"Nezha is the descendant of a friend of my father. He is very talented, but at the age of double ten, he has already cultivated to the extreme of demigod, but if he wants to break through the true god, he still needs some opportunities. Just this time, I have the opportunity to let Nezha Meet those nine-headed clams."

The old man smiled and looked at Nezha with satisfaction in his eyes.

The others were all taken aback after hearing what the old man said.

"Double ten?"

Nangong Zhuo's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly looked at Nezha, his eyes shone with purple light, and after seeing Nezha's bone age clearly, his face immediately showed surprise.

"It's so true!"

Nangong Zhuo was amazed.

"The talents of evildoers have already surpassed most of the holy sons of the Holy Land. The talent of little friend Nezha is amazing!"

Xian Daole's eyes flickered, also surprised.

Although there are not a few Tianjiao and evildoers in the Three Thousand Star Field, but like Nezha who is a demigod at the age of twenty, there are very few of them, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are rare.

"However, senior, although the Nine-Headed Clam is not a powerful demon god, it is a true god after all. Is it too risky for Nezha to deal with it?"

In Nan Gongzhuo's view, a peerless genius like Nezha should not be protected, at least he shouldn't be allowed to single out the true god.

Otherwise, if one is not careful, Nezha will fall here, that would be a huge loss.

"Don't worry, Ao Bing will fight with Nezha."

"This little guy is also extraordinary, about the same size as Nezha, and he is also a five-clawed white dragon. Joining forces with Nezha will not have too many problems."

"What's more, with Dad here, those nine-headed clams are nothing."

The old man stared blankly, and his words revealed an invincible aura.

Nangong Zhuo and Xian Daole agreed again and again, and also thought in their hearts that with their father here, it is impossible for the nine-headed clams to cause any disturbances.

"Nezha...Ao Bing..."

"It's so interesting!"

Yin Tianqi looked back and forth between Nezha and Ao Bing, and there was a gleam of light in his plain eyes.

"I hope your strength will not disappoint me..."

Yin Tianqi looked at Nezha's back and murmured in his heart.

As an innate Dao body, he has always been invincible at the same level, and has never met an opponent.

Even Di San beside him was not really taken seriously by him.

Because the other party is not only hundreds or even thousands of years older than him, but also not as strong as him.

And because of pushing all the enemies horizontally all the way, Yin Tianqi, who is only nine hundred years old, feels extremely lonely and lonely in his heart, often giving birth to a sense of loneliness that is too high to be cold.

At first he thought that Nezha and Ao Bing were at most the same level as Di San, but after hearing what his father said, Yin Tianqi immediately didn't think so.

Nezha, at an even-numbered age, can reach the pinnacle of being a demigod, and the level of evildoer will never be mediocre.

Not to mention Ao Bing, at the age of double ten, he was still a five-clawed white dragon.

And the five claws are real dragons, so Ao Bing's strength must be unfathomable.

Meeting such extraordinary two people made Yin Tianqi's silent heart become uneasy.

He looked at the back of Nezha walking out, with anticipation in his eyes.

But Nezha didn't know Yin Tianqi's mind, he was thinking about how to call the formation.

Calling formation is a science, if you want to call, you have to call out with momentum.

What's more, the one he wants to call is still a true god. If his momentum is weak, it will be difficult for him to suppress the opponent...

"Have it!"

Nezha's eyes lit up, and then he sent a sound transmission thousands of miles away to summon someone.

"Son, what are you calling Dad for?"

The person who was called was Li Jing.

Li Jing stroked his beard, looked at Nezha with a doting smile and asked.

"Dad, I need you..."

Nezha approached Li Jing and whispered.

Nangong Zhuo's eyes moved slightly, "Who is that person?"

"He is Nezha's father, Li Jing."

Ao Bing opened his mouth and answered Nan Gongzhuo's question.

"Father... seems to be nothing special..."

Qian Qiu blinked, looked left and right, but didn't see anything extraordinary about the other party.

Logically speaking, even if a person who can be born with such a monster as Nezha is not as good as Nezha, he should not be as ordinary as Li Jing.

"Demigod...it's really nothing special."

