Not to mention two fingers, even pressing down with one finger can explode a galaxy.

The two fingers fell, and Nangong Zhuo, who was caught off guard, almost burst his head.

But thinking about the other party's strength, Nangong Zhuo didn't dare to show any anger at all. He could only show a wry smile, and quickly replied, "Senior, I overstepped. I shouldn't have the heart to test senior. Please forgive me, senior."

After finishing speaking, Nangong Zhuo saluted respectfully.

"Daozong Xian Daole, I have met... Senior!"

Before the old man could speak, a figure came across the sky, it was Xian Daole.

After seeing the figure of Xian Daole, the old man couldn't help showing a strange look in his eyes.

Because, he perceives that Xian Daole is not the eternal true god...


The old man's eyes flashed. Although he saw through the other party, he didn't say anything. He didn't need to expose the other party's desire to be the sixth child.

Moreover, with his current strength, even in the same realm, he can easily suppress the opponent.

He has reached the extreme in martial arts and dharma, and his real strength cannot be measured by realm alone.

If the other party has any bad intentions, even if he only has one hour, he can suppress Xian Daole and Nangong Zhuo.

However, he couldn't do that.

The water in the three thousand star field is very deep, and the immortal strength can't let the old man be unscrupulous here.

"Hehe, you guys are really pissing me off!"

The old man withdrew his hand calmly, glanced at Xian Daole, then at Nan Gongzhuo who was slightly respectful in front of him, and said with a faint smile.

Hearing this, the two waved their hands again and again, without waiting for the father to speak, they quickly expressed that they had no malicious intentions.

Especially Xian Daole, he even admitted a series of mistakes of his own, and acted like a junior throughout the whole process.

In fact, he has already broken through immortality, but he has never revealed it, so outsiders have always regarded him as the eternal true god, and he is also happy.

And it is precisely because he is the same immortal god as Lao Die that he can truly feel Lao Die's terror.

Xian Daole did some divination on the way here, and found that if he had a fight with his father, he would definitely lose.

After getting this result, Xian Daole was taken aback immediately, so he apologized to his father without even thinking about it.

As for face or something...

Well, he is only the master of Dao Sect, not the ancestor of Dao Sect, so he can't lose face to Dao Sect.

Moreover, facing an immortal true god, even an apology would not lose face, so Xian Daole felt very at ease. ………

Chapter 295 Buyu Mountain, Nine-Headed Clam; Shocked!Nezha called array

Seeing the sincerity of the two, the father also considered that he and the Lord and the others had just arrived here, and everything needed to be greeted by the "local snakes" here, and it was not appropriate to make enemies with the supreme forces for the time being, so he didn't care about anything.

Seeing that the old man no longer cared about it, Nangong Zhuo and Xian Daole immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked the old man for his tolerance.

On the other side, Yin Tianqi and the others were already sluggish.

"Is this still my master who sees people with his nostrils?"

Yin Tianqi murmured, revealing a strange expression.

Even though he said so, Yin Tianqi also knew that facing an unknown true immortal god, it was the best choice to lower his attitude and obtain the other party's forgiveness.

Otherwise, even if there are countless Taoist masters, they will still have a headache when facing an immortal true god who can run away at any time.

Immediately afterwards, everyone did not enter Yinxian Tower again.

In the current situation, the Yinxian Building can't hold the great god like Dad, and Dad doesn't have the heart to sit and drink tea in the Yinxian Building.

The power of the Immortal True God in him can only last for an hour, so he must arrange everything within this hour.

But now the initiative is completely in his hands, as long as it doesn't touch the bottom line of Daozong, everything can be discussed...

"Father, I have just arrived here, and I was ordered by the Lord to have a place to put the gods. I wonder if the Immortal Sect Master can find a vacant area for me, Dad?"

The old man smiled, just like an ordinary old man, discussing with Xian Daole.

"Of course there is no problem. This is all trivial. Please rest assured, senior."

Xian Daole is naturally extremely happy.

It's just providing a region, it's not difficult at all.

"One more thing! Although Dad needs a piece of land, he doesn't want to become enemies with other forces and cause trouble to the Lord. The best thing is, Dad hopes that the place should be an unowned land."

Suddenly, Dad seemed to think of something, stretched out a finger, and reminded Xian Daole.

Xian Daole nodded, "Naturally."

On the side, Nangong Zhuo listened to the conversation between the two, but he was full of sighs in his heart.

"Although the old man is immortal, he keeps a low profile and plays the role of his subordinate all the time, in order to prevent himself from being overly noticed?"

"That's right. After all, Senior Dad is new here, so he should keep a low profile. After all, the water in the Three Thousand Star Field is as deep as the sea, so even if he is immortal..."

