"The little granddaughter of the master of Dao Sect! They actually appeared. Could it be that the mysterious guest is about to appear?"

Everyone below thought of the key point, and they were all shocked.

In an instant, the streets below were already overcrowded.

At this time, outside the three thousand star field, an eternal sky boat carrying a world appeared quietly.

But in Tianzhou, Jiang Qiyu was very confused.

"Xiaoqing, why did you appear directly in the Three Thousand Star Field?"

Jiang Qiyu rubbed the center of his brows, feeling a little bad.

The Three Thousand Star Field, according to Gu Yuewang, is the strongest star field in the Eternal Star Sea. There are not only many supreme forces in it, but also many hidden old monsters that have not been born.

Even for the top ten protoss of the Zerg, they are all five-star plus dangerous.

Therefore, considering all aspects, Jiang Qiyu didn't plan to place Shenhuang in the Three Thousand Star Field as soon as he came.

After all, strong people are blooming everywhere here, and the gods are not small. If they occupy the place of an old monster, they will cause a commotion and troubles will continue.

Therefore, Jiang Qiyu's destination is the Tianjue Starfield of the Eternal Star Sea, which is the starfield where the card is played.

Jiang Qiyu still has an epic star card [Picture of Blue Falls and Yellow Springs] in his hand, and even the duel plate is ready, just waiting to set off a "duel wind" there.

But I didn't expect that the Eternal Skyboat would go directly to the Three Thousand Star Field after it opened!

"My lord, the navigation of the eternal sky boat is indeed the Tianjue Starfield... I don't know why it appears here..."

Xiaoqing's face also showed a touch of confusion and anxiety, and her eyes were dizzy.

The first time I performed the task of the Lord, there was a problem. She will not be rejected in the future, and the Lord will not love her anymore, right?

Thinking of this, Xiaoqing felt a little unsteady.

At this time, a big hand gently touched her head.

"Don't worry, this has nothing to do with you, someone should be watching us."

"Forget it, since you're here, let's go in directly. I still have a lot of cards in my hole now."

Jiang Qiyu stroked Xiaoqing's head and had already reached a conclusion.


Feeling the warmth of the top of her head, Xiaoqing nodded like a kitten with a look of comfort in her eyes.

"Okay, since someone is inviting you, don't keep others waiting, go in!"

Jiang Qiyu put down his hands, his eyes pierced through the sky boat, and landed in the Three Thousand Star Field.


After the order was issued, Xiaoqing's expression immediately returned to calm, and then she controlled the sky boat and flew into the Three Thousand Star Field.

And just as Jiang Qiyu expected, as soon as Tianzhou entered the Three Thousand Star Domain, he came to a city, which seemed to be a displaced space.

"Sure enough, I don't know who it is..."

A gleam of light flashed in Jiang Qiyu's eyes, and with a thought, he notified Sky Dragon to prepare for battle, and at the same time opened the [Mythical Concrete] panel in case of emergencies.

At this moment, a clear voice sounded.

"Daozong Yin Tianqi, welcome senior!"

"Senior, please come out and talk."

Yin Tianqi raised his head and looked at the Tianzhou carrying the world, with surprise in his eyes.

This distinguished guest may be even more extraordinary than he imagined...

Chapter 292 The Third Prince of the Dragon Clan, Ao Bing; Ordinary Mage, Daddy

"Yin Tianqi?"

"This name sounds familiar..."

Jiang Qiyu thought for a while, and suddenly remembered that Yu Tianya was snapped by Uchiha Taifei. It seemed that that guy's lifelong enemy was Yin Tianqi.

However, after seeing Yin Tianqi, Jiang Qiyu knew that it was definitely that little bugger, Ji Tianya, who was acting affectionately on his own.

This Yin Tianqi's whole body is like a piece of jade of the Great Dao, as if he is completely natural, he is very close to the Dao from the inside to the outside, the Dao surrounds his body, and the four powerful Dao in his body complement each other, presenting a harmonious state of yin and yang that complement each other like Tai Chi.

Although he is a demigod, but ordinary demigods may not be able to do half a move in his hands.

Even, this guy's four ways broke out, and Jiang Qiyu doubted that he could have a fight with the real god.

Of course, it was only just now.

But that was astonishing enough.

In comparison, the gap between Qian Tianya and Yin Tianqi is like that of a stubborn stone and a precious jade, a candle and a bright moon.

