Ye Shifan was stunned, looked down at Cheng Liuxiang, but didn't react for a while.

Cheng Liuxiang raised her brows and called out again, "Brother?"

"Oh, this is the Kuhu Nebula in the Tianxu Galaxy. This planet is a barren planet."

"My name is Ye Shifan. This is the first time I've seen a creature like Brother Cheng, so I lost my mind. Please forgive me."

Ye Shifan reacted, and immediately raised his hand to apologize. He didn't treat Cheng Liuxiang differently because of his weird appearance, and his tone seemed very polite.

"No problem, no problem!"

Seeing Ye Shifan's friendly attitude, Cheng Liuxiang not only didn't mind, but felt that Ye Shifan was a good friend.

"Tianxu Galaxy?"

"Hahaha! That's right, we didn't go the wrong way!"

After Pineapple Chuuxue heard the words "Tianxu Xinghe", he immediately smiled.

"Oh? If this is Tianxu Xinghe, then this little brother should have a mecha!"

"I wonder if you can let me see it?"

Lu Xiaoguo jumped to the side of Cheng Liuxiang, looked up at Ye Shifan, and asked expectantly.

After hearing Lu Xiaoguo's words, Ye Shifan was very puzzled, wondering why the other party wanted to see his mecha.

Seeing that Ye Shifan didn't answer, Lu Xiaoguo thought that this request was a little too much.

Immediately, Lu Xiaoguo took out four gold cards from his body.

"Each of these four gold cards contains [-] original gold coins. The original gold coins are made of Jinling ore. Each original gold coin has the power of sharp gold. It can not only be used to cultivate the power of sharp gold, but also to forge Precious metals for weapons."

"And, as far as I know, you Tianxu Galaxy should also circulate this kind of gold coins, which can be used as currency. Brother, as long as you show me your mecha, these four gold cards will be yours!"

Lu Xiaoguo sucked her nose, and there was a bit of domineering local tyrant gold in her simple stupidity.

At this time, Ye Shifan came back to his senses, but was stunned again, just because he was shocked by Lu Xiaoguo's inhumanity.

Of course he knew about the Yuan gold coin. In the Datian Empire, the Yuan gold coin was also a high-quality currency, and one piece was enough for an ordinary family to eat for half a month or even a month.

And now this little green apple actually took out 40 gold coins, just to take a look at his mecha!

This stunned his down-and-out second generation.

Although Ye Shifan is the son of Marquis Shenwu, when Marquis Shenwu died, he was also sealed and hidden by Marquis Shenwu's personal guards.

He didn't wake up until three years ago, and when he woke up, he had nothing but a golden dragon gun left to him by his father...

And even now, Ye Shifan's whole body is still completely clean. After all, he needs to practice, so even if he gets the resources, he can't keep them for a few days.

Not to mention that there is a more expensive Da Luo Tianzun living in his ring~~

"I'll go!"

"Lu Xiaoguo, I know you're a coward, but I didn't expect you to be so cowardly!"

Pineapple Fuxue was like a dog smelling steamed stuffed buns, his eyes glowed, and he came over with a money-eyed look.

"Lu Xiaoguo, can this work? Give me the 40 gold coins, and I'll give you my mecha!"

As expected, Pineapple Fuxue loves money so much that she actually wants to sell her mecha for money.

However, Lu Xiaoguo was obviously not interested in his mecha, after pushing it away, he looked at Ye Shifan again.

"Brother, have you considered it?"

"If not, then add two more!"

After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoguo shook her hand, and the four gold cards directly became six gold cards.

"Okay! Of course!"

"Brother Lu has a request, how can I refuse!"

Looking at the inhuman Lu Xiaoguo, Ye Shifan's heart trembled, and he agreed immediately without any further hesitation.

"Heavenly Flame Burns the Divine Armor!"

Immediately, Ye Shifan called out the mecha directly.

He let out a low shout, the battle armor on his body glowed white, mechanical light beams spread in the air, and a red flame mecha appeared after a second.

The dragon's head roared, and the sky fire surged, looking extremely domineering.

"Wow! So domineering!"

Lu Xiaoguo's eyes glowed, and he admired it sincerely. Then he took out a camera and took a dozen shots. Finally, he didn't forget to take out a scanner to scan the Tianhuoliao Shenjia from the beginning to the end, and engraved the appearance of the mecha.

Cheng Liuxiang nodded, "It's really handsome."

Pineapple Fuxue turned her head, and said unconvinced, "It's not bad, but compared with my Pineapple War Treasure, it's still a little bit worse."

