Chapter 291 Nine Boxes City, Yin Tianqi; Arrive at the Three Thousand Star Field, Be Vigilant

With the flick of a finger, the white horse passes through the gap, the river turns, it goes and comes, comes and goes.

When the stream keeps flowing, it is already January.

Nine Boxes City, also known as Immortal Wine City and Nine Swords City, is a big city closest to Daozong, rich in fine wine and swords.

In the big city, people from the Taoist sect often appear, drinking wine and facing swords here.

Although it is called a city, its size can be called a domain, and hundreds of millions of people live in it.

If it weren't for the fact that the Nine Boxes City needs some conditions to settle in, there would be more than hundreds of millions of people.

And after the news of the Taoist sect came out a month ago, creatures entered the Nine Boxes City every day.

There are all kinds of people, and there are all races.

Within the Jiuxia City, there are ten elegant attics, on which are called "Yinxian Towers".

Yinxianlou is the largest restaurant in Jiuxia City, and the people behind it are unknown.

All Yinxian buildings have seven floors.

There is nothing new on the first floor, everyone can enter, and it is a good place to have a drink and listen to anecdotes.

But starting from the second floor, there are requirements.

The second floor, at least in the realm of the holy king, can only be climbed.

On the third floor, one needs to be in the realm of a demigod to enter.

As for the fourth floor, it is also possible to enter the realm of demigods, but one needs to have an extraordinary identity, such as the successor of a certain great religion, or the status of the current arrogance, and ordinary demigods are not qualified to enter it at all.

On the fifth floor, only evildoers with the talent of a true god can enter.

The sixth floor, that is only true gods can enter.

As for the seventh floor, there are only a handful of records of entry. Once it was the master of Taoism, once it was the head of the Holy Court, and once it was a mysterious person in the Hall of Human Emperors.

The Holy Court and the Human Emperor's Palace are all the same supreme forces as Daozong.

These three forces are not comparable to Zhongmiao Tianzun's Zhongmiaoting, and if one person is brought up at random, they may be able to suppress Zhongmiaoting.

In the past, some people refused to accept the arrangement of Yinxian Tower and wanted to forcibly climb the tower.

However, in the end, the man was reduced to ashes the moment he stepped on the stairs, not even his spirit remained.

What is chilling is that the man is also a well-known demigod.

From then on, no one dared to make trouble in Yinxian Tower.

"Brother, there are more and more people in the Nine Boxes City."

"I don't know when the honored guest that Master Zhangjiao said will arrive?"

On the fifth floor of Yinxian Building, on the seat by the window.

A woman in Tsing Yi propped her face, her beautiful crescent eyebrows moved slightly, and a pair of bright snow-like eyes looked at the young man in white opposite her, muttering in her mouth, showing a little bored look.

The young man in white picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, and smiled calmly.

"Master said, it should be in these two days, junior sister, if you are bored, you can go out for a stroll."

The young man in white had a soft voice, and his words and deeds seemed to coincide with the rhyme of Dao, and there were countless Dao all around him, as if they wanted to get close to him.

And this person's name is Yin Tianqi, and it is the unworldly evildoer who caused the eight-armed stripping god spider, the head of the nine kings, the Prison Tianya Dao Heart to collapse!

At this time, he was not just a true disciple of Daozong.

The current Yin Tianqi is the youngest saint son of Dao Sect, the Sixth Sage Son of Dao Sect.

At the same time, he is the only apprentice of the master of Taoism.

And the woman in Tsing Yi in front of him is the granddaughter of the master of Dao Sect, named Qian Qiu, who is younger than him, but only six hundred years old.

He and Qianqiu came to Jiuxia City half a month ago, and were asked by the master to wait for the distinguished guests here.

Half a month passed, and the honored guests did not arrive, but there were quite a few ghosts and ghosts.

However, Yin Tianqi was not in a hurry, he was naturally calm, let alone half a month, even if he sat here for half a year, he still felt that the blink of an eye was gone.

But his little junior sister Qianqiu, half a month of waiting has already made her a little impatient.

But for Yin Tianqi's proposal, Qianqiu refused without hesitation.

After all, she doesn't know how many times she has visited the Nine Boxes City, and she even remembers which street corner has a hole, so there is no need to visit again.


"Huh? Someone came up again?"

Qian Qiu was surprised when he heard the footsteps coming from the stairs.