Nangong Zhuo kept thinking, and looked at his father with more respect.

Xian Daole's efficiency is very high, just a few minutes after the father made the request, the news came.

"Father, [-] miles away from my Taoist sect, there is a mountain called Buyu Mountain. Its land is wide enough to hold Kunpeng and real dragons, and it is enough to place the gods and desolations."

"However, that mountain is the site of a nine-headed clam. So it will take some time to clear it out, so please wait a while, senior."

Xian Daole smiled lightly, and told his father the news.

The old man frowned slightly, "Owned land?"

"Senior, please don't worry, the Nine-Headed Clam will definitely give the old man a bad face."

Xian Daole quickly explained, reassuring his father.

The old man nodded, but he also knew that if the Nine-Headed Clam didn't show face, Dao Zong would definitely suppress it, and then free up Buyu Mountain.

The law of the jungle has always been like this.

Charity is not in power, Xian Daole is by no means as simple as it looks.

"Father, you go directly to Buyu Mountain."

But at this moment, Jiang Qiyu's voice suddenly sounded in the father's mind.

The old man's eyes moved, and then he looked at Xian Daole, "No need, I will handle this matter myself, take me to Mount Buyu!"

Hearing this, Xian Daole was stunned for a moment, but without hesitation, he immediately agreed.

When Nangong Zhuo heard this, he immediately said that he also wanted to go and see him.

As for what to see, it is naturally to see the strength of the old man.

Although the Nine-Headed Clam is not a big shot, the opponent may not give in if it touches the opponent's territory.

If there is a fight at that time, if there is an opportunity, Nangong Zhuo will definitely help the old man, so as to get closer to him.

Even if it's not his turn to make a move, he just got a glimpse of the power of immortality, adding a bit of chance to break through immortality.

Immediately afterwards, Yin Tianqi, Qianqiu, and Di San also requested to broaden their horizons.

Dad smiled and didn't refuse.

Soon, everyone crossed heaven and earth and came to Buyu Mountain, which is [-] miles away from Daozong.

The so-called [-] miles is actually [-] miles outside the territory of Daozong.

In order to reach Mount Buyu, Lao Die and others traveled a distance comparable to three or four gods, because the territory of Daozong is so large that it is difficult to measure it. It covers several continents, and each continent has a small area. The world is so big.

Dad and the others stand tall in the sky, with boundless mountains and rivers below.

Mount Buyu, like a dragon, worships the sky. It has many mountains and rivers, and there are thousands of monsters gathering in it. There is a cave called Qiankun in the deep, and the master of Qiankun is the nine-headed clam.

"Senior, the Nine-Headed Clam is an eternal demon god, but this guy is arrogant by nature and acts domineeringly, so he has a very bad relationship with other demon gods. Apart from him, there is no other worthy figure in Yushan Demon."

Nangong Zhuo took the initiative to speak and introduced the information of Jiushou Tianhu to his father.


That is to say, if you hit this guy, there will be no scene of "beating the young one to grow old".

The old man knew it in his heart, and immediately understood why Xian Daole found Jiushoutian clam's territory.

Although the Three Thousand Star Territory is boundless, just as Jiang Qiyu thought, the caves and blessed lands and fairy mountains and spiritual rivers here have been divided by various forces.

Places like Buyu Mountain are actually not very good fairy mountains.

But Xiandole knows that the old man wants a place to put the world, and if he smashes it down, it doesn't matter whether the fairy mountain is good or not, as long as it is big enough.

And a "lone ranger" like Jiushou Tianhu is the best to deal with...

"Senior, do you want me to call the Nine-headed Clam out?"

Nangong Zhuo came out and said to the initiative.

"No need, Nezha, you go call the battle."

The old man shook his head, then looked at Nezha and said.

If you want to seize the other party's territory, it is impossible to resolve it peacefully, so my father didn't plan to resolve it peacefully.

Practice, pay attention to a legal couple's wealth.

This is not Yushan, but the foundation of Jiushoutian clam, if it is given up, no matter whether the other party is willing or unwilling, jealousy and hatred will inevitably arise in his heart, so the old man has no intention of letting Jiushoutian clam go.

Seizing people's treasures and killing people's lives is not moral, but the world of the weak and the strong never needs too much morality.

Moreover, the nine-headed clam sounds like a toad, and it just so happens that Dad doesn't have a "magic staff" in his hand.

Although it is not puffer fish or gecko, toad will use it.

"Got it, Dad!"

Nezha grinned, then picked up the pointed gun, put one hand in his pocket, and walked out swaggeringly.

"Senior, why do you still call for battle?"

Nangong Zhuo was puzzled, with his father's strength, he could suppress the Nine-Headed Clam with just one hand, so why would he need a child to fight, even though this child is a demigod.

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