Even if the time dragged back to the time when Prison Tianya and Yin Tianqi met, Yin Tianqi would definitely be able to slaughter him like a dog.

In other words, Prison Tianya is not qualified to be Yin Tianqi's opponent at all.

"As expected of a big place, anyone who comes out is so awesome, it's really awesome!"

Jiang Qiyu sighed, if Yin Tianqi could become a god with the four ways, he might be another terrifying existence that suppresses the heavens.

"But, shall I go out..."

Jiang Qiyu frowned slightly.

Although he is a clone now, he doesn't want to be exposed to outsiders.

The heavens and the universe are so big, if you live carefully, you can save some troubles.

"Since the other party welcomes you with a demigod, then let Nezha...and two more people who can stand up for the front..."

Jiang Qiyu was thinking about it.

Outside, Yin Tianqi waited quietly.

"Brother, why don't you say this distinguished guest comes out?"

Qianqiu's eyes were bright. Although he was a little dissatisfied that Eternal Tianzhou hadn't responded for a long time, he also knew that the other party must be not simple, so he didn't show anything on his face, only showing a little doubt.

And Di San on the side stared at Eternal Tianzhou.

To be precise, it was looking at the armed units on the Eternal Skyship.

"They're all Eternal Skyships. It doesn't matter if this Eternal Skyship can carry the world on its back. Why are there so many armed units that seem to be extremely lethal?"

Although the Eternal Sky Boat is very precious, the Emperor Yan Clan is a big clan, although not as good as the Dao Sect, it is still one of the most powerful forces.

Therefore, there are naturally eternal skyships in the clan, and there are more than one.

But compared to this Eternal Skyship, the Eternal Skyship in his clan is simply weak!

Not to mention other things, you can't do it by flying around the world with one side on your back.

The Eternal Skyship has a limit, how heavy is one world?

Even if it barely carries the world, it will be difficult to exert the ability of Void Supreme Treasure, and I am afraid that it will be slower than a tortoise.

Moreover, because the cast gods only wanted to use it as a void treasure when forging the sky boat, they did not place armed units on it.

Even if there are, they are at most just some basic weapons, which are of no great use.

But the Eternal Skyboat is a complete body, and it can affect the whole body. Without the Protoss Clan, other people can't transform the Skyboat, let alone add powerful armed units to it.

But here lies the problem.

Forging the artifacts that the Protoss has cast for a lifetime, they may never have thought that they would be exterminated because of the artifacts they forged.

That's right, the Forged Protoss has long since disappeared.

After they forged a supreme artifact comparable to three thousand Taoist artifacts, they had already been wiped out.

Perhaps it was because of being affected by the powerhouses who robbed the artifact, or maybe it was because the world does not allow the existence of beings who can forge such a supreme artifact...

All in all, after the Protoss Clan is gone, the functions of the Eternal Sky Boat will be completely fixed.

But the Eternal Skyship in front of him completely broke this fixation.

That's why Di San felt very surprised and novel.

"Could it be that there are cast protoss on this distinguished passenger ship?"

Di San thought of this possibility.

Although the Casting God Clan was wiped out, two or three big fish and small shrimps survived.

However, none of the surviving Protoss Clan dared to show their faces, either hiding in the world, or changing their appearance so that outsiders could not find them.

"Look! Someone is coming down!"

At this time, the bored Qianqiu finally saw a figure appearing on the Tianzhou plywood,

She immediately pulled Yin Tianqi's sleeve, and shouted inexplicably excitedly.

Yin Tianqi nodded slightly, then smiled helplessly, "Junior Sister, I saw it, after all I'm not blind yet."

"Also, don't make too much noise, don't let the distinguished guests think that our Taoist sect doesn't treat guests well."


Hearing this, Qianqiu came to his senses, then nodded obediently, closed his mouth, and looked at Tianzhou quietly.

Seeing Qianqiu calm down, Yin Tianqi immediately looked at Tianzhou's splint.


At this time, three figures walked out of the sky boat.

One of them is Nezha, who is standing on the far left.

On the far right is a slender young man with dragon horns in a white and blue robe.

The young man's eyes are blue, his face is handsome, there is a blue divine pattern on his forehead, and the soft law of water lingers all over his body.

Nezha and the young man are on the left and the other on the right, the gap between fire and water is simply like.

And this person is Ao Bing in "Magic Boy".

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