However, this is exactly the case, so even after 3 years have passed, Dou Yan and others still respect the sky dragon and dare not approach it.

"Speaking of the inner female dragon, I really should find a time to let it out for a couple of laps, as well as the thousand-year artifact..."

Jiang Qiyu was holding a teacup, and the new plan had already been "built" in her heart.

There are still a few months before the start of the mythical arena, so there is no rush for now.

And the two stars of heaven and earth have already been arranged.

The fusion of the two stars of heaven and earth is so big that it will take at least a year for the real king to visit all places, and it is just the kind of passing by in an instant. If he wants to really visit all places, There is no need to think about it for a few years.

Unless you have at least reached the realm of the king of gods, you can use one thought to view the world every time you go to a place, and "recite" dozens of times, and the two stars of the world will be seen.

However, Jiang Qiyu believed that 99.9% of the people probably would not dare to do so. It would be an act of disrespect if they were swept away by their spiritual sense.

Therefore, using divine consciousness to sweep the world is a very dangerous thing, especially after the fusion of the two stars of heaven and earth, it is even more dangerous. Unless you have absolute strength, whoever tries will belch ass~~

All in all, there is nothing wrong with the two stars of heaven and earth, and Jiang Qiyu also needs to give the people of Tianxing some time to slow down for the time being, and can't continue to make troubles, lest they take too long to get involved!

But Jiang Qiyu couldn't just sit idle, her wish power was almost bottoming out, and she was always uneasy.

Therefore, he is going to change places to do things.

It is even more obvious that the Datian Empire was chosen by luck!

The Datian Empire is so big, the stage is enough!

And when he was thinking about what surprises he should give to the Great Heaven Empire, a stream of light shot out from the two stars of heaven and earth, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a fruit warship.

As for why a "fruit" is added in front of the battleship, it is all because the battleship is the color of an orange, the propeller of a pineapple, and the battleship head of a green apple.

And in this battleship, it was actually three jellies sitting in the command room, driving the battleship straight to the Milky Way.

"Tianxu Xinghe, I, Pineapple Blowing Snow... are here!"

In the middle driver's seat, a round, pineapple-yellow Guobao man flicked its flowing purple bangs and grinned narcissistically.

Suck ~ Suck ~

"Pineapple Fubuki, and us!"

"I, Lu Xiaoguo, are here too!"

The thick-browed and big-eyed fruit-green fruit man sitting on the right sucked his own transparent jelly juice (snot), and said with a somewhat unintelligent expression.


The last orange jelly sighed and looked at the two with her bright eyes.

"You guys, do you know the way to Tianxu Xinghe?"

In a word, it seemed as if pineapple blowing snow and Lu Xiaoguo's throats were pinched, and even the rushing fruit battleship suddenly braked in the starry sky, and a burst of sudden braking almost sparked a spark for Xinghe.

Lu Xiaoguo turned her head blankly, and said honestly, "No!"

Pineapple Fuxue showed some embarrassment. After all, he was the one who proposed the travel plan, but he forgot to plan the route to Tianxu Xinghe...

However, Pineapple Fuxue has maintained her face for ten years, and her face has long been unbreakable. After turning her two big eyes around twice, she seemed to think of some reason, then she smiled and opened her mouth.

"Ahem, of course I know, but after sleeping last night, if I didn't pay attention, my head automatically cleared up."

"Automatic cleaning?"

"That's right, I have limited brain space, so I need to regularly clean up unimportant junk information, ahem, I named this the memory of fish!"

Pineapple Fuxue became more confident as she spoke, and her expression became more confident.

However, when he saw the look in Orange Jelly's eyes, he immediately frowned and said, "Why? Don't you believe Orange Liuxiang?"

"I believe you ghost! The memory of a fish? I'm still a donkey!"

"Hey, luckily I went to Baixiao Pavilion to buy a map before I set off, otherwise we really can only be fish in this starry sky!"

With that said, Cheng Liuxiang took out a fruit USB drive and inserted it into the operating table.

Immediately, an extremely clear 3D image appeared on the screen.

"Not bad, not bad, I have a bit of charm!"

Pineapple Fuixue praised a few words without blushing at all, causing Cheng Liuxiang to roll her eyes.

"set off!"

"Destination, Tianxu Galaxy, Great Heaven Empire!"

Pineapple Fuxue no longer played tricks, looked at the endless galaxy in front of him, pushed the lever, and the fruit battleship moved forward rapidly like a wormhole.

