The visitor was dressed in a purple robe with purple hair, and there was a purple mark under his eyes. His eyes were as narrow and long as snakes, and there was a terrible magic all over his body.

"Six devils, why are you here?"

Yin Huiyou's pupils constricted. Although he tried his best to suppress the fear in his heart, his voice was still trembling.

Because the person in front of him is the Sixth Devil of the Heavenly Demon Palace, and he is the peerless genius who ranks seventeenth in the 【Magic Dao Tianjiao List】!

The most important thing is that the relationship between the six devils and the five devils is extremely bad. It can even be said that fire and water are incompatible.

In the end, if the elders of the Temple of Heavenly Demons hadn't stopped them in time, there might only be four of the six devils left in the Temple of Heavenly Demons.

And Yin Huiyou is a member of the Five Devils, meeting the Six Devils here, and even being seriously injured, is simply the worst thing!

Yin Huiyou stepped back again and again, and at the same time was extremely vigilant.

And when the Six Demons saw Yin Huiyou's appearance, they immediately showed a wicked smile.


Suddenly, the six devils appeared behind Yin Hui.

Yin Huiyou's complexion changed drastically, but before he could make a move, an arm penetrated his body, then pulled it out suddenly, and held his head firmly.

"Six devils... let me go!"

"I can be filial and loyal to you, and the entire An Dongyin family can be your help..."

Yin Huiyou twitched all over his body, and blood continued to flow from his pierced head. He looked at the Six Demons and begged bitterly.

But facing Yin Huiyou's begging, Liu Mozi showed a cruel smile.

He moved his face closer to Yin Huiyou, Yin Huiyou trembled from the poisonous snake-like cold breath.

"Trash, you are not qualified to be filial to me!"


The Six Devils grinned and clenched their five fingers suddenly.

Yin Huiyou stared at the Six Devils with both eyes, and the next moment his head was pinched and exploded.

His spirit fled from his body, and before he could fly away, he was swallowed by the six devils.

"Hehe, it tastes good."

Six Devils stuck out his scarlet tongue, licked his lips, and showed a sick smile.

Then, he turned around to look at Yin Huiyou's chasing car, and smashed it into pieces with his palm.

After finishing this, he directly threw Yinhuiyou's headless corpse on the ground, and took out a blue long sword from his body, and cut several wounds on Yinhuiyou's headless corpse.

Looking at the Dao of Wind overflowing from Yinhuiyou's scar, the Six Devils smiled with satisfaction.

"Waste utilization, old five, my subordinates are dead, I want to see what you are going to do..."

"The Guangyingyang Village is not simple, old five, old five, I will definitely let you die without a place to bury you!"


The six devils laughed wildly, and after eliminating their own traces, they left through the air.

And a few breaths after the six devils left, Bai Yueguang, who was chasing after him, arrived late.

When Bai Yueguang saw the ghostly corpse, he slumped on the ground and let out a terrified scream.

He knew, really... something big happened! ………

Chapter 309 Pikachu Muto!Lord of Heaven and Earth! ;Dark duel, open!

There are many mountains, and there are dark gray plants growing on each mountain. From time to time, monsters several feet high can be seen flying across the sky and the earth.

On the top of the mountains, halls stood tall.

In a large hall, a group of green yin demons surrounded a dead body with gloomy faces.

Dull and silent, the atmosphere in the hall was extremely oppressive.

Beside the corpse, Bai Yueguang knelt down with a terrified expression, and kept explaining the dark things in his mouth.

"So, You'er died at the hands of Pleasant Goat in that Yangcun village?"

A tall middle-aged man looked at Bai Yueguang, his eyes were filled with anger and sadness, and his cold voice was even hoarse.

Bai Yueguang trembled all over, and quickly said, "It was Pleasant Goat who injured His Highness, but His Highness left after that, when I get there..."

Bai Yueguang didn't say anything more, and the middle-aged man knew what was going to happen next.

