"You are the one who is courting death! Flame Fist!"

Bai Yueguang just opened his mouth to reprimand, but the next second, Boiling Yangyang interrupted him angrily.

Immediately afterwards, Boiling Yangyang broke through the air and flew in front of Bai Yueguang in an instant.

He clenched his fist tightly, and the purple flame turned into a ferocious tiger's head, howled wildly on his fist, and blasted towards Bai Yueguang.

"Oh! Quick! Stop him!"

Bai Yueguang seemed to be taken aback and screamed.

However, at the next moment, he suddenly changed his face and revealed a sinister smile.

"It's no wonder it lied to you!"

"Huangquan Guanling!"

Bai Yueguang's eyes were blue and dark, and a terrifying power gushed out from his body, forming a phantom of the underworld in front of him.

Compared with the afterimages of the underworld summoned by the two green yin demons, Bai Yueguang's afterimages of the underworld were longer and more complete.

In the Yellow Spring, countless ghost hands stretched out, grabbed the tiger head made of flames, and then dragged the purple flame tiger head directly into the Yellow Spring.

Boiling Yangyang was startled, but suddenly heard behind him yelling to be careful.

He fixed his eyes suddenly, and a ferocious ghost head poked out from the underworld with lightning speed.

It opened its mouth wide, revealing its ferocious long teeth and yellowish mucus, and bit down on the boiling sheep.

"Earth tiger armor, fit together!"

Boiling Yangyang clenched his big hand and reacted quickly. After the armor was combined in an instant, he called out the ground-splitting knife, aimed at the ghost's head and chopped it off.


The foul-smelling green slime sprayed out from the ghost's head. Boiling Yangyang let out a loud cry and cut the ghost's head in two with a single stab.

Bai Yueguang's face turned cold, he raised his hand, and slapped it out.

The ghost screamed, and the boiling sheep slashed out with a knife, and was blown away.

"Boiling sheep, are you alright?"

Seeing this, Lazy Goat, Pleasant Goat and others flew over quickly, looked at Boiling Goat and asked with concern.

"It's okay! Soft palms are nothing."

Boiling Yangyang patted his chest and said indifferently.

And his words fell into Bai Yueguang's ears, which made him look ugly.

After checking that Boiling Yangyang was indeed not injured, Lazy Goat immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Boiling Yangyang helplessly and complained.

"Boiling sheep, can you stop being so impulsive, what should you do if something goes wrong?"

"Yes, and we haven't even asked why the other party attacked Yangcun."

Afterwards, Mei Yangyang also spoke, and Nuan Yangyang, Pleasant Goat, and Liu Qingqing on the side also nodded in agreement.

Boiling Yangyang rubbed his head, knowing that Lazy Yangyang and the others were concerned about him, so he could only smile embarrassedly.

"Okay, don't worry, let me meet them."

At this time, Pleasant Goat suddenly proposed.

After finishing speaking, when he turned his head to look at Bai Yueguang, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but a hint of evil flashed in his eyes. …

Chapter 305 Whose fireworks bring purification? , Sun Wuqi's guess;

"Pleasant Goat, what do you have to say to this group of guys!"

"The other party is obviously looking for trouble. If you want me to tell you, let's do it directly and beat them away!"

Boiling Yangyang waved his fist and muttered in dissatisfaction.

Pleasant Goat smiled, "Don't worry, there will be a chance."

Then, Pleasant Goat patted Boiling Goat, and walked directly towards Bai Yueguang,

Seeing Pleasant Goat approaching, Bai Yueguang couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly.

"This...little white man, we Yangcun don't seem to have any grievances with you, do we?"

"So you attacked the gate of Yangcun for no reason, why?"

Pleasant Goat looked at Bai Yueguang, moved his eyes, and asked.

Hearing Pleasant Goat address him, Bai Yueguang's eyes twitched, and a cold look appeared in his eyes.

As for the question of Pleasant Goat, Bai Yueguang laughed directly.

"Where are so many and why?"

"If there were reasons for everything, the world would be a wonderful place."

The reality is illogical. Although they did have a reason for attacking Yangcun, he had no reason to tell this group of lambs. Anyway, these lambs will die in the end!

The corner of Pleasant Goat's mouth raised, "So, then there's nothing to talk about?"


"Of course there are some talks. You kneel down and beg for mercy, and you can talk right away!"

Bai Yueguang revealed a touch of sarcasm, and said in a cold voice without any politeness.


