The Lionheart King commanded the mech to wave his right hand, and a silver Crescent Moon Knife was generated, and it fell hard on Chiya's head.

Roar! ...

Chapter 205 The Shadow Assassin Reappears! ;The League of Assassins, you must reach your destiny!


The wild lion roared, and the silver sword aura spread.

However, in the face of this fierce knife, Chiya did not dodge or dodge, and blasted out with a claw.

Red Claws!

The blood light spread, as if there was a big demon screaming.

Lion Heart's complexion changed, the horizontal knife was in front of him, but was knocked several meters away by the blood claws, his face turned pale.

Afterwards, the masters of all major forces transformed one after another, and various mechas appeared, roaring and attacking Chiya.


Chiya frowned, turned his palm, and violent blood swept out like a storm, covering everyone present.

After being enveloped by this bloody storm, everyone was horrified to find that there was a problem in their bodies, and the blood in their bodies lost control, scurrying like loaches.

Under such circumstances, they immediately let everyone have no time to attack Chiya, and quickly sat down cross-legged, using their own strength to forcibly suppress the blood of "Hurricane".

"Control the blood! You can produce evil moves!"

Lion Heart inserted the Silver Yanyue Knife beside him, and pressed down with both hands. Although he forcibly suppressed the out-of-control blood in his body, he did not dare to act rashly again.

Looking at the red teeth in the sky, the heart of the lion is heavy.

"Why haven't the marshal and the lord come here yet? Although it's far away from the king's city, but with the strength of the lord and the others, how could it be possible for them not to arrive?"

Looking up at the strange blood-colored cage, Lion Heart's heart sank again, realizing something was wrong.

At the same time, in the royal city of the god capital, the three kings with a lion heart "heart and heart" are standing quietly on the royal city.

Although they had already sensed what happened at the Tian Ge meeting, they were unable to go there.

Just because, in front of them, there was an existence that could threaten their lives...

"Wait, who is it?"

The young king looked at the three people in front of him and asked calmly.

Beside him, Dou Yan and Xing Lao were all staring at each other, very wary of the three people in front of them.

"Hehehe, Nujia Manzhushahua, one of the shadow assassins!"

Among the three, the woman with a slender figure and gorgeous red and white curly hair smiled lightly, holding a coquettish Manjusawa flower between her slender fingers.

This woman is one of the seven shadow assassins, Manju Shahua.

The two people beside her were a man with a white veil and a blindfolded high ponytail, and a burly man with a helmet.

These two are also shadow assassins, Blackbird and Shimen!

"Shadow Assassin..."

The young king's eyes moved slightly, and then he asked, "If you say that, the ones who made trouble at the Tian Ge meeting are also your companions!"

"Heck, mate? That's right."

Manzhushahua raised his eyes, his words were ambiguous.

"What do you want to do?"

"Although I don't know your origins, this is the capital of the gods, the imperial capital of the Great Heaven Empire! If you act like this, this king will allow you to stay here forever!"

"Don't think that you are saints, this king has nothing to do with you!"

The young king waved his sleeves, and his tone was slightly cold.

"Hehehe, don't be angry, we didn't want to be an enemy of the Great Heaven Empire, it was just to carry out the mission."

"So, until Chiya completes the task, please stay here."

As soon as Manzhu Shahua finished speaking, he, Hei Niao, and Shimen flashed, and each of them came to the front of the three young kings.

The young king's eyes flashed golden, and he raised his hand, and slammed a palm at Manzhushahua.

At the same time, Dou Yan and Xing Lao also attacked Hei Niao and Shi Men...


"That is……"

Seeing the terrifying movement in the sky, Lion Heart suddenly stood up, his pupils shrank fiercely.

"Huh? Manzhushahua started to do it..."

"Hehe, it looks like I have to hurry up too."

Chi Ya grinned, and looked at Tian Bang, who had lost all the blood in his hands, a red light flashed in his eyes.


With a pinch of five fingers, Tianhong's whole body cracked like sand.

He has no patience...

