Xuan Gui was overjoyed, and asked quickly, "Where is it?"

Taoist Hei Ya was silent for a moment before speaking again, "Wolf King, Big Big Wolf!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was silent.

"Wolf king? Is that the wolf king who can easily stun Little Red Riding Hood, the king of Huagai?"

Three seconds later, noisy voices sounded from the various black stone seats, and the voices of these people were all shocked and fearful.

Although Wanxian Pavilion is not born and does not cause trouble, it can still connect to the Internet. After watching Brother Shen's live broadcast, he naturally knows the horror of the wolf king, Big Big Wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood, who subdued the real king Seventh Heaven with a wave of his hand, once fought against Wushengtian who almost swallowed the sky star, and even beat him to pieces many times. Such a strong person is no longer a terrifying one that can be described, at least it is Siss... [-] blows!

Xuan Gui also fell silent, and finally sighed helplessly, "It seems that I can't get this dragon scale back."

"Not necessarily."


Everyone was surprised and looked at the black crow who spoke.

Taoist Black Crow said, "Although the emerald dragon scales were taken away by the wolf king, they are not in the hands of the wolf king at present."

"Not in the hands of the wolf king! Where is it?" ap.

Xuan Gui spoke quickly, and regained hope in his heart.

"Happy sheep!"

Taoist Heiya said a name, and then spoke again, "The emerald dragon scales, the wolf king temporarily lent Pleasant Goat, and Pleasant Goat has returned to Yangcun in Qingqing Grassland."

"According to the investigation, Pleasant Goat True King First Heaven, the Light and Shadow Armor is the Wind Eagle Armor, and the Five Elements belong to Wood. After summoning the armor, it should be the True King Fourth Heaven."

"However, there is a village head in the Guangyingyang Village, named Slow Yangyang, the fifth heaven of the real king, and the name of the armor is Thunder Yatales. After summoning the armor, he is close to the sixth heaven of the real king... But whether it is accurate or not, it is not yet certain .”

"Xuangui, if you want to get back the emerald dragon scales, you don't want you to use strong methods. My Wanxian Pavilion inherits the teachings, and I don't cause trouble when I am born. Before I gather Wanxian, I don't want Wanxian Pavilion to provoke an enemy. .”

"Whether it's Yangcun or the wolf king, we can't mess with it. Needless to say, the wolf king, if Yangcun can compete with the wolf clan, there must be a stronger force behind it."

"If you can't do something, don't force it!"

Taoist Heiya looked at Xuan Gui, and knew that the other party would definitely not give up the jade dragon scale easily, so he reminded in a deep voice.

Xuangui nodded, "Don't worry, the deputy pavilion master, I understand clearly."

Taoist Black Crow nodded, and then looked at the crowd.

"Unblocking the world, all the power of my Wanxian Pavilion can be born."

"However, my Wanxian Pavilion adheres to the principle of not causing trouble when you are born. Before the Wanxian gathers, you must not make enemies and bring disasters to my Wanxian Pavilion."

"Therefore, this vice cabinet hereby reminds everyone, don't use the name of Wanxian Pavilion to misbehave and stir up trouble!"

"Otherwise, the immortals will chase after you!"

After the last sentence, a terrifying aura erupted from Taoist Black Crow, making everyone's breathing stagnate.

Fortunately, the coercion came and went quickly, Taoist Black Crow withdrew his momentum, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"We would like to follow the teaching of the deputy cabinet master!"

Immediately afterwards, everyone expressed their opinions immediately, with the same words.

Taoist Hei Ya nodded, and then smiled slightly, "Okay, there is no need to be too polite, as long as you don't violate the rules of Wanxian Pavilion, everyone is family."

"This time ***, besides talking about this incident, I also want to introduce a new family member to you."

Black Crow got up and looked into the distance.

"Bubble, come in!"

Everyone also turned their heads, and saw a red carp swimming from the void. The carp's upper body was bright red, its scales were like rubies, and its abdomen was covered with golden scales. The gold shone, dazzling and gorgeous.

"Hi everyone, I'm Bubble!"…

Chapter 200 Blue Silver King's Maliciousness: My Heart Is Unbreakable!

"Hello everyone!"

Pao Pao swam to the side of Taoist Hei Ya, looked at the crowd, and waved his hands enthusiastically to greet them.

Afterwards, everyone nodded slightly in response to Bubbles.

"Vice Pavilion Master, this little brother, I don't know who to take?"

"Since the deputy pavilion master specially brought him here, little brother Bubble is definitely not just an outside disciple, but I don't know if it is an outside disciple or..."

Lan Yinwang raised his head, his tone was flat, and after looking at Bubble who seemed to be curious about everything, he asked Taoist Hei Ya with a smile.

Taoist Black Crow smiled and said directly, "Ten Absolute Immortals!"


When this statement came out, everyone was shocked.


