Chapter 300 'The demons and ghosts leave quickly' that shakes all directions; the Palace of Human Emperors, the disappearing Emperor Xia

The body of the nine-headed clam was shattered by the palm of the father, but the soul was not annihilated.

"who are you?"

The soul of the nine-headed clam sprang out, and looked at the father in shock, with a dazed expression, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

Only now did he realize that his father is the "biggest BOSS"!

Suddenly, Jiushou Tianhu seemed to think of something, his eyes widened, and he made a sound of panic.

"You are that immortal?!"

The old man smiled, "It's good that you know."

"Senior, I have no grievances or enmities with you. If you want any request, I will definitely satisfy it!"

Seeing that the old man was going to show his supernatural powers, Jiushou Toad was so frightened that he begged for mercy.

He may not be afraid of Nezha and Ao Bing, Xian Daole and Nangong Zhuo, but in front of a true immortal god, he must not be afraid!

Facing Xian Daole and Nangong Zhuo, he still has a chance to escape, but in front of an immortal, he can only be suppressed!

He never thought that he would be targeted by an immortal.

Could it be that he is too ugly?

But he didn't run out to scare people, did he? !

Or did you eat too many creatures recently, which angered this Immortal?

But how could the Lord of True God come to his door just because he ate a bunch of weak creatures like ants?

Or did he accidentally eat the other party's junior?But there are no delicious creatures in the things I eat recently!

Jiushoutian clam racked his brains, trying to find out what he did to be targeted by his father.

And after much deliberation, it seems that there is only one reason...

That is [weakness is original sin]!

It's the same reason as he usually devours people and eats demons...

Father naturally doesn't know what the Nine Headed Toad is thinking.

However, even if you know it, you won't care.

With a calm face, he looked at the Nine-Headed Clam and said calmly, "Father, let me ask you, will you show mercy to your enemies?"


"Of course, there is one more thing, that is, Dad needs a handy staff."

Jiushou Tianhu stared.


What the hell do you want a staff for?

I am a toad, can you be a staff? !

However, without waiting for Jiushou Tianhu to speak, the old man opened his hand and captured his soul.

Immediately afterwards, the old man's divine power surged, and after ignoring the screams of the Nine-Headed Toad, he directly refined it into a dry toad half the length of an arm.

The toad is green and green, and it looks healthy at first glance.

Although it was a dry toad, the two eyes of the toad still kept moving, looking at the old man, his eyes were full of pleading.

The old man weighed the dried toad, nodded slightly, "Not bad!"

Afterwards, the father, who was no one else around, held the extra toad tail, pointed the toad's mouth at the sky, and began to chant spells in his mouth.


The spell is slow, but the burst is like thunder.

As soon as the old man finished speaking, a dark green power condensed on Toad's mouth, and released the cross god light in an instant, and finally shot straight into the sky with power exceeding the speed of light.


The terrifying power swept across the sky, swept away the boundless clouds of calamity, and even spread beyond the Cangyuan domain, with the tendency to cover the three thousand star domain.

For a moment, everything seemed to be still, and they looked at the blue divine light sweeping the sky in shock and without saying a word.

Daozong, ancestral land.

On the 24-petal green lotus, a man in a green shirt opened his eyes, and through the endless time and space, he saw the divine light covering the sky.

"What a powerful force! Immortality that has never appeared before..."

"This time, the great world seems to be a little different?"

The man in the green shirt stroked his sleeves, and there was a trace of strangeness in the pupils of the eyes that included the stars, the sun and the moon.

"Speaking of which, beyond the heavens, something seems to have changed..."

"Even the boundaries of the Chaos Sea have begun to blur, and there seems to be some kind of change in the consciousness of the ruler of the heavens in all directions..."

The sea of ​​chaos is the "dividing line" of the nine parties of chaos, dividing the nine parties.

Even if it is an eternal or even immortal true god, if he wants to cross the sea of ​​​​chaos, there is a great risk.

