
When Muto Pikachu raised his hand, the house model flew to the open space, and then turned into a real house at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The house is not big, and its appearance is a bit quaint, which is very inconsistent with the surrounding technological buildings.

The behavior of Pikachu Muto immediately attracted the attention of pedestrians around him.

"How dare this guy, dare to build an illegal building here? I'm not afraid of being caught by the law enforcement team."

"But this person doesn't look simple. The house can be as big or small as you like. It's obviously a treasure."

"Oh, it's not simple? So what if it's not simple? This is the main realm of District [-], is it true that Wang Jue and Nine Gods are vegetarians? Let's see! After a while, this guy will definitely report to the law enforcement team! "

Someone sneered again and again, already anticipating how regretful Muto Pikachu would be in the future.

However, Pikachu Muto ignored the voices of discussion coming from behind him, threw a wooden sign outside the house and stood it, and walked directly into the house.

At this time, a blond girl wearing a purple taroli princess dress and twin ponytails walked out of the crowd, holding a brown teddy bear in her hand.

Behind her, followed by a man with a goatee in a silver robe.

"Game card wholesale house..."

"Hehehe, what an interesting place!"

The blond girl's eyes flickered slightly, and she couldn't help but smile.

The silver-robed man was silent, like an iron guard, born only to protect.

"Little Silver, let's go in."

The blond girl walked directly into the house with her teddy bear in her arms.

The silver-robed man glanced at the house and followed immediately.


"Welcome to the Game Card Wholesale House!"

Hearing the sound of the wind chime, Pikachu Muto, who was sitting on the chair, raised his head and greeted with a smile.

The blond girl squatted on the table, making Pikachu Muto stunned.

"Little brother, you look so handsome!"

The blonde girl's eyes were shining like stars.

Hearing what the blond girl said, Pikachu Muto couldn't help being stunned.

"Thank you... for the compliment!"

The blond girl smiled, tilted her head and asked, "Little brother, what's your name!"

Muto Pikachu had a strange look in his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Muto...game!"

"Muto Yugi? The four-letter name is so special."

"And, you actually call it a game, do you like playing games very much?"

The blond girl blinked and asked again.

Muto Pikachu looked calm, "The name is just a code name. However, I do like playing games."

"Because of this, the people in my place still call me... Yu-Gi-Oh!"

"Yu-Gi-Oh... Hehe, it's really interesting."

"My name is Maria! Brother Game, since this is a card wholesaler, how do you know what kind of star cards you have here?"

Maria covered her mouth with a smile, and then looked around the house. After finding no cards displayed, she couldn't help asking curiously.

Hearing this, Pikachu Muto smiled slightly, and then tapped his finger on the table.

Immediately afterwards, a golden glow erupted in the room.

As the golden light flickered, a piece of transparent glass appeared on the four walls of the house.

Behind the glass are cards one by one.

And, at the same time as the wall changed, the counter supported by Maria's arms also turned into transparent glass.

However, the thing in this counter is not a card, but a duel disk!

"What is this?"

Maria noticed the dueling disk on the counter immediately, her beautiful eyes flashed, and she immediately asked Pikachu Muto.

"Duel disk! It can be used to summon star cards."

"When using it, you can choose to expand or not expand the duel field."

"And once the duel field is opened, the duel must end with one party losing the duel. Otherwise, the duel field cannot be closed."

"In addition, there will be many rules after starting the duel, and these rules are included in the duel plate. If you are interested in buying it, wear it, and you will know all the rules."

Pikachu Muto explained calmly.

And these words fell into Maria's ears, but she was stunned.

Even the silver-robed man who had been silent behind her laughed.

There was a hint of sarcasm in the laughter, obviously thinking that Pikachu Muto was bragging.


Then Maria laughed too.

"Brother Game, you really know how to joke."

"The star card can only be used in the original card slot. This is recognized by the entire Tianjue star field. How can this little mechanical thing use the star card?"

With that said, Maria walked to another wall and looked at the cards in the wall.

"Black magic girl, blue-eyed white dragon..."

"These cards seem to be different from star cards."

There was a strange look in Maria's eyes, and then she stretched out a finger, and the naked fingertip landed on the transparent glass, emitting an invisible force.


"It's so interesting. It's not like ordinary star cards, but it does have the same power as star cards inside."

"Could it be that these are new star cards?"

Maria turned around and asked Pikachu Muto.

Pikachu Muto raised his eyes and said calmly, "Star cards... In our case, these cards are called game cards. There may be some differences between the two, but they are basically the same, and they are all used for combat."

"If you are curious, I can let you try."

"Heck, that's great!"

Maria covered her mouth with a smile, then turned around, her gaze fell on [Dark Magical Girl].

"That's her!"

Hearing this, Pikachu Muto tapped his fingers on the counter.

Immediately afterwards, [Black Magic Girl] flew out of the transparent glass.

Maria stretched out her finger and took the card in her hand.

"Little bear, summon [Dark Magic Girl]!"

Then, Maria inserted [Dark Magic Girl] directly into the back of the teddy bear.

A burst of purple light emanated from the bear's back, directly absorbing [Black Magic Girl].

Jingle Bell!

All of a sudden, the divine aura burst forth, and countless light spots danced, condensing the figure of the black magic girl.

At the same time, the "Attack 2000/Defense 1700" attribute was immediately displayed in front of the black magic girl.

"It's actually in the demigod realm, which means that [Black Magic Girl] is an epic star card."

Maria's eyes flickered.

The black magic girl's aura is not too strong, but it barely reached the demigod level, it's just the weakest kind.

"If this attack power is linked to strength, that is to say, 2000 points is the lower limit of a demigod, above 2000 points..."

Maria's eyes fell on [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], and then on cards with attack power above 2000, such as [Dark Mage] and [Demon Summoner].

"With so many epic star cards, this Muto game is really not easy!"

The corner of Maria's mouth raised slightly, and her interest in Pikachu Muto became more and more intense in her heart.

"Don't underestimate the black magic girl, you can see her effect."

At this time, Muto Pikachu's voice came, and Maria was taken aback. She looked at the little bear in her hand, and her gaze penetrated and landed on the [Dark Magic Girl] card.

[This card can increase the total number of <Dark Mage> and <Black Chaos Magician> in the graveyards of both parties multiplied by 300 points of attack power]

Maria frowned slightly, "There is still such an operation..."

"Not only that!"

"Black Magic Girl also has a lot of supporting magic and trap cards."

Muto Pikachu stood up, walked to a wall, five fingers, and a few cards fell into his hand.

"I'll show you a few."

Saying that, Muto Pikachu walked to the counter and wiped a few cards on the counter.

Maria walked over and looked at the card curiously.

"The sage's gemstone, the eye of Timaeus... how can this [Black Magician Explosion] be able to destroy all enemies?"

When she saw [Dark Magician Explosion] in several cards, even Maria was surprised by its effect even though she had seen countless strong winds and waves.

"You don't need to judge by your fighting style!"

"If it's a normal battle, this thing won't work, but if it's a duel, it's real!"

"By the way, as my first guest, I can tell you one more thing."

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