Taoist Black Crow looked at the black cat, his eyes were even more shocked, because he couldn't detect a trace of breath on the other party, and the other party was like an endless abyss, which made it impossible to look directly at.

"Are you a star creature?"

The black cat seemed to have noticed the gaze of the Taoist Heiya, and then turned his golden eyes, looked at the Taoist Heiya and asked.

"Yes, I'm the Black Crow, the Deputy Pavilion Master of the Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion, thank you, Commander Black Cat, for saving me today!"

Taoist Black Crow nodded, and once again cupped his hands, his attitude was very well thought out.

However, the black cat didn't seem to be a person who cared about politeness. After humming lightly, he stopped talking and looked at the bitter gourd king.

"King of Bitter Gourd, whether or not you have the idea of ​​trying to bittern the entire Shenhuang, but now you have already had an impact on your surroundings."

"Now is a special period, but you knowingly commit crimes and cause trouble on purpose, come with me, and stay in heaven for two days, and you will be released if you have a good attitude!"

The black cat said slowly to the bitter gourd king, the bitter gourd king turned blue but he didn't dare to refute. Instead, he wanted to thank the black cat for his tolerance.

The black cat ignored the hypocrisy of the bitter gourd king. When he raised his hand, the bitter gourd king shrank instantly and fell into the hands of the black cat.

"Other things, you should be able to deal with it."

"Your name is Bubbles, right?"

After the black cat put away the bitter gourd king, it turned to look at Bubble and asked.

Pao Pao was stunned for a moment, and then nodded quickly, "Yes, Chief Black Cat, do you know me?"

The black cat shook his head, "I don't know."

"However, I know you and this grandparent beside you."

Hearing this, Pao Pao and A Ku beside him were both stunned, looking at each other in blank dismay.

And there was a trace of strangeness in the eyes of the black crow beside him.

"It seems that the life experience of Bubble and this Aku is not simple..."

Hei Ya looked at Pao Pao and A Ku calmly, feeling like he had found a treasure in his heart.

"The world is difficult to play, and the sun and the moon are unclear. If you can collect all five dragon scales and their bloodline heirs, you will have the blessings of heaven and earth, and you can do it yourself!"

The black cat looked at Bubble and Pao meaningfully, left an obscure sentence, and then walked away.

Bubble's face was full of doubts, and he didn't understand the meaning. After thinking for two seconds, he stopped thinking. Instead, he turned into a dragon and flew into the bitter melon king city, and took out the gemstone dragon scale.


Bubbles handed the gemstone dragon scale to Aku. After Aku looked at Bubble gratefully, he stretched out his hand and lifted it. The dragon scale shone with divine light and entered his forehead.

Immediately, Aku's aura instantly stabilized, and his pale face became brighter.

"Aku, do you know where Xiaomeimei and the double-faced turtle are?"

Seeing that Aku regained his spirit, Bubble showed joy, and then hurriedly asked.

Aku shook his head, looking a little helpless, "I don't know, after encountering the sea explosion of the endless sea, I fell into a coma, and when I woke up again, I was deprived of the dragon scale by the bitter gourd king and imprisoned."

"Is that so..."

Hearing this, Bubble was very disappointed.

At this time, the Black Crow Taoist came over and spoke at a very good time.

"Bubble, don't worry, you are the Ten Supreme Immortals of my Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion, I will definitely find your friends for you, don't worry."

Hearing this, Bubble nodded, his eyes showing gratitude.

On the other hand, Aku, who was at the side, had a trace of thought in his eyes, and looked at Taoist Heiya silently.

"Ten Thousand Immortals Pavilion? Ten Absolute Immortals?"

"It seems that a lot of things have happened to Bubbles during my absence..."

"However, this person must have a purpose to help Bubble..."

Aku is not as innocent as Pao Pao, and has always been wary of kindness that comes for no reason.

But now the situation is special, its strength has not yet recovered, and Pao Pao's temperament is too easy to trust people, maybe it says that the Black Crow Taoist has other plans, and Pao Pao has to argue with him.

So, after comprehensive consideration, Aku didn't say anything, and planned to take a look at the situation for the time being, and then make plans.

And as Aku expected, the Heiya Taoist took the initiative to help Paopao with a purpose, but it was not as complicated as Aku thought.

Wanxian Pavilion needs strong people to join, and Pao Pao's strength is extraordinary, and Aku is the same. If he finds two other friends of Pao Pao, Wan Xian Pavilion will have four more existences at the level of Ten Supreme Immortals.

In addition, after listening to the words of the head coach of the black cat, Taoist Heiya also faintly realized that the identities of Pao Pao and A Ku are not simple, and it just so happens that Wanxian Pavilion needs such intricate and powerful disciples.

Because the people who join Wanxian Pavilion have more connections behind them, Wanxian Pavilion can naturally borrow their power. No matter in terms of reputation or deterrence, it is beneficial and harmless to Wanxian Pavilion!

Imagine that when the Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion was officially born, not only were the various disciples extremely powerful, but almost all of them had strong backgrounds. When such existences united, no one would dare to touch them!

Just because one move moves the whole body, Wanxian Pavilion is like a hedgehog, it will stab its hands wherever it moves, and it will also make enemies with the forces behind Wanxian Pavilion's disciples and disciples, causing endless troubles.

In this way, who would dare to provoke Wanxian Pavilion? !

Therefore, after the two stars of heaven and earth merged, Taoist Black Crow ordered everyone in Wanxian Pavilion to recruit disciples everywhere, just to expand the relationship network of Wanxian Pavilion infinitely, and to cover all the forces of the earth and stars!

At that time, the Ten Thousand Immortal Pavilion will truly have the power of the Ten Thousand Immortals!

And the mysterious and not simple background of Bubble and Aku was naturally remembered by the black crow.

