"Master, I dare to defy the heavens! Let alone a pimple!"

Nezha's face was full of rebelliousness, he propped up his body with a flaming spear, and stood up tremblingly.

Even under the coercion of authority, Nezha is still as imposing as a rainbow, and his disrespectful arrogance seems to pierce the sky.

"Nezha, I'm going crazy with you again."

Ao Bing dropped the ice hammer in his hand, and a dragon-scale battle armor with divine light appeared on his body.

Under the blessing of the dragon scale battle armor, the strength revealed by Ao Bing became even more astonishing.

Even under the coercion of authority, he can stand upright and remain motionless like a mountain.

"This is…"

On the side, Yin Tianqi's eyes showed a strange color, because he felt an extremely terrifying power in the dragon scale armor.

And there are different real dragon breaths surging in the dragon armor, as if every dragon scale of this dragon armor is a nine-day true dragon!

"This is the Ten Thousand Dragon Armor. It is cast with the hardest dragon scales of all the real dragons of the Dragon Clan. It possesses extremely powerful power. It is an indestructible treasure that can resist the catastrophe of heaven!"

Nezha grinned, and looked at Ao Bing happily, as if full of some kind of affection.


Yin Tianqi's eyes flickered slightly.

He naturally knew that the dragon clan that Nezha was talking about had nothing to do with the dragon clan in the Three Thousand Star Region.

However, it doesn't matter whether there is any relationship. Ao Bing is very powerful and talented, and he is also a five-clawed true dragon, so the strength of his clan will definitely not be weak.

And this Ten Thousand Dragon Armor is actually made of the hardest dragon scales on all the real dragons of the Dragon Clan. From this, one can imagine how precious and powerful this Ten Thousand Dragon Armor is!

At this time, Nezha and Ao Bing soared into the sky at the same time, and looked at each other solemnly, as if they had made up their minds.

"Magic pill, come out!"

"Lingzhu, get out!"

Nezha and Ao Bing seemed to have a good understanding, and they raised their fingers to the center of their eyebrows at the same time. ...

Chapter 298 If you don't go crazy, you won't survive! ; The appearance of the Hunyuan Pearl triggers the five declines of heaven and man!

"That is……"

Yin Tianqi looked at the magic pills and spirit beads in front of Nezha and Ao Bing's foreheads, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Yin Tianqi, Di San, buy ten seconds for us!"

At this time, Nezha shouted loudly and set his eyes on Yin Tianqi.

"Ten seconds?"

Di San's complexion changed.

In front of the Nine-Headed Sky Clam who is using his authority, it is difficult to hold on for ten seconds, even one second.

"it is good!"

However, Yin Tianqi agreed without hesitation.

Nezha grinned, and then directed the magic pill to collide with the Lingzhu.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, an unimaginable force burst out, which had the tendency to compete with the power of the Nine-Headed Sky Toad.

"What is this?"

Jiushou Tianhu's face changed slightly, seeing the twin beads that were faintly merging, he felt a sense of threat in his heart.

"Don't think about it!"

Although Jiushou Tianhu didn't know what the magic pill and the spirit beads were capable of, he would not just let the two beads fuse together in a daze.

Immediately, he waved his big hand, and above the sky, a giant palm covering the sky fell.

"Open the sky!"

Yin Tianqi soared into the sky, and another long sword flew out of the sword box.

The long sword is unparalleled in sharpness, if the sword energy released traverses the world.

The moment Yin Tianqi grasped the sword, he flew forward and slashed at the giant palm.

Clang clang!

When the two collide, the huge aftermath ripples in all directions, and the sword intent and the hurricane divide the world.


Yin Tianqi shouted loudly, his whole body was full of sword intent, and split the giant palm in two.

At the same time, the three divine swords of Dragon Slaying, Demon Slaying, and Demon Suppressing soared into the sky, completely destroying the giant palm.

"Yin Tianqi!"

Suddenly, a figure approached.

