As for the man in the middle, his figure is slightly hunched, but he still has a straight chest and explosive white hair, which adds a bit of unruliness to him.

This person's face is slightly old, but his eyes are bright and energetic. He is dressed in a gorgeous white robe inlaid with gold, and there is a Tai Chi accessory hanging on his chest.

"Ahem, the Lord has not woken up yet, so please don't mind the old man coming out to meet you."

The old man coughed twice, looking at Yin Tianqi, Lu Xiao explained.

Yin Tianqi understood.

To be honored as a distinguished guest by his master must be a true god.

And the true god is an immortal body with endless years. Apart from cultivation, he is more enlightened in deep sleep, and his mind travels through the heavens, free and easy.

So Yin Tianqi guessed that the Lord of the Sky Boat should be the same, so he didn't care.

What's more, the other party has sent three people.

Among them, the child in red and the young man in Longjiao had strong auras, no doubt they were demigods.

Moreover, Yin Tianqi watched his aura and knew in his heart that these two people were probably at least demigods who could rival Di San.

At this time, Di San on the side didn't know that he had been reduced to a unit of measurement.

However, after seeing Nezha and Ao Bing, Di San immediately showed a dignified look, as if he also knew the extraordinaryness of each other.

As for the old man...

Not to mention Di San, even Yin Tianqi couldn't see through.

"I don't know the names of senior and the other two fellow Taoists?"

Yin Tianqi raised his hand and asked the old man.

Although he couldn't see through the real strength of the old man, and he didn't know whether it was because of the treasure's cover-up, but based on the old man's face, Yin Tianqi wouldn't be wrong to call him senior.

As for whether the other party will be younger than him...

Yin Tianqi was not worried.

Although powerful monks can maintain and change their appearance, they can't hide their bones even if they don't see each other.

Yin Tianqi is now [-] years old, his bones are like a dragon, and his vast breath of life reveals the meaning of the rising sun.

And although the old man's breath of life is equally vast, it reveals the meaning of getting stronger with age, longevity equal to heaven, which is completely different from Yin Tianqi.

That's why Yin Tianqi dared to deduce that this old man must be older than him.

Nezha put his hands in his pockets, with an unruly expression on his face, "Little...cough cough, my name is Nezha."

Ao Bing cupped his hands, with a humble and elegant attitude, "I am the third prince of the Dragon Clan, Ao Bing."

Nezha still wanted to call himself a "little master", but after noticing Ao Bing's eyes, he changed his name.

Ao Bing breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Nezha would say the word "young master", after all, the other party obviously came with good intentions, and offending the other party rashly is definitely not a clear choice.

After the introduction between the two, the old man showed a smile, and then continued.

"The real name has passed away with time. If you don't mind, how about calling me Daddy? That's what they all call me."

"Of course, you can also call me a mage. As you can see, Dad, I am an ordinary mage."

This old man is the famous father in "The Adventures of Jackie Chan"!

After a master of martial arts, he diverted to study magic, and finally became the terrifying existence of the most powerful mage.

After hearing what his father said, Yin Tianqi couldn't help but be astonished.

Yin Tianqi definitely wouldn't call him father.

After all, it was too sudden for him to call someone he had never met Dad, even though he knew it was just a title of the other party.

After thinking about it, Yin Tianqi smiled slightly and said, "Senior mage, since that distinguished guest is still awake, can I have the courage to invite senior and two fellow Taoists to Yinxian Tower for a talk?"

"of course can."

Father naturally has no objection.

He was ordered by the lord to see what Yin Tianqi and the others were going to do.

The three fathers followed Yin Tianqi, Qianqiu and Di San to the Yinxian Tower.

Just as they were about to enter, a man with a rich appearance and a round golden hat came out of Yinxian Building.

"I'm in the Jinsan Dou, the shopkeeper of Yinxianlou, and I have met the senior mages and fellow Taoists."

Jin Sandou had a simple and honest smile on his face, and when he saluted, it gave people a sense of joy in worshiping the God of Wealth. ...

Chapter 293 Jin Sandou's Temptation; Dad's Panel

"Jin Sandou, why did he appear?"

Yin Tianqi's eyes flickered slightly, feeling a little puzzled.

Jin Sandou is not just the shopkeeper of Yinxianlou, but the general shopkeeper of Yinxianlou. All ten Yinxianlou in Nine Box City are under his management.

Although he is not the owner of Yinxianlou, but from the obvious point of view, Jin Sandou is the biggest manager of Yinxianlou.

Even if he is the holy son of Daozong, he still has to respect him.

And this person never liked to show his face in public. Even Yin Tianqi had only seen him once or twice before, but he didn't expect that Jin Sandou would take the initiative to appear today.

It seems that the other party is still coming for Dad and the others...

There was a trace of strangeness in Yin Tianqi's eyes, and his eyes locked on Jin Sandou.

"I don't know what the treasurer Jin is doing? Stop my Daoist distinguished guest here."

Yin Tianqi raised his eyes and preemptively struck. Although his voice was flat, the word Daozong was as heavy as Mount Tai, which made Jin Sandou stop breathing for a moment.

