To sum it up in one sentence, it is the trend of interests!

Tianyouxu has been a bandit in the starry sky for more than 300 years. With his own strength and the cover of his brother Tianhong, he has plundered many worlds and gained the notoriety of the poison king.

For more than 300 years, Tianyou Xu has never been caught by the army of the Datian Empire. He has been unrestrained until now, but he stumbled a few days ago.

A few days ago, a guy who called himself Shadow Assassin approached him, claiming to take his head.

He didn't care at first, but he didn't expect the opponent's strength to be terrifying, instantly strangled all his subordinates and severely injured him. .

Tianyouxu paid a huge price and detonated dozens of treasures before escaping.

But the shadow assassin seemed to have a dog's nose, he could find him no matter what, and chased him down for several days.

Just yesterday, after Tianyouxu got rid of the pursuit for a short time, he immediately ran to Shendu, hoping to get Tianhong's blessing...

Tianhong's face was gloomy, and after thinking for a moment, he said to Tianyouxu.

"Today is the day for the Tiange meeting. You change your face. After the Tiange meeting starts, I will take you to the meeting venue and you hide."

"At that time, even if the other party finds you, they will never dare to use force at the Tiange meeting. After the Tiange meeting is over, I will help you deal with that shadow assassin."

"However, during this period of time, you must not reveal your identity, otherwise you and I will have no way out!"

"Do you understand?"

Tianhong looked at Tianyouxu, and warned in a deep voice.

"Yes, I understand!"

After Tianyouxu heard the words "Tiangehui", he couldn't help showing joy. It can be seen that after Tianhong warned himself, he nodded quickly in response, not daring to hesitate a bit.

Tianyouxu was in awe of Tianhong's elder brother since he was a child.

Tianhong nodded, "Get ready, there is still an hour before the Tiange meeting will start, we need to go there early."

"it is good!"

"It's started, it's started! The Tian Ge Club has finally started!"

An hour later, the gods are boiling.

Everyone in Shendu set their eyes on the nearby big screen.

On the screen, starships shuttle, countless mecha armies soar across the galaxy, a cannon blasts out, and stars fall...

After a series of shocking opening videos, the scene of the Tian Ge Club was finally shown on the screen.


Among the crowd, a young man with light green hair looked up and saw the picture on the screen. The green pupils of the jewels shone slightly, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Then, the young man took a step forward and walked in one direction.

That's where the Tiange Club is held, the central square in the capital city...

On the square, several figures sat tall.

In the middle is a man with a short cut wearing a silver lion head armor.

This person is an official sent by the Great Heaven Empire, named Lion Heart, who is the head of the Golden God Guard of the God Capital, and is the Lion Heart King of the Great Heaven Empire.

On both sides of his left and right hands are the people in power of various forces.

Among them, Tianbang of Tianqi Martial Arts Hall is located in the second position to the left of Lion Heart, which means that he ranks among the top five in terms of strength and status in the entire God City.

While chatting with the person in power beside him, Tianhong glanced at Tianyouxu who was hiding in the audience.

At this time, Tian Youxu had already disguised himself as a man with a square face, so he was not at all noticeable in the crowd.

Then, Tianhong scanned the crowd again, wanting to see if there was the shadow assassin his brother mentioned.


Suddenly, a huge sound sounded, which was the startling sound of the official start of the Tian Ge Society.

Lionheart got up and looked around everyone with a pair of tiger eyes.

"Everyone, the Tiange Club is a grand event held every three years in the capital of God, and everyone knows it well, so I won't say much about it."

"Tian Ge will officially start, everyone, let's show off your mechs to your heart's content!"

Lionheart sat down after speaking briefly.

Then, the two outermost power holders got up and walked towards the huge mechanical platform.

The two of them were the first to show off. When they came to the stage, they nodded at each other. They seemed to be in harmony and harmony, but in fact they had already met their eyes and were very hostile.

If two forces display their mechs together, one of them will definitely be at a disadvantage.

And they were the first to display, if their mechas were to lose to the opponent as soon as they came, it would definitely have a great impact on their own and the reputation of the power.

Therefore, there is naturally no harmony between the two.

Then, the person who introduced came to the stage, raised the microphone, and looked enthusiastic.

However, just as he was about to passionately introduce the two people in power on the stage, an untimely voice suddenly came and interrupted him.

"Tian Ge will?"

"Without me, today's meeting would not be complete!"...

Chapter 203 The Son of Luck? ! ; Shadow Assassin, Red Fang!