Di San also nodded, agreeing with Qian Qiu's words.

Ao Bing smiled lightly, "Don't underestimate Uncle Li, he is not simple."

Hearing this, Qianqiu and Di San stared at each other, and subconsciously put away the contempt in their hearts.

And Yin Tianqi has not been disturbed from the beginning to the end, and has been watching Nezha closely all the time...


clap clap!

"Son, wrap it on me."

On the other side, after hearing Nezha's arrangement, Li Jing immediately patted his chest and agreed.

Nezha grinned, and then the fire-pointed gun slammed into the air, and the scorching flames rolled tens of thousands of miles, dyeing the sky red.

hoo hoo hoo!

The scorching flames caused the roar of monsters to resound from Mount Buyu.

In an instant, countless monsters soared into the sky, and there were not a few demigods.

"Where did you come from, you dare to make trouble in Mount Buyu, looking for..."


Before a monster finished speaking, it was shot and exploded by Nezha.


Nezha curled his lips, and then threw the Huntian silk from his waist.

Huntian Ling continued to grow bigger, covering the sky and covering the sun, and rolled up countless monsters, trembling fiercely, the sky was filled with blood in an instant, and the screams continued.

"That skinny baby, the young master Nezha, the third prince, is here to fight, get out quickly!"

Nezha is also fearless, and he doesn't give the demon god Jiushou Tianha any face, and directly tells him his "real name". ………

Chapter 296 Unsolvable power of rules;

"Crazy mouth kid, do you really think that with a true god behind you, you can be unscrupulous?"

In the Qiankun Cave, after hearing Nezha's wild words, the Nine-Headed Clam was startled and furious.

Although he was afraid of Xian Daole and Nangong Zhuo behind Nezha, he still couldn't tolerate Nezha's reckless behavior.

That's right, he was only afraid of Xian Daole and Nangong Zhuo.

As for Pop, he didn't notice at all.

As a "lone ranger", Jiushou Tianha is not happy to come out of Buyushan on weekdays, and has been sleeping all the time.

However, today, he was suddenly awakened by a powerful coercion, and at the same time realized that it was an immortal aura.

But who is the immortal, he does not know.

As for why not investigate...

That is immortality, he has nothing to do to find out what to do, if he accidentally offends the other party, his stable life will be gone.

Therefore, he didn't know that his father was the Immortal.

The Nine-Headed Clam rolled up a thick cyan mist, which instantly annihilated Nezha's sky-filled flames.

"Xian Daole, Nangong Zhuo, this deity does not interfere with you, but you actually let a little boy provoke this deity. Could it be that you want to have a fight with this deity!"

The nine-headed clam is several feet tall and has nine heads. The nine heads are shaped like toads, but there is a blue crystal scale on both sides of the top of the head, and there are two pupils in the eyes, which are overlapping.

He didn't even look at Nezha, and directly pointed the finger at Xian Daole and Nangong Zhuo, thinking that they came to find trouble on purpose.

Nangong Zhuo showed a strange look, and then the father and others transmitted the voice.

"It seems that this stinky toad still doesn't know about your existence, do you want to..."

"No need! Having said that, it is difficult for Nezha and Ao Bing to achieve real exercise."

The old man shook his head slightly, dispelling Nangong Zhuo's thoughts.

The corners of Nangong Zhuo and Xian Daole's eyes twitched slightly. Father Xindao was really "good" to Nezha and Ao Bing, and he wanted an eternal true god to show no mercy to them.

And since the father has no objection, Nangong Zhuo and Xian Daole are naturally happy to watch the fun.

On the other side, seeing that Nangong Zhuo and Xian Daole didn't pay any attention to him, Jiushou Tianhu's face turned black as coal.


"Hey! You bastard, I'm in front of you, young master, can't you see it?"

Nezha paused the fire-pointed gun in his hand, pointed the tip of the gun directly at the Nine-Headed Clam, and said with a displeased face.

"The child is rampant! Courting death!"

Without saying a word, Jiushou Tianha surged with divine power, wanting to teach Nezha a lesson.

Of course, it was just a lesson, he didn't dare to kill Nezha.

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