Then, the big monster weighed the iron chain in his hand, and then dragged Zhongmiao Tianzun back with a calm expression.

At the same time, Mr. Cui was also refined by the Nine Dragons Divine Fire, leaving no scum left.

In the sky boat, Jiang Qiyu was always paying attention to the battle between the big monster and the heavenly gods.

After seeing Zhongmiao Tianzun being subdued by the big monster, Jiang Qiyu immediately beamed with joy.

"Good! Good!"

"This [Mythological Concrete] ability is really a big surprise!"

Jiang Qiyu looked at the panel in front of her in surprise, with joy in her tone.

【Mythological representation】

[Character? Power over the world o Fist over the world—big monster]

[Concrete time: 1 hour/1 hour: 27 minutes...]

[Concrete background: One of the Southern Emperor Wuhua Emperor under the command of the mysterious Lord of Creation, possessing the aura of domineering emperor.He once fought against the four great dark gods alone and annihilated their seals. He is the only one who can compete with Saitama.He once died in battle under the hands of the ancestors worshiped in the dark, and now the true spirit has returned, and he is one of the five emperors of the southern emperor...]

[Concrete Strength: Eternal True God]

[Authority: Fist, Quan, Emperor (God of the Three Gods)]

[Concrete wish value: [-] million]...

Chapter 290 White-eyed old man, black-haired young man; star field shakes

This [Mythical Concrete] is a newly awakened function of the system, and its function is mainly used for emergency.

When Jiang Qiyu's subordinates are not strong enough, you can enter the ability, strength and background of the characters to be fabricated in [Mythological Concrete], and [Mythical Concrete] will evaluate the required willingness value based on the strength of the fabricated characters.

While made-up characters are only temporary, character templates persist.

In this way, the next time you only need to pay the will power, you can call out the fabricated character again.

Moreover, when the number of times the fabricated character is concretized increases, there will be a certain chance that it will become permanent!

However, how many times this number is, but it is not accurate. .br>

It may be two or three times, or it may be two or three followed by two zeros, so whether it can be permanent or not depends entirely on luck.

And the big monster is the first person that Jiang Qiyu concretized using [Mythical Concrete].

"Although [-] million is more expensive, it is not a fraction of a top true god. Although this true god is not permanent, but only [-] million willingness points can provide a true god thug who can suppress or even seal the same realm. A good deal."

"If there is a crisis, [Mythological Concrete] will be the best back-up to save your life..."

"Besides, if I have this function when dealing with [Darkness], why would I need to spend one billion on one spear?"

"Directly fabricate a thug for one billion, penetrate the darkness, and even let him directly cross the heavens to explore the reality of [the source of darkness]!"

Although Jiang Qiyu felt it was a pity, she also knew that if the one billion had not been used, the system would never have awakened the ability of [Mythical Concrete].

"While the big monster still has some time, let's collect all the wonderful Xinghai first!"

Living beings are the source of wish power, and Jiang Qiyu naturally does not refuse anyone, the more the better.

Anyway, his Eternal Skyboat is not much, it just has a lot of space!

After the big monster threw Zhongmiao Tianzun into the eternal sky boat, he went to Zhongmiao Tianzun's Zhongmiao Court and slapped all the creatures inside to death.

After knowing that Zhongmiao Tianzun was defeated and sealed, Zhongmiao Xinghai immediately fell into panic.

The reason why the All Wonderful Celestials can become the Supreme Star Sea is because of the existence of the All Wonderful Celestials.

Now that the Celestial Lord Zhongmiao is sealed, other star seas will definitely attack Zhongmiao Xinghai in groups. The flames of war will spread and the lives will be destroyed. Most of the creatures in Zhongmiao Xinghai will definitely not be able to survive.

At this time, Daguai's words "can bless everyone" immediately caused a huge sensation.

In front of a powerful true god who sealed Zhongmiao Tianzun, the creatures of Zhongmiao Xinghai had no second choice. Whether they wanted to or not, they all entered the world of sails without hesitation.

This time the number of creatures is a bit too much, and it took a full four sail worlds to accommodate them, and these four sail worlds are all transformed with precious space treasures, and one world can hold several galaxies, so It can be seen that there are so many creatures this time.

"Long-lasting meal tickets are delicious!"

The corners of Jiang Qiyu's mouth raised, feeling that he had found a way to continue producing will power.

Maybe, after [-] years, his Eternal Skyship will be a universe, and a sail will be a side of the heavens...

If it can be realized, I will be excited just thinking about it!

