In fact, it wasn't that he was here to test Dad and his party.

After all, he is the treasurer, and the people on the Tianzhou can be called honored guests by the master of Taoism, even if he has ten guts, he will not dare to offend them.

However, when the adults behind him spoke, how could he dare not obey.

Fortunately, what he had to do wasn't too much, it was just following the rules of Yinxianlou to let the old man show off his strength.

So in any case, it's not an exaggeration for him, and others probably can't fault it...

Well, probably!

Jin Sandou raised his eyes slightly, and seeing his father who had lost his smile, Nezha with fierce eyes, Ao Bing with unswerving expression, and Yin Tianqi and others with slightly cold faces, he suddenly felt Heart trembled.

Landlord, landlord!

You really did me a disservice!

Jin Sandou was extremely disturbed, and only hoped that the other party would not get angry.

If Lao Die and the others do not have the status of the distinguished guests of the Dao Sect, Lao Die and the others want to climb high buildings, and they also want to show their strength, but it is just a matter of wishing and not wanting.

But Jin Sandou's appearance hinted that the other party showed his strength, both openly and secretly.Therefore, in the eyes of the other party, they will definitely think that they are targeting them...

At the same time, Dad and the others still have the status of distinguished guests of the Taoist sect.

In this way, not only will I leave a bad impression on my father and others, but it may also cause Daozong's displeasure.

After all, the other party is a distinguished guest personally acknowledged by the master of Dao Sect.


Landlord, if you are interested in the strength of these people, you can do it yourself, I really can't stand the villain~~

Jin Sandou lamented in his heart, but he also knew that if he couldn't stand it now, he had to.

Just when he was about to say a few words to brighten up the atmosphere, the old man finally spoke.

"Since the people behind you are interested in Dad's strength, Dad will follow your wishes."

The old man's opening made Jin Sandou's complexion change immediately.

And when the old man's voice fell, the magic robe on his body was shining with endless divine patterns.

At the same time, from the foot to the head of the old man, a series of terrifying magic arrays unfolded, straight to the sky.

In an instant, the entire Nine Boxes City was covered by a terrifying coercion.

Jin Sandou's pupils shrank suddenly, he staggered, and was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

"True God..."

"No! It's not just as simple as the Eternal God..."

At this time, even Yin Tianqi showed a look of shock, and a sea of ​​shock arose in his heart. ...

Chapter 294 Terrified Nangong and Xian Daole; ​​Surprise!Dad is the real master of the sky boat? !

When the crowd is shaking,

The temperament of the old man is getting stronger and stronger, and there is a chaos behind him. In the chaos, 36 petals of green lotus cover the sky and the earth, and countless visions appear. You can even see twelve terrifying creatures that stand tall and haunt the sky...


When the old man vented his aura, the heaven and the earth resounded with celestial music, and even blossoming golden lotuses descended from the sky, as if welcoming the arrival of the old man.


"It's not good, it's not good... This is actually an immortal true god..."

"This is completely different from my divination?!"

Daozong, on Xianyan Peak, the old man with white pupils became confused.

He looked at the vision all over the sky, and kept counting with his fingers, and the sparks were almost worn out, but there was still no reason.

"I, Xiandao Le, has traversed the heavens for millions of years, and I have never made a mistake in my calculations and divinations. How could I be so wrong this time?!"

Xian Daole showed a look of surprise.

He saw a spear repelling the darkness in the heavens, so he deduced it for a while, but finally stopped because of sudden palpitations.

However, he did not give up.

Since it is not possible to directly deduce the owner who threw the spear, then he deduces the guy related to that person.

But after extrapolating and extrapolating, he could only deduce clearly to one person in the end.

And that person is actually an insect king of the Tianjiao Xiantong clan.

That person is also King Gu Yue.

As for the others, Xiandao is like looking at the fog, unable to see their past, present and future clearly, only know their approximate strength. .

However, through King Gu Yue, Xian Daole also knew that the person who retreated from the darkness with one spear would come to the Eternal Star Sea.

Xian Daole is very interested in the person he can't calculate, so he waited for the arrival of the other party early.

Unexpectedly, that master who is not peaceful at all, even provoked all the wonderful gods on the way here.

What surprised Xian Daole the most was that Zhongmiao Tianzun was subdued by the other party and lost his voice.