A moment later, Ye Shifan released the mecha form, and Lu Xiaoguo handed over the gold card without hesitation.

Both parties are very happy, only Pineapple Fuixue is heartbroken that the 60 is not his~~

After the pleasant transaction, Ye Shifan chatted with the three of them for a long time, but the conversation became more and more energetic, which seemed to be a bit of a resentment for seeing each other late.

The time is like the autumn wind, and when the few people stop talking, it is almost nightfall.

"Brother Chuuxue, Brother Lu, Brother Cheng, I know that there is a living planet recently, and it is getting late, why don't I take you there to rest."

Ye Shifan got up, patted the dust off his butt, and said to Cheng Liuxiang and the others.

"it is good!"

The three of them immediately agreed, and naturally they hoped to live in a better place than this place where the birds don't shit.

As for the accommodation expenses, there is a rich man by his side, so there is no need to worry about it!

"Let's go!"

Ye Shifan threw out the palm-sized boat, and the moment the boat hit the ground, it turned into a starship capable of carrying a thousand people.

As for the fruit battleship, it has been taken back by Lu Xiaoguo because of the serious damage.

Ye Shifan boarded the starship first, and when he saw the three of Cheng Liuxiang coming up, he immediately started the starship and flew the three of them into the starry sky.

However, after only a few minutes of driving in the starry sky, Ye Shifan noticed something was wrong.

"Xiaofan, there is a situation!"

Da Luo Tianzun in the ring also noticed the abnormality, and reminded Ye Shifan aloud.

"What happened?"

The three of Cheng Liuxiang gathered around, Lu Xiaoguo scratched her head, a little confused.

"We seem to be spinning in circles!"

Cheng Liuxiang frowned slightly, and at the same time took out the holy sword full of supreme aura, and looked around vigilantly.

Hearing this, Pineapple Chuuxue and Lu Xiaoguoye took out their weapons respectively, ready to transform at any time.

Needless to say, Ye Shifan, the golden dragon gun in his hand faintly roared with a dragon's roar, as long as he found something wrong, he could shoot immediately.


In an instant, the space stood still, and the light of the stars no longer shone.

The sky and the earth changed, the sun and the moon reversed, and before Ye Shifan and the others could show their shock, they found that they had come to a place of pure daylight.

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded, shaking people's hearts.

"Welcome to…"

"Lord God Space!"...

Chapter 208 Lord God's Space, Jie Jie Jie; the mission begins, descending to the miniature world

"The main god space?"

"What is the main god space?"

"Ah, who is playing with the young master, come out!"

Several people looked suspicious, Pineapple Chuuxue was not used to it, hands on hips, looked around, and shouted loudly.

At this time, Jiang Qiyu helplessly supported his head where Pineapple Chuuxue and others could not see.

"How can the three jelly musketeers run so well?"

Jiang Qiyu shook his head, he had no intention of bringing in the Jelly Three Musketeers, because this "Lord God Space" was originally prepared by him for Ye Shifan, the son of luck!

As for why he did this, it was all because Jiang Qiyu discovered that he could obtain unimaginable wish power from Ye Shifan!

Xiaotangyuanwanzi explained that it is because Ye Shifan is the son of the era of Tianxu Galaxy, and it is linked to the luck of the entire Galaxy.

Once Ye Shifan breaks through to the realm of Saint King or higher, Tianxu Galaxy will be able to realize the promotion of personality and become a star field!

It is also because Ye Shifan is carrying a galaxy of luck, so his mood swings can bring Jiang Qiyu an incomparably rich wish value.

Even when one of his emotions reaches the extreme, the wish value brought by one person can rival the entire sky star!

Moreover, the higher Ye Shifan's strength is, the more will he can create.

For Jiang Qiyu, Ye Shifan is simply a huge cash cow, if he makes good use of it, he no longer needs to worry about bottoming out his wish power!

Therefore, in order to make the most of this cash cow, Jiang Qiyu made a plan for him "The Adventures of the Lord God in Space"...

"It's an accident that the Jelly Three Musketeers came in, but it doesn't matter. The next step is to let them know the horror of the Lord God's space..."

Jiang Qiyu looked at Ye Shifan below, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It is a very fun thing to let the son of the era help him work.

In the future, this main god space may welcome other children of the era, endless, jie jie jie jie~~...

"Changing the world..."

At this time, Ye Shifan was still in shock, he looked around and couldn't help murmuring.

Da Luo Tianzun in the ring looked solemn, and said in a deep voice, "No! It's a supernatural power that is more terrifying than changing the world!"

"Master, what is going on here?"

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