"What do you want to do?"

"Today is the Tiange Society in the capital of God. No matter what you have to do, step down first and let the Tiange Society continue."

"We'll talk about other things later."

Although Lion Heart really wanted to slap Chi Fang on the stage with his palm, he still held back his emotions and said calmly.

Chiya grinned, took out an ancient sheepskin scroll, and threw it out.


Lion Heart's eyes turned cold, and he raised his hand to catch the ancient scroll.

After he glanced at the red teeth that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he opened the ancient sheepskin scroll in his hand, and the people on the side also came forward to take a look.

After opening it, everyone was taken aback.

"The starry sky bandit He Xiaoyun?"

"This is... a reward order?!"

Xiao Li showed a bit of surprise, and immediately recognized who the head on the ancient sheepskin scroll was, and at the same time was surprised to find that the ancient sheepskin scroll was actually a reward order.

On it, He Xiaoyun's "worth" was also clearly marked, a low-grade fetish of the universe!

so valuable!

Seeing the clearly marked reward amount, Xiao Li's first thought was that it was worth it.

The other people obviously thought the same way, their flickering eyes showed the shock and...expectation in their hearts!

Even Tianhong was taken aback by his younger brother's bounty, subconsciously came up with the idea of ​​selling Tianyouxu...

"What am I thinking?!"

Tianhong woke up suddenly, secretly thinking that he was almost blinded by lard.

"You Xu is my close relative, how could I have such an idea!"

Then, Tianhong looked at Chiya on the stage, and said coldly.

"If you want to find this robber in the starry sky, you should look for it in the starry sky! What are you doing here in my god capital?"

"Could it be, you thought that He Xiaoyun would be hiding in the capital of God!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed out loud, obviously they didn't think that He Xiaoyun would appear in Shendu.

Not to mention the capital of the gods, He Xiaoyun, as a bandit in the starry sky, couldn't even enter the Great Heaven Realm.

What's more, to He Xiaoyun, the capital of God is the absolute dragon's lake and tiger's den, how dare the other party seek death!

However, what they didn't know was that He Xiaoyun couldn't get in, but Tian Youxu could.

One day, Tianhong's elder brother acted as an internal response and entered the capital, which was easy for Tianyouxu.

However, if there is no important matter, Tianhong also forbids Tianyouxu from coming to the capital of God, so as not to be noticed.

Chi Ya didn't care about the loud laughter of the crowd, instead he grinned and looked at Tian Hong who was speaking.

"is it?"

"Although I don't know where that waste is, I do know..."

"you must know!"

Chiya showed a weird smile, staring at Tianhong closely.

"What do you mean?"

Tianhong's heart skipped a beat, he tried to calm down, and asked Chiya coldly.

With a half-smile, Chiya took out an ancient sheepskin scroll from his bosom again and threw it to Lion Heart.

Tianhong's face on the side sank, and he faintly realized that something was wrong...

Lion Heart looked at the ancient sheepskin scroll in his hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then unfolded it.

After seeing the above content, everyone was stunned.

Xiao Li's eyes flickered slightly, his expression was strange, and then he slowly read out the contents of the ancient sheepskin scroll.

"Tianbang, elder brother Tianyouxu, a reward order, a low-grade artifact of the universe, his younger brother Tianyouxu is also known as..."

"He Xiaoyun!"


Hearing Xiao Li's words, everyone present was in an uproar.

However, most of the people didn't believe this, they were just very shocked that this green-haired young man dared to make a rumor about the sky, aren't they afraid that the other party would kill him? !

But Ye Shifan below was stunned, he looked at Tianhong, his eyes flashed, as if he had figured out something...


"You bastard, not only disturbed the Tiange Club, but also dared to slander the king!"

Tianhong's heart sank, but there was no flaw on his face, he looked at Chiya coldly, and shouted angrily.

"Hey, yes or no, it doesn't matter!"

"When I break your limbs, you will naturally admit it!"

Chiya sneered, but before he could finish his sentence, his figure came to Tianhong in an instant, his normal five fingers suddenly became sharp, and he grabbed Tianhong's face fiercely.

