"The duel is conducted in a turn-based system, and each side has 8000 health points!"

As he said that, he heard the sound of numerical values ​​floating, and a screen of light appeared in the upper left corner of King Xie Yan and General Chi Yue.

On the light screen, [lp8000] was impressively written, representing [-] health points of both parties.

General Chi Yue's eyes showed surprise.

At this time, the King of Hell continued to speak.

"When the life value is cleared, the duel is lost."

"And our dark duel is different from your backward card insertion method. Have you seen the duel disk on my arm? This thing is where we insert the card."

Saying that, the Fierce Hades took out a stack of cards and put the cards into the duel tray.

"How come there are so many cards? Could it be that you can use so many star cards at once?"

Looking at the number of cards on the duel board of the Fierce Hades, General Chi Yue's complexion changed slightly, and he couldn't help asking.

The original card slots are limited, even as one of the Nine Gods of Apocalypse, he only has six card slots in his body.

And the average demigod only has four to five card slots, so he is already considered extremely talented.

In other words, even if he filled the card slot, he could only use six star cards at a time.

Moreover, among them, he can only control two star cards of epic (half-god) level at most, and the other four star cards will only be of lower epic level.

Fierce Hades smiled, "Hehe, it's useless to talk too much, let me demonstrate it to you!"

"Duel, start!"

As the word "begin" fell, the duel plate on the arm of the Fierce Hades exuded a burst of divine light, and then, as if wise, he spit out five cards from the deck.

Fierce Hades held the card in his hand, and then grinned.

"My turn, draw a card!"

Fierce Hades draws another card from the deck.

Seeing the six cards in the hands of the Fierce Hades, General Chi Yue's eyelids twitched, and a bad feeling surged in his heart.

At this time, the King of Hell puts two of the six cards in his hand on the magic trap area on the duel board, draws another card, and puts it on the monster area. .

"Summon, Zhaqi, the dark path chemist!"

After the evil king put the card face-up in the monster area, a monster dressed as a clown appeared in front of the evil king.

In front of Zhaqi, the dark path chemist, there was also a display of "Attack 600/Defense 1500" and three golden five-pointed stars flickered under his feet.

"This is…"

"This is the attribute of a monster, and your Burning Chiwu also has it!"

Fierce Yama took the trouble to explain to General Chiyue.

And upon hearing the words of the Fierce Hades, General Chi Yue immediately looked at Fen Tian Chi Wu behind him.

In front of Fentian Chiwu, there was indeed the same screen of light, but above it was "Attack 3000/Defense 2800", and the five-pointed star under his feet was five more than Zhaqi, the secret path chemist.

"The five-pointed star under the monster's feet represents their star level. Generally speaking, if you want to summon a monster with four stars or higher, you need to sacrifice."

"And your Fentian Chiwu has a full eight stars, so you should need two monsters to summon it. But the Dark Duel doesn't pay much attention to these, so there is no need to sacrifice."

"But your monster's attack is really high! In this case, I can only let my monster show defense status."

"Because only by adjusting to the defensive state, I will not lose my health after being attacked!"

As he said that, the King of Hell then adjusted Zhaqi, the secret path chemist, to the defensive state, and explained the reason for General Chiyue.

"Okay, my turn is over, it's your turn."

General Chi Yue's face was gloomy, he glanced at Zhaqi, the chemist of the secret path, and then at the ominous Hades with a gloomy smile, for a moment he didn't know what to do.

He sensed the strength of the secret path chemist Zhaqi, probably only the strength of the real king of the domain, which can be described as surprisingly weak.

He can destroy this kind of garbage at will.

But the things that the Fierce Hades said were too weird, making it difficult for him to judge for a while.

"No! Try it first!"

As one of the Nine Generals of the Apocalypse Army, he is not a fool, he will believe whatever the Fierce Hades says.

The next moment, General Chiyue punched Zhaqi, the secret path chemist.

In an instant, a huge fist of ten feet of flame condensed and killed Zhaqi, the dark path chemist.

However, after the powerful flaming giant fist passed in front of Zhaqi, the dark path chemist, it went straight through, as if it passed through a phantom.

He couldn't even attack the Vicious King of Hades behind Zhaqi, the secret path chemist.

"Hehe, don't waste your energy."