Xian Daole knew that Zhongmiao Tianzun was undoubtedly sealed by the other party.

Although the descendant of Zhongmiao Tianzun is a little weaker, he is still an eternal true god. He has been a god for 10 years, so he still has some background.

Because of this, Xian Daole became more interested in it.

And before his father showed his strength, he always thought that the sealing of Tianzun Zhongmiao was done by that person himself.

But now it seems that I was completely wrong...

With Xian Daole's strength, it is natural to see that the old man is definitely not the one who threw the spear.

That is to say, there was someone else who threw the spear, and most of them were the "Master" that the old man said.

Lord of an immortal true god...


"I thought it was just a dragon crossing the river, but I didn't expect it to be a nine-day true dragon!"

"My lord in the mouth of the Immortal True God, it is impossible, alas..."

"It's so miserable, this old man is in danger!"

Xiandao recited this happily, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing bitterly.

The original route of the Eternal Sky Boat was not the Three Thousand Star Field, but it was only because he secretly fluctuated the space, that's why it came here.

Although his work is flawless, it is impossible for anyone to know that he did it, but this is impossible to be limited to the existence of immortality and below.

But if there is a supreme existence on the boat that day, then he may have been discovered long ago.


"I have to hurry up and make amends. Sigh, I don't know where that guy Luo Hu is. With him around, I can feel at ease..."

"There are no omissions... It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous..."

Xian Daole shook his head, and his figure disappeared instantly.

At the same time, in a small world behind the Immortal Tower, a figure was also startled suddenly. While his face was constantly changing, he took a step forward and appeared in front of Jin Sandou in an instant.

After seeing this figure, Jin Sandou breathed a sigh of relief, and slumped on the ground.

"Nangong Zhuo, I have met senior!"

This person is Nan Gongzhuo, the master of Yinxian Tower, an eternal true god who has been enlightened for a long time, and also one of the top ten gods.

But at this time, the deity was shocked in his heart, and bitterness appeared on his face.

It never occurred to him that he just wanted to see what the old guy Xian Daole said about the honorable guest's abilities, but he didn't expect that the other party would be an immortal statue.

Xian Daole, Xian Daole, you are so damn harmful!

When it was reported that Xian Dao Le let Dao Zong welcome guests, Nangong Zhuo, who had some friendship with the other party, immediately went to ask for news.

That guy Xian Daole didn't hide anything, he said bluntly that the distinguished guest he was going to welcome was the master who shocked the heavens.

Moreover, Xian Daole also assured her that the other party was the Eternal True God, but in terms of strength, he was probably superior to Nangong Zhuo.

If Xian Daole hadn't said the last sentence, Nangong Zhuo wouldn't have had any thoughts.

After all, I was one of the top ten gods anyway. Although the spear was amazing, if I shot with all my strength, it might not be impossible to burst out with the strength of that spear.

Therefore, in order to see if the opponent is really stronger than himself, Nangong Zhuo has been paying attention to what happened in Jiuxia City.

However, because the other party couldn't come out at all, Nangong Zhuo had to let Jin Sandou try the three of them first.

But I didn't expect that this test would directly test out an immortal true god!

Suddenly, a light flashed in Nangong Zhuo's mind.

"Could it be possible that this senior has been fishing?"

"First, he deliberately said that he was still asleep, and then he appeared as his subordinate, and deliberately showed the strength of a demigod, just to lure me out and beat me? In fact, he is the master of the boat?!"

For a moment, Nangong Zhuo thought he had discovered the truth of the matter, and he lamented in his heart.

"Sure enough, I shouldn't have believed in that old guy of Xiandole, who is so godly and ghostly all day long, he still has the nerve to claim that there are no omissions. I think it's a bladder leak!"

Nangong Zhuo scolded his mother in his heart, and at the same time couldn't help but look up at his father.


Suddenly, two fingers fell and hit Nangong Zhuo on the head.

"Are you still satisfied with Dad's strength?"

The old man looked at Nangong Zhuo with a smile, and put his index finger and middle finger together. It was obvious that he was hitting Nangong Zhuo.

Nangong Zhuo was a little dazed.

Not only because he was dazed by his father's strange way of beating, but also because his head was really dazed right now.

What's daddy's cultivation level?

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