The black poisonous armor has obvious characteristics, and was immediately recognized by others as the armor of the poisonous king He Xiaoyun.

Immediately, the expressions of all the people present changed drastically, and then they even cursed the dead Tianbang angrily.

After all, if he hadn't brought He Xiaoyun in, they wouldn't have ended up like this!

"kill him!"

"Poison King, you should die!"

The appearance of Tian Youxu gave everyone an outlet for their fear, and huge anger welled up in their hearts, making them rush to Tian Youxu one after another, wanting to kill him.

Tianyouxu turned pale with fright, and wanted to escape, but was already blocked, and could only watch dozens of people surround him.

"Hmph, my prey, I can't let you do it!"

At the critical moment, Chiya descended from the sky, blowing the crowd away just by his aura.

However, Tianyouxu escaped from the tiger's den, and entered the Longtan in an instant.

After Chiya blasted everyone away, he directly smashed Tian Youxu's mecha, and lifted him up by pinching his neck.

Tian Youxu's pupils constricted, and in the midst of fear, he burst out with an inexplicable courage and yelled at Chiya to ask questions.

"Chiya, I have no grievances with you, why are you chasing me down!"

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it! Don't you feel ashamed that you are a majestic sage who took action against me, a god king? I don't deserve it! I don't deserve it!"

Tian Youxu couldn't figure it out, he was just a God King of Huagai, did he need a Saint-level Venerable?

Did he pick the Heavenly Court, or stabbed the Underworld, as for letting the Holy Lord chase him across the galaxy? !

Hearing this, Chiya smiled coldly.

"I'm so sorry, my Assassins of the Assassin League, once they accept the task, they will definitely complete it!"

"If you want to blame it, blame yourself for being targeted!"

Tian Youxu wanted to say something else, but Chiya directly twisted his neck, sucked up his blood in an instant, and strangled him together with his soul.

Holding Tianyouxu's head, Chiya picked up Tianhong's head from the ground, strung the two heads together with their hair, and hung them around his waist.

Seeing Chiya's behavior, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Killing and humiliating the corpse is no different from a demon!

"Ahem, Senior Chiya, since you have killed He Xiaoyun, can you let us go?"

Lion Heart looked at Chi Fang, nervous in his heart, and asked in a deep voice.

Chiya rolled his eyes at him, and struck out with a palm.


Unexpectedly, Lion Heart was beaten until blood kept crying from his mouth.

"The ants are making noise!"

Chiya withdrew his gaze, then looked at Da Luo Tianzun, his eyes flashed scarlet.

"Your blood..."

"It looks delicious!"…

Character building—

Character name: Chiya

Identity: Shadow Assassin/Lord of Blood Demon/

Strength: Holy

Synthetic basic card: Supreme Blood Demon (locking the demon in the body, turning into a demon lord! The power of the blood demon, swallowing blood as a god, bloodthirsty as a demon, all blood is power, oppressive to all creatures with blood /7 and a half stars/Avenue of Blood/Epic)

Blood Sacrifice (sacrificing oneself or sacrificing souls, you can gain a short-term presence of the Dao of Blood and gain powerful power. The strength of the power depends on the preciousness of the sacrifice. PS: There are people who are assimilated by the Dao of Blood, Possibility of becoming part of the avenue/7 and a half stars/sacrifice/choice of fate)

Thousands of blood to the gods (merge the blood of all spirits and cast the blood of gods. When all kinds of blood are collected, there is a chance to cast the blood of gods and touch the realm of gods/7 stars/epic/special)

A Moment of Love (Why does love arise and why does love fall. The power of love is beyond the standard, and it can burst into unimaginable power in an instant. PS: It only works for specific people/7 stars/specific/two-way)

Introduction: From the Shadow Starfield, he was a disciple of the Tianlian Sect of the Starfield Great Sect in the early years. He had a crush on his fellow senior sister, and was expelled from the school for various reasons. He joined the Assassin League and became one of the seven Shadow Assassins.

Once found the inheritance of the ancient blood demon in one place, and locked the ancient blood demon who wanted to take him away in his body, obtained the strength and ability of the other party, and completely enslaved him.However, because of this, his personality was affected, he became bloodthirsty and brutal, and his shots were either dead or wounded. Outsiders were afraid of him, and he was called the Lord of Blood Demons, and he was the most ferocious of the seven shadow assassins.

However, although Chiya has killed countless people and his body is like darkness, there is always a soft and bright place in his heart.At the same time, he also looks forward to reuniting with the figure in his heart...

