Bald Qiang looked at the red-eyed black dragon who was hiding behind Tianyu and didn't dare to show his head, thought for a while, then turned to look at the wooden house.

"Fat Bo!"

"Fat Bo? Is the name... a pig?"

Tian Yu scratched his head and said something suspicious, but as soon as he turned his head, his face was covered by some kind of animal.


"You brat, I'm not a pig, but a noble Nine Lives Tmall!"

An unpleasant voice came, and the next moment Tian Yu's face was kicked, and the whole person sat on the ground again.

After regaining his sight, Tian Yu finally saw what the blurred face was.

At the foot of Bald Qiang, a fat, fat, smooth-haired blue-gray cat was licking its paws and looking at him with disgust.


His owner was bullied by a cat, and the red-eyed black dragon immediately roared, wanting to avenge Tian Yu.

Fei Bo glanced at the red-eyed black dragon, and his figure flashed, like an arrow flying off the string. Before the red-eyed black dragon could react, Fei Bo had already stood on top of it.

After the real red-eyed black dragon found out, he just wanted to throw it away, when Fei Bo with a calm expression slapped the real red-eyed black dragon on the head.


With a muffled sound, the head of the real red-eyed black dragon was slammed to the ground, dizzy symbols appeared in his eyes, and he passed out directly.


Tian Yu opened his mouth, with a shocked expression on his face, he wanted the red-eyed black dragon not to hurt Fei Bo, but he didn't expect this fat cat to be so powerful that he could slap the real red-eyed black dragon unconscious in the third heaven of the real king.

It's brutal!

"Your little lizard will be handed over to Fei Bo, he will help you train the little lizard, and you will concentrate on chopping wood."

Bald Qiang bent down and touched Feibo's head, then raised his head and said to Tian Yu.

Tian Yu subconsciously stood at attention, and quickly said, "Understood!"

"Just understand, let's go, eat first, Brother Qiang treats you to green onion noodles."

The bald man forced a smile, then walked towards the wooden house.

"Oh yes, thank you Brother Qiang."

Tian Yu was stunned for a moment, and after taking back the fainted red-eyed black dragon, he immediately followed quickly.

With this, Tian Yu's days in Gou Xiong Ling officially began. …

At the same time, after the two stars of heaven and earth merged, creatures everywhere began to move.

Especially some hot-blooded youths and handsome youths have long been yearning for the mysterious earth and stars for a long time.

After hearing the rumors that "true kings are walking everywhere, and there are a lot of god kings", I can't wait to ride my horse and ride away against the wind, wanting to have an adventure...

But not everyone has the relationship with Tianyu, so it is doomed that most of them will be in vain in the end.

However, this does not dispel the enthusiasm of these people, and among the crowd who are keen to wander around, there are also many purposes that are not so pure.

Under the endless sea, there is a secret realm.

In the secret realm, on a plain, there are countless tens of meters, or even hundreds of meters of stone statues standing. From a distance, it seems that gods stop there, shocking and mysterious. …

Chapter 199 Horror Pavilion of Ten Thousand Immortals, born without causing trouble; new member?

Walking closer to the group of stone statues, you can see that there is a black stone seat under each stone statue.

And on the black stone seat, one after another figure sat alone on it...

"Earth Star, I heard that Earth Star has many mythical battlefields, and there must be a lot of remnant souls among them, Jie Jie Jie!"

"Yu Hua, there are countless earth and star powerhouses, you..."

"I have my own measure, Deng Zhong, you care too much!"

"Hmph, I'm worried that you will cause trouble for Wanxian Pavilion. You don't know what will happen to the Hall of Stars!"

"Ridiculous! How can my Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion be comparable to my Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion? If my Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion has not been busy looking for disciples to join, and I don't like to fight, what qualifications are there for the Stars Hall and Dragon God Court to be as famous as my Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion?"

"What's more, now that the world is unsealed and the suppression disappears, and all the immortals in my Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion can be born, who can do anything to my Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion?"

"I don't know the so-called! How can the strength of the earth and stars be so simple? Haven't you seen the power of the second king of Gouxiongling, Xionger? Who in my Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion can withstand it?"

"Deng Zhong, this deity is not a troublemaker! How could he provoke Earth Star? Are you just looking for trouble?"

"It's you who is looking for trouble!"

On the two black stone seats at the back, there were two masked creatures who refused to give in to each other, and the quarrel became louder and louder.

One of them was slender, tall and thin, dressed in a ragged black robe, with a whistling black banner by his hand, and a bronze mask on his face.

The other one was tall and tall, not like a human race. The mask on his face was also indigo, with cinnabar hair, and his huge mouth and fangs were all ferocious. He had a three-meter-long mountain-breaking ax in his hand.

Just as the two of them were talking more and more vigorously, and the more they were fighting, the more angry they were, and they were about to start a dispute, when a light cough sounded at the right time, and immediately made the two of them shut up.

"It's too noisy, you outer disciples are really annoying!"

Under a [-]-meter stone statue in the front, a slender figure wearing a white fox mask and tulle opened his mouth.

She stretched her waist, and Deng Zhong and Deng Zhong were sweating coldly under the endlessly charming posture.

"Ahem, Daji, don't scare them. It's the first day today, but neither the deputy pavilion master nor the pavilion master has arrived yet. Do you know where they are?"

"Xuangui, I don't know about it. I don't have the guts to look for the whereabouts of the pavilion master and deputy pavilion master."

The creature codenamed Daji looked at the black turtle on his right, patted his chest, and smiled softly.

The creature code-named Xuangui seemed to be very old, with a stooped figure and a black turtle mask on his face.

To be honest, whether the mysterious turtle wears a mask or not has little effect, because he is carrying a huge turtle shell behind him, which has obvious characteristics.

Moreover, in the middle of his tortoise shell, it seems that a piece of tortoise shell is missing, which is very strange.

Xuangui, Daji, and others under the [-]-meter stone statue are all high-ranking members of Wanxian Pavilion, known as "Ten Absolute Immortals".

However, there are not only ten immortals here, and the "ten" here is just an imaginary number.

Looking around, there are more than ten [-]-meter stone statues.

In addition to the stone statues that symbolize the deputy pavilion master and the pavilion master, there are [-] stone statues of [-] meters, which means that there are now [-] ten immortals in Wanxian Pavilion.

Apart from them, Deng Zhong, Yu Hua and others are all outer disciples, with a number of nearly a hundred.

As for the other people in Wanxian Pavilion who can't even own stone statues and are not worthy of the seat, they are just ordinary disciples, called non-staff members, cannon fodder level.

It can be said that the specification of the Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion is completely superior to that of the Dragon God Court and the Hall of Stars.

If an outsider finds out about it, they will be shocked and speechless. No one would have thought that a mere "heterogeneous cult" would have such terrifying power.

Otherwise, not to mention Zhuxia, even the forces far away from Zhuxia, such as the Holy Kingdom, Yaoyu, and Huangyu, will only have trouble sleeping and eating!

And this, the cause is actually related to Jiang Qiyu~~

The inheritance he released back then was not limited to the ancestral talisman and the top ten warriors. In the Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion, it was obvious that many people had inherited the inheritance left by Jiang Qiyu.

However, when the inheritance was left, Jiang Qiyu never expected that someone would be able to gather a group of inheritors together and form such a powerful force.

Coincidentally, this organization also happens to be Wanxian Pavilion, one of the "Heterogeneous Cults" officially recognized by Zhuxia...

"Xuangui, have you found the dragon scale you lost?"

At this time, a creature opposite Xuangui spoke. The other person was wearing a blue robe, his mask was like a sea, and between his brows was a shining blue silver grass rune. His code name was Blue Silver King, and he was one of the ten immortals.

"Ahem, dragon scale..."

"I probably can't find it!"

Xuan Gui sighed and shook his head.

"Don't worry, the deputy pavilion master went to inquire for you, there should be news."

The Blue Silver King waved his hand and said.

And just after the Blue Silver King finished speaking, ear-piercing screams came from the sky.


"The deputy cabinet master is here."

Everyone looked at the sky together, and after seeing the crows in the sky, they immediately realized that the deputy pavilion master had arrived.

After a while, those crows landed under the stone statue in the middle and gathered into a black-feathered man.

This person is the Deputy Pavilion Master of Wanxian Pavilion, Taoist Black Crow!

"Vice Pavilion Master!"

Seeing the Black Crow Taoist, Lan Yinwang and others all got up to greet him.

Taoist Black Crow nodded slightly, and then said, "Sit down, the pavilion master won't come, and I will still preside over this meeting."

When everyone heard this, they didn't show any surprise, because generally speaking, their pavilion masters were always indifferent, so they were not surprised that they didn't come this time.

"Ahem, Deputy Pavilion Master, do you know if there is any whereabouts of the old dragon scale?"

Xuangui looked at Taoist Heiya, coughed twice habitually, and asked.

Others also looked over. Although Xuan Gui was the latest to join the Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion, the other party directly became one of the ten thousand immortals of the Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion by virtue of the terrifying strength of the True King Six Heavens.

As far as they know, the mysterious turtle is a stone turtle, which has existed for tens of thousands of years, even dating back to the time when the land of the gods and wilds still existed.

If it wasn't enlightened by their deputy cabinet master, I'm afraid it will always be just a stone turtle that can't move.

It is precisely because the mysterious turtle has existed for too long and is too extraordinary, so once he was enlightened by Taoist Black Crow, he was born as a terrifying existence of the sixth heaven of the real king!

Even, if the black turtle hadn't lost the dragon scales on its back, its power after attunement would be even more terrifying!

Therefore, since Xuangui was enlightened, he has been looking for his own dragon scales, and Taoist Heiya is also helping to find out.

After all, if they can find the dragon scales and improve the strength of the black turtle, then they will have one more powerful person in Wanxian Pavilion!


Taoist Black Crow sat on the black stone seat, leaning against the back of the chair, looked behind the black turtle, and nodded slightly.

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