by Xiong Er's fist.

That appearance, as if the body is being pushed up by the rocket, constantly rushing into the sky, no matter how Wu Shengtian struggles, he can't stop.

"Do not!!"

The ultimate power brings the ultimate speed. During the ascension exceeding several times the speed of light, Wushengtian's whole body was ignited with flames that could not be extinguished.

In the light of the fire, Wu Shengtian's body turned into black soot little by little, and finally, at the moment when he rushed out of the sky, he was completely wiped out.


However, Xiong Er's punch was too powerful, annihilating the Empress Wu Shengtian, blasting through the sky in an instant, rushing out of the world, obliterating a large galaxy.

And this means that Xiong Er's punch broke the seal of Tianxing...

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