"I've heard that there are six great devils in the Temple of Heavenly Demons. I hope that behind this incident, there are shadows of those six great devils. In this way, I can have a good fight..."...

Not far away, Yin Tianqi listened to the conversation between Sun Wuqi and Tang Yin, and a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

And Qian Qiu beside him was waving his small fists with excitement on his face.

"The fireworks are so beautiful!"


After recovering from his senses, Yin Tianqi couldn't help but be astonished when he heard Qian Qiu's words.

He glanced at the energy column that reached to the sky, and couldn't help crying and laughing in his heart.

You call this fireworks?

Whose fireworks bring purification!

"Brother, do you think this light cannon can kill those ugly monsters in An Dongyin's family?"

Qianqiu didn't notice Yin Tianqi's astonished expression, and joined in the fun by asking questions curiously.

Yin Tianqi glanced at Qianqiu, then at the white light all over the sky, then shook his head slightly.

Qian Qiu pouted dissatisfiedly, "No?"

Yin Tianqi nodded, and said calmly, "This light cannon is very powerful, but it may not be enough to kill the demigod."

"However, except for Bai Yueguang, those two ten-foot green yin demons, and the guy who was chasing the car, the other green yin demons should... end up in ashes."

As soon as Yin Tianqi finished speaking, Qian Qiu saw the light cannon stop firing, and the white light in the sky was slowly dissipating.

"Ah!!! Damn it!!!"

Suddenly, a sharp rage sounded from the white light.

Suddenly, a circle of cloudy air waves swept all directions, sweeping away the white light.

Bai Yueguang looked embarrassed, his whole body was covered with scars.

Bai Yueguang's face was full of anger. He was about to settle the score with Pleasant Goat when he suddenly remembered something, and panic appeared in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yueguang turned around quickly, and staggered towards the chasing car, faster than reincarnation.

"Your Highness! Your Highness, are you okay?"

"It's the little one who is not well escorted, please punish him, Your Highness."

Before and after the chasing car, Bai Yueguang directly knelt down and bowed his head, taking responsibility for chasing the car in fear.

And even though he said he was responsible, his body was shaking constantly, and he looked terribly frightened.


"It's a miracle that a guy like you has become a demigod!"

Seeing Bai Yueguang's embarrassed appearance, Boiling Yangyang immediately showed disdain.

The other lambs also nodded slightly.

Only Liu Qingqing lamented in his heart that Yangcun and the five little sheep are getting stronger and stronger.

At the very beginning, she remembered that Yangcun and the village head, Man Yangyang, were the strongest but the peerless king.

But now, she doesn't know the slow sheep, but the five little sheep are already demigods!

This growth rate is simply appalling.

However, after knowing that Yangcun, and even the entire planet Earth, were either the reincarnation of the true god or the descendants of the true god, Liu Qingqing felt that the growth rate of the five little sheep and the others was justified.

After all, even she, who does not have the blood of the true god, now has the combat power of the holy realm...

Thinking of this, Liu Qingqing couldn't help but draw a smile on the corner of her mouth.

There is a crimson divine line between her eyebrows, which sometimes seems to exude a touch of divine light.

This divine pattern is the totem imprint of the light and shadow armor.

"Although it is a mass-produced Xingtian armor, with it, I not only have the strength of the holy realm, but also have the qualification to inherit the real Xingtian armor!"

Liu Qingqing's bright eyes flickered slightly.

She is not a member of the sheep family, so the armor obtained through trials will only be mass-produced.

However, even though it is mass-produced, it is also very rare and precious.

It is said that there are only ten Xingtian armors in mass production, and the real Xingtian armor has not yet been controlled by anyone.

Those who can obtain the approval of the mass-produced Xingtian armor will have the opportunity to obtain the approval of the real Xingtian armor.

As for Liu Qingqing, she has already set a goal, she must obtain the real Xingtian Armor!

Only in this way can she help Lanyangyang and the others, and not lag behind Zhuge Liuyun and a bunch of her peers.

Although she now has the strength of the Holy Realm, as far as she knows, the Zhuge Liuyun she is familiar with seems to have surpassed the Holy Realm.

It is said that Zhuge Liuyun's real hole card is not the Pegasus Saint Cloth he used, it is a Golden Saint Cloth, and the opponent has already obtained the approval of that Golden Saint Cloth!

When she stayed in Yangcun, she didn't only know how to practice. Apart from practicing, she also learned a lot about the "Old Gods and Desolation".

Just like the golden holy clothes, it is the treasure of the star field, one of the supreme forces of the "Old Gods and Desolation", and it is the god of the guardian god of the star field.

The true strength of Zhuge Liuyun, who was recognized by the Golden Saint Cloth, may have already exceeded Liu Qingqing's imagination.

In addition, other people who performed outstandingly in the battle of Tianjiao also got various adventures during this period, and Liu Qingqing also heard about it.

For example, Green Tianyu once again entered Gouxiong Ridge to "chop firewood". A month ago, he chopped a grass in the forest with an ax and was praised by Bald Qiang; Moved the world and broke through several realms in a row; Cui Bei strayed into the mysterious cave and had an accidental encounter, and when he heard that he was calling people now, he shouted "Fellow Daoist, please stay behind";

It seems that in a short period of time, everyone in Shenhuang has been given various opportunities and realized the real ascension to heaven in one step!

So in comparison, the opportunities she got were nothing at all.

"Come on, come on! I can do it!"

Liu Qingqing secretly encouraged herself.

She withdrew her thoughts and looked up at the carriage in the sky.

Watching the back of Wu Xiaoyang, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

"The enemy this time is not simple. Not only is it of great origin and strength, but it is no longer a joke like Senior Big Big Wolf. I hope Pleasant Goat and the others will not be injured..."

While Liu Qingqing's thoughts drifted away, Bai Yueguang in the sky was still kneeling in front of the driving car anxiously.

Besides him, just as Yin Tianqi said, only two ten-foot-high green yin demons survived.

The other green yin demons, even the three-headed monsters in the trailer, were all turned into ashes, with no fur left.

On the contrary, the chasing cart has only a little scorched marks, which shows that it should be an extraordinary treasure.

"It's really annoying..."


Finally, a voice came from the chasing car.

Afterwards, the black curtain above the carriage opened automatically, and a figure slowly walked out from it.

Bai Yueguang quickly raised his head, and then quickly crawled to this person's feet with a flattering smile on his face.

"Your Highness, you are fine!"

This person glanced at Bai Yueguang, and while withdrawing his gaze, he quietly removed the clothes that Bai Yueguang was touching.

"Bai Yueguang, what should you do?"

The cold voice pierced his ears like a gust of wind, causing Bai Yueguang to almost have a cardiac arrest, and then he cried out hastily.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, it's the little one who doesn't handle things well, so please punish him, and only ask His Highness to spare the little one's life."

Bai Yueguang was terrified, he could show off his might in front of others, but in front of this one, he could only kneel down and beg for mercy.

Because this person named Yin Huiyou is the eldest son of An Dongyin's family and the future heir of An Dongyin's family.

At the same time, Yin Huiyou was still ranked No. 450 on the [Mo Dao Tianjiao List]!

The Mo Dao Tianjiao List is a list issued by Wanxianglou, which records [-] Tianjiao of the Demon Race.

Even if it is the [-]th place, at least it has the realm of the Holy King, and its real combat power is far superior to those of the same realm.

In addition to the [Devil's Proud Ranking], there are also the Monster Race's [True Dragon Proud Ranking], and the Human Race's [Holy Path Proud Ranking]...

This Yin Huiyou ranked No. 450 in the [Mo Dao Tianjiao List], and his strength can be said to be very strong.

And Bai Yueguang is just a servant of An Dongyin's family. Although he is a big celebrity in front of Yin Huiyou, it also means that the power of his life and death is also in Yin Huiyou's hands.

If Yin Huiyou is not appeased, he will only die!

Yin Huiyou's skin was as white as jade, and the cross-star pupils in her blue eyes exuded a cold aura like a poisonous snake.

He kicked Bai Yueguang away, and looked down at Pleasant Goat and the others indifferently.

Suddenly, Yin Huiyou showed a sneer, and the moment he raised his right hand, a green energy exploded in his palm, blasting towards Pleasant Goat and the others.


Boiling Yangyang stepped out, slashing down heavily with the ground-splitting knife in his hand.

The shadow of the knife pierced the air and collided with the dark green energy column, causing a huge aftermath in the air. …………

Chapter 306 Lamb, you already have the way to die! ; IQ crushing!

"Something good!"

Yin Huiyou didn't stop, and suddenly grasped the five fingers in the void, a river flowing with a fishy yellow liquid appeared on the ground, and rotten iron chains shuttled out, stabbing Boiling Goat and Pleasant Goat.

"Careful! Hurricane Blade!"

Pleasant Goat focused his eyes, stepped on his feet, flew into the air, and countless wind blades that cut gold and iron appeared and blasted towards the iron chain.

Clang clang!

The wind blade stirred, obliterating the iron chain completely.

"Stand back, he will be handed over to me!"

Afterwards, Pleasant Goat looked at Boiling Yangyang and the others, and said.

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