It was Jiang Qiyu who was one of the assistants who helped Muto Pikachu to embody.

Otherwise, it would be too boring just relying on Pikachu Muto and a bunch of A, B, and Ding Ding.

Muto Pikachu nodded slightly, "Except for the lord of heaven and earth, the others dispersed and began to carry out the orders of the lord!"


With one after another uniform voice, except for the leader of heaven and earth and his four subordinates, the others disappeared from the roof in an instant.

Not long after they disappeared, several figures attacked.

The leader was a middle-aged man wearing a crimson battle armor.

On the chest of the crimson battle armor, there is a white pattern with an inverted triangle printed on it, presumably it should be a symbol of a power.

And behind him, there is a group of people holding guns and wearing silver armor, and they all have an inverted triangle pattern on their chests.

In addition to them, there are some scattered people.

However, these people seemed to be afraid of the power headed by the middle-aged man, so when they saw the middle-aged man, they immediately went up to say hello, shouting "General Chiyue".

General Chi Yue responded perfunctorily to these people, then looked at the leader of Heaven and Earth, and asked in a deep voice.

"Your Excellency, where are you from?"

The lord of heaven and earth raised his head, and his blood-red eyes emitted a red light.

At the same time, an echoing voice sounded, "Shouldn't you introduce yourself before asking others?"

The thick and reverberating voice was full of oppression, making General Chi Yue's gaze fixed.

There was a hint of suspicion in the eyes of General Chi Yue, and then he said in a deep voice, "This deity Chi Yue, the master of the eleventh district, is one of the nine generals of the Apocalypse Army."

"This area is governed by the deity. And the deity has never seen you."

The leader of Heaven and Earth let out a few loud laughs, and then spoke in a haughty tone.

"You can call me the lord of heaven and earth, my deity comes from the dark enchantment."

"Come here to bring the dark enchantment back to the world!"

"Dark enchantment?"

General Chi Yue frowned, although he had never heard of any dark enchantment.

But judging from the title and aura of the leader of Heaven and Earth, the other party is definitely not a good opponent, and the dark barrier is probably not a small force.

And just by hearing the name, one knew that the Dark Barrier would not be a decent force.

Thinking of this, General Chi Yue's eyes turned cold.

"In the domain under the jurisdiction of the deity, how can you let you mess around?"

"Master of Heaven and Earth, come with me!"

General Chiyue fixed his eyes on the leader of the heaven and earth, and at the same time, the divine light of the original card slot in his body bloomed, and he was already ready for battle.

Because he knew very well that since the other party came so ostentatiously, he would definitely not leave him easily.

Just as General Chi Yue expected, the leader of Heaven and Earth did not intend to be captured without a fight.

The eyes of the leader of the alliance of heaven and earth flashed red, and then he sneered, "If you want to do something, just say it, why beat around the bush."

"Since you have activated the original card slot in your body and are ready to make a move, today, the deity will let you know how backward your fighting style is!"

"King of Hell!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Let's have fun with General Chi Yue!"


A black-robed man lifted his hat, revealing a black copper-colored face with a fierce face and a green horn on his head, like a demon from hell.

And this person is the subordinate of the leader of heaven and earth, the guardian of the first vice hall of the head of state palace, the king of hell!

"Hey, human, if you dare to offend the lord, I will make you pay a heavy price!"

The Fierce King had a ferocious expression on his face. He suddenly raised his right hand, and his sleeve fell down, revealing the duel disk in his hand.

"what is that?"

General Chi Yue stared at the duel disk, his eyes fixed.

"Dark duel, open!"

The Fierce Hades grinned, bent his right hand, and dropped the duel plate in front of him, and then wiped the duel plate with the other hand.

In an instant, the duel disk was unfolded, and the mechanical sound was like a phoenix roaring to the sky.

In the next moment, a dark force could be seen emanating from the duel disk, instantly turning the surrounding hundreds of miles into a dark field, covering the sun, moon and stars.

"What happened?"

"What a cold and dark power!"

"Look! It's General Chiyue! And the Apocalypse Army!"

"Who are those men in black robes?"

Such a huge movement immediately attracted the attention of the city below.

Passers-by stopped and looked up at the dark place above.

However, General Chi Yue, who was in the dark field, changed slightly.

Just because after the dark field unfolded, he immediately felt a certain connection with the dark field.

"What is this thing? What did you do?"

General Chi Yue's face was cold, and he asked loudly to the fierce Hades.

Fierce Hades grinned, "This is a dark field! Once it is opened, it cannot be stopped!"

"And the dark field is used for dark duels. After the dark field unfolds, I immediately let the dark field bind you."

"That is to say, you must complete the duel with me before you can leave."

There was a trace of sinisterness in the eyes of the Fierce Hades, and he answered General Chi Yue's question without any concealment.

Hearing this, General Chi Yue immediately moved and flew out of the dark field.

However, after touching the edge of the dark field, he was immediately bounced back.

And no matter what he did, he couldn't leave the dark field.

A moment later, General Chi Yue returned to his spot with a gloomy face, his eyes were cold, and he stared at the King of Hell. ……………

Chapter 310 The Irresistible Dark Duel!Shocked General Chi Yue!

"You guys are so brave! How dare you plot against General Chi Yue!"

Seeing that General Chi Yue couldn't get out of the dark place, someone from the Apocalypse Army immediately scolded him.

"Yo, I forgot about you bugs!"

The Fierce Hades glanced at the man, and then let out a smirk.

"What are you trying to do? Stop!"

General Chi Yue sensed something was wrong and immediately wanted to stop it.

However, before he could do anything, the next second he found that people from the Apocalypse Army and other forces disappeared into the dark field in an instant.

"Don't worry, I just drove them out of the dark field. After all, the duel for a while cannot be interfered by them."

"General Chi Yue, we are below."

Hearing the words of King Fierce Hades and seeing the Apocalypse Army suddenly appearing below, General Chi Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

"What should we do now?"

The Apocalypse Army below looked ugly. They tried to enter the dark field, but it didn't work at all.

"From this point of view, I can only find other generals! Take care of this place, I will be back soon!"

General Chi Yue's lieutenant left immediately after giving orders to the other Tianqi Army.

In the dark field, although General Chi Yue couldn't come out, his brother was safe, which made him feel much calmer.

He looked at the King of Hell, and said coldly, "Since you want to fight, let's start!"

As the general of the Apocalypse Army, the main realm of the Eleventh District, General Chi Yue is very confident in his own strength.

Now that he has no worries, he doesn't need to be polite.

Then, he raised his arm, and a crimson card appeared between his fingers.

"Fentian Chiwu, come out!"

With a flick of the cards in General Chi Yue's hand, the original card slot appeared, and the cards fell into the slot firmly and ruthlessly.

The next moment, a bird chirping rang through the sky.

A big bird like a phoenix on fire appeared out of thin air, and the crimson flames burned the sky.

Fentian Chiwu landed behind General Chiyue, his piercing eyes exuded extraordinary holy intent.

"Hehe, it's interesting..."

Looking at the Fentian Chiwu behind General Chiyue, the Fierce Hades didn't panic, but just showed an inexplicable smile.

General Chi Yue's tone was cold, "What are you laughing at?"

The corner of the Fierce Hades mouth slightly raised, and he tapped his finger on the duel board.

"Speaking of which, I haven't told you the rules of the duel yet."


General Chi Yue frowned even more, and said in a cold voice, "It's a battle, how can there be rules? It's not a child's play!"

"No, no, no! This is not a child's play."

"Let me tell you this, once the duel begins, the rules of this duel are as irresistible as a dark field."

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