Chapter 206 Qingfeng, the Alliance of Assassins enters Tianxu;

Chifang's eyes flickered, and scarlet color spread into his pupils.

Da Luo Tianzun's complexion sank, and his hands were wrapped in a ball of divine fire as white as snow.

There was a trace of strangeness in Chiya's eyes, and he actually felt a dangerous aura on the opponent.

However, the more this happened, the more excited Chiya became.


Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared beside Chiya, and put a hand on the opponent's shoulder.

Da Luo Tianzun was shocked, he didn't even perceive how the other party appeared!

"Another saint..."

Da Luo Tianzun's face was heavy, and he felt that Shengzun seemed a bit too "Chinese cabbage" and appeared one after another.


Chiya turned his head, his face was cold.

"Enough, Chiya, your mission has been completed."

"If you keep messing around, you will only cause trouble for the Assassin League!"

The person came with knee-length white hair and a cold face. He wore an eye patch over his right eye. His long straight white hair covered half of his face, giving him an inexplicable sense of mystery.

"Qingfeng, it's not your turn to take care of my affairs!"

Chiya snorted coldly, shook Qingfeng's hand away, and turned his head, his tone very unhappy.

Qingfeng didn't care, but looked down at the people below.

"You don't have to be afraid, I'm only waiting to complete the mission, and I will never kill at will."

"My name is Qingfeng, one of the seven shadow assassins, I am ordered by the leader to enter Tianxu Galaxy on behalf of the Assassin Alliance!"

"From today, everyone can issue assassination missions in the Assassin League, as long as you pay the reward, someone will help you solve the enemy..."

Qingfeng came, in addition to stopping Chiya from messing around, it was also to promote the Assassin Alliance and let Tianxu Xinghe know the existence of the Assassin Alliance.

And everyone below was shocked when they heard Qingfeng's words.

"Seven Shadow Assassins...Assassin Alliance..."

"Seven Saints! How could there be such a terrifying force?! Could it be that they came from the star field!"

Da Luo Tianzun was startled, there are seven saints of a force, and an unknown leader, this is really not a force that Galaxy can organize!

At this moment, everyone at the scene was shocked, but also thought about it...

"League of Assassins, can anyone kill?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, with a questioning tone in its tone.

Qingfeng didn't look for who it was, but nodded calmly.


"Even if it is Saint, the League of Assassins can kill it!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked and terrified, but at the same time, there was a trace of expectation in their hearts. After all, no one has two enemies. If someone can do it for you, that would be great!

Although everyone had different thoughts, none of them doubted Qingfeng's words.

The Seven Shadow Assassins means that they are likely to be the Seven Saints. It is very possible for such a terrorist force to assassinate a Saint.

"This time, I have something else to do. Do you know this person?"

At this time, Qingfeng took out an ancient sheepskin scroll and threw it into the sky.

The ancient sheepskin scroll unfolded, revealing its contents.

"Who is this?"

Da Luo Tianzun's eyes moved slightly, looking at the portraits on the ancient sheepskin scrolls, showing a hint of doubt, he didn't see other content on it, and there was no reward amount.

Obviously, this ancient sheepskin scroll is not a reward order.

"It seems that you don't know each other."

"This person is very important to our Assassin Alliance. If any of you can provide his information, you will be able to get a free chance for the Shadow Assassin to make a move!"

"I've finished what I want to say, so I won't bother you any more."

Qingfeng didn't take back the ancient sheepskin scroll, after finishing what he had to say, he immediately turned to look at Chiya.

Chiya snorted coldly, but also waved his hand to release the bloody cage, and then left directly through the air.

Qingfeng's face remained unchanged, and his figure disappeared instantly.

After the two left, the central square finally returned to calm, but it was a little short...

"Take Ye Shifan!"

Suddenly, Lion Heart stood up abruptly, shouted loudly, and pointed the finger at Ye Shifan directly.


Da Luo Tianzun was still attached to Ye Shifan, he gave Lion Heart a cold look, and then waved his hand, Jiuyou Tianhuo roared, cut a huge circle of fire, and stopped everyone who wanted to rush up to do it.

"Lion Heart, you colluded with the brothers of the Tian family and framed my father. One day, I will make you pay in blood!"

"When the time comes, wash your neck and wait for me!"

Ye Shifan took control of his body for a short while, looked at Lion Heart with cold eyes, and some threatening words made Lion Heart furious.

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