Hei Mao, the commander-in-chief of Shenwei in Tangtang Town, can embrace goodwill. The background of Bubble and Aku may be the largest "relationship network" Wanxian Pavilion has so far. Naturally, Taoist Hei Ya is unwilling to miss it... …………

Chapter 218 Erlang True God Black Cat Sheriff! ; Zerg attack!

There was a gleam of light in the eyes of Taoist Hei Ya. Although he sensed that A Ku didn't trust him, he didn't care, as long as Pao Pao trusted him.

With the relationship between Pao Pao and A Ku, as long as Pao Pao is in Wanxian Pavilion, they can't escape!

In addition, as for the relationship, we can kiss wherever we are, and there is no rush.

Taoist Heiya withdrew his gaze, glanced at the sky, then looked at Bubble, and then asked.

"Bubble, I don't know what the level of the black cat commander is, but the bitter gourd king is so scared when facing the black cat commander!"

Regarding this question, Bubble shook his head, expressing that he was not clear either.

However, Aku at the side spoke slowly after glancing at Taoist Heiya.

"The commander-in-chief of the black cat is the master of the guard of the gods, and the legend has a close relationship with the master of the world. Based on this alone, the bitter melon king is not qualified to stand in front of the opponent!"

"In addition, the black cat commander-in-chief is the first Nether three-eyed cat. He once competed with the first Tianxuan Snow-wing Pigeon for the position of commander-in-chief and won, and took the first Tianxuan Snow-wing Pigeon under his command. His martial strength is as high as the sky, and he is invincible, and he is even more famous in the earth and stars!"

"Because of his three pupils, he is also known as the True God Erlang by the world. With a three-pointed and two-edged knife, he has killed countless gods and demons."

"It is rumored that the soul of an ancient ferocious black dragon is sealed in the three-pointed two-edged knife. Only the commander-in-chief of the black cat can hold it. If anyone else touches it, they will be entangled in evil spirits and killed by the black dragon!"

As he spoke, Aku paused for a moment, and then continued, "Although the commander-in-chief of the black cat has a fierce reputation, because of his upright character, he has directly or indirectly helped many people and maintained the order and justice of the earth and stars, so more People like to call him the Sheriff, Black Cat Sheriff, implying that he is the embodiment of justice and order!"

Speaking of this, Aku stopped, and the Black Crow Taoist also clearly understood why the Bitter Melon King was so afraid of the black cat commander.

Every one of what Aku said is enough for the bitter gourd king to kneel down. I am afraid that such an existence is already at the peak of the earth and stars, so how could the bitter gourd king be able to touch porcelain...

"It is worthy of being the Lord of the Guards of the Gods appointed by the Lord of the Earth and Stars! It is worthy of the name!"

Taoist Black Crow sighed, yearning for it.

Aku's eyes moved slightly, and he said, "It should be called Shenhuang now!"

"The fusion of the two stars of heaven and earth is already a new world, and it should bear the name of Shenhuang again!"

Taoist Heiya was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, but he didn't think there was anything wrong.

In today's world, it is indeed inappropriate to call it the sky star or the earth star.

"What shall we do now?"

Aku didn't talk much with Taoist Hei Ya, and then looked at Pao Pao and asked.

"Of course I'm looking for Xiao Meimei and the Double-faced Turtle!"

"Now that you and I meet, with the power of the double dragon scales, we will be able to pinpoint the positions of Xiao Meimei and the double-faced turtle more accurately!"

Bubble replied excitedly, and Aku also nodded.

But at this time, Taoist Hei Ya seemed to have noticed something, and his gaze changed.

"Go back!"

Taoist Heiya shouted loudly, grabbed the clothes on the backs of the two with both hands, and retreated ten thousand meters away in an instant.

Before Bubble and Aku could react, they saw a strange black hole appear in their original position in the next second, and a large black worm came out of it.

Wherever it passed, even the space was peeled off, its ferocity and strangeness made people feel chills all over.

"What are those?!"

Bubbles was startled and felt a burst of physical discomfort.

"What a fierce creature!"

Taoist Heiya's eyes were sharp, and his heart sank.


Ah Ku seemed to know what it was, and his face immediately changed.


Taoist Hei Ya's eyes changed slightly, and he suddenly thought of the bloody worm in the Holy Nation's Flesh and Flesh God Sect, which caused a lot of commotion at that time, so he was naturally paying attention.

It seems that the bloody worm is the Zerg!

Aku nodded, and quickly said, "In all directions of the universe, in all the heavens and myriad worlds, the evil of the Zerg is everywhere!"

"They are the race with the strongest reproductive ability in the Ten Thousand Realms. A female insect can give birth to hundreds of millions of insect grandchildren at a time. Moreover, the Zerg race has a huge branch, with countless branch races. What kind of god-eating insects, parasitic Insects, corpse brain worms and other various Zerg races, there are so many that it is impossible to estimate!"

"During the period of mythology, Shenhuang also encountered Zerg attacks. The Shenhuang was shattered, and the Zerg accounted for a large part of the reason. According to records, there are three major branches of the Zerg that invaded Shenhuang, namely the God-eating Zerg, the Sky-Cracking Golden Horn Zerg, The Star Devouring Zerg, these three branches of the Zerg are the powerful race that can be ranked in the top ten among the hundreds of millions of Zerg..."

Aku paused for a moment, his face serious, "Looking at the appearance of this bug, it should be a blood bee monster! Although it is not a humble Zerg branch, it is the vanguard of many powerful Zerg branches!"

"And this also means that behind this, there will be more powerful Zerg!"

Hearing this, Taoist Hei Ya was also shocked, and his eyes couldn't hide his horror.

"The gods are shattered...the Zerg race is so terrifying?!"

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