Xuangui looked at Bubble in surprise, his gaze changed slightly.

"Ah, I didn't expect this little fish to be so valued by the deputy pavilion master!"

Daji smiled lightly, twisted her charming figure slightly, and stared at Bubble tightly with her eyes.

"Hmph, Deputy Pavilion Master, Xuan Gui is a top ten immortal, and we all agree, because its strength lies in that!"

"But this little brother's strength is probably not enough to win the position of Ten Absolute Immortals right away?"

Blue Silver King's smile disappeared in an instant, his voice was slightly displeased, and he obviously had some objections to the arrangement of the Black Crow Taoist.

"You don't agree?"

Taoist Heiya looked around at the crowd and said calmly.

"I don't agree!"

"Deputy Pavilion Master, this little loach is no more than the real king of the fourth heaven, a mere kid who follows the law of condensing lotus, how can he have the qualifications to be the top ten immortals?"

"My Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion is not a trash sect like the Hall of Stars. Not everyone can become a Ten Absolute Immortal!"

Just as Taoist Black Crow finished speaking, the green-faced and fang-toothed Deng Zhong suddenly stood up, his voice was like a tiger roaring, deafening.

He stared at Bubble, eyes full of dissatisfaction.

He has been in Wanxian Pavilion for nearly ten thousand years, but he has only become an outer disciple from a non-staff disciple, but now a small carp wants to jump directly into the dragon gate and become the top ten immortals above the outer disciples , how can he bear it? !

"Hi! My name is Pao Pao, a carp, not a loach!"

Listening to what Deng Zhong called him, Pao Pao put his hands on his hips and corrected him.

"I don't care what your name is! Fight me!"

Deng Zhong's eyes were wide open, and a blood-iron aura surged. He raised his hand and made a move, and the three-meter-long giant ax flew towards him and held it in his hand.

"Ahhh! Look at the axe!"

Deng Zhong suddenly exploded, which surprised many people present.

Lanyin Wang looked at Bubble with deep eyes, with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Daji, who was on the opposite seat, looked at the Blue Silver King thoughtfully, and lightly tapped the handle of the black stone seat with her slender fingers.

According to what she knew, Deng Zhong should be close to the Blue Silver King...

"Ahem, that's too presumptuous!"

Xuan Gui's tone was a little unswerving, for some reason, when it saw Bubble for the first time, it had a good impression of Bubble.

Seeing Deng Zhong attacking Pao Pao arrogantly and unreasonably now, he couldn't help but feel unhappy.

Just as he was about to stop Deng Zhong, Taoist Heiya, who had been silent all the time, was one step ahead of him.

"Deng Zhong, you passed!"

Taoist Heiya waved his hand, and countless black feathers flew out, covering the sky, like a roaring black tsunami, blasting Deng Zhong into the air, and after landing on the ground, blood bleed out of his mouth continuously.

"I also ask the deputy cabinet master to show mercy, Deng Zhong was only momentarily confused!"

Seeing that Taoist Black Crow still wanted to make a move, the Blue Silver King's gaze changed slightly, and he said aloud.

Taoist Black Crow looked at Lanyin King, and stared at him silently, until a few seconds passed before he looked back and nodded slightly.

"Since the Blue Silver King begged for mercy, I will not do anything."

"However, Deng Zhong, please remember, it is not up to you, a mere outer disciple, to dictate the arrangement of this Dao!"

Deng Zhong quickly knelt down and bowed his head, and said in a panic, "Yes, I know, it's because I'm confused!"

Lan Yinwang's eyes moved slightly, his fists under his long sleeves were clenched and loosened, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

On the other side, the Black Crow Taoist turned his gaze away from Deng Zhong, and then looked at the group of ten immortals.

"Whether Bubbles can be the top ten immortals, you will know if you try it, who will come?"

Taoist Hei Ya knew that even if he forcibly suppressed everyone and made Pao Pao the Ten Supreme Immortals, everyone in the pavilion would be dissatisfied.

Therefore, instead of forcing it, it is better to let Bubble show its strength directly, so that everyone will be convinced, and unnecessary disputes will be avoided.

And Taoist Black Crow did something to Deng Zhong because the other party didn't know his superiority and acted recklessly in front of him, so he acted to teach him a lesson.

At the same time, it is also to warn some people, after all, some people have been peeping at his position for a long time...

After the Taoist Hei Crow finished speaking, he looked directly at the Blue Silver King and asked him a question.

"I wonder if the Blue Silver King is interested in this?"

The face under the Blue Silver King's mask was slightly cold, but then he smiled heartily.

"Okay! Then let me try Little Brother Bubble."

"Brother Bubble, as long as you can take three moves from me, you will pass the test with me, okay?"

The Lanyin King looked at Bubble, and asked with a smile that seemed approachable.

Bubble glanced at Taoist Heiya, and nodded after seeing the other person's eyes.

"Okay! Come on!"

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