Pleasant Goat nodded slightly, then raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

At the moment when the crisp sound sounded, with Yangcun as the center, countless mechanical cannons with a sense of technology appeared.

Even under the feet of Bai Yueguang and others, there is a mechanical cannon with a diameter of [-] meters protruding from the ground.

"Then... Please enjoy it slowly!"

The corner of Pleasant Goat's mouth raised, and a cyan hurricane rolled up, flashing into Yangcun in an instant, and immediately opened the protective shield of Yangcun.

And seeing the cannons aimed at him one after another, Bai Yueguang's face suddenly became stiff.

However, he still sneered twice.

"Every soldier who breaks the cannon, what is there to be afraid of... Fuck!"

However, before he finished speaking, terrifying energy condensed in each of the cannons.

In just a split second, the light cannons shot out like raindrops, sealing Bai Yueguang and the others in all directions.

Moreover, the energy emitted by this light cannon was so terrifying that it made Bai Yueguang feel extremely palpitating.

Boom boom boom!

The arrogant Bai Yueguang and the others had no time to dodge before being covered by the dazzling light cannon.

Terrifying air waves surged in all directions, shocking all the people who came to watch the play.

"What a terrifying power! I didn't expect this Yangcun to have such a method!"

Sun Wuqi's eyelids twitched slightly, and his tone was full of surprise.

Seeing that there was finally something Sun Wuqi didn't know about, Tang Yin immediately smiled, closed the folding fan, and started talking.

"Brother Sun doesn't know something."

"Guangyingyang Village is not simple. Among the forces of Shenhuang, they are all among the top existences. The first generation head of the Yang Clan, Ruan Mianmian, is already one of the nine thousand guests in Yujing."

"By the way, Brother Sun probably doesn't know about the nine thousand guests in Yujing, so let me tell you about it."

"The center of my gods is called Yujing Jiuqian Island, which is the place where the Lord lives. Yujing Jiuqian Island is just like its name, and there are a total of [-] islands. Each island represents a powerful existence."

"Ruanmian from Yangcun, Wudalang from the wolf tribe, General Dawei, Dad, and others are all among the nine thousand guests of Yujing..."

Tang Yin said while paying attention to Sun Wuqi's expression.

Seeing Sun Wuqi's complexion changed slightly, he couldn't help but curl his mouth slightly.

"Nine thousand guests from Yujing... Daddy is actually one of them? Didn't you say that Daddy is the Lord of Desolation?"

"By the way, according to the rumors, that old man is very low-key, and even pretends to be his subordinate... So, the Yujing Jiuqianke should be directly under the old man's forces. It must be impossible for all of them to be demigods, maybe there are a few Honoring the Eternal True God...Well, it seems that the background of this desolation is indeed very important."

But in a flash, Sun Wuqi thought of a lot.

Although he also considered that his father might not really be the Lord of the Desolation of Gods, he did not believe that in this Desolation of Gods, there is really someone who can be the Lord of the Immortal True God. After all, Supreme is not something like a Chinese cabbage.

At most, that is to say, apart from Dad, there may be one or two Immortals who are equal to Dad.

However, the sharpness cannot be exposed to others.

It is necessary to hide clumsiness.

Which force in the three thousand star field has not hidden a little clumsiness?

So it is not surprising.

However, if there really are other immortals in Shenhuang, then the importance of Shenhuang will inevitably rise to a higher level.

Of course, to their Sun family, Shenhuang is not a big threat.

And if Shenhuang did not land in Cangyuan Domain, then the danger of Shenhuang True God is naturally extremely high.

But now that Shenhuang has been settled, and the true God of Shenhuang has a foundation, naturally he can't do the thing of running away.

Moreover, since the land of the gods, countless spies have entered.

Even, quite a few true gods are paying attention to Shenhuang. If there is really a high-level force that has made a big enmity with Shenhuang, the other party will never give Shenhuang a chance to leave.

Therefore, Sun Wuqi said that the threat of Shenhuang is not too great now.

Unless, there is a supreme true god in Shenhuang...

Sun Wuqi came back to his senses, looked at Bai Yueguang and the others who were still being purified to the extreme, and showed a gloating smile.

"In that case, An Dongyin's family won't get any benefit."

"However, the guys from the Temple of Heavenly Demon may come out to make trouble later..."

Thinking of this, Sun Wuqi couldn't help wiping out a trace of fighting spirit in his eyes.

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