"you wanna die!!"

Lionheart roared, leaped up, held the Silver Yanyue Knife in both hands, and slashed at Ye Shifan fiercely.

However, he was a bit late after all. After Ye Shifan finished speaking, Da Luo Tianzun took control of his body again, and immediately tore apart the space and left the place.

One hit missed, making Lionheart furious, and the terrifying power was released crazily.

Below, Xiao Yan'er stood beside Xiao Li, looking at the place where Ye Shifan had just left, unable to regain consciousness for a long time.

Ye Shifan did not take her away.

Because Ye Shifan knew that Xiao Yan'er would be safer staying here in comparison!

The Xiao family is the No. [-] family in the capital of the gods, and there are several god kings in the family, which cannot be moved by a lion's heart.

"Brother Shifan, you must leave safely..."

Xiao Yan'er clasped her hands tightly, worried in her heart.

Suddenly, the Lion Heart in the sky looked at Xiao Yan'er with cold eyes.

"Xiao Yan'er, you have colluded with Marquis Shenwu, come back with me and accept the investigation!"

And as soon as he finished saying this, he regretted it, because it was obviously impossible...

"Lionheart King, you can try it!"

Xiao Li's expression on the side suddenly turned cold, and the azure aura of Fengshen Tianjue surged on his body, competing with the power of Lion Heart's mecha.

Lion Heart's eyelids twitched, and he almost forgot Xiao Yan'er's background in a panic.

Even if he is the head of Jinshenwei, and even a prince enshrined by the Great Heaven Empire, but the Xiao family is the number one family in the capital of God, even he can't do anything to him!

"Xiao Li, wait until I report to His Majesty, and I will definitely punish your Xiao family for their crimes!"

Lion Heart looked ugly, and he didn't want to talk to Xiao Li any more.

But now after experiencing these changes, the Tiange Club can no longer be held, so Lion Heart is already planning to leave and rush to Wangcheng to report what happened here, so that His Majesty can issue an order to arrest Ye Shifan...

sulfone sulfone!

Just as Lion Heart turned around and was about to split the sky and leave, a sound like piercing clouds and cracking stones suddenly reached his ears.

There was a hint of doubt in Lion Heart's violent eyes. After searching for a while, he suddenly found that the voice came from above his head.

Lion Heart immediately raised his head, but his expression changed drastically, and then he was hit on the head by a strange warship.


The thick head of the battleship hit Lion Heart's head, and the huge impact made him vomit a mouthful of blood, and then he was blasted into the ground and was submerged in sand.

This sudden change made everyone stunned.

"This is…"

"Retribution from heaven?"

Xiao Li's eyes were strange, Lion Heart had just finished speaking a bunch of words, but in the next second, he was knocked down by a sudden warship, this was really like retribution!

"Oh, we seem to have bumped into someone!"

"Then what are you waiting for, run!"


In the battleship, the pineapple blowing snow and three people who had been knocked into a mess realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately controlled the fruit battleship to take off, jumped in a space, and disappeared instantly.

After some operation, the clouds flow smoothly, without the slightest hesitation~~

After the battleship disappeared, the lion's heart below was also exposed.

There were cracks in the battle armor on his body, his whole body was unkempt, and blood kept crying from his mouth, he was extremely embarrassed.

Looking at the empty sky, Lion Heart's face was distorted, and the whole person was extremely furious, and a sky-shattering, grief-stricken roar resounded through the sky.



At the same time, on a planet full of rock and soil.

Ye Shifan, who fled, sat cross-legged under a hidden rock, spit out a mouthful of blood, and even burned the ground into a huge deep pit.

"Master, your Jiuyou Tianhuo is too strong, stronger than Erguotou, now my heart is burning and hurting!"

Ye Shifan wiped the blood from his mouth and said with a smile.

The remnant soul of Da Luo Tianzun came out from the ring, and it turned out to be a stern young man with white hair and shawl.

"What time is it, and I'm still in the mood to joke!"

Da Luo Tianzun shook his head helplessly, reached out and tapped Ye Shifan's head with his fingers.

Ye Shifan touched his head and smiled, and looked at Da Luo Tianzun, "Master, how is your injury?"

Da Luo Tianzun shook his head, "It's okay, although I only have a remnant soul, I'm not that easy to get hurt."

"However, if Chiya really attacked us at that time, I'm afraid..."