The old man on the side didn't say anything, just smiled faintly, watching the friendly exchange between Yin Tianqi and Jin Sandou like a bystander.

And Nezha was even more distracted, if he hadn't been hesitant about Jiang Qiyu's order, he would have crossed over earlier, flew to the top of Yinxian Tower, and dozed off.

As for Ao Bing, he has always been a calm person, not saying a word, but it is hard to see what he is thinking.

But those eyes that glanced at Jin Sandou from time to time revealed that he was not as heartless as Nezha.

At this time, Jin Sandou also quickly adjusted, shaking his head and smiling at Yin Tianqi.

"Yin Shengzi was joking. I don't have the heart to stop you. I just came here to welcome the distinguished guest when I saw the arrival."

Yin Tianqi looked calm, glanced at the seven-storey Yinxian Building behind Jin Sandou, as if thinking of something, smiled slightly, and continued Jin Sandou's words.

"If so, then it should be."

"Since that's the case, what floor is Shopkeeper Jin going to let me climb to the Immortal Building?"

According to the normal situation, with Yin Tianqi's strength and identity, he would be the fifth floor.

But now the identities represented by the three fathers are very different, they are distinguished guests of the Dao sect, and the strength of the father seems to be unfathomable, so the fifth floor may not be suitable.

Yin Tianqi is not familiar with Jin Sandou, and there is no hostility.

But the other party's appearance now is definitely not just to welcome Dad and the others...

Hearing this, the faces of the three of Jin changed significantly, and then they talked and laughed freely, "I Yinxianlou's rules, Yin Shengzi should be very clear."

"So, which floor you want to go to depends on the strongest one among you..."

As he spoke, Jin Sandou could not help but look at his father.

Dad smiled knowingly.

Interesting, do you want to test it right away?

In the sky boat, Jiang Qiyu also knew it clearly, as expected.

After hearing Jin Sandou's words through his father, Jiang Qiyu wasn't too surprised. He had already expected something in his heart, knowing that some things would not go well.

"Fortunately, I was prepared..."

The corners of Jiang Qiyu's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes fell on [Mythological Concrete].

【Mythological representation】

[Character? Martial arts master o supreme archmage—father]

[Concrete time: ** (not yet concrete)]

[Concrete background: Above the heavens, a figure soared with blood, and the true meaning of martial arts appeared behind it. The green lotus seed was chaotic, the immortal king came to the nine heavens, the ancestor Wu Xiao Zhoutian..., endless visions continue to evolve.

Dad, he realized the extreme of martial arts in the endless years, traveled through the chaos, reflected his own way, once glimpsed the source of darkness in the heavens, when he was heartbroken, he had a clear understanding, and decided to practice one more way on top of martial arts. For "law"!

Martial arts are so strong that he can break nine heavens with one hand and be invincible in close quarters.And the way of "Dharma", one thought moves the heavens, and the other dharma is silent and chaotic.My father is as talented as a fairy, and he realized the ultimate "Dharma" in an instant, and the combination of the two paths finally became the supreme.

After becoming the supreme true god, the old man felt that he owed a karma to the source of darkness, so he traveled across time and space, went straight into the darkness, blasted several dark gods with one punch, and destroyed several dark altars, and then he felt that he had caused the cause and effect. Smile with relief.

However, what the old man did eventually attracted the attention of the dark ancestors.The ancestor worshiped by the darkness wanted to capture the father and blend into the darkness, but the father was unwilling, so he broke out a war with him.

At that moment, in the chaos, time and space were disillusioned, and the darkness was turbulent.In the end, the old man exhausted himself, combined the martial arts and the legal arts into one, and used the strongest blow to shatter the body of the dark ancestor.The dark ancestor worship was furious, and he did not hesitate to kill the old man. When the old man's true spirit was about to be wiped out, the mysterious billions of creators appeared, and retreated the dark ancestor with a palm, preserving the old man's true spirit.

Father is grateful for the kindness of the Creator, but also tired of wandering in the heavens, and finally voluntarily belongs to the Creator, and becomes one of the [Central Taichu Hunyuan Daluo]...]

[Concrete strength: Eternal True God (1 million/1 hour); Immortal True God (12 million/1 hour); Supreme True God ([-] billion/[-] hour)]

[Authority: Wu, Law, God, Destruction, Death, Life, Time...]

Looking at this panel, there is no doubt that Dad is definitely Jiang Qiyu's strongest trump card so far. ap.

Of course, the premise is that he wants to embody his father.

Today's dad is not a concrete figure, but a woven character.

But in terms of setting, today's daddy is the same as the daddy in [Mythical Concrete].

The difference is that the current father is only in the realm of demigod.

However, it is precisely because the weaved daddy is the same as the daddy on the [Mythological Concrete], so if the daddy is concretized by using the wish power, no new daddy will appear.

After concreting, now this old man will instantly possess the power of a true god.

To make a metaphor, this [Mythical Concrete] is a seal, which seals Dad's power. Once it becomes concrete, Dad's strength will increase accordingly.

And now, it's time for concreteness! …

In front of Yinxian Tower, Jin Sandou felt uneasy.

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