Nezha looked at Zi Lei, who was blocked by the protective shield, and couldn't help muttering.

"In this case, use the last blow!"

Ao Bing chuckled and said to Nezha.

Nezha raised his eyebrows, and a fierce look appeared in his unruly eyes.

"it is good!"

On the other side, looking at the two Nezhas who seemed to be making a big move, Jiu Shou Tian Ha's heart trembled, and he shouted loudly.

"and many more!"

"Two little friends, the deity has never met the two of you, even if you use me as a trial stone, you should end it. Today, why not stop here?"

Jiushou Tianhu pulled out a smile and subdued first.

It's not that it's afraid of Nezha and Ao Bing, but that it's afraid that after the filth of the body and the withering of the real soul, the divine power will follow!

Compared with the previous two declines, the divine right to break the calamity is what scares him the most.

50 years ago, his theocracy came, and he was almost submerged in endless disasters, and his authority almost collapsed.

Even after 50 years, he still has lingering fears about the theocracy.

In the current situation, if the divine power comes back again, even if he does not die, he will be severely injured, and his authority may even be broken.

If the authority is gone, then he, the true god, will be abolished directly!

However, although the Nine-headed Clam is subdued on the surface, it is already planning in its heart to spread the news that the Hunyuan Pearl can trigger the five declines of heaven and man, and even spread it throughout the Three Thousand Star Field!

At that time, no matter how much energy Nezha and Ao Bing have behind them, they will definitely be troubled.

Because for a true god, as long as he does not reach the level of the supreme true god, the five declines of heaven and man are a real reminder!

There are five declines in heaven and man, and one decline is more terrifying than one decline.

The filth and decay of the flesh above is for the flesh, the withering and turbidity of the true soul is for the soul, and the divine power is for authority.

The subsequent "Self-Way of Peace" is even more weird. It will unknowingly make the true god lose the boundary between reality and falsehood, leading to the collapse of one's own way.

If you can't wake up from the dream, you won't be able to detect the collapse of your own Dao, and you will eventually die in peace and happiness.

And the last decline, called "Supreme Huayu", often occurs when breaking through the Supreme True God.

If you are confused by the "Supreme Lust", you will unconsciously fall into the dream of supreme achievement, and you will not be able to detect anything wrong.

Because the false world has already been replaced with the real world, if you are trapped by the "Supreme Lust", you will never wake up, and you will eventually ascend to the Dao and become a part of the Dao...

It is also because of the horror of the five declines of heaven and man, so if the news that the Hunyuan Pearl can trigger the five declines of heaven and man comes out, it will inevitably shake the three thousand star field.

At that time, even if the people behind Nezha and Ao Bing want to make trouble for themselves, they have to see if they can stay out of it!

Jiushou Tianhu looked at the figures of Nezha and Ao Bing, with a hint of sternness in his eyes.

Today's revenge will be repaid ten times in the future!

However, Nine Headed Sky Clam got one thing wrong.

Nezha and the others don't just use him as a trial stone...

"So far?"

Nezha showed a weird smile, then made a grimace at Jiushou Tianhu, and at the same time taunted, "You're thinking about farting!"

"Ao Bing, do it!"

Immediately, Nezha and Ao Bing changed positions, raised their hands and slapped the Hunyuan Pearl in Jieyun.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, hundreds of millions of miles of calamity clouds surged like a whirlpool in the sky.

In the vortex, the Hunyuan Pearl was surrounded by endless purple thunder.

Under the horrified gaze of the Nine-Headed Clam, a purple thunder that was bigger than the Optimus Pillar crashed down.

"Ah!!! Let the deity block it!"

The nine-headed clam was furious, and summoned the wind of obliterating the gods that swept across the world, and blasted towards Zilei.

The Nine-Headed Sky Clam had a ferocious expression, and it exercised the power of the wind to the extreme.

But at this moment, he saw a crack suddenly appear above the authority.

Although Zi Lei is strong, it has absolutely no power to shatter authority.

In such a situation, there is only one possibility.

That is the arrival of "Divine Power to End Tribulation"!


Nine Shoutian Clam's canthus was about to burst, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, and the wind of obliterating the gods around him dissipated instantly.


Without the obstruction of the wind of obliterating the gods, the purple thunder came like a mad dragon and landed on the body of the nine-headed clam.

The terrifying thunder blasted the body of the Nine-Headed Clam to charred black. At the same time, the three major degenerations of the human body, the withering of the true soul, and the destruction of divine power continued to torment the Nine-Headed Clam.

