"Why are you here?"

Uchiha Taifei clasped his hands tightly, said through gritted teeth, there was a trace of joy in his eyes, but also a trace of embarrassment, which was extremely complicated.

"You're in danger, so I'm here."

Thousand Hands Jerry's tone was flat, as if he was talking homely, with a hint of pampering.

Uchiha Taifei bowed his head and did not speak.

Thousand Hands Jerry didn't care, and said to himself, "You changed your surname to Uchiha, and even accepted Tom's power, why?"

"Go home, they are all worried about you."

Uchiha Taifei stood up silently, his injury was still serious at this time, but it was much better than before.

He raised his head, staring at Thousand-Handed Jerry with scarlet eyes.

"If I step through the gate of God, will I be able to meet your requirements?"

Uchiha Taifei never cared about power, but the approval of Thousand Hands Jerry.

"You should know, I never asked you."

Thousand Hands Jerry shook his head and said calmly.

Uchiha Taifei clenched his hands tightly, turned his head to look at the "door" at the end of the Shinto, and stepped forward firmly.

Thousand Hands Jerry was silent.

"Damn it! Don't try to succeed!"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was furious, and he was ignored by Chunchun, did he really think he was made of mud? !

"Go to hell!"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was berserk, venting his strength for nine days, dragging a [-]-meter black light from the blade in his hand, and falling straight towards Uchiha Taifei.

However, the next moment Jerry with Thousand Hands suddenly appeared in front of him.

Facing each other, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was horrified, the blade in his hand turned quickly, and he slashed horizontally.

Swish swish!

Ancient trees reach the sky, weaving a green world.

I saw Gu Muru grasping it with a big hand, directly pinching and exploding the [-]-meter black light.


The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was horrified, his face turned pale with shock, and when he was about to strike again, a thick big hand squeezed his neck fiercely, and lifted it up easily.

"How do you want to die?"

With a calm expression on his face, Thousand Hands Jerry asked the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider indifferently.

"Let go of this ancestor!"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was furious, and immediately activated the broken Dao principle, trying to crush the person in front of him.

However, after a while, he found that his strength seemed to have disappeared, and he had no reaction at all, and Broken Dao was even more unable to use it.

"How is this going?"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was shocked, and looked at the thousand-handed Jerry in front of him, showing disbelief.

Demi god!

And it's not just an ordinary demigod!

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to suppress his broken law!

"who are you?"

At this time, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider also knew that fury was useless, his ferocious complexion gradually became clear, looking at Jerry with thousands of hands, his eyes were full of surprise.

"Thousand-handed Jerry, the patriarch of the Thousand-handed clan, is also Tai Fei's uncle."

"Since you hurt him, there is no need to live."

Thousand Hands Jerry raised his eyes, his words were flat.

"Thousand-handed clan?"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was even more confused. He had lived for so long, why had he never heard of such a power!

Suddenly, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider focused his eyes, and asked in surprise, "Are you a person from Shenhuang?"

"Shen Huang?"

"Interesting, I didn't expect Shenhuang to still exist..."

But hearing the words of the ancient ancestor of the Eight-armed God Stripping Spider, Jerry with a thousand hands frowned and murmured with great interest.

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was taken aback for a moment, but the other party was not a person from Shenhuang.

But the surroundings of the ancient star sea are just low-level star seas, and the strongest ones are no match for the ancient star sea.

If it is farther away, if you want to come to the ancient sea of ​​stars, I am afraid that you have to activate a large space teleportation array.

And that kind of thing is not only extremely precious, but also the cost of casting is extremely high, and it is usually cast and managed by a hegemony-level force in a galaxy.

Using it once requires expensive remuneration, and ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

Even if it can be used, it shouldn't use a large space teleportation array to come to such a backward and barren intermediate star sea.

It is simply puzzling that a strong man like Thousand Hands Jerry appears here.

But Thousand Hands Jerry didn't give him much time to think.

"Forget it, Shenhuang is extremely mysterious, and I don't need to get in touch with it."

"As for you..."

Thousand Hands Jerry raised his head, a trace of murderous intent flashed across his eyes.


In an instant, countless ancient trees gushed out from the void.

The pale star ring that had already become ruins was covered by countless verdant ancient trees.

Towering ancient trees cover the nebula.

At the same time, above the ancient tree, terrifying power swept across the sea of ​​stars.

Thousand-handed Jerry threw the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider directly, and his figure flew high into the sky.

【Immortal Art·Wooden Escape? Really thousands of hands】!

Thousand-Handed Jerry's eyes were full of divine light, and his whole body was extremely awe-inspiring. Behind him was a giant statue of Guanyin with countless arms stretched out.

Guanyin opened his eyes, and the star sea changed color.

"Do not!!"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider looked flustered, and wanted to activate the Shattering Dao Principle, but was suppressed by the surrounding ancient trees that reached the sky and couldn't move.

Thousand-handed Jerry looked calm, and when he punched, Guanyin raised his hand.

In an instant, the sea of ​​stars was filled with shadows of fists.

The shadow of the fist was like light, exceeding all speeds, and slammed hard on the body of the eight-armed god stripping spider ancestor.

In just an instant, the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was punched tens of thousands of times.

Every bombardment made the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider feel extreme pain.


The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider screamed continuously, and his body exploded.

Then, a phantom emitting black light cut through the space, trying to escape.

And this is the soul of the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider.

He was terrified and didn't dare to hesitate a bit.

However, how could Jerry with Thousand Hands let him escape?

Thousand-handed Jerry raised his hand and waved it slightly, countless branches of the sky-reaching ancient tree gushed out, entangled and imprisoned the soul of the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider.

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider struggled desperately, but it was in vain, completely useless.

"What is your strength?"

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider was horrified. He originally thought that Jerry with thousands of hands was a top-notch demigod, but the methods he displayed were too terrifying, and he had no strength to resist at all.

Moreover, under the other party's Taoism, his Broken Taoism and his son met his father, and he didn't know where to hide, and he couldn't be manipulated at all!

However, Thousand-Handed Jerry didn't pay attention to his intentions. He raised his hand again, and behind him Guanyin merged his hands and opened his lips slightly.

【Amitabha, my Buddha is merciful】!

Hearing the sound from Guanyin's mouth, the eyes of the ancient ancestor of the eight-armed stripping god spider widened, and then an extremely bad feeling rose in his heart, as if death was imminent, making him tremble.

"No! Leave me alone!"

"You and I have no grievances, I am willing to leave! Or I can surrender to you! Don't kill me!"

The longer you live, the more you cherish your life.

The ancient ancestor of the eight-armed god stripping spider did not want to perish just like that.

Because if an existence like him falls, it will inevitably end with the death of soul and soul.

At that time, he will not even be able to touch reincarnation, and disappear in the long river of time!

"Injured Tai Fei, still wanting to survive... ridiculous!"

There was a trace of murderous intent in Thousand Hands Jerry's eyes, and a wave of strength swayed from his raised hand.

And the fear of the ancient ancestor of the Eight-armed God Stripping Spider reached the extreme at this moment. ………

Chapter 245 Do You Call This Great Mercy? ! ; five items

"I am the disciple of the Ninth Patriarch of the Tianjiao Xiantong Clan. If you kill me, you will not survive!"

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