Everyone was startled, they didn't expect that someone would dare to make trouble at the Tiange meeting, and Tianhong turned his head suddenly with sharp eyes.

Because, Tianhong thought it was the shadow assassin that his younger brother said was coming.

However, after seeing the person walking out of the crowd slowly, Tianhong relaxed his vigilance.

Black hair shawl, body like a spear standing upright, waving a white jade green face fan in his hand, he looks like a handsome young man.

And the appearance of this person is very different from the shadow assassin mentioned by Tian Youxu, obviously he is not the same person.

The people in charge of various forces present looked at each other in blank dismay, surprised by the young man's appearance.

The Jin Shenwei who was present immediately surrounded him and wrapped up the youth group,

"who are you?"

Lion Heart looked calm, looked at the boy and asked.

The young man clapped his hands together, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, as if mocking.

"3000 years ago, the Yellow Springs and the Green Falls, and the Zerg Race descended. The Marquis of the Great Heaven Empire was ordered by the Lord to lead one hundred thousand warrior guards under his command to meet the enemy!"

"In that battle, the Zerg had premeditated and secretly built ten transmission gates. Tens of thousands of Zerg rushed out like a tsunami, and the Shenwuwei bravely killed the enemy, killing millions of enemies! I thought I could wait for support and repel the Zerg. But I didn’t expect to wait for ten days without seeing anyone.”

"Shenwuwei didn't want the Zerg to break through the border of the Great Heaven Empire, and led the remaining [-] Shenwuwei into the Zerg army, wanting to capture the leader of the army."

"But there are so many Zerg troops. At the end of the battle, all Shenwuwei died in battle. Marquis Shenwu broke through the limit, forged a holy body, promoted to the holy rank, and killed tens of millions of Zerg in an instant."

"However, I didn't expect the Zerg to send out a holy level. Marquis Shenwu noticed it and knew that he couldn't resist it with the state he had just broken through. Besides, Marquis Shenwu at that time was still a forced breakthrough, and the holy body was incomplete. So Marquis Shenwu had to detonate himself , not only severely damaged the Zerg Saint-level Venerable, but also shattered the transmission gate..."

The young man didn't answer who he was, but instead talked about an old story, which was completely opposite to what everyone knew.


"Marquis Shenwu colluded with the Zerg race and had an affair with the robbers in the starry sky. The evidence is conclusive. You little devil is full of nonsense and disrupted the Tiange Society. Can you find death?"

Tian Bang yelled coldly, and immediately denied what the young man said, which attracted everyone to echo him.

The boy sneered, and then looked at the lion heart in the middle.

"The deputy general of Marquis Shenwu back then, the closest brother of Marquis Shenwu, could it be..."

"You think I'm talking nonsense, too?"

Lion Heart's expression did not change, but there was a trace of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

"The matter of Marquis Shenwu has long been settled!"

"Today is the Tiange meeting. I don't want to make a big move. If you step back now, I won't embarrass you."

The Lionheart King raised his eyes and said lightly.

The young man's face turned cold, and he did not answer or back down.

"Take him!"

The Lionheart King withdrew his gaze, and the lieutenant at the side immediately got up and gave orders to the Golden God Guards.

Jin Shenwei took the order and immediately attacked the young man.

"I am the son of Marquis Wu, who dares to touch me?"

The young man shouted loudly, a mysterious golden pattern appeared on his forehead, he raised his right hand, and a long spear with a golden dragon coiled pole appeared in his hand.

The young man threw his gun to the ground and gave a sudden blow, a terrifying power erupted, directly blasting away several Golden God Guards who surrounded him.

And this scene also surprised everyone.

"Zhuzi is bold! How dare you use force at the Tiange meeting!"

The lieutenant's eyes were wide open, and when he saw the young man making a move, he was instantly annoyed, and ignored what the young man said.

But he ignored it, but the others heard it clearly, their faces changed drastically, and even the lion's heart was no longer calm.

He turned his head suddenly, and when he saw the mysterious golden pattern on the young man's forehead, Lion Heart's pupils shrank slightly, as if a stormy sea surged in his heart.

And the spear in the young man's hand fulfilled the lion's heart's desire.

"You are Ye Shifan!"

Lion Heart quickly adjusted his emotions, his eyes returned to calm, although he was asking, his tone was very firm.

"That's right!"

The boy raised his head and admitted directly.

"Ye Shifan? Who is that?"

"Shenwuhou's surname is Ye, who do you think he is!"

"A group of little deaf people! Didn't that guy say that he is the son of Marquis Shenwu! Do your ears grow backwards?"

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