Fortunately, Taoist Hei Ya is considered a person who has seen the world, so he calmed down quickly.

"Aku, do you know why this blood bee monster can appear in Shenhuang? The current Shenhuang is formed by the fusion of the two stars of heaven and earth. There are countless strong people, and the world consciousness should have the ability to exclude xenophobia. The Zerg appeared directly in the world?"

Taoist Black Crow showed doubts, and asked a little puzzled.

Aku looked solemn, and said in a deep voice, "Because of the 'Wormhole'! Zerg's supernatural powers!"

Taoist Black Crow stared, "Wormhole?"

Aku felt it, and continued, "The so-called wormhole is an irreversible door to space. Once it is opened, there is no other way to close it except for the Zerg to close it and smash it with absolute power."

"The wormhole is very special. The Zerg only needs to obtain the location and the items at that location, such as a grain of soil or a drop of water, and the Zerg can open the wormhole at that location."

"Moreover, wormholes are guarded by strong Zerg, and it is not easy to smash them into pieces." ap.

"It seems that some Zergs have been eyeing this place for a long time, and obtained some things, so they can successfully open the wormhole in Shenhuang!"

"However, with Zhen Shenwei here, it should be fine..."

As soon as Aku's words fell, the three people of the Black Crow Taoist saw a murderous and terrifying golden light passing across the sky.


The golden glow passed through the blood bee demon swarm.

In an instant, the sky was stained with blood, and tens of thousands of blood bee monsters were instantly wiped out.

"This is…"

Taoist Black Crow's eyes shook.

Although the breath of those blood bee demon insects is not strong, and they only have the appearance of the second or third realm, but mixed together, they form a strange magnetic field, as if they are integrated.

If you fall into it, even the existence of the second and third realms of the true king will be like being trapped in a quagmire, and it will be difficult to break free.

But if he wanted to kill them all with one blow, Taoist Hei Ya reckoned and found that he couldn't do it at all.

On the one hand, there are too many of them, and it is too difficult to kill hundreds of thousands of blood bee monsters with one blow; on the other hand, in this strange magnetic field, the attacks will be greatly weakened!

"So who..."

Daoist Black Crow was shocked and stared at the sky.

At this moment, a familiar voice resounded through the sky, making the three of Taoist Black Crow stunned.

"There are six wormholes!"

"A place in Bitter Melon Country, a place in Qingqing Grassland, a place in Xuquan, a place in Fushu Country, a place in Gou Xiongling, and... a place in Yujing Nine Thousand Islands!"

"In addition to the Nine Thousand Islands of Yujing, I also hope that everyone in other regions will suppress the Zerg as soon as possible, destroy the wormholes, and prevent the pests from spreading."

A ray of golden light passed by and stopped in front of the wormhole. It was the black cat whose front feet had just left for a while.

At this time, he was holding a three-pointed and two-edged knife, and when he opened his mouth, his voice spread all over Shenhuang.

After the black cat left for a while, he noticed the appearance of the wormholes, and he also received a reminder from the world master, knowing the number and location of all the wormholes.

"It's the black cat boss!"

"The black cat commander is too strong!"

Bubble's eyes lit up, as if seeing an idol, he was very excited.

"It's really strong..."

Taoist Black Crow nodded in agreement, thinking of the six places that Black Cat said, he couldn't help but think again.

"Gouxiong Ridge and Qingqing Grassland have long been household names in Tianxing, and the virtual circle should be the faction where Nashimaru Gin and Ur Urquila belong. As for Fushu Kingdom, I have never heard of it, and it should be a faction dominated by the Rat Clan. "

"And that Yujing Jiuqian Island..."

Taoist Black Crow frowned slightly, and was very curious about Yujing Jiuqian Island, because when the black cat mentioned the six areas where wormholes appeared, his attitude towards Yujing Jiuqian Island was obviously very different.

At this time, Aku's words made him understand immediately.

"Yujing Nine Thousand Islands... Heh, it's not good to open a wormhole, and it actually opened to the territory of the world master!"

Aku sneered, and mourned silently for the Zerg in the wormhole in Yujing Jiuqian Island.

"World Lord?!"

Taoist Hei Ya's face changed suddenly, and he finally understood why the black cat said "Chu Yu Jing Jiu Qian Dao".

Although he has never met the Lord of the Earth Star, he also knows that he is the strongest and most mysterious existence on the Earth Star. The rules made by the other party at will make all the forces and powerful people on the Earth Star dare not disobey.

Such an existence, I am afraid that the area where it is located is also a restricted area of ​​life and death!