"Since we can't find it, we can only kill you all!"

"Shadow Assassin, you must fulfill your mission! I can't fail to complete the mission!"

Chi Ya looked at the crowd below, raised his hands, blood spread, and there seemed to be a roar of gods and demons, which made everyone tremble, and Tian Youxu, who was hiding in the crowd, was even more frightened.

Seeing Tian Hong being easily wiped out by Chi Ya, Tian You Xu at this time was extremely suspicious of how he escaped from the opponent? !

With the strength of Chiya, one finger can crush him to death, so how can he give him a chance to escape?

"Could it be..."

"Chiya has been playing cat and mouse with me?"

Tian Youxu was so nervous that he couldn't even maintain his expression, he looked distorted and weird, and his whole body was trembling.

When the fear of death strikes, no one can remain absolutely calm...

"Xiaofan, let go of your consciousness and let me take over your body! Chiya will be wiped out!"


Ye Shifan glanced at Xiao Yan'er beside him who was suffering, and nodded heavily in his heart.

Ye Shifan closed his eyes and opened his mind, and then a remnant soul gushed out of the ring and entered Ye Shifan's body.

With the flash of white light on Ye Shifan's body, a mysterious aura covered his whole body.

When he opened his eyes again, he seemed to be a different person.

Xiao Yan'er was the first to notice Ye Shifan's change, and she also knew that Ye Shifan had a "personal master", but she didn't know the identity of the other party.

As a childhood sweetheart, Xiao Yan'er was very familiar with Ye Shifan, so after the change in the other's eyes, she knew that the current Ye Shifan must have been "uppered".


Xiao Yan'er looked at "Ye Shifan" and called out tentatively.

"Well, Xiao Yan'er, get behind the old man, and I will take you and your grandfather away."

Da Luo Tianzun on the upper back nodded slightly, and after explaining to Xiao Yan'er, he looked at Chiya above.


At this moment, Chiya also suddenly felt a mysterious and powerful aura. After seeing "Ye Shifan", his pupils flickered slightly, revealing a smile of interest.

"Your Excellency, my apprentice and the two of them are not the person you are looking for, why don't you let us go, I don't want to conflict with you, old man!"

Da Luo Tianzun spoke directly, explaining the purpose.

"Ye Shifan... No! That's not Ye Shifan! There is indeed an expert behind this little brat!"

Lion Heart looked at "Ye Shifan" suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly, and his heart was extremely gloomy.

In the sky, Chiya smiled coldly, "That can't be done!"

"Yes or no, it's not up to you to decide, wait for me to kill you all! Only then can there be no mistakes!"

As soon as the words fell, the blood light lingering around Chiya turned into ferocious and roaring blood demons, rushing towards everyone.

"not good!"

Everyone was shocked, and quickly resisted, but they were all blown away, even piercing through their bodies, unable to stop the roaring blood demon at all.

Only a few people in power, as well as Lion Heart and Da Luo Tianzun, could stand in the way.

"Jiuyou Tianhuo!"

Da Luo Tianzun fingered the wheel, and the divine fire spread, turning into snakes of white fire to burn up the blood demon.

And even though the Gorefiend was destroyed, blood oozed from Da Luo Tianzun's mouth. Ye Shifan's body was still too weak to bear his strength!

Chi Ya gave Da Luo Tianzun a cold look, and when he was about to take action to deal with him personally, a figure caught his attention.

"Hehe, I finally found you!"


"I can't die! I can't die!"

"I haven't lived enough yet!"

Looking at the blood demon who was chasing after him, Tian Youxu looked ferocious, and finally couldn't help it, and summoned the black poison penetrating armor.


Tian Youxu shouted violently, and with a wave of his hands, he released a terrifying black poison, trapping the blood demon for a short time.

And because of this, Tian Youxu's identity was completely exposed.

"Poison King He Xiaoyun?! He's actually here!"

"Could it be that the information on the reward order is true? He Xiaoyun is really Tianhong's younger brother! Otherwise, how could he have entered the capital?"

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