Da Luo Tianzun didn't continue talking, but Ye Shifan also understood what the other party meant.

"Master, have you ever heard of the Shadow Assassins and the League of Assassins?"

"Unheard of!"

Da Luo Tianzun shook his head with deep eyes.

"I suspect that the League of Assassins should come from Star Field!"...

Chapter 207 The encounter between the son of luck and the three jelly swordsmen; Lu Xiaoguo, who has no humanity!

"Star field?!"

Hearing Da Luo Tianzun's words, Ye Shifan's eyes widened.

"That's right, Qingfeng said that there are seven shadow assassins in total. As expected, the seven shadow assassins should all be sages. The seven sages cannot be assembled by a galaxy, let alone they have one who doesn't know. Deep and shallow leader!"

"So, they probably came from Star Field!"

"In the star field, even if it is a saint, there will be no less. The saint king on it can be regarded as the overlord of the star field. In the extremely powerful star field, there are even existences above the saint king..."

"However, as a teacher, I have never seen the existence above the Holy King. In the Canglan Starfield I once lived in, the strongest is only the Holy King..."

Da Luo Tianzun talked eloquently, but when he talked about the Canglan Starfield, his expression changed.

"Master, don't worry, when I become stronger, I will definitely avenge you!"

With a firm expression, Ye Shifan assured Da Luo Tianzun very seriously.

Da Luo Tianzun once told him that he was originally from Tianxu Xinghe, and after becoming a saint, he went to the Canglan Starfield to find the way of the Holy King.

However, just 8 years ago, Da Luo Tianzun was inexplicably involved in a battle, resulting in the shattering of the holy body and damage to the soul, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul floating back to the Tianxu Galaxy, and accidentally entered the ring , was finally picked up by Ye Shifan...

Ye Shifan has a simple temperament, respects his teachers, and adheres to the concept of "people respect me one foot, I respect others ten feet; people destroy me for one millet, and I take three fights from others", so he has always been very respectful to Da Luo Tianzun. Respect and get close, and treat each other as the only relative in the world.

Therefore, he always remembered the hatred of Da Luo Tianzun, and vowed to avenge him one day.

Da Luo Tianzun smiled gratifiedly, but he didn't follow Ye Shifan's words and said, "It's a lot of big talk, you, it's better to heal your injuries first."

"The old man doesn't want a white-haired person to give a black-haired person!"

Hearing this, Ye Shifan smiled naively.

Just as Ye Shifan was about to continue meditating, the hairs on his arms suddenly stood up, as if he had sensed something.

Ye Shifan's face tightened, then he got up quickly and jumped to the side without hesitation.


And just as Ye Shifan escaped from the place where he was meditating just now, a battleship descended from the sky, smashed the rocks, and directly smashed a huge deep hole in the ground.


Although Ye Shifan avoided danger in an emergency, he also took a big mouthful of dirt. While spitting out the sand in his mouth, he got up and looked in the direction of the smoke and dust.


Ye Shifan took out his spear with a vigilant expression.

At this time, Da Luo Tianzun had returned to the ring, observing secretly.

"Oops, my waist!"

"Lu Xiaoguo, what happened to your kidney?"



The smoke and dust dissipated, revealing a fruit battleship.

The cabin door opened, and three figures jumped out of it, it was the three of Pineapple Chuuxue.

"This is where?"

Lu Xiaoguo scratched his head, sucking his own juice, with a puzzled look on his face.

"There's someone there!"

Suddenly, Cheng Liuxiang spotted Ye Shifan beside him, and called Pineapple Fuixue and Lu Xiaoguo to look around.

At this time, Ye Shifan also saw the appearance of Pineapple Chuuxue and the three of them clearly, and he was stunned.

"Master, is that... jelly?"

Ye Shifan blinked, and asked Da Luo Tianzun in his heart.

"It is crystal clear, like Huayu, and has a fruity aroma. To be precise, it should be fruit jelly, pineapple, orange and green apple!"

Da Luo Tianzun showed a strange expression on his face, and his tone was very amazed. He has lived for tens of thousands of years, and this is the first time he has seen a jelly-shaped creature!

"Brother, my name is Cheng Liuxiang, and this is my companion Pineapple Fuixue and Lu Xiaoguo."

"May I ask where this is?"

Cheng Liuxiang walked in front of Ye Shifan with short and long legs, clasped his fists and raised his head, and asked chivalrously.

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