At their speed, they can arrive in about three or four days.

A "Fruit Journey to the West" kicked off.

At the same time, the "big drama" in the Great Heaven Empire is also gradually unfolding. ………

Chapter 202 Frightened Star Bandit, Shadow Assassin? !


The jade cups are singing, and the toasts are intertwined. Today's gods are extremely lively.

Just because today is the "Tian Ge Hui" held every three years in Shendu.

The so-called Tian Ge Conference is a "mecha exchange conference" held by the major forces in the capital of God. The conference only exchanges and displays, and no use of force is allowed.

The conference was presided over by officials sent by the Great Heaven Empire, and the major forces arranged and participated in it, with authority that could not be challenged.

At the conference, the major families can display various new types of mechs, which will be graded by imperial officials. Those who rank higher will be rewarded by the empire, and there will also be rewards of various titles.

In addition, this is also the means by which the major forces in the capital allocate resources. The Son of Heaven cannot use force at his feet, so the display of mechas has become the most official way of resource allocation.

After the start of the conference, the Imperial Golden God Guards will spread all over the city of God. If anyone who uses force during the conference is found, they will be arrested or even killed on the spot.

All in all, Tian Ge will be very important, and naturally it will be very grand.

Therefore, before the official announcement of the start of the conference, the city of Gods was already in full swing, with the sound of drums and music.

Everyone had smiles on their faces, waiting for the start of the event.

Giant screens are hung high in various places, and the grand occasion of the Tian Ge Club will be displayed on the screens as soon as the conference starts.

It is human nature to join in the fun, so even if you are born into a commoner family, you still look forward to the Tiange Club.

But when everyone was smiling and ready to welcome the start of the Tian Ge meeting, a very out-of-group person mixed in with the crowd.

This is a middle-aged man with a pale face, his eyes are like eagle eyes, but there is a hint of shock in his sharpness.

He looked around, as if he was looking for someone, but after finding nothing, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Where did that guy come from?"

The eyes of the middle-aged man flickered, as if recalling something, he trembled all over, and then hurriedly ran towards a martial arts gym.

The name of the martial arts gym is "Tian Qi", and it is one of the three major martial arts halls in the Divine City. Its curator, Tian Hong, is known as the King of Thunder, and he is a canopy god king, and he is also a well-known existence in the entire Divine City.

The middle-aged man went straight to the martial arts hall. When he was blocked, he showed a black gold token. Not only was no one to stop him, but they even showed respect and led him all the way to the main attic of the Tianqi martial arts hall.

"Senior, the owner is inside, I'll leave first."


Seeing the martial arts disciples leave, the middle-aged man knocked on the door immediately.


Then, a deep voice came out.

The middle-aged man opened the door and walked in immediately.

"You Xu!"

"How did you come to God?"

In the house, a tall man sitting in the innermost seat looked up, and his face sank when he saw the middle-aged man.

Then, he got up quickly, came to the door, looked outside the door cautiously, and immediately closed the door tightly.

"Brother, don't worry, no one will follow."

Seeing this, the middle-aged man said quickly.

"You are hurt?"

The tall man is the owner of the Tianqi Martial Arts Gym, Lei Wang Tianhong.

He looked at the pale-faced middle-aged man with a slightly gloomy expression.


"Brother, something happened to me!"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said in shock.

Tianhong frowned, waved his big hand, and after covering the house with a barrier, he helped the middle-aged man to sit on the seat.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man immediately started talking, Tianhong listened quietly, his complexion gradually darkened...

The middle-aged man's name is He Xiaoyun. If anyone hears this name, they will definitely be shocked.

Because He Xiaoyun is called the Poison King, but he is a starry sky bandit full of evil, burning, killing, looting, and doing everything!

However, what the world doesn't know is that He Xiaoyun has another name.

Tianyou Xu!

And this name is his real name.

In addition to being a bandit in the starry sky, he is also Tian Bang's younger brother!

If this relationship is known to outsiders, I am afraid that the whole god will be shocked.

One is a starry sky bandit who is full of crimes, commits all kinds of evil, and is spurned by everyone, and the other is the famous and beloved owner of Tianqi Martial Arts Gym.

The fact that two people who couldn't match each other are actually brothers, this is even more shocking when a nuclear bomb is dropped.

But the fact is that Tianbang knows and supports Tianyouxu as a bandit in the starry sky.

Because he needs Tian Youxu to be a bandit in the starry sky to plunder resources, and Tian Youxu also needs him to provide him with cover.

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