At this time, there were densely packed blood bee monsters gushing out from the wormhole outside the bitter melon city.

However, the black cat just swiped the three-pointed and two-edged knife in its hand, and wiped out all the densely packed blood bee monsters.

"This wormhole is hard."

The black cat's face was flat, looking at the wormhole that canceled out its own attack, the golden pattern on its forehead flashed, and the next moment it turned into a vertical pupil.

The golden light of the vertical pupils blooms, as if there is a true god living in it. In an instant, the shadows of the sun and the moon meet, the wind and clouds change without a trace, and the trajectory of the sky and the earth seem to have changed. ...

Chapter 219 The real black emperor roaring sky dog; they are all good experimental products...

"Let me see which branch of the Zerg race dares to open the wormhole into the wilderness!"

The black cat's face was stern, and its eyes were piercing. The divine light pierced through the wormhole and rushed straight to the other end of the wormhole.

After a while, the golden light from the vertical pupil dissipated.

The black cat's eyes wiped a strange color, and murmured.

"Among the Zerg race, the eight-armed god-slaying spider is known as the's actually this race..."

"However, if you dare to make trouble, then you can bury him right there!"

As soon as the words fell, the three-pointed and two-edged knife danced in the black cat's hand, the dragon chanted and the sky moved, and the black dragon's fierce spirit was entwined.


A stern look flickered across the eyes of the black cat, and the black dragon roared, with the tip of the knife hitting the wormhole.

In an instant, a wailing sounded.

Inside the wormhole, a strange worm of hundreds of meters that looked like a tortoise but had a caterpillar head and four centipede feet appeared, and was instantly smashed to pieces by the power of the three-pointed two-edged knife, and finally there was nothing left.

"The stone-shell tortoise beetle known as the tortoise shell guards the wormhole, which can strengthen the wormhole, but it is just a stone-shell tortoise beetle that is just a canopy god king, it is too contemptuous of the gods!"

The black cat sneered, then turned into a streamer and went straight into the wormhole.

Without the guardian worm, the one-way wormhole directly becomes a two-way, the Zerg can reach the sky star through the wormhole, and he can also go to the land of the Zerg through the wormhole!

"Wouldn't it be too risky for the black cat boss to do that?"

Heiya Taoist saw this scene, his eyes changed slightly, and he said with a little worry.

Just as Aku was about to speak, a black shadow suddenly passed by and circled around the three of them, but they couldn't even react.

"Hey, you guys are so weak, you don't have to worry so much!"

Taoist Hei Ya immediately changed his face, and asked quickly, "Who are you?"

As soon as Taoist Heiya asked, the black shadow stopped, and they all turned their faces on Taoist Heiya.

Taoist Black Crow's complexion changed, and he subconsciously activated the God of Death's Eyes, blasting out the God of Death's light with a blow.

"Oh? Ancestral pupil of death?"

Hei Ying seemed a little surprised, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the death light.


The Black Crow Taoist was shocked, subconsciously took a step back.


"What! It turns out that it's just a garbage death pupil that has degenerated countless times."

The black shadow stopped, and it turned out to be a big fat black dog.

The big black dog stuck out its tongue, as if it disliked the death light it just swallowed.

Hearing this, Taoist Heiya felt angry all of a sudden, but he also knew that the other party must be difficult.

After thinking briefly for a moment, Taoist Heiya cupped his hands and said indifferently.

"In that case, please appreciate this trick!"

As soon as the words fell, Taoist Black Crow's pupils switched, and the aura of destruction surged.

"Yohoho, Destroy Ancestral Eye? No, it's the degenerated Destroy Eye!"

The big black dog showed a little surprise, as if he didn't expect Taoist Hei Ya to have double pupils.

"Destroy the Great Mill!"

The corners of Taoist Black Crow's mouth slightly raised, his pupils were filled with destructive aura, and two gray rays of destructive light gushed out, converging into a huge gray millstone.

While the millstone was turning, the power of destruction spread for three thousand miles.

"Hey, it's interesting!"

The big black dog grinned and opened its mouth wide.


Opening his mouth like an abyss, the millstone kept shaking, and was finally sucked into the mouth by the big black dog.

"Hi~, the taste is good this time, but the power is too weak and not strong enough!"

The big black dog stroked his belly, showing a reluctantly satisfied expression.

The Black Crow Taoist was completely convinced, no longer making moves, but slightly bowed and cupped his hands.

"The Black Crow Taoist has met the senior, but he doesn't know the name of the senior?"

"Not bad! It's quite polite!"

The big black dog smiled with satisfaction, as if he was very satisfied with the attitude of Taoist Heiya.

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