At this time, the body of the Nine-headed Clam withered away, its mind and soul were unstable, and its power was entangled by a terrifying aura of calamity.


The panic-filled and angry roar of the Nine-Headed Clam resounded through the sky, causing Yin Tianqi and the others to feel a chill in their hearts.

"Five declines of heaven and man, it's really terrifying!"

Yin Tianqi's eyes vibrated, and he had finally adjusted the breath in his body, but at this time he was too shocked and almost repeated it again.

And below, Di San sat paralyzed on the ground, his eyes trembling slightly.

He knew that something big was going to happen!

"Five Decays of Heaven and Man..."

Nangong Zhuo and Xian Daole had different expressions, looking at the Hunyuan Pearl, there was a trace of fear in their eyes.

However, no matter how much he thought about it, after seeing the old man in front of him, he was severely suppressed in his heart.

Xian Daole narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughtful.

Nangong Zhuo bowed his head silently, as if his mind was wandering into the sky.

Qianqiu at the side seemed to sense that something was wrong with the atmosphere, looked left and right, and finally tugged Xian Daole's sleeve cautiously.

Xian Daole came back to his senses, smiled slightly, stroked his head to appease Qianqiu, and then looked at his father.

"Senior, that Hunyuan Pearl is no small matter. I think it's better to get Nezha and Ao Bing to accept their supernatural powers as soon as possible."

"In the three thousand star field, there is a force that spreads all over the field. It is called Wanxiang Building, also known as Tingyu Pavilion."

"The disciples under his sect are like flies biting eggs, they are everywhere, and the Cangyuan Domain under our feet also has the Vientiane Building."

"The Wanxiang Building has three main tasks, one is throwing treasures, which is for throwing a lot of money, and doing auctions; the other is selling gold caves, doing romantic things; finally, listening to the sound of the rain, Find out all the news in the world, it is a veritable spy building."

"Even the Vientiane Building has set up lists such as the Beauty List, the Tianjiao List, and the Nine Heavens List, which has attracted people in the world to be crazy about it."

"And the Hunyuanzhu's ability is too shocking. If people in Wanxianglou know about it, everyone will know about it the next day."

"By the way, the Nine-Headed Sky Clam can't be let go either. He must be paying the same attention. It's best for seniors to suppress it immediately, and then clean up the radius of hundreds of millions of miles..."

Xian Daole's tone was flat, but the last sentence made the old man's heart tremble.

"As expected of the person in power of a great power, the creatures of hundreds of millions of miles are like ants in his mouth."

The old man took a deep look at Xian Daole, but Xian Daole only smiled slightly.

"Thank you, Sect Master Xian, for reminding me."

"However, I am a godless person, and I am not afraid of trouble."

"If it is really reported, then it will be reported."

"Those of us who are half in the coffin, don't we have to escort our lovely juniors? If the juniors have the means, they will naturally become famous all over the world and strive to be the best in the world!"

"Please feel free to come, and look at the land of the gods, there are geomantic treasures everywhere, and it is not bad to be a burial place."

"It just so happens that there is a place in Shenhuang called the Tomb of the Gods, where those troubles are buried."

The old man shook his head and smiled, his flat tone revealed an invincible aura.

There was a strange look in Xian Daole's eyes, and he didn't say any more.

Since the old man didn't care, he, an outsider, didn't need to say anything.

"However, it's time to end."

Before the words fell, the old man's figure disappeared beside Xian Daole.

Xian Daole looked up, and saw that the old man had already appeared beside Jiushou Tianha.

At this time, the Nine-Headed Clam looked ferocious and was in a panic.

Seeing someone approaching him, he was startled.

You know, there are endless purple thunders falling on his head.

Even Xian Daole and Nangong Zhuo and his ilk would not dare to get close to Zi Lei, who could induce the five declines of heaven and man.


As soon as Jiushou Tianhu was about to speak, his father slapped it out.


In the sound of a body explosion, the body of the Nine-Headed Clam was instantly wiped out, as if it would burst like a bubble.

This scene made the hearts of Yin Tianqi, Di San and others tremble.

Even Nangong Zhuo was taken aback, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help trembling.

Xian Daole's eyes were as deep as an abyss, and he remained silent.

Undoubtedly, the strength shown by Dad is more awe-inspiring than the "immortal" prefix! ………

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