"As I said, when a dark duel begins, you must abide by the rules of the dark duel!"

"In a duel, only the monsters under us can attack, the duelist cannot attack directly."

"General Chi Yue, hurry up, let your monsters attack, don't make me wait too long!"

The Fierce Hades spread his hands, and what he said made General Chi Yue's complexion even worse.

"This dark duel is so weird that even I can't get rid of it. If it affects the entire main world, the consequences will be unimaginable..."

"Before that, I must figure out all the rules of this dark duel!"

Since it is impossible to defy, General Chiyue has to figure out all the rules of the dark duel, only in this way can the main world not be passive.

Then, General Chi Yue's gaze sharpened.

"Fentian Chicrow, attack!"


The Fentian Chiwu fluttered its wings, and the terrifying divine flames ravaged the sky.

It glanced at Zhaqi, the dark path chemist, with disdain, and then spit out a small mouthful of divine flames, trying to annihilate him.

At this moment, the Fierce King of Hades gave a strange smile, and he swung his hands wide, and opened a cover card in the magic trap area.

"Magic barrel!"

"When the opponent's monster launches an attack, the opponent bears the attack!"

Following the explanation of the Fierce Hades, two red cylinders appeared immediately.

And Fentian Chiwu's attack was directly absorbed by the cylinder on the left, and then blasted out from the cylinder on the right.

General Chi Yue shrank his pupils, and hurriedly ordered Fen Tian Chi Wu to put it in front of him.

However, this attack directly passed through the Fentian Chiwu, and ruthlessly hit him.

In an instant, an indescribable pain swept across his body, General Chi Yue was enveloped by a cloud of divine flames reaching the sky, and his complexion began to twist.

After a while, the divine flame dissipated, and General Chi Yue half-kneeled on the ground, his whole body was wet with sweat, and his eyes were reddened by the severe pain.

At the same time, the health in front of him dropped rapidly, directly dropping to 5000 points.

"Hehe, did you feel it?"

"This is the pain from the dissipation of life, and it is irresistible!"

"But don't worry, a dark duel is not a death duel. Even if your health is cleared, you will not die, but you need to pay some price!"

As he said that, the Fierce Hades looked at Fentian Chiwu who was beside General Chiyue, the purpose of which was self-evident.

"you dare!"

General Chi Yue was furious.

Fentian Chiwu is like a companion, who has accompanied him for thousands of years. At the same time, Fentian Chiwu is also the most potential among his star cards. He will never allow anyone to have bad thoughts about Fentian Chiwu!

"Hehe, don't react so big."

"Since it's a duel and no one will die, of course there must be some bets."

"Okay, your rendezvous is over, now it's my turn."

Fierce Hades drew a card from the deck, and after seeing the name and pattern on the card, he couldn't help grinning wickedly.

"Summon, Sonic Bat!"...

Chapter 311 Sonic Bat; A Heaven-Defying Equipment Card!

"Call, Sonic Bat!"

Suddenly, a dark blue ferocious bat monster appeared.

In front of it, there is a sign of "Attack 2500/Defense 2200".

"A very weak demigod...should not be a threat to Fentian Chiwu."

Seeing the attack power of the sonic bat, General Chi Yue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After suffering a loss, and after observation, he also has a certain understanding of the dark duel.

I also know that the level of attack power is a direct manifestation of strength.

His Fentian Chiwu has an attack power of 3000 points, so the sonic bat should not be able to threaten the Fentian Chiwu.

However, at this time, he found that the fierce Hades had not ended the rendezvous.

"Equip the magic card [Sword of Sacrifice] for the Sonic Bat to increase the attack power by 400 points, and equip the field card [Dark Zone], the dark attribute monsters will increase the attack power by 500 points and reduce the defense power by 400 points."

Fierce Yama puts two cards on the duel board.

In the face of General Chi Yue's face changed drastically, the power of the sonic bat increased instantly, surpassing Fen Tian Chi Wu in an instant.

Looking at the attributes of the sonic bat, it was actually "attack 3400/defense 1800".

"How is this possible? How can there be such a star card?!"

General Chi Yue looked at the Sonic Bat in disbelief, and then questioned the Vicious Hades like crazy.

The Fierce Hades sneered, "Ignorance!"

"I have already said that the way you use the original card slot to fight is too backward."

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