Yin Tianqi has been in the demigod realm for too long, and the appearance of Nezha and Ao Bing made him feel the pressure, which actually loosened his rock-solid realm.

Yin Tianqi understood clearly in his heart, knowing that he had gone too smoothly along the way.

And to break through the true god, you need pressure, you need a hearty battle, so that you can break through yourself!

"Sifang Yushen Yin-Yang Great Grinding Disc, Revolving!!"


Yin Tianqi clasped his palms together, and the cracked millstone suddenly recovered, and then began to spin counterclockwise at the speed of thunder.

"Nature returns to heaven and earth, good fortune reverses destruction, yin and yang create chaos! Suppress and kill!"

Yin Tianqi was bleeding all over his body and looked terrifying, but his aura became even more astonishing, as if he was invincible in this life!


I saw the yin and yang qi in the millstone evolve into chaos, the power of good fortune reverses and destroys, and the terrifying cycle of life and death shrinks the body of the nine-headed clam.

And the smaller it is, the more cracks there will be on the body of the nine-headed clam, and the weaker its momentum will be. qδ

"not good!"

"The six spirits refine the gods, the demons transform the nine secluded worlds, and the wind destroys the gods!"

Looking at the cracks all over the body, the Nine-Headed Clam couldn't help showing a hideous look on its face as it felt the power that was constantly being wiped out of its body.

Immediately afterwards, he held authority in his mouth, and spit out the terrifying divine power for an instant.

In an instant, the wind swept away, and the terrifying hurricane completely destroyed the big millstone.

Yin Tianqi was shocked, and took a few steps back, his breath was extremely disordered, he quickly sat upright in the air, and only then spit out a mouthful of blood, and then immediately suppressed and adjusted the power of the riot in his body.

"I want you to die!"

The Nine-Headed Toad was furious, and being forced to such a degree by the demigod, he was probably only one step away from being nailed to the pillar of shame of the Yaozu.

However, Yin Tianqi was not afraid at all when he heard the cruel words from Jiushou Tianhu, and even showed a smile.

Nine-headed Toad was startled, as if thinking of something, he raised his head quickly.

"Baby Pimple, it's our turn!"

At this time, Nezha and Ao Bing clasped their hands together, and a black bead exuding a chaotic atmosphere floated between them.

Under Yin Tianqi's desperate efforts, the magic pill and the Lingzhu finally merged completely!

"Hunyuanzhu! This is the treasure of Tianzun, you can see it, it is an honor that only the ancestral grave exploded!"

Nezha still has a poisonous mouth, and he is not in a hurry to do something to Jiushou Tianhu, but first introduces the origin of Heizhu.

"Hunyuanzhu? Tianzun?"

Nine Headed Clam's heart trembled.

"Father, who is Tian Zun?"

In the distance, Nangong Zhuo, who was watching the battle, also heard Nezha's words, and couldn't help feeling a little curious, and then asked his father.

There was a trace of strangeness in the father's eyes, and he said, "Tianzun, since Yuanshi Tianzun is one of the six saints, he is a very extraordinary existence..."

The eyes of Nangong Zhuo and Xian Daole changed slightly.

Dad is the Immortal God, and the Yuanshi Tianzun can be so valued by Dad, he must be the Immortal God!

Moreover, it should not be an ordinary immortal true god!

As for whether it is the supreme true god...

Both Nangong Zhuo and Xian Daole didn't think about that place subconsciously.

If it is the Supreme True God, Dad should speak with a tone of awe, instead of introducing Yuanshi Tianzun in an equal tone.

However, compared to Yuanshi Tianzun, the "six saints" in the old man's mouth attracted their attention...

"Six Saints... Could it be the existence of some supreme sea of ​​stars? The six immortal gods? If so, why haven't I heard the name of Yuanshi Tianzun?"

There was a hint of doubt in Xian Daole's eyes.

"Ask Luo Hu about these things, maybe you can find some clues. If Luo Hu can't, then you have to ask the ancestor..."

Xian Daole pondered for a moment, without thinking too much, because what is more important now is what is in front of him.

"I don't know what ability that Hunyuan Pearl has?"

Xian Daole raised his head and looked at the Hunyuan Pearl between Nezha and Ao Bing.

"Bullshit Tianzun! Alarmist talk, brat! Go to hell!"