Moreover, except for the Chaos Ocean, there are "rulers" in all the heavens in the nine directions.

The "master consciousness" that the man in the green shirt said came from the master.

The so-called "ruler" is not the ruler of the true god, but the supreme existence on the top of the heavens. It may be a person or a group.

As the top of the heavens, they have long since lost secular disputes. In addition to exploring higher realms, they will also release their own aura to prevent the creatures from the nine heavens from "visiting".

There are many reasons for the isolation.

The man in the green shirt is the third ancestor of the Taoist sect and one of the "rulers" of the heavens, but he cannot be considered truly supreme.

The man in the blue shirt lowered his head and made calculations, not because he wanted to find out about Lao Die and Shenhuang, but about finding out about the heavens in all directions...

A moment later, the man in the green shirt frowned slightly. .br>

"Although the consciousness of the ruler still exists, it really... some changes have taken place!"

The man in the green shirt thought for a moment, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

"Is it possible to go to other heavens?"

However, the man in the green shirt dismissed the idea later.

The heavens of the nine directions do not interfere with each other, and he must not go to other heavens at will before he finds out what happened, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

"Then we have to ask Dazu."

The man in the green shirt frowned, and his figure disappeared.

At the same time, the Immortal Sect, the Holy Court, the Wanyao Palace, and the Tianmo Palace, all the supreme forces noticed the movement caused by the father and had different thoughts.

Human Emperor's Palace,

wow wow-

"He was demonstrating."

In front of a hut, a white-haired old man poured a cup of tea for the person opposite, chuckled lightly, glanced at the sky, and couldn't help saying to the person opposite.

"Shenhuang... very mysterious."

"However, I am not here this time for them. Now that something has happened in the nine directions of chaos, as a member of the master, I want to know what happened."

Opposite the white-haired old man was a middle-aged man with a square face.

The middle-aged man was dressed in black. Although his face was very ordinary, his terrifying Dao charm was shocking.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely terrifying existence.

And the white-haired old man can sit on an equal footing with him, so he is naturally of extraordinary status.

The middle-aged man's name is Beijue, he is the sage in charge of the Holy Court, and he is honored as Beidi by the world.

And the white-haired old man opposite him is Tai'er Renhuang, one of the four emperors in the Hall of Human Emperors.

Hearing Beidi's words, Tai'er Renhuang was silent for a moment, and then said, "In fact, the Renhuang Palace has already investigated this matter."


Northern Emperor stared.

Emperor Tai'a raised his head, his eyes were like abyss, "The first and third parties... Except for our second heavens and the seventh and ninth heavens, all the other six heavens have changed."

"What happened?"

"I don't know!"

"I don't know?"

Pak Tai was obviously not satisfied with this answer.

Although there are many supreme forces in the Eternal Star Sea, the Palace of the Human Emperor has an unusual meaning.

In this side of the heavens, several epochs ago, the heavens were chaotic, and all living beings were ruled by the chaotic gods and demons.

The gods and demons are ruthless and regard all things as dogs.

If you are angry, you will kill one side; if you are happy, you will also kill one side.

That era was the Era of Gods and Demons, and it was also called the Era of Darkness!

The gods and demons are too powerful to be invincible.

In that case, there was a human race who came out from the corner and fought against the sky. After ten deaths, he was reborn and led all races to resist the gods and demons.

Although he has been suppressed by the gods and demons, Dao Nazun exists but is invincible in all battles. The more he fights, the braver he is.

I don't know how many epochs have passed, but the existence of that statue can't hold on in the end. His blood is aging and his body is decaying. He disregards the pleas of all races, sublimates to the extreme in a single thought, and perishes with several gods and demons, creating an unprecedented creation for all races. There have been favorable situations!

After his death, all races mourned, but they did not lose their fighting spirit.

Because in the past few epochs, that existence has cultivated countless strong people.

They fought one after another, and finally fulfilled the last wish of the existence, beheaded all the gods and demons, and ended the extremely dark era of gods and demons.

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