Tianhong's complexion changed, and the purple dragon's mad thunder armor instantly covered his whole body, and his head was also covered by the dragon's head helmet.


A snake-like dragon-like voice sounded from Tian Bang's body.


The purple thunder surged, Tianhong raised his hand, and punched Chiya with a fist.

Chi Fang grinned, a pair of green pupils suddenly turned red, and a terrifying bloody aura gushed out of his body.

Immediately afterwards, he held Tianhong's fist with one hand, and amidst the bloody light, there was a sound of armor shattering.

Tianhong's face showed horror, and it was a face-to-face meeting. His arm, together with the armor on his arm, was torn off by Chifang in an instant.

Then, Chiya directly pinched Tianhong's neck and lifted it up.


With Chiya's five fingers exerting force, the Violet Flood Thunder Armor shattered and let out a final scream.


The sharp five fingers pierced Tianhong's neck deeply, and Tianhong found in horror that the blood in his body was being crazily absorbed, as if the pain from his ten fingers connected to his heart made him scream.

At this time, everyone else was stunned.

No one could have imagined that Tianbang would be taken down by Chiya in just one face-to-face. The speed of this defeat was so fast that no one could react.

"Hey, what an ant did!"

Chiya sneered disdainfully, and his dark red pupils made one's heart tremble.

Lion Heart's expression also changed, and he stepped into the air, and the other masters came to Lion Heart's side, while Xiao Li directly left the main force and came to Ye Shifan and Xiao Yan.


"Fan'er, take Yan'er and leave!"

Xiao Li patted the back of Xiao Yan'er's hand to show comfort, and then immediately said to Ye Shifan.

Ye Shifan opened his mouth, but after hesitating for a while, he nodded.

Chiya is too terrifying, crushing Tianbang, who is the God King of Huagai, in an instant. In this case, even if he wants to stay, he can't, because he can't let Xiao Yan'er be in danger with him. territory!

"Grandpa, what about you?"

Xiao Yan'er looked anxious, looked at Xiao Li and asked.

Xiao Li's expression was serious, and when he was about to speak, Chi Fang in the sky suddenly lifted his right hand, and the sky was filled with blood, and a huge blood-colored cage appeared, covering the entire central square.

"None of you want to leave!"

Chi Fang grinned coldly with jagged blood teeth, his eyes swept over everyone present.

It turned out that after Chiya showed his fierce power, the audience below panicked and wanted to escape quickly, but Chiya would not let them escape, so he turned into a cage. .

Today, thousands of people are trapped in the bloody cage.

And those who can go to the scene of the Tiange meeting are all disciples or clan members of various forces. If something happens, the whole god may be shaken!

"Chiya, what do you want to do?"

"This is the capital of the gods! In less than a minute, the king and the others will notice the changes here. Do you want to kill yourself!"

Lion Heart's face was gloomy, and there was a deep fear in his eyes looking at Chi Fang.

He didn't expect a guy who appeared out of nowhere to have such terrifying strength!

But why, he had never heard of Chifang and Shadow Assassin before?

Could it be... people from other galaxies?

Lion Heart's expression was gloomy and uncertain, looking at Tian Bang who was being held up by Chi Fang, a trace of murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

After Chiya heard what Lion Heart said, he was incomparably flat, obviously not paying attention to Lion Heart.

Chi Ya didn't even bother to respond to Lion Heart, but looked directly at Tian Bang in his hand.

"Tell me, He Xiaoyun, where is your younger brother Tianyouxu?"

Tianhong's face turned red, he looked at Chiya in horror, then at Lion's Heart, and shouted hoarsely.

"Lionheart...help me!"


The Lionheart King let out a low cry, and rushed out first, the silver lion's head armor on his body wrapped his whole body, and at the same time, mechanical rays of light extended from the armor.

With a melodious mechanical sound, a ten-meter silver mad lion mecha was born, enveloping the Lionheart King.

"Silver Lion Slash!"

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