Jiushou Tianhu snorted coldly, and after taking a look at Yin Tianqi, he finally decided to deal with Nezha and Ao Bing first.

Moreover, based on Yin Tianqi's identity, he didn't have the guts to kill Xian Daole in front of him.

Unless he really doesn't want to live anymore!

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the Nine Headed Clam grew bigger again, and when it reached the sky, it aimed at Nezha and Ao Bing with a palm.

"Ao Bing!"


Nezha grinned, and Ao Bing raised the corners of his mouth slightly. The two seemed to be in agreement, and at the same time raised their clasped hands.

In an instant, a burst of chaotic light erupted from the Hunyuan Pearl, which struck together with the giant palm of the nine-headed clam.



Jiushou Tianhu's pupils shrank, and he looked at the palm pierced by the light of chaos, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

At this time, the light of chaos had already penetrated his palm and rushed towards his head.


The nine-headed clam opened its mouth wide, and its nine tongues shot out like arrows piercing the clouds.

However, the light of chaos seemed to have the power to penetrate everything, directly blasting the nine tongues into pieces, and the blood of the gods flew in the sky.

With a loud noise, the nine-headed clam that didn't react was blasted out by the light of chaos, grinding the earth into an abyss.


"The six spirits refine the gods, the demons transform the nine secluded worlds, and the wind destroys the gods!"

The Nine-Headed Clam roared, with authority in its mouth, and once again spit out a devastating hurricane.

Boom boom boom!

The violent hurricane collided with the light of chaos, and in an instant, the talent was divided into two halves, and the sun was not seen!

"The universe is boundless, the sun and the moon are shining together, Hunyuan Daluo, ninety-nine transformation holy calamity!"

Nezha and Ao Bing shouted in unison, fully integrating their strength into the Hunyuan Pearl.


The Hunyuan Pearl went straight into the sky, arousing billions of miles of robbery clouds.

Immediately, the sky darkened, the thunder roared, and a trembling force emerged from the Jieyun.

"This is……"

The color of the nine-headed clam changed, and at the same time, the whole body seemed to be affected by some force. The flesh and blood of the whole body began to shrink, and even the authority was affected.

"The five decays of heaven and man? The filth of the flesh?! How is it possible? This deity has clearly passed through the filth of the flesh, the withering of the true soul, and the cessation of divine power. How can the filth of the flesh reappear?!"

"Besides, this deity is still 10 years away from the next five declines of heaven and man. What's going on here?"

The Nine-Headed Sky Clam immediately realized that it was abnormal, and immediately lost its sense of proportion, its power couldn't help overflowing, and then it was blown away by the light of chaos again.

But at this time, he didn't care about the light of chaos, and hurriedly urged the power to suppress the filth and decay of the physical body.

"It's the monster made of the beads!"

The Nine-Headed Clam suddenly raised its head, and through the Jieyun, it saw the Hunyuan Pearl in the depths of the Jieyun.

Without a moment's hesitation, the Nine-Headed Toad immediately raised its hand, condensed a big hand, and poked towards Jieyun.


Suddenly, a bolt of purple lightning struck down, annihilating the big hand.

Before the Nine Headed Clams could react, they saw countless purple lightning strikes.

The body of the Nine-Headed Clam was bigger than the mountains. Under the dense rain of purple thunder, it directly became a living target, and one after another purple thunder struck him.

At the same time that Zi Lei fell on his body, Jiushou Tianhu immediately realized that his physical body was becoming more and more filthy.

Immediately afterwards, his soul was even affected, leaving his body uncontrollably.

Jiushou Tianhu looked around at his soul, his expression became even uglier.

"The true soul is withered!"......

Chapter 299 The horror of the five declines of heaven and man; trouble?Just bury it!

"True soul withered?!"


The Nine-headed Clam had a ferocious expression on its face, but panic arose in its heart.

The five declines of heaven and man are the catastrophe of the Great Dao, and even the true gods cannot resist it.

But the Dao will also leave a glimmer of life for all beings. The five declines of heaven and man will not come all at once, but one after another, from weak to strong.

But now, the filthy body and the filthy soul are coming at the same time. This is to drive him to death!

"Wait, since the filth of the body and the withering of the soul have come, then..."

Jiushou Tianhu's expression tightened, looking at the sky full of Zi Lei, he quickly opened a protective cover.

Boom boom boom!

"This turtle shell is quite hard!"

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