Although in the past half month, many people entered Nine Boxes City and Yinxian Building, but there were no one who could go up to the fifth floor except her and Yin Tianqi.

"Eldest brother, who are you talking about?"

Qianqiu blinked, Qingling's voice reached Yin Tianqi's ears.

Yin Tianqi raised his eyes, and without looking at the stairs, he replied directly, "Diyan Clan, Di San."

"Di San? Is that the lunatic who set fire to a demon royal court?"

Qianqiu showed surprise and couldn't help saying.


"As expected of Shengzi Yin who possesses the innate Taoist body, you can know me without seeing me! But this girl, I am not a lunatic!"

At this moment, a man in a red robe with long hair like flames came up from the stairs.

Qianqiu's face blushed slightly.

It's really not a good thing to say bad things and be heard by the person concerned.

However, Di San didn't care about it.

Instead, he directly walked towards Yin Tianqi and cupped his hands at the same time.

"I've seen Brother Yin!"

Yin Tianqi didn't hold his identity, and also raised his hand, but there was no expression on his face.

"Brother Emperor, I have heard the name for a long time."

"Hahaha! What a big name, it's nothing more than mediocre. Compared with Brother Yin and you, I am nothing."

Di San shook his head and smiled.

He didn't mean to praise Yin Tianqi, but Yin Tianqi himself is a legend.

The hundred-year-old holy king, who became a demigod at the age of two hundred, embraces the four great principles.

If it is not Dao, too many will greatly increase the difficulty of breaking through the true god. Yin Tianqi, who is an innate Dao body, can easily control even ten kinds of Dao, not to mention four.

And even if there are only four principles, it is enough to shock the world.

You must know that it is the limit for ordinary people to cultivate one kind of Taoism well, and mastering two Taoisms is a peerless arrogance.

The Tianjiao Xiantong family of the top ten gods of the Zerg race can only perfectly control the two principles with the blood of the Tianjiao Xiantong.

However, Yin Tianqi can perfectly control the four principles, and the degree of horror cannot be expressed in words.

Di San even suspected that if Yin Tianqi only mastered one way, he might have already broken through the true god...

Di San looked at Yin Tianqi and felt that he was looking at a bottomless well, and he couldn't see the opponent's strength clearly.

But Di San was sure that Yin Tianqi hadn't broken through to the True God. Such a situation could only show that the other party had already reached an unfathomable level in the demigod realm.

Di San's eyes showed amazement, he really couldn't figure out why there is such a terrifying person in the world.

Although he marveled at Yin Tianqi's monster, Di San didn't think he was weaker than him.

Although he has only comprehended one way, quantity does not mean everything, quality is the decisive factor!

In terms of the way of fire, Di San has already reached the limit, and the way in the body is perfect. When the opportunity comes in the future, the realm of the true god will be just around the corner!

Even if he hadn't broken through to the True God and couldn't see through Yin Tianqi, Di San still wanted to have a fight with Yin Tianqi to find out his reality.

"It's not in a hurry. Let's take a look at the distinguished guest that the master of Dao Sect said, and then ask Brother Yin for advice..."

Di San's eyes flickered slightly.

His purpose of appearing in Nine Boxes City this time is the same as that of most people, and it is also to meet the honored guest that the Master of Dao Sect said.

Therefore, even if he really wanted to fight Yin Tianqi, he could only endure it now.

"Disciple, the distinguished guest is here!"

"Yes, Master."

"Also, Master, can you change your elusive temper?"

Suddenly, the voice of the Master of Dao Sect rang in Yin Tianqi's mind.

However, Yin Tianqi wasn't surprised at all, just nodded lightly, and in the end he didn't forget to say something about the master of Dao Sect.

Afterwards, Yin Tianqi stood up.

Qianqiu and Di San were attracted by it, and looked up at him.

Qian Qiu asked, "Senior brother, what's wrong?"

"The distinguished guest is here!"

After finishing speaking, Yin Tianqi stepped forward and appeared on the Nine Boxes City.

Qianqiu and Di San also appeared immediately.

And the people below immediately noticed Yin Tianqi and the three of them.

Certainly this is the Nine Boxes City, ordinary people would not dare to fly here.

Therefore, those who dare to fly in the sky above the Nine Boxes City must be extraordinary people.

"That's... Yin Tianqi, the Sixth Son of Daozong!"

"And Di San from the Diyan Clan! Who is that girl?"

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