Didara Buchi saw the blood-red road under Uchiha Taifei's feet, and immediately fixed his eyes.

"Mr. Taffy succeeded!"

Kisame Pike was delighted, said while looking along the blood-red road.

At the end, a ten-zhang gate with a golden dragon head and a fairy song god embraces stands erect.

And that is the "gate" to becoming a god!


Chapter 243 Tai Fei who took the wrong template?Thousand Hands Jerry Appears

Forge the way of God, knock on the door of God!

Knocking on the "door" of Shinto, like a fish jumping over a dragon's gate, shed her mortal body and turned into a god!

Uchiha Taifei pushed himself to the extreme, forced himself to break through the limit, and finally forged Shinto and called out the "door".

"No! Not yet!" ap.

"That guy isn't dead yet!"

But at this time, Didarabuchi's face sank, and he turned to look at the center of destruction.

Boom boom boom!

"Ruined! Ruined! Everything is ruined!"

"You still want to use this ancestor as a stepping stone to knock on the door of God? This ancestor will let you die without a place to bury you, and you will not even be able to enter reincarnation!"

Under Yasaka Gouyu's devastating blow, the ancient ancestor of the Eight-armed God Stripping Spider has already been wiped out once.

But even a saint can be reborn from a drop of blood, not to mention that he is a demigod, and a wisp of his soul can be entrusted to the Dao.

As long as the wisp of his soul is not stripped from the Broken Dao, he will not really die.

What's more, although Yasaka Gouyu's power is terrifying, it can't completely obliterate his soul, but only destroys his physical body, so he can be reborn soon.

But even so, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider at this time was still crowed, and the anger and resentment in his heart wanted to rush out of the sky.

Looking at the figure of Uchiha Taifei, he wished to skin him and eat him alive, the murderous intent in his eyes swept across the sea of ​​stars like a storm, disturbing the nebula.

Because although Uchiha Taifei didn't kill him, he completely destroyed the eight-armed spider clan.

Even Ji Tianya, whom he had placed high hopes on, was killed by Yasaka Gouyu's terrifying power.

Even, he couldn't even find the scum...

Such a blow made the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider go crazy.

He stared at Uchiha Taifei, and Broken Road turned into a cage of heaven and earth, imprisoning Uchiha Taifei, Didara Buchi and others together.

Under this power, Didara Buqi and others were trapped in a quagmire.

Didarabuch and Kisame Pike looked at each other with seriousness in their eyes.

"This is bad."

"Tai Fei's condition is very poor. If she is attacked by that guy, she will probably die!"

Although Uchiha Taifei summoned Shinto, the damage to his body and soul made him extremely weak.

If it is normal, you only need to wait another quarter of an hour, and Uchiha Taifei's injuries can be healed by the power of Shinto.

But in the current situation, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed stripping spider obviously would not give Uchiha Taifei this opportunity.

On the other side, the Great Heavenly Kingdom Lord and others were all terrified.

Whether it is the strength displayed by Uchiha Taifei or the strength of the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider, they are frightened.

And Ye Shifan's mood is very complicated now. Compared with the fear of death, the shock in his heart is more serious at this time.

"It turns out that Sheng Yike can beat God..."

Ye Shifan's eyes flickered. Although Uchiha Taifei failed to kill the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider, it was already very terrifying to do so.

At least, in this critical moment, he was too shocked to recover, so that he didn't have much fear of death in his heart.

At the same time, in the endless void, Jiang Qiyu was also very surprised, even slightly shocked.

"Didn't I match Tai Fei with Itachi Uchiha's template? Why is this guy so reckless, just like Erzhuzi?"

Jiang Qiyu frowned slightly, looking at Uchiha Taifei who was still "recovering blood", very surprised.

In addition, Uchiha Taifei's performance also surprised Jiang Qiyu.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a member of the Uchiha clan, he does not listen to the leader at all, and changes tasks at will.

However, Jiang Qiyu was very satisfied that Uchiha Taifei was able to blow up the body of the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed stripping spider once.

This shows that Uchiha Taifei's potential and talent are very huge, and at the same time his temperament is firm and resolute, he will definitely be able to go further.

Now he has broken through his own limit and summoned the divine way, which is very good.

"It's time for me to do it too."

Jiang Qiyu didn't intend to let Uchiha Taifei fall here, and his cash cow Ye Shifan was still there, so he couldn't let it go.

However, Jiang Qiyu does not intend to act in the image of Tom Uchiha...


The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider is like a god and demon, with an extremely terrifying aura. I saw him wave his eight arms, and countless sword shadows attacked Uchiha Taifei and others in all directions.

Above the knife shadow, the Broken Dao is entangled, weaving into an airtight knife net.

In this knife net, Lord Datian and others couldn't control their bodies at all, and could only watch the knife net attack.

On the other side, Uchiha Taifei has not moved for a long time, like a rock, motionless, as if he has lost consciousness.


The only ones who can move are Didarabuchi and Kisame Pike.

The two soldiers divided into two groups, one stood in front of Ye Shifan and the others, while the other quickly rushed to Uchiha Taifei, trying to protect them.

"Ants! Ants! They are all ants! Let me die!"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was furious, and the knife net fell, cutting the two of them bloody, and the broken way made it impossible for them to heal their physical injuries, and even their souls were damaged.

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider didn't say much, and took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the sword shadow fell again.

Facing the furious ancestor of the eight-armed god-splitting spider, Didara Buqi and Kisame Pike were not opponents at all, and they didn't need each other to do it themselves. Under the endless shadow of the sword, the two were exhausted and seriously injured.

After all, they don't have the near-god combat power of Uchiha Taify.


Suddenly, a saber arm stretched out in the void, and with just a light swipe, Pike and Didarabuchi flew out, crying blood like a fountain.

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider looked cold, and the saber arm in the void turned again, stabbing directly from the top of Uchiha Taifei's head.

"Mr. Taffey!"

Kisame Pike's face was pale. Seeing this scene, he desperately wanted to step forward to stop it, but was blocked by endless sword shadows. Even though he kept roaring, he couldn't break through the sword shadows.

Didara Buqi swung countless clay birds and a hundred-foot-long clay dragon, but they were still chopped into pieces by the knife shadow, and he was pierced by the knife shadow, and his injuries were much worse.


The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider showed a happy and excited expression, and his ferocious face was full of joy.

At this moment, everyone's eyes widened, thinking that Uchiha Taifei was doomed.

"I once said that when doing things, you must leave room for yourself and leave a way out for yourself,"

"Tafi, why do you always fail to remember?"

Just at this moment of urgency, a flat and somewhat helpless voice sounded.

What followed was the ancient verdant wood that pierced through the void.


The ancient wood is like a sword, colliding with the blade arm.

Unexpectedly, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was knocked back again and again by this force, and felt a burst of anger in his chest.


The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider suddenly raised his head, his face was cold and violent.

There was a gap in the void, and a big brown hand pushed open the void.

Uchiha Taifei seemed to feel something, and he regained consciousness, raised his head suddenly, and then shrank his pupils, his expression appeared extremely complicated.


The visitor was tall and straight, clad in crimson armor, with a firm face, and his pupils were like a sea of ​​stars, deep and bottomless.

"Thousand-handed Jerry!"

When Didarabuch and Kisame Pike saw this person, their expressions changed. ...

Chapter 244 Completely crushed, I am so merciful!

"Thousand-handed Jerry?"

Ye Shifan was taken aback, looked at the appearance of Thousand Hands Jerry, then at Uchiha Taifei, and found that the two seemed to be somewhat similar.

Suddenly, Ye Shifan remembered that Tom Uchiha had turned the prison madman into a mouse...

"The mouse... it should be him!"

Immediately, hope arose in Ye Shifan's heart.

Since Senior Tom Uchiha can show an unusual expression, then Thousand Hands Jerry shouldn't be weak!

"I just didn't expect Thousand Hands Jerry and Uchiha Taifei to be uncles and nephews, but why did Senior Taifei have the same surname as Senior Tom Uchiha?"

Ye Shifan's eyes flickered slightly, and he couldn't help filling out a novel in his mind.

Back to the topic, after Thousand Hands Jerry appeared, he ignored the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider, but looked down at Taifei Uchiha.

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