A huge sense of crisis welled up in his heart, Yin Tianqi's eyelids couldn't stop twitching, and while turning around, he swung his sword and slashed out while violently retreating.


"Yin Tianqi, who is known as the strongest Tianjiao of the Taoist sect, I want to see what you can do to stop me!"

The face of the nine-headed clam was icy cold, and the long tongue shot out of the nine-headed clam like an arrow.

"Slaying dragons! Killing demons! Suppressing monsters! Opening the sky! Fighting gods! Absolute immortals!"


Yin Tianqi's face remained unchanged, his sword pointed to the sky, and the last two remaining swords in the sword box flew out.


The sound of the sword shook the sky, and the six swords burst out with endless sword intent, killing the nine-headed clam.

Jiushoutian clam moved its tongue and blocked all six swords.

And the remaining three tongues tore through the space and charged towards Yin Tianqi.

"Diyan burning!"

At the very moment, a sky-reaching scarlet flame barrier rose, blocking the three tongues in front of Yin Tianqi.

"Yin Tianqi! Do it!"

Di San once again recovered the real body of the Diyan clan, melting into the barrier, and countless red flames blasted out from the barrier, covering the sky with red flames.

Yin Tianqi didn't stop, his figure appeared in front of Jiushou Tianhu in an instant.

"Boy, can't you take the initiative to seek death?"

Jiushou Tianhu looked at Yin Tianqi who was only three steps away from him, smiled coldly, and directly pressed Yin Tianqi with the authority of the wind.

Yin Tianqi's face was solemn, and his strength kept gushing out to resist the suppressed authority.

If the power of authority erupts, he is afraid that he will be instantly annihilated by the hurricane that destroys gods and souls.

Yin Tianqi formed seals with both hands, and the four kinds of terror surged around his body.

The red crow spreads the sun, the jade toad carries the sun, the Tao is as natural as it is, and the heaven and the earth are created by nature!

The four ways stand in all directions, just like the gods of the four images.

During Yin Tianqi's rapid seal formation, the four ways actually evolved into four divine beasts: Golden Crow, Ice Toad, White Deer, and Azure Dragon.

"Sifang Yushen Yin-Yang Great Grinding Disc!"

Yin Tianqi opened his hands wide, and the four beasts soared into the sky and screamed, and then fell like stars.

At the moment of falling, it turned into four gods, blocking the nine-headed clam in all directions.

Immediately, a huge millstone like a mountain was formed at the feet of the Nine-Headed Clam.

Nine-headed Sky Clam's complexion changed slightly.

"what is this?"

Jiushou Tianhu stared at Yin Tianqi with a cold tone.

Yin Tianqi didn't answer, and without hesitation, he urged the Sifang Yushen Great Millstone.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the four gods of the four directions, the great millstone, and the divine light were brilliant, and the power of the four principles rotated and merged, releasing a power comparable to authority.

The Nine-Headed Sky Clam showed a serious expression on its face, and immediately activated the authority of the wind to destroy the millstone.


When the two collide, the color of the sky and the earth changes in an instant, the air waves vent, the collision of the beasts and the violent hurricane wash away hundreds of millions of miles, turning Mount Buyu into a barren land.


Suddenly, endless sword intent erupted from the big millstone, piercing through the unsuspecting Nine-Headed Clam, and the sky was stained with divine blood.

"how is this possible?!"

The Nine-Headed Toad was horrified, his body was easily pierced by the sword intent in the millstone, and his injuries even touched his soul!

At this time, in the big millstone, a more terrifying force began to breed.

Jiushou Tianhu was furious, "Get out of here!"


The nine tongues of the nine-headed clam blasted out, and with a click, the big millstone was abruptly broken.

An abnormal flush appeared on Yin Tianqi's face, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Two seconds left..."

Yin Tianqi glanced at the magic pills and spirit beads that were about to complete fusion in the sky above, and there was a hint of madness in his eyes.

Not crazy, not live!

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