Hearing the words, the Lanyin King didn't get up, it was obvious that he was going to sit down and face the battle, and his arrogance and conceit were all evident.

"Make a move!"

Lan Yinwang raised his hand, graciously letting Bubble make the first move.

Bubble wasn't too polite, and with a wave of his hands, a tsunami was set off, rushing towards the Blue Silver King like a water dragon.

"It's so ordinary."

The Lanyin King shook his head, waved his right hand lightly, and the tsunami dissipated into the air. He looked at Bubble with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

It seemed that his worries were unnecessary.

Such a weak existence can't pose any threat at all, and it can't give Taoist Heiya much help!

I really don't know how Taoist Black Crow chose this little loach...

"It's my turn!"

There was a trace of blue light in the eyes of the Blue Silver King, and when he raised his head, the blue silver grass rune on the mask shimmered, and in the palm of his hand, a sea blue light emerged.

"Blue-silver entanglement!"

The Lanyin King slapped out with a palm, and in an instant, countless bluesilver grasses surged, turning into thick vines and rising from the ground, surrounding Bubbles, and stabbing downwards with sharp tips like sharp swords. go.

"Just to teach you a lesson, the position of the Ten Absolute Immortals is not something that a guy like you can touch..."

There was a trace of coldness in Lanyin King's eyes, and he showed no mercy in his strikes.

The others were silent, looking at the Blue Silver King's attack, they all showed a touch of inexplicable color.

"The Blue Silver King is really stingy as always, he treats others so cruelly without saying a word!"

Daji glanced at the Blue Silver King in distaste, she really didn't know why there was such a stingy guy among the Ten Absolute Immortals.


"However, I'm afraid this little guy will suffer..."

Then, Daji looked at Pao Pao again, mourning for Pao Pao in her heart, who made the other party lack of strength and got involved in the battle between the Deputy Pavilion Master and the Blue Silver King...

However, Xuangui on her right didn't think so.

At this time, he finally figured out why he felt close to a little carp he had never met before.

"The breath of the dragon scale..."

Xuan Gui's eyes were deep, staring closely at Bubble being chased by Lan Yincao, knowing that the other party would definitely not be so simple.

Sure enough, Bubble, who was swimming in the void and wanted to get rid of the blue silver grass, suddenly stopped, and a golden scale in the middle of his forehead glowed with golden light.

"My heart is like iron, indestructible!"

While Bubble was whispering, a dragon chant sounded.

In an instant, a five-clawed golden dragon made of golden light gushed out from its scales, and with a flick of its tail, the mighty blue silver grass was wiped out in an instant.

The golden dragon was fierce, and roared towards the Blue Silver King.

Lan Yinwang's complexion changed slightly, he didn't expect Bubble to burst out with such strength, he quickly raised his hand and slapped it out.

However, although this hasty palm killed the golden dragon, it also made the Blue Silver King let out a muffled groan, and even shook his arm, almost breaking it.

"It really is a dragon scale!"

Xuangui tightly held the handle of the black stone seat with both hands, staring closely at the golden dragon scales on Bubble's head, greatly surprised.


The other ten immortals were also surprised, and Daji smiled directly. Although no one could see her face under the mask, her smiling eyes fully showed her expression at this time.


The Blue Silver King was different, his face under the mask was as gloomy as water, and when he glanced at the shattered sleeves, the feeling of humiliation rose instantly.

But just when he was about to make another move to avenge his revenge, Taoist Hei Ya spoke up.

"Okay, stop it!"

"You have also seen the strength of Bubble, it is enough to become the No. 18 Ten Absolute Immortals."

"Blue Silver King, you have enough time!"

The Black Crow Taoist looked at the Blue Silver King and sounded a reminder. …

Chapter 201 Change the place to do business... business! ;Fruit Journey West

The fist under Lan Yinwang's sleeve was tightly clenched, and then slowly loosened after a while.

"Okay, little brother Bubble's strength is indeed extraordinary, and it is naturally possible to become the No. 18 Ten Absolute Immortal. This deity has no objection."

After finishing speaking, Lanyin Wang still did not forget to cast a friendly look at Bubble, it could be said that he could change his face faster than turning the pages of a book.

However, the Blue Silver King's overtures were directly ignored by Pao Pao.

Although it couldn't see the Blue Silver King's face, it could clearly feel the other party's malice. With a simple mind, it immediately knew that the other party must not be a good person, so naturally it wouldn't give the other party a good face.

But without getting a response from Bubble, the face under the mask of the Blue Silver King became gloomy again, and at the same time, he wrote another note to Bubble in his heart.

Afterwards, he closed his eyes and rested his mind, as if the wind was calm and calm, with an extraordinary bearing.

"what about you?"

Seeing that the Blue Silver King hadn't moved, Taoist Hei Ya asked the others again.

The outer disciples naturally didn't dare to make a sound, but Shijuexian nodded one by one without any objection.

Seeing this, Taoist Hei Ya smiled with satisfaction.

"Okay, from now on, Pao Pao will be the No. 18 Ten Absolute Immortal of Wanxian Pavilion!"

As soon as the words fell, Taoist Hei Ya raised his hand and made a move. Suddenly, the ground shook, and a [-]-meter stone statue burst out of the ground. The shape of the stone statue was exactly that of Bubble.

Seeing this, Bubble immediately swam to the black stone seat under the stone statue.

Taoist Black Crow nodded slightly, feeling very satisfied in his heart.

He met Bubble by accident when he was looking for the whereabouts of the emerald dragon scale. At that time, Bubble was looking for his friend. After seeing the other party's strength by accident, Taoist Hei Ya came up with the idea of ​​inviting him to join Wanxian Pavilion.

The condition of the invitation is also very simple, that is, to help him find friends.

He secretly observed Pao Pao all the way for nearly half a month, and he clearly knew that the other party's friends were very important to him, so using this reason to invite him to join the Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion was naturally a sure thing.

Next, you only need to help Pao Pao find those good friends, then you can deepen Pao Pao's bond with Wanxian Pavilion, and maybe you can get several disciples with extraordinary strength.

"Ten Thousand Immortals, Ten Thousand Immortals, getting closer..."

Black Crow sighed in his heart, full of expectations for the future of Wanxian Pavilion "Ten Thousand Immortals Coming to Dynasty".

Afterwards, Taoist Hei Ya told Pao Pao about the rules of Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion, and then explained how everyone helped Pao Pao find a companion.

At the same time, he did not forget to remind everyone that the daily tasks of Wanxian Pavilion must continue.

The so-called daily tasks are to find and recruit people, find people who meet the requirements of Wanxian Pavilion, and recruit them into Wanxian Pavilion.

And because of the fusion of the two stars of heaven and earth, their recruitment scope has expanded a lot now.

Taoist Heiya is going to let them go to Qingqing Grassland, Zhenhun Street and other places to recruit people. Except for Gou Xiong Ling, they are not allowed to go to other places on Earth Star!

After explaining these things, Taoist Black Crow let everyone leave on their own, and he left with Bubble, preparing to accompany it to find friends.

The direction they went was to the north, which was the land of thousands of races on the earth star. After the two stars of heaven and earth merged, the power of the earth star was still dominant there.

Going there because according to Bubbles, those friends of his are probably there.

In addition to helping Pao Pao find friends, Taoist Hei Ya also happened to want to investigate the most chaotic Land of Ten Thousand Races, and prepare for recruiting disciples there...

When Wanxian Pavilion was dispatched to "recruit people", our pig-footed Jiang Qiyu had already arrived in another galaxy.

Tianxu Galaxy, Great Sky Empire—

Jiang Qiyu was dressed in a brocade white robe, sitting high on the top floor of the Jiuxing Pavilion in Shendu.

Overlooking the sky and the earth, the starry sky is bright.

"As expected of a power at the level of the overlord of the galaxy, a loft can put people in the galaxy, and Shenhuang is still far behind..."

Jiang Qiyu kowtowed the melon seeds, thinking slowly in her heart.

The Shenhuang in his mouth is the two stars of heaven and earth. After all, now that the two stars of heaven and earth have merged, the name will naturally change.

After a while, the name Shenhuang will replace the two stars of heaven and earth.

After Jiang Qiyu created all the earth and star characters, his body came to the Great Heaven Empire in Tianxu Galaxy.

After a few days of wandering around, he also basically understood the situation of the Great Heaven Empire.

In the world of thousands of stars, the central world is the Great Heaven Realm, which is the world where Jiang Qiyu is now.

There are 88 prefectures in the Nine Capitals in the Great Heaven Realm, and Jiang Qiyu's god capital is one of the Nine Capitals, which is the foundation of the Great Heaven Empire.

In the capital of the gods, apart from the Datian Empire that rules everything, there are many powerful forces mixed with fish and dragons, and there are children from aristocratic families and disciples of sects everywhere, and no one is easy to mess with.

The Datian Empire followed the way of mechas, and everyone can control mechas.

Mechas are divided into lower, middle and upper ranks from low to high. Above the third rank is king-rank mechs, and king-rank mechas are divided into three ranks. Xuanwang armor, Tianwang armor, and Shenwang armor. The strongest God-king armor has With the power of the Huagai God King!

On top of the Divine King Armor, there is another type of mecha called the Divine Mecha. The "Tiangen God of War Armor" owned by Marshal Dou Yan of the Datian Empire is one of the divine mechas.

Looking at the entire Tianxu galaxy, the divine mechs are very rare, but there are only five sets in total.

Dou Yan is the only one known to have a divine mecha, as well as the current ruler of the Datian Empire and Xing Lao, the teacher of three generations of emperors.

It is precisely because the three people with divine mechas are all members of the Great Heaven Empire that the Great Heaven Empire has crushing and absolute dominance over the Tianxu Galaxy.

Therefore, although the Great Heaven Empire has many forces, they are all dominated by the Great Heaven Empire.

The current Datian Empire is completely in its heyday.

Especially 3 years ago, after Dou Yan, the Lord of the Great Heaven Empire, and Xing Lao witnessed the creation of the world by a terrifying existence, they felt a lot. The power of the Heavenly Empire has once again increased.

The galaxies adjacent to Tianxu galaxies are all in awe of it and dare not make trouble...

"I didn't expect that the inner female dry dragon has this ability!"

Jiang Qiyu raised her brows slightly, she didn't expect Sky Dragon's act of creating a world to make Tianxu Galaxy even more prosperous.

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