"Patriarch, judging from the wound on Young Master's body, it was caused by a sword, and there are traces of the law of wind."

The old man next to the middle-aged man cupped his hands, and what he said made the middle-aged man's eyes fierce.

"Hehe... Good! Very good!"

"Guangying Yangcun... I will definitely let you be buried with me, You'er!"


The stern and violent voice resounded through the hall, and a terrifying aura erupted, directly grinding Bai Yueguang into blood mist.

And the people around him also showed pain.

After a long time, Yin Li put away his coercion.

"Patriarch, I think we have to think long-term about this matter!"

At this time, the old man who did the injury test spoke again.

With a cold expression on his face, he asked sharply, "What do you mean?"

Stared at fiercely, the old man was shocked, and then quickly replied, "Patriarch, His Highness went to Shenhuang, and it was the five devils who told me."

"Now that something like this has happened, I don't think the five devils should stay out of it..."

Hearing what the old man said, the others also nodded, thinking that the old man was right.

Yin Li's eyes were gloomy and uncertain, and after a moment of silence, he said hoarsely, "I see, I will go find the five devils."

"You'er, don't worry, my father will definitely avenge you!"

Yin Li bent down and looked at Yin Huiyou's headless body, his eyes were full of hatred. ………

While the storm was raging outside, Jiang Qiyu in the sky boat was planning another matter.

"Since everything is ready, let's start teleporting!"

In front of Jiang Qiyu was a group of people in black robes.

And in front of the man in black, a yellow-skinned mouse that was no taller than his knees was standing solemnly, like a soldier waiting for inspection.

And this yellow-skinned mouse and this group of people in black robes all have one characteristic in common.

That is, on their right hands, they all wear a cool duel disk.

And this group of people was created by Jiang Qiyu and planned to send duelists to the Tianjue Starfield!

The leader is Yugi Muto, who is known as [Yu-Gi-Oh], and is now also called Pikachu Muto!

"Pikachu, you should transform into a human form first!"

Jiang Qiyu looked at Pikachu in front of him, smiled slightly, and said.


Pikachu nodded, and then turned into a handsome man with an exploding head.

"My lord, the space transmission is ready."

At this time, Xiaoqing came over and reminded her.

"it is good!"

"Pikachu, let's go!"

"Remember, step by step, don't rush. Wait for a while, and I will send the true god to be your backing. Before that, don't provoke too strong enemies to avoid accidents."

Jiang Qiyu nodded slightly, and then gave instructions to Pikachu.

Pikachu looked solemn and nodded solemnly, "Yes, my lord!"

Then, Pikachu left Tianzhou with a group of men in black robes.

Time shuttle, teleport endlessly.

In just half a day, Pikachu and the others landed on a high-rise building in the Tianjue Starfield.

"This is the Tianjue Starfield?"

Muto Pikachu looked around below.

There is a lot of traffic, and there are countless spaceships like sand. At the same time, you can see naked-eye billboards with a sense of technology on high-rise buildings.

"To be precise, this is the eleventh district of the Tianjue Starfield."

"The Tianjue star field is different from the general star field. It is divided into "areas" and has a total of 36 areas. A area is like a galaxy, composed of tens of thousands of worlds, with a main world as the center, presenting a structure of multiple rings."

"And we are currently in the main area of ​​the eleventh district."

"Boss, and we've now been discovered."

A man in black came over, and a screen of light appeared in front of him.

On the light screen, several small light spots are flying towards here.

The speed is very fast, even surpassing the speed of light, probably within half a stick of incense, they will be completely surrounded in all directions.

Muto Pikachu looked calm, his golden eyes moved slightly, and then he spoke.

"Master Heaven and Earth, you and your people stay here and give them a surprise!"


At this time, a tall man in black robe came out, he raised his head slightly, and there was a golden hideous mask under the black robe.

On the mask, the ruby-like eyes exude an extremely terrifying coercion.

This person is one of the bosses in [Shen Bing Xiaojiang], the leader of heaven and earth!

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