Bengbeng brought Tianyu to the ground, and then pointed him in a direction.

"If you walk in this direction, you will see a hut, and the person in the hut is the person Xintailang wants you to meet."

"Goodbye, I'm going home to eat pine cones!"

After finishing speaking, Bengbeng didn't give Tianyu any time to react, so he jumped up the towering tree and disappeared among the vast trees in an instant.

Tian Yu looked around, but all he could see was a piece of lush trees.

"Who is the person Master asked me to meet?"

"Could it be Senior Xiong Er? Or that Senior Xiong?"

After Baisi couldn't be her sister, Tianyu could only call out the red-eyed black dragon in the end, and flew in the direction pointed by Bengbeng.

After flying for nearly ten minutes, Tian Yu and the real red-eyed black dragon came to a place where the trees were no longer so lush.

Moreover, there is also a path visible below.

"There are car marks? Could it be that there are still people living in Gou Xiong Ridge?"

Tianyu's complexion changed slightly, the car marks on the road below were too obvious, he didn't think Digimon like driving, at least he couldn't imagine the scene of Digimon driving, it must be very ecstasy~

"Xiaohong, go down."

After careful consideration, Tianyu decided that it is better to walk the next road, as flying around is easy to offend people.


Tian Yu retracted the red-eyed black dragon, and walked along the path for more than ten minutes. Finally, the outline of the wooden house appeared in front of his eyes.

Tian Yu was overjoyed and ran away in a hurry.

However, when he got close to the wooden house, Tian Yu was stunned.

"This place... did I find the wrong place?"

Tian Yu scratched his head, showing a trace of bewilderment, all because the cabin in front of him was too shabby.

Would the people his master asked him to meet really live in this kind of place?

Just when Tian Yu was hesitating, he suddenly heard a faint sound of music. After hesitating again and again, he still chose to walk into the wooden house.

But this time, the sound of the music is clear...

"My head is on the sky, my feet are on the ground, and the whole world admires my domineering..."

Following the domineering singing, Tian Yu saw a little bald head who was chopping wood with an axe. …

Chapter 198 Me!firewood? ! ; Bald and strong, Feibo!

Looking at the little bald head, Tian Yu walked over.

"Hi, excuse me, do you know Xin Tai Lang?"

Although the little bald head in front of him was a little ugly, like an ordinary person, Tian Yu was still very polite, waved his hand, and asked softly.

The little bald head raised his head, raised his eyebrows, "Xin Tailang? What's your relationship with him?"

"Xintailang is my master, my name is Green Tianyu."

"It was my master and his old man who asked me to find someone here, but I still don't know who the master asked me to find..."

Tian Yu touched his head and asked hesitantly, "That...excuse that you?"

"If there are no accidents, it should be!"

The little bald head put down the ax in his hand, smiled, and said with some surprise, "It seems that Xintailang attaches great importance to you as an apprentice.".

"Since you're here, let's chop wood!"

"Whenever you can split a piece of firewood, when your master asked you to come to me, the purpose will be achieved."

"By the way, I forgot to introduce, my name is Bald Qiang, you can just call me Brother Qiang."

Bald Qiang picked up the firewood and said without raising his head.

Tian Yu was stunned, he glanced at the firewood and the ax on the ground, and then at Bald Qiang.


"My majestic noble young master, the master of the red-eyed black dragon, the disciple of the wolf core, the savior of Tianya, the ancestor of Tianxing Tianya, you actually asked me to chop firewood?"

Tian Yu blinked and blinked, thinking that he must have had something wrong with his ears and heard wrongly.

Bald Qiang listened to Tian Yu's words, and smiled cheerfully, "Yo, your relationship is quite complicated."

"However, your relationships are useless to me!"

"Don't talk nonsense, take the axe, do you still want to complete your master's explanation?"

The bald man waved his hands forcefully, not paying attention to Tian Yu's relationship at all.

The corner of Tian Yu's mouth twitched, thinking of his master's casserole-sized fist, after hesitating for a moment, he still lowered his body and reached out to pick up the axe.


Not moving!

Tian Yu was stunned, looked at the ax on the ground, and tried again in disbelief.

However, the ax on the ground remained motionless.

"Boy, can you do it?"

Hearing Bald Qiang's voice, Tian Yu couldn't help but blushed, and then held the wooden handle of the ax with both hands, with his feet slightly bent.

"Get up!"

Tian Yu drank violently, forcing his spiritual energy to surge out.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the ax seemed to have grown a root on the ground, completely motionless!

"how can that be?!"

Tianyu was shocked, how could he, a dignified monk in the three realms, not be able to hold an axe? !

"Hey, how did that little fellow Xintailang accept such a weak apprentice like you!"

Bald Qiang shook his head helplessly, and said, "It seems that you have to start with the ax first."

Tian Yu remained silent, although he was a little naive, he was not stupid either.

It's this time, if he still doesn't know that Bald Qiang is a peerless master, then he might as well find a place to bury himself!

Therefore, when Bald Qiang spoke, he didn't dare to refute.


"I want to prove that I can pick up this ax!"

"Senior Bald Qiang, look after you!"

"Little Red!"

With firm eyes, Tian Yu shouted loudly.


A crimson space crack appeared, and the real red-eyed black dragon flew out of it, screaming up to the sky.

"It turned out to be a guardian spirit...but it looks pretty good."

Bald Qiang raised his head, his face calm.

Then, the red-eyed black dragon turned into a crimson streamer, which directly merged into Tian Yu's body, and a pair of pitch-black dragon wings emerged from his body, covered with black dragon armor.


Tian Yu's aura was soaring, he held the handle in one hand, and after angrily shouted, the sound of a dragon's roar erupted on his body, and this time the ax finally broke off the ground.

Seeing this, Tian Yu was delighted, and then pulled out all the stops, holding the ax high.

Looking at a piece of firewood on the ground, Tian Yu let out another shout of support, and dropped the ax suddenly.


As soon as the ax fell, the sound of golden cries continued.

"Not broken?!"

Tian Yu looked at the unscathed firewood that had been struck by the ax blade, and his eyes widened suddenly, with a look of shock on his face.


Suddenly, a huge counter-shock force struck, Tian Yu couldn't defend against it, let go of the wooden handle with five fingers, and flew out directly.


Tian Yu supported the ground with one hand, touched his buttocks with the other, and stood up with a cold hiss.

"Boy, you can't do it."

"The next time you need to be able to pick up an ax with ease and split a piece of firewood."

"Remember, you can't use your ability to protect the spirit, otherwise it will be difficult to train yourself. When you complete the task I gave you, you will also complete the task assigned to you by your master."

"As for me, I have also fulfilled the agreement with the little guy Xintailang."

"At the beginning, I promised him to help him with one thing, but I didn't expect him to give you this opportunity. So, you boy, you have to cherish it!"

Bald Qiang walked to Tian Yu's side, and said lightly.

Tian Yu was touched, he didn't expect his master to value him so much.

I must live up to Master!

Tian Yu looked at Bald Qiang firmly, "I know! Brother Qiang, I will definitely complete the task you gave me!"

Hearing this, Bald Qiang nodded in satisfaction, then waved his hand.

The fusion state of Tian Yu and the true red-eyed black dragon was instantly released.

Tian Yu was startled, "You can easily break the bond between me and the real red-eyed black dragon. You really are a peerless master!"

"You little lizard..."

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