And Yin Huiyou immediately seized the opportunity and used his strongest trick.

I saw the water of the underworld coming up from the sky, and the world was dark in an instant, and a phantom of a stone tablet surrounded by the ghostly air appeared behind Yin Huiyou.

"The other shore is now, everything is silent!"

Yin Huiyou's face was ferocious, his seven orifices were bleeding, but the power in his body became more and more terrifying.

"I want you to die!"

Yin Huiyou roared crazily, please be restrained by Baiwei, and rushed towards Pleasant Goat like a meteorite.

Pleasant Goat raised his head, and opened the eyes on his back, revealing the blood jade pupils.

tom tom tom!

The thunder of war drums resounded through the sky!

The fighting spirit soared into the sky, and nine white-tailed giant shadows covered the sky, killing Yinhuiyou.


With a wave of Yin Huiyou's big hand, the stone tablet behind him flew out, suppressing several white-tailed giant shadows.

However, there were still two white-tailed giant shadows breaking through the encirclement and bombarding Yin Huiyou.

Yin Huiyou's body exploded, and just recovered, was thrown out by another white tail, and the blue blood once again stained the sky.

Yin Huiyou kept vomiting blood in his mouth, he glanced at Pleasant Goat in horror, and then turned into a streamer and flew into the carriage without hesitation.

I saw the brilliance of the chasing car, and then directly tore the space, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The dignified young master of An Dongyin's family came in arrogance, but in the end he ran away in embarrassment.

Such a result shocked the jaws of many spectators. …

Chapter 308 Desolate Heaven's Proud List?The undercurrent is surging; the six devils!die!

"Your Highness! Wait for me!"

As soon as Bai Yueguang got up from the ground, he saw Yin Huiyou running away. After a moment of panic, he hurriedly chased after him.

But Pleasant Goat did not pursue it, because it was not necessary.

He had no intention of beheading the opponent.

And that chasing car was extraordinary, it was difficult for Pleasant Goat to catch up for a while, and he didn't have that much spare time to spend chasing.

Pleasant Goat scattered the nine-tailed giant shadow, and lightly stepped on the void with four feet, setting off an endless storm, sweeping the ground below, not only sweeping away the blood spilled by Yinhuiyou, but also deterring outsiders.

Then, he glanced at the direction of Tang Yin and the others, and went straight back to Yangcun.

"I haven't reached the limit yet... The strength of this Pleasant Goat is probably comparable to the top [-] top talents in the list!"

Sun Wuqi grinned, speaking highly of Pleasant Goat.

At the same time, his evaluation of Pleasant Goat is among the top [-] in the Tianjiao list, but he did not specify which Tianjiao list.

Because the ranks and strengths of the Tianjiao on each Tianjiao list match, the Tianjiao of the same level on different Tianjiao lists will not have much difference in strength, basically they are all the same.

Although there are several list of Tianjiao list established by Vientiane Building, there may be a huge gap in the strength of Tianjiao of each race, only in the top [-]!

The top [-] in the Tianjiao list are the true peerless Tianjiao in the Three Thousand Stars, each of whom has a combat power that is unmatched by ordinary people.

At the same time, unlike the people after the top [-], there may only be a gap of a millisecond between each of the top [-], but it may also be a gap like a galaxy!

And this gap not only exists within the same list, the top [-] of each Tianjiao list may also be the gap between elephants and ants.

It is even said that the top ten of some races may not be as good as the first place of a certain race!

This gap is extremely terrifying and insurmountable.

Certain arrogances have long been independent of their realm, and their combat power is so high that they don't know where they have gone.

For example, Yin Tianqi, as the last and youngest son of the Taoist sect, he ranked No. 12 on the Human Race's Holy Dao Tianjiao list.

And looking at his previous record, one can see the gold content of No. 12 on the list of celestial beings.

One sword breaks the defense of the true god, even without Nezha and Ao Bing, his record is extremely astonishing and terrifying!

In the Eternal Star Sea, the strength of the human race is recognized, so the gold content of the Holy Path Tianjiao list is absolutely leveraged.

With Yin Tianqi's strength, it is completely enough to rank first in some races' Tianjiao list.

To say the least, all in all, judging from Pleasant Goat's current strength, he is enough to enter the top [-] of any Tianjiao list.

"By the way, is Pleasant Goat a demon clan?"

Sun Wuqi suddenly thought of something and asked Tang Yin.

Although Pleasant Goat looks like a demon, but there is no demon in his body, it seems inappropriate to say that he is a demon.

Tang Yin shook his head, "Pleasant goats belong to the sheep family, the light and shadow sheep family, not the monster race. To be precise, there is no demon race in Shenhuang. Except for the human race, other creatures are either a race unique to Shenhuang, or they are naturally raised. spirit." ap.


"Hehe, then Pleasant Goat may not be on the list of real dragons."

"However, there is no need for the Monster Race's True Dragon Talent Ranking. Except for the creatures of the True Dragon Race and the True Dragon Race itself, the geniuses of other powerful Monster Races are not willing to be on the True Dragon Ranking."

"It can be said that the True Dragon Tianjiao list is the most failed list of Wanxianglou."

"However, I think Wanxianglou will come out to make troubles again soon, and maybe there will be a list of gods and talents. After all, those guys have nothing to do every day."

What Sun Wuqi said revealed two pieces of information.

One, the True Dragon Talent Ranking is not recognized by the Yaozu.

Second, the Wanxiang Building is not usually idle, and I'm afraid he has to find something for Shenhuang.

If there is really a list of the gods and talents, it will not only cause the battle of the gods within the gods, but the talents of the three thousand star fields will also want to try the level of the gods.

When the time comes, it is conceivable that Shenhuang will not be able to relax.

But this is not a big deal, and it just happened to follow Jiang Qiyu's wish. After all, in times of turmoil, the value of the wish must be indispensable.

"Yin Huiyou ran away, and the people from the Temple of Heavenly Demon didn't come out, so there's nothing to see."

Sun Wuqi shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

Then, he cupped his hands to Tang Yin, and said, "Brother Tang, I have offended you today, and I will find someone to restore the place I damaged. Today I also fought and watched the show, so I will leave! "

Tang Yin showed a hint of surprise, and asked, "You're not looking for Nezha anymore?"

Sun Wuqi smiled and shook his head, "Hey, I heard that Nezha is very strong, so I wanted to fight him, but now that I have fought you, I don't bother to find him."

Tang Yin took a deep look at Sun Wuqi, he didn't expect that Sun Wuqi didn't come here for the Hunyuanzhu.

It seems that this Sun Wuqi is not only a little arrogant, but also a good person.

"In that case, I won't stay any longer."

Tang Yin also cupped his hands and replied with a smile.

"Okay! But if I ask you to compete next time, you can't refuse!"

"Naturally, I am extremely happy!"


The two smiled at each other.

After talking and laughing for a while, Sun Wuqi left with the dancing Sun Wudao.

Tang Yin glanced at Yin Tianqi, and after meeting with him with a nod, he left the Qingqing Grassland.

"This is the end?"

"That Yinhuiyou is so cowardly, he just ran away! I don't know how this kind of person got on the list of demons!"

Qian Qiu pouted, disdainful of Yin Huiyou's escape.

Yin Tianqi smiled, and then said, "Yinhuiyou is the beginning, not the end."

"Besides Yin Huiyou, there must be someone else who is eyeing Shenhuang."

"Yin Huiyou is just a chess piece. As for the chess player, I have some clues. I think it should be the five devils from the Tianmo Palace. An Dongyin's family is attached to the power behind that devil."

Yin Tianqi's eyes moved slightly, and he expressed his inference.

Qianqiu nodded his little head melon seeds, also looking thoughtful.

Yin Tianqi looked at Qianqiu's appearance and couldn't help laughing.

Afterwards, Yin Tianqi seemed to sense something, and turned to look to the right.

There, there were two young men in black and white robes.

These two youths look exactly the same, even the length of their hair is the same, it can be said that they were carved out of the same mold.

These two are the twin stars of the Holy Court, ranking fifteen or sixteen on the list of the Heavenly Talents of the Holy Path, and their strength is unfathomable.

The two turned their heads in unison, nodded slightly to Yin Tianqi, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

"Double Star..."

"Perhaps they really went after Nezha and Ao Bing."

Yin Tianqi narrowed his eyes slightly, and couldn't help guessing. …


Above a desert, a chasing car burst out of the sky, and the moment a figure flew out of it, a mouthful of blood spewed out in the air.

And this is Yin Huiyou who escaped.


Yin Huiyou had a ferocious expression on his face, thinking about the battle with Pleasant Goat, he couldn't help but roared to the sky, crazily releasing the aggrieved and angry in his heart.

"Hehe, what a waste, only incompetent and furious."


The sudden sound startled Yin Huiyou.

He turned his head suddenly, but after seeing the other person's appearance, his eyes widened immediately.

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