Jiang Qiyu calmed down, looking at the dimmed head of the big monster on the [Mythical Image], showing a look of pity.

"It's a pity that the permanent representation has not been realized..."

Of course, Jiang Qiyu said this in other words, after all, the big monster is only realized once, even if it is Ouhuang, it is impossible to realize it once and become permanent.

"It seems that we can no longer be extravagant in the future, and we have to save some wish power as a base. [-] million can embody the eternal true god who is invincible in the same realm, and [-] million can probably embody the immortal true god? If it is one billion..."

"Okay! Then leave one billion wishes as a base!"

Jiang Qiyu deeply felt the importance of [Mythical Concrete], so she also planned to set aside one billion wish points for emergencies.

As for other will power values...

Well, he doesn't have many now.

"There is a long way to go, a long way to go."

"This wonderful star sea is only the most peripheral supreme star sea. Without all the wonderful celestial beings, it is a high-level star sea. We have to go to the eternal star sea as soon as possible. There is the real big stage!"

"Xiaoqing, go to the teleportation array in the starry sky!"


At the same time when all the wonderful gods were sealed,

Eternal Star Sea, Three Thousand Star Field, within Dao Sect.


"The aura of All Wonderful Heavenly Venerates has disappeared."

The old man with white hair and white pupils dropped the black chess piece in his hand, and spoke to the black-haired young man opposite him.

"All wonderful? Who?"

The black-haired young man glanced at the chess board, and without hesitation, he dropped the white chess piece in his hand.

The white-eyed old man laughed, "It's that little guy who was rejected by you 80 years ago."

The black-haired young man was thoughtful, then shook his head, "I don't remember."

Hearing this, the old man with white pupils was not surprised either.

After all, the person in front of him is an existence who really sits in the heavens.

80 years ago, Zhongmiao Tianzun was not a true god, and he was not qualified to be recorded by the black-haired youth.

Even now, Zhongmiao Tianzun is still not qualified.

The eyes of the white-eyed old man flickered, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then he asked the black-haired young man, "Do you still remember the spear that pierced the sky a while ago?"

Hearing this, the black-haired young man's eyes lit up slightly, and then he looked up at the white-eyed old man.


The white-eyed old man smiled, knowing that the black-haired youth was asking where the person who swung the spear was.

"Come, come, come soon!"

"That one, it seems that he is not a person willing to be lonely..."

The white-eyed old man chuckled, and lifted the chess piece while talking.

But after looking at the chess game, the black chess in his hand could not be dropped for a long time.

The white-eyed old man glanced at the black-haired young man calmly, then raised his sleeves, pretending to be sleepy, while waving his sleeves towards the chessboard.

"Stinky chess basket!"

The black-haired young man saw it, and his fingers landed on the chessboard, firmly fixing the chess pieces on the board.

The white-eyed old man failed to wave his sleeves, so he couldn't help laughing dryly, and then said nonchalantly, "I'm just sleepy, I don't think about chaos."

"Ah~, I'm sleepy, I'm going to go back first."

After finishing speaking, the white-eyed old man didn't give the black-haired youth a chance to speak, and disappeared in a flash.

The black-haired young man glanced at the chess game and shook his head slightly.

Who would have thought that the majestic master of the Taoist sect would be a stinky chess basket, who likes to regret chess, but also likes to run away!

"Who are you? What is that darkness..."

"Sitting for too long, maybe it's time to go out for a walk."

The black-haired young man stood up. He hadn't been a Daoist for a million years, and he didn't know many things about the outside world.

Like the owner of that spear, or like that piece of darkness...

After ten thousand years, the master of Dao Sect finally appeared again.

The last time it happened, or the last time.

As soon as the master of Daozong appeared, he asked the elders of Daozong to prepare a big gift and wait for the distinguished guest to appear.

After the incident spread, not only Dao Sect was shaken, but even the entire Three Thousand Star Region was not calm.

Who is the master of Taoism?

That is one of the top ten gods in the three thousand star field, and it is still enough to be ranked in the top three gods.

The so-called deity is actually the respectful title for the top eternal true god.

Each of the ten great gods has the terrifying power to suppress the same realm.

Although the top ten gods do not distinguish between high and low, the master of Dao Sect is defaulted as the top three of the top ten gods, and his strength is unfathomable.

And such an existence, the "honored guest" in the mouth naturally caused the Three Thousand Star Territory to vibrate.

All of a sudden, every place moved, and they quietly went towards Daozong, wanting to see who it was, who could be called a "honored guest" by the master of Daozong! ...

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