"Your reason is really casual!"

"No, no, I, Lu Xiaoguo, am not a casual person, but... I am not a casual person!!"

"You're not human at all! No, we're not human either."


On a high green mountain, three jelly creatures looked up at the sky, talking about the major events in their future life.

At this moment, the two stars of heaven and earth merged completely. …………

Chapter 197 Beyond the Speed ​​of Light, Bounce! ; a cabin deep in the forest

In Tianxing, the old master's eyes moved slightly, and Xuanyuan and Zhanxian's expressions changed even more.

"It's such a fusion..."

Xuanyuan Zhanxian said in a deep voice, his divine sense swept across Zhu Xia, only to find that the divine sense that could have completely covered Zhu Xia could no longer touch Zhu Xia's edge at this time.

Just because, the stars of the sky and the stars of the earth...


Moreover, because the earth star is much larger than the sky star, many places of the sky star are embedded in the earth star. .br>

The pattern of Tianxing has been completely disrupted!

"Master, I'll go first!"

"The stars have changed drastically, and I need to control the order."

Xuanyuan Zhanxian cupped his hands and said hastily.

"Go! The two of you should go too. You really need to stabilize the situation now."

The old master nodded, waved his sleeves and said.

The three of Xuanyuan and Zhanxian nodded, and then they tore away.

At this time, there were voices of commotion everywhere in Zhuxia, Shengguo, Yaoyu, and Guiyu. Fortunately, the various forces calmed down in time, so that chaos was avoided.

"Earth Star...is too big!"

At the border of the holy country, Tianya lamented that the two stars of heaven and earth overlapped, and the endless sea of ​​sky stars merged into the endless sea of ​​earth stars.

Therefore, the boundless sea area, at this time, does not know where is the edge.

With Tianya's strength, it may take a lot of time to cross this endless sea.


"Let's go! Brother Tianya, I'll take you to the Qingqing Grassland."

Xin Tailang stepped forward and said to Tianya.

Tianya nodded and smiled slightly.

The two walked hand in hand, stepping thousands of miles, but suddenly they heard a shout behind them.

"Master! Master! Wait for me, your apprentice!"

"You can't just forget me as an apprentice when you have Senior Tianya!"

Hearing the shout behind him, Xin Tailang twitched his lips.

"This bastard!"

"Tian Yu is very young! Speaking of which, I was able to wake up thanks to the help of Tian Yu and Brother Xin."

"Back then I was seriously injured and couldn't wake up. Little Ear took me to escape, and accidentally entered the Temple of War God again. Since then, Little Ear has been healing my wounds for ten thousand years. If it hadn't been for Brother Youxin, you opened the Temple of War God and awakened me , I'm afraid I can only sleep forever..."

"Unfortunately, the little ear has been healing me for too long, and my strength has been exhausted. I don't know when I will wake up."

Tianya touched the Bada beast on his head, with a look of sadness in his eyes.

"It's okay, brother Tianya, there are many strange people and strangers in Qingqing Grassland, there must be a way to wake up your companion. You and I have hit it off, and I, Xintailang, will definitely help you."

Xin Tailang patted Tianya's shoulder and comforted him.

"Thank you!"

Tianya did not refuse, no matter what, he must wake up the little ear, for this reason, he can promise anything, and he will not even ask Xin Tailang about the conditions, whether he has it or not, it doesn't matter.

Because even if there is, no matter what the request is, he will agree!

After all, Little Ear is his only family member, he cannot lose...

"Master, I finally caught up with you."

At this time, a black dragon flapped its wings, and the sky feather on it waved excitedly.

Xintailang shook his head helplessly, then stepped into the air.

"Boy, you can't go with us."

"Eh? Why!"

Hearing this, Tian Yu, who was excited, froze immediately.

Xin Tailang looked at Tian Yu and said, "Because you have another place to go, and there are things that make you grow."

Tian Yu was taken aback, although he really wanted to go to Qingqing Grassland with Xin Tailang, but after hearing what Xin Tailang said, he nodded obediently.

"Then Master, where am I going?"

"Now that the two stars of heaven and earth are merging, I can't find my way!"

Tian Yu scratched his head. He usually had a sedan chair carried by his servants when he traveled, and he basically didn't remember the direction, not to mention that the current structure of Tianxing has long been disrupted, so he can't find his way.

"Don't worry, I have contacted a friend, and it will come to pick you up."

Xin Tailang smiled, then raised his head, "Here we are!"


"I just said it, does it belong to Cao Cao?"

Tian Yu was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look.


The next moment, the space in front of them seemed to be instantly replaced, and a creature the size of two palms suddenly appeared without warning.

During this time, Tian Yu didn't feel the slightest fluctuation in space.

"So fast!"

"And, is this... a squirrel?"

Tian Yu was startled, and after raising his hand to rub his eyes, he was even more shocked, because these two palm-sized creatures were actually a little squirrel.

"Bengbeng is not an ordinary squirrel, it has a speed that light cannot catch, and it is also a good friend of the second king of Gou Xiongling, Xiong Er."

"Bengbeng, please trouble me this time."

Xintailang introduced the identity of the squirrel to Tianyu, then turned his head and said to Bounce.

Bengbeng stood up and grinned, "Hey, Xintailang, you are too polite."

"We are all good friends, but if we take one person to Gou Xiong Ling, we don't even have time to peel a pine nut, so it's not troublesome."

Xin Tailang nodded slightly after hearing this, and then looked at Tian Yu, "Boy, take the red-eyed black dragon away, Bengbeng will take you to Gouxiongling!"

"Gou Xiong Ling? Master, you want me to go to Gou Xiong Ling?"

Tian Yu stared, thinking of the prestige of the second king of Gou Xiong Ling, Xiong Er, he couldn't help swallowing.

"That's right, don't be a mother-in-law, this is a great opportunity, your master and I managed to win it for you."

"Don't ask me anything else, you'll know who to look for and what to do when you arrive."


"No problem, little guy, let's go!"

Bengbeng nodded, put one hand on Tianyu's shoulder, and a gentle force wrapped it around.

Then, before Tianyu could react, he was already in a rapid flight.

Under Bengbeng's carrying, Tianyu felt as if the world had stopped, only Bengbeng and him were still moving.

And before he had a full breath, Bengbeng stopped.

Tian Yu's eyes widened, and his face showed shock, because they had come to a vast and boundless forest at this time.

Looking down, it is endless and vast, the breeze blows, the green leaves move with the wind, and the boundless forest suddenly turns into a rough green sea!

"here is?"

Tian Yu licked his chapped lips and asked blankly.

Bouncing on Tian Yu's head, he said with a smile, "Gou Xiong Ling!"

Tian Yu was in a trance for a while, "Gou Xiong Ling? Is it here?"

"If it wasn't for the fear that your body would not be able to bear it, I would have brought you here a long time ago."

Bengbeng spread his hands, as if arriving at this speed was very common to him, and even far from enough.

"It can be faster..."

Tian Yu was dumbfounded, shocked in his heart.

In less than a breath, he saw the entire endless sea under Bengbeng's carrying, and also passed through the holy country, ghost domain and some unknown areas.

Not to mention adding up, even if it is just an endless sea, it is a distance that an ordinary person cannot reach forever!

And such an immeasurable distance can be reached in one breath under Bengbeng's feet, or even faster!

So scary!Sissssss~~

"Okay, little guy, don't be dazed, I'll show you the person you should meet."

Bengbeng pulled back Tianyu, who was still in a daze, and brought Tianyu to the middle area of ​​Gou Xiong